
Showing posts from July, 2022

Newsletter 2

 Just arrived in the mail today, and it exceeds my expecations although my expectations were great.  In our trajectory and the challenges we have volunteered for, the wisdom of a Rune Master is sometimes required to engage in the fight.  Don't fight.  Win!   Adequate skill with my word-hoard is hard to find in expressing my appreciation for what Christopher Alan Smith has created for our lore into the future.  But the point is that my skills for life-purpose and expression WILL arrive as promised by our foundational myth.  If you have hit a plateau or have been side tracked by inevitable challenges, this book is the antidote.  This book returns the reader to the original and best of his purpose in studying our ancient ways.   The VEGVISIR introduction addresses the general malaise, misdirection, and subversion of the modern world but only rests there for a moment.  A solution is offered.  A soulution.  Immediately there is the reawakened call that says, "We were meant to be mo


                                                                                                                                   A classic from 1959 THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG by David Joseph Schwartz.  1959.  Foreword by Melvin Powers for those who remember back in the day. A classic that might be even more relevant today.  We have some big challenges that will be met if our thoughts be big.  "Luck will often enough find a man if his courage hold"  (paraphrase of 13th Warrior and Norse lit) The world of America, Canada, New Zealand and many others are passing away into nostalgia.  What is implied in the very etymology of 'nostalgia' is a longing for home but also the tonic of homecoming.  It might seem that the end of the trust in government with respect for their controls means the end of the West.  But we know the West is a creation of thinking and doing by real people. My long memory recalls that fearful times were  also grand times.  We  won against fearful odds




Paul Waggener might be skeptical that I share interest in his world.  His world is the spirit of a fighter, martial arts, motorcycles, runes, and Arthurian Legend.  I share an interest in both runes and Arthurian legend. I tend toward works on New Thought. I'm not so tough, but I'm in pretty good shape for 73.  Waggener is winner with big achievements who is a living example of positive thinking.  Action. Positive thinking in action. "There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it." Napoleon Hill       "If you are sure you are right, you need not worry what the world thinks."  Napoleon Hill   It might seem contradictory to list profound similarities of a business man and teaching author who lived from 1883 to 1970 and a martial artist, biker, builder of the ancient Mannerbund for the 21st Century.   Both men followed a definiteness of purpose to crea


First, some connected resources for thriving.  Taylor Pearson awakened me to the internet entrepreneurial world with his book, "The End of Jobs." I had seen some alternative education sites like the ones created by Edred Thorsson to fight back against the PC wokeness that is crippling 'higher' education.  These are powerful statements of an adamant taking back of the better purposes of academia but they did not have the marketing expertise of money success.   Pearson shows how it is being done and how it will be done in the future.  I would call the articles I read on his newsletter, "financial market metaphysics."  Cultural renewal with a practical and esoteric outlook is found on his excellent newsletter.  I'm linking his main page below.  From there, you can find your way to some spectacular good articles. In the pages of Taylor Pearson's thought, I discovered a man and a concept of "Choose Yourself" and "


A couple sections of a cosmic noir detective in action.  Mention of dames could be trouble at this point.  We have enough trouble with astral villains and we have enough glory with astral beauty.    A 'fiction' work in progress. Lawn meets a pasture at a wire fence where my neighbors have a small acreage faded-wood horse barn. The troubles across the world aren't evident here.  That doesn't mean we can't be touched by the tragic.  In fact, they say literature and culture are shallow and meaningless without the tragic.  Smart and cultured people say this, so I'll take their word for it.  My detective work is in the field of a region beyond the tragic that offers a winning stand in the mystery of a light region that includes adventure and reunion.    Right now I must sleuth out the forces of negativity and cruelty that have directed the puppets that do the bidding of evil forces, yet who still think they are in control. I would rather deal with the puppets -