[This post was originally for my Paranormal blog. It will still appear there because the implications and benefits of advanced human ability are an important aspect of this work. 

However, statistics and protocols are secondary to just plain living well. How we live in a way that is practical transcends any 'science' as a limited field.  Living well is the best paranormal.]  

Here is a version of that essay.  

Thomas Carlyle's advocacy of the heroic in our culture is no longer mentioned in our schools.  In fact few teachers, much less students, know who Carlyle was.  

Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881) was a contemporary and friend of the American transcendentalist, Ralph Waldo Emerson.  I believe that to a student in the mid-1960s Carlyle was still known in literature until his banishment at some later time.  His heroic standards for the West seems to have been too much for our emerging Liberalism.  But this is not a grievance study.  I'll leave that to others.   

This is not about Carlyle but about heroes and loyalty toward truly great teachers and mentors and the hidden ways they can bring back to the forefront of our mindset.  

When I hit age 70 I will express my authentic self regardless of the consequences.

Nah... I'll start now at age 69
To be the best, learn from the best. It came as a surprise to me when I learned some of my heroes are younger than I am.

Respect and loyalty can be given to the quality man at any age.
I was surprised to find that my heroes were not necessarily Elders.  

At age 50, I realized Stephen E. Flowers, my academic hero with a PH.D. in Germanic Languages and Medieval Studies, was actually younger than I am. Now that I'm in my late sixties, there are more men acting as mentors who are younger.  This age thing is something that I ponder these days while looking at how fortunate I am to be a participant in various revivals of ancient dynamics and how new beginnings are youthfully energized while presenting old wisdom.  

Mentors and heroes are important to the  young man's development when he has a true purpose.  Models and established knowledge are critical.  My own role model of Stephen E. Flowers is a narrative of inspiration to me not only because of his academic excellence but also his victorious humanity in dramatic challenges.  I've written about that elsewhere and how his comeback inspires me when I've faced similar challenges.  

Without adequately stating the powerful influence of Dr. Flowers on runic education, history, and integral cultural with his writing as Edred Thorsson, let me mention that he has also opened a hidden and neglected history to us in the areas of Zarathustra and Mazdan studies.  He was in contact with people from the true Indo-Iranian culture many years before he enacted a concentrated study.  

Edred watched the wilderness area around his farm burn down and when told to evacuate he remained behind to care for his rescue animals and the farm.  The cost to his finances was staggering.  Then he was betrayed by his partner in a website project.  Death of loved ones happened in proximity to this.  

This coincided with events in my own life.  Discouraging, but something inside us and around us in our kindred and true culture finds a way.  I am posting a link to a book and an important project by Edred that tells how he made such an impressive recovery.  


This is an introduction to the Mazdan religion as it is rediscovered today.  You will find much here that is familiar and that responds to your own conceptualizations and fondest faith. 

Since Dr. Flowers is the premier operant runologist in the world some were surprised by his writing on Zarathustra and advocating a Mazdan way for the West.  Another more ancestral name for this native Persian faith is "Zoroastrian."  We should have known that if anyone knew an accurate account of the Indo-Iranian history and influence it would be Edred.  Asatru and other Heathen practitioners will find much that is familiar here.  The Triapartite functions of Indo-European cultures are similar.  The Fravashi of the individual as a soul-complex entity will be seen as similar to aspects of various specific Fylgja in the Norse tradition.   

The most powerful aspect of this work is the understanding of Ahura Mazda.  This is similar to New Thought as Ahura Mazda is God as pure focused consciousness.  Consciousness that encompasses ourselves, all worlds and the Gods.  Ahura Mazda wants us to be happy and fulfilled.  Ahura Mazda works with us to bring back to perfection creation that has overcome an attack by evil forces.  This differs from Gnosticism in that the physical creation and the Spiritual world are not seen as separate.  We actively work with Ahura Mazda as co-creators.  Our methods are Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.  

Study of the Paranormal in my estimation can be a contributing force in this mission.  Not for everyone because Consciousness does not demand that everyone act the same.  

Here is a site that began sharing content on the subject of New Thought and the paranormal a few years ago.   


What we will get from the dynamic tradition of realized traditions with practitioners and teachers is a better sense of who we are.  Remembering who we are is a prime directive in living Tradition.I have written a timeline of the history of Western thought from tribal and migration eras through early science and metaphysicians through the remembrance of ancient ways to more current New Thought.  

Something survives, endures, and thrives even when we think we have abandoned our awareness. For about 37 years I participated in the renewal of runes and the central Mystery we call 'Runa'.  This was in the context of a cultural remembrance of guiding myth highly understood by our ancestors.  One of the hallmarks and identifying features of the enthusiastic beginner in the field was an antinomianism for real Tradition and a fanatical idea that Christianity must be destroyed.  But as a REAL awakening occurs this is replaced by an appreciation for the entire trajectory of Europe, America and related peoples.  

"The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity" by James C. Russell is required reading for anyone who recognizes that we have more that unites us than separates us.  The presence of a destructive and common enemy makes our cooperation in this age essential.  This 'together' attitude toward becoming Mannerbund in defense of the West has an interesting meme on the internet but I prefer people look up works like that of James C. Russell or Arktos media first.  Crudeness and simplification is often clarifying on the internet and a meme can impress where words can't.  I still prefer intelligent and complexstudy.  

The trajectory of ancient ways toward New Thought is evident in the current President of the United States.  There is a Spiritual dimension to anyone successful  to that degree.

Good Thoughts.  Good Words.  Good Deeds.  These are the essentials of Mazdan practice as it is revived today.  This happens in a world that began well but degenerated badly under the influence of an enemy.  The Warriors who volunteered to assist Ahura Mazda in defeating the enemy and bringing back a perfect world is us.  We were glad to take on this ultimately successful challenge.  

If Thought, Word, and Deed seem familiar, some of us have seen this in the grid of The Nine Laws as written by Ivan Throne.  The fundamental (although compatible) difference is that Ivan sees our world as a Dark World.  And so it is.  Although the Mazdan distinction is it did not begin that way and will not always be that way.   

For my inadequate review of Ivan Throne's brilliantly word-crafted book, scroll down my 'reviews' page on my Mystic Reading blog. 


It might seem like a paradox to know the wondrous creation of Ahura Mazda has become what Ivan Throne calls "The Dark World" but in fact one of the Nine Laws is how to deal with the seeming preposterous and the random.  We know that we have a warrior mission to defeat the forces that attack creation. This is not a duty for the weak and mild.  This is a purpose that calls upon the weaponized man that Ivan strives to train.  It is a dangerous world but we must train for victory.  

I had some slight knowledge of the 'Manosphere' before reading "The Nine Laws."  He convinced me to look for brothers in the fight for mutual support.  The Men's Advocacy movement is richer than I can adequately identify and certainly more complex and influential than I can summarize here.  I will attempt that elsewhere.  

My blog about the 'paranormal' describes a science which exists as an identifier only because we have ignored advanced talents within the normal.  Skill with the manifestation of the extraordinary is what is demanded of men.  

The hidden mysteries have in recent decades been in the cultural province of Liberalism and especially as a project of Feminists.  At least they lay claim to it.  The better work has actually been done by men, and men who would be more at home in the Conservative world view.  

A professor who led the best Germanic and Medieval studies in the world was cleverly removed from a university, not as a Conservative individual, but by eliminating the entire department from the curriculum.  

One of his courses was on Goethe and Faust.  On the first day of class he asked students to raise their hands if they were attending university to gain knowledge.  All raised their hands.  For better financial prospects?  For influence in the world?  All raised their hands.

The popular conception is that Faust is a bad guy who sold his soul for success is only believed by those who have not read Faust Part Two.  This is where Goethe gets to the point about the ultimate triumph of the human spirit.  

The West is a Faustian enterprise which means that courage, exploration, prosperity, and a desire to know God is a motivating force.  Ambition is tempered with knowledge and a wisdom born of concern for his immediate family and tribe.  Weakness is not seen as a virtue.  Strength is respected.  

A certain feisty ambition native to my people seems to sometimes result in powerful organizations having a feud and split among the members.  I've seen it all before.  Two phenomenal publishers who had a difficult challenge in these Liberal times became successful through courage and intelligence.  Then they seemed to be at odds with each other.

The best editor in the world changed publishers and there were disputes that I don't understand.  Its actually normal among the culturally Faustian West for men of achievement to have a contest of wills and to not take lightly any any perceived slights.

Ordinary men like me gain from these men of high culture and we tend to have them for heroes.  I'm old enough not to be shocked or inordinately discouraged, although I am saddened.  The point in our work is to rise to the occasion and achieve our own sovereign work. 

Men are competitive and focused on achievement.  Men demand respect.  We should give credit to the builders and only denigrate others if we are building something better. Even then, respect that we can be in different places and different levels of accomplishment. 


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