Cosmic Compendium :  Toward the Ancestral, Kindred, and Personal Re-Awakening.

Topics will vary here in an aesthetic combination of approaches and interests in a return to Right.  

'Rita' is an ancient word that describes right order as a received responsibility and as the ethical actions that enact that right order as an evolving good. Rita is a runic conceptualization that is Germanic in the historical sense, yet includes paradigms from other sources of cultures that intend to return to right order. 

This is bigger than any individual man in that it is truly Cosmic in scope.  We could say it is the will of the universe or a multiverse that beams the presence of Being in a wholesome and powerful way.  Yet it each man's responsibility to advance the world and himself in harmony with what we have inherited.  What follows are some topics and narrative about this quest.  

This blog page entry is an experiment in organizing the varied current interests that arise when updating a few decades of exploration.  Notes made in a kind of  narrative will be posted here with color coding.   

Red is descriptive of points of interest and general purpose

Blue is for the text content of Cosmic Compendium Book Two.

Green is for the trajectory of ancient tradition toward New Thought.

Light Purple is for Paranormal Research Methodology.

Burgundy is for practicing Wodanaz journey for perspective.  

Orange is for Krisler Book Two.   

Purple is for Runes From The War Room. Mannerbund Revisited. 

Deep Green is for Cosmic Spirit Tech. 

Light Blue is for Radical Traditionalist And Libertarian Model For Economic Culture. 

Yellow Green is for Alternative America : The Retrofuturist Prospect.

Aqua is for Mazdan Studies And Theory.  

For Cosmic Compendium (Book Two) as a rough draft :

Cosmic Compendium
We should admit it, the notion that someone is toast because they did not encounter the 'correct' religion is not cool.  Respect goes to those who tried to live by the truth as a brave and ethical venture.  I don't think anyone is toast either who had not happened to encounter Norse Mythology, Qabala, or Buddhism.  There is a generic spirit in mankind that transcends all limitations.  We can act foolishly and be deceived for awhile or fall short of expectations.  All in living.  

My latest update of Cosmic Compendium includes a study of the ancient Germanic evolution of metaphysics from runes, heathenism, folkways, hidden in a compliant Christian  disciplined study, and intelligence toward what we now term New Thought.  It would be preferable to get a copy of "The Northern Dawn" by Steven E. Flowers for his usual academic brilliance in spiritual history.  My contribution is the the living experience of an average man who was lucky enough to encounter his own contact with erudition.  I think I'm fairly typical of a man who lives in the presence of Ancestral Ways whether he knows it or not.  Something speaks and something is experienced.  The Numinous can be enacted and lived through a variety of ways.  

A few decades of working with runes and Germanic mythos does not qualify one as an artistic expert.  Youth and experience are combining to create works of aesthetic form and force that are a wonder to behold.  I am an Elder only insofar as I have good Rede for those arising in their own power or who have neglected that ability.  Today I'm thinking about artists of visual and material presentation who also have the wordcraft in lore.   

Practicing craftsmanship in a workshop seems to be an essential.  A place to create the items that will effect your world is where we should bring our crafting state of mind and spirit.  We are shapers as an active process.  The big craze of being 'shape shifters' in a standardized shamanic presentation had value for a time.  To shape shift is to experience more options and a broader view of life.  It this remains a passive process it becomes a distraction from acting responsibly from who you really are.  The important thing is to have the discovery of who you really are so that your creation can work from that authentic and unique purpose.  There is a time to explore options and there is a time to bring the BEST of those options to full effect in your shaping of Destiny.  You are the destiny.  

You are familiar with the Cosmic.  The Cosmic is familiar with you.  Things are going well although it sometimes takes perspective and retrospective to apprehend the direction of travel and goals along the way.  

See if this seems familiar :  Teachings and styles of metaphysics serve you well for a time and you grow from your best efforts.  Then it is time to set aside a particular approach and style to respond to a newer arrival of expressions of the Way.  This is not to advocate jumping around too much for the next fashion, but to appreciate finer points and 'coincidental' connections to fields that are also related to your quest.  

Book Two will begin with Paranormal and how it intersects with Philosophy as a discipline.

When researching if anyone had used my retrofuturist title, I encountered an article about the Kibbo Kiff.  Something that interested me back in the old days when I thought the Initiatory Craft had some answers to modernism.  I believe at that time they might have. It was primitive (of course) and unsophisticated in production value but it was a group of people who were trying to rebuild through re-inventing folkways.  I suspect that many of them reached starvation and homeless level much as the hippies did when abandoning what they thought they had found.  I only mention this to honestly point out that in Cosmic pursuits there are some dead ends.  Some value is also found during a time of diletante distraction but eventually its time to leave.  If our interests are truly spiritual cosmic these meanderings will have meaning.  A better way will arrive.  

The young hipness of the cycles of discovery of Ancient Ways creates considerable energy and enthusiasm.  Yet guidance is needed by those more experienced through personal teaching or literate resources.  This is my time to remember the fellowship and foibles of young magic while accepting the more Traditional pulse in what has gone before yet survived the test of relevance.  Philosophy is that sophisticated journey of knowledge that was, and is, meant to grow and be revived.  It was abandoned before it had time to develop within the True context of a people.  

To create and present a philosophy that was interrupted is something that Steven E. Flowers has mentioned.  So philosophy as a trained discipline has value in apprehending what is real.  A study of classical and supporting works has the result of an awakening to something more in living.  If you are Heideggerian, this is Dasein and related concepts.  Heidegger is my choice for study.  Your choice might be another but we could both benefit from a thorough look at the Philosophy of Political Science as taught by a few who have been banished and deemed heretical by mainstream academia.  


The ancestral impulse and a veneration for those who have gone before is a good foundation for living a real life.  Book One described resources, study, action, and groups that have contributed to this.  Literature, culture, metapolitics and the field of education that was formerly more ethical and comprehensive were available.  It seems like the availability is sponsored in 'coincidence' and discovery of the individual at the right place and time.  

The seeking becomes more difficult in days when censorship and planned agendas try to homogenize what we think.  Remember, the spirit of your quest is still your greatest source.   

 What arrived for you today that accelerated action toward what you already knew?  That is what I meant in the above statement that, "You are familiar with the Cosmic.  The Cosmic is familiar with you.  Things are going well although it sometimes takes perspective and retrospective to apprehend the direction of travel and goals along the way.  

An excellent and free essay by Ivan Throne arrived in my email box today that reiterates what I've said here.  Ivan Throne relishes the good fight and he will be back as an influential presence after being banned on some media and platforms.  He is not less visible today to those of us who adjust to the precipitous terrain of censorship.  

This free essay I hope to link, but let me mention some aspects that he has affirmed for my work and direction.  "Sacred Purpose" is the very driving force of responding to what your real intent is and the traditional value of role models to keep it real.  I have stated that the brilliant and effective academic/mystic work of Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. is something I strive to enact.  I have training limitations on my ability to communicate this in an equally intelligent way but I have anecdotal narratives and even some theoretical and historical elements to add.  In the essay on the importance of rising above mediocrity with the motive of keeping it real means I have two role models who have a paradoxical agreement in essential purpose yet some divergence in theory.    

These role models and men of worth are :

Stephen E. Flowers

Ivan Throne 

From file 335

These times will call upon Spiritual resources and a focused purpose by those who will never quit.  I would have given up and accepted being a Seventh Day Adventist early in my life if something didn't call upon me to reach for something Higher.  It would be defeatist for me to give up on myself and the nation today.  How things play out will determine the road into the future.  I must remember 1968 when no matter how bad the news looked we eventually got down to business.  What counted was the immediate job and our immediate families.  That's the way it was. 

That's the way it is again.  The puppeteers will try to force us to change our culture.  It is in our culture that we have our strength.  They can try to take that away but something inside and within our circle will survive.  Remember, sometimes what is hidden and forbidden grows in power until it is revealed.  That's the way it was with runes and the mythos of the Germanic people. 

Today has been a grinding loss in terms of the political situation and my own improper response.  The proper response would be to hold my tongue, wait it out, and make plans.  I need to sell more books and build an independent life.  There is a sentimental connection to the life and people I have now.  This will be the hardest thing I've ever done and I'm 70.  Do hard things is a plan for action.    

I guess President Trump will fight against the voter fraud.  This will be long process and there is a saying among my people.  "Hold the line!"  That is where I should focus.  Yet I spent many years working on a "Radical Traditionalist, Libertarian, and Identitarian Model for Economic Culture."  That Radical Traditionalist trajectory will hold my attention during the coming unrest.  To expect the media and public education to in any way approve of such a process was expecting too much.  If a media frenzy supported by  the ruling elite is in any way carrying the day, there should be an admitting that a Traditional prospect will depend upon the individual.  Here are some intentions of mine:

1.  The Spiritual must come first with a renewed commitment to improve that aspect of my life.
2.  A more close sharing with those who have proven their ability and importance.  

Two are enough to start with.  The Lodge could very well be a place where I use what I've learned in a return to magical ways.  There will be some personal ritual meditation.  There will mostly be active living with victory.  Physical movement will be of a martial arts characteristic.  Work toward goals will be back in my domain.

Communication with loyal and worthy people should be actualized by authentic experience.  Vincent is a talented wordsmith and a mage.  His esoteric knowledge and experience are authentic.  Importantly, I have an authentic connection with him.  Are there others?  There are some nominal candidates who seem to be on the right path with Nietzsche and others but not yet sufficient in Right Wing esotericism.  There are some online men of the Mannerbund.  Someone to talk with would be encouraging when my trajectory is completely outside the scope of Liberalism and the media narrative.   


 I have not abandoned my Ancient Ancestors paradigm to enthuse about New Thought. In fact I'm making a conjecture that Life could not be denied and the Truth continued in secret through the ages. A scholarly case for something that could not be destroyed but thrived through adaptability is made in James C. Russell's "The Germanization of Early Medeival Christianity." I began where Russell left off to speculate about the following centuries. I started with Meister Eckhart (1260 - 1381) and went on to Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772). Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882).

From the quest for self-reliance and inspired consciousness in early America with European connections we move to a period that Israel Regardie wrote about in his "The Romance of Metaphysics. I mention Regardie's study because it lends a magico-religious flare to a phenomenon that was more than pop-culture. I only know of his book through interviews which means that I can only mention Unity Church, Neville Goddard, Robert Collier and a few others of a more debatable relevance. In my youth I was a voracious readier of Napoleon Hill and Ernest Holmes. The more recent revival of New Thought I observed with that frame of reference. It is true that pop-culture simplicity hijacked the implications, but more study by those who were genuinely touched is inevitable. And has occurred. 


The Paranormal Research Methodology book was rated at the top of my work list.  Thus, I have a few comments.  Nostalgia and the paranormal seem like a good fit.  It is the remembrance of significant insights, events, coincidences, and hopeful philosophy that re-charge and interest in the paranormal.  That does not mean living in the past, but taking how the past is a continuum into account.  When predicting the future we move our engagement into an experimental phase that can create new trajectories.  These might not have successful results in terms of data confirmation but that is what Tradition is for.  If something has worked for generations we have proof of something real.  That is why the metaphysics of Traditional Conservatism is a paranormal science and art.  This is culture that allows for honor, growth, and success.  

 Paranormal aspects in New Thought.  

The early formation of the Church of Religious Science had a department for the paranormal.  "The Law of Psychic Phenomena" by Thomson Hudson. 1893. Was a book studied and appreciated by Ernest Holmes and his brother.  What I like about Holmes compared to the plethora of other New Thought advocates was his embracing curiosity. If he had been in an environment to have been introduced to the Eddas or Sagas he would have eventually learned about runes and myth as related to the One Power that he sought.  I grant that the aesthetics, culture, and ancestral lineage are the functioning aspect of runes.  Yet we could consider that the Holmes family was of European lineage.  The passion for the quest for knowledge is an Odian characteristic. 

Revolution toward New Thought could be ancient ways re-imagined or reinstatement of conscious direction. 

If there are effective practitioners of connecting with the sacred in a way that brings real results we have names for them.  'Practitioners' or 'healers' or 'magicians' could be among these.  History has an example of an initiatory traveling tribe of power and magic that went among their people in various regions.  This tribe was called the Herulians or Erulians.  The name became synonymous with rune masters for which they were famed.  This tribe is being re-awakened today by those who heed the calling.  One thing that distinguishes their type of semiotic magic is evidenced in the rune-master formula such as those found on amulets.  A portion of the method used when creating a functional magic was to IDENTIFY with the godly force being enacted.  Thus there is the "I, the Erulian" formula.  I will give an example here

This is similar to the New Thought protocol of identifying oneself as one with the healing force called upon.  It is not a god far away who does the work but the god within.  This Divine Nature is not limited to a particular characterization or image in New Thought.  The Divine Force is unlimited and expressive in many ways.  Thus I maintain that to use effective images and conceptualizations of the gods of our ancestors as functioning as ONE POWER of unitary fundamental pure Consciousness is a religious prospect and an identifying prospect. 

 New Thought
The notes and bibliography in "The Northern Dawn" point the way to direct study of Meister Eckhart and the "Theologica Germanica" and other sources that presented our family relationship to the Divine.  We are one.  With that said, I must express that there are nuances necessary according to the level of skill and wisdom that an entity has actualized through the necessary effort and fortune.  

There are epochs of varying duration that appear when it is time. Quote.  I participted in the Whole Earth Catalog dynamic that totally overturned the hip marxist unthinking assumptions that were only moments past.  Cybernetics, self-reliance, and profound thought were encouraged and promoted.  Something was happening in my world that led away from the SDS hipness and toward Ayn Rand, Buckmnster Fuller, and Maxwell Maltz.  I only mention this to show that moving phenomenon seems to occur on its own when it is time and when the right people take intitiative.  There is a phrase, when it steam engine time it steam engines.  The actual quote is from Charles Fort in 1931, "A tree cannot find out, as it were, how to blossom, until comes blossom-time. A social growth cannot find out the use of steam engines, until comes steam-engine-time.”

Such was the time that I did not know about but has such an enduring legacy today.  The acceleration of the New Thought movement was so populated and rapid that it was hard to find a place to contain the crowds.  The crowds were actually derived from the integrity of a few capable researchers and teachers who were dedicated with integrity.  I did not exerience that particular phase because it occured from about 1910 to 1960.  I did see the momentum of those books and publications in my world from the 1970s onward.  

I maintain that there is a similar rising up in skill and recognition in what is sometimes termed 'heathenry' or the Germanic Re-Awakening that is accelerating to include such talent in magic, arts, and crafts that it is a phenomenon of talent based on what the practitioners have learned from the pioneers and adepts of academia.  I have tried to compile and recommend some truly great stuff, yet there is far more than I have time to mention or even find.  

Our acceleration is a social phenomenon that does not need media endorsements like Oprah gave to "The Secret" when it came out as a copy of the previous New Thought works. Ours began in pamphlets, samizdat publications, and a few academic books that rose above popular New Age interests. 

A rare book that tells the quest of Ernest Holmes is the source of much of this Science of Mind history :
Ernest Holmes: His Life and Times. 1970
by Fenwicke L. Holmes 

I have the book by 'coincidence' yet there is much online about Ernest Holmes and the Church of Religious Science. 


 I rely most recently on a book by Dr. Flowers, "*Wodanaz : Our Ancestral God Of Sovereign Wisdom."  My personal connection to Odin goes back very, very far.  As a concentrated intellectual and practiced journey I can date the informational mythic beginning as about 1985.  Contact with that mysterious Great Man occurs at different times in different ways with differing amounts of impact.  This is why there are over 200 heiti or by names for Wodanaz.  

Important to know the difference between an Odinist and an Odian.  The Odinist worships the god as someone external, beyond reality, and who will come to the rescue or carry out deeds through worship and beseeching.  The Odian emulates the way of Odin as demonstrated in an insatiable drive for more knowledge and how to best direct that knowledge for the good of oneself and the people and posterity.  This could be seen as similar to standard Christianity and New Thought with Christian frame of reference since that is one of
the themes here.  However, the Odian as a rule is a cultural pagan (or Heathen in more accurate lingustic aspects) and the art of magic and aesthetics would be more expressed in that ancient way.  My comparison to New Thought is strictly my own derivation from my model of historical survival of the Old Ways.    

If you are young, there is time for learning the 'setting of wards' etc. in the Germanic ways.  This can be found in "Futhark : A Handbook of Rune Magic" and "Alu", both by Edred Thorsson.  The value in learning this is said to be for protection and centering for the Work.  As the years go by this aspect can be called up instantly and the Work can begun at once.  I maintain that hours of hootin' and hollerin' is not why we are here.  We are here to use the power of Imagination.  It is said that the failure of the modern times is a
failure of the imagination.  You have probably already been introduced to Odin and you are likely familiar with the meaning of runes. This essay is about a journey into the worlds of knowledge that could be made to gain perception and right actions in those worlds.  By all means study the lore of the appearance and nature of Odin.  Use myth, and saga, and Edda and books such as the ones recommended here.  The descriptions will vary because our God of magic, folk, peace, war, and power is varied in accordance with every worthy endeavor.  This is not limited by our imagination.  Colin Cleary makes a good case for not defining, but staying open to the
presence of the Gods.  He gives good techniques in 'Tyr' journal and you can probably still find his works online if the platforms have not banned his articles.  Such are the challenging times in which we live. 

If you are an experienced veteran in working with runes, Asatru, or any of the varied approaches to the praxis of our lore, consider two future formulations which I am considering :

1.  You have already advanced your consciousness to where you function more fully in the world of Midgard and your own interests.  That explains what attracts you in the worlds of thought and who you respect in those realms.  Time to get to work. 

2.  There is still more work to do in areas of meditation and ritual such as those found in "The Nine Doors of Midgard" by Edred Thorsson. 

My decision for myself is that I should function mostly at 1 and include 2 when I'm able.  

This is about an imaginative journey that connects with what is happening and what we can act upon effectively.  We are on a journey of accurate vision (essentially a 'spy' mission) that will reveal conditions and show solutions that we can put into action.   

Krisler. Book Two 

Krisler views the current media story of who should rule.
Krisler is partly the voice of my uncle who survived a Bolshvik genocide.  Partly, Krisler is the voice of myself in my teaching persona.  I am a mentor to those who would look past the manipulations of the controlling narrative and more toward their OWN narrative.  What is your own must not be taken away from you.  We must be responsible and self-reliant using the Great Truth of our ultimate source of knowledge.  There is something working for us and there are those who have shown the way.  

My own contributions begin with my mention of two guiding principles for these times.    
1.  The Spiritual must come first with a renewed commitment to improve that aspect of my life.
2.  A more close sharing with those who have proven their ability and importance.  

This is from Cosmic Compendium Book Two in the section on the trajectory toward New Thought.  


New introduction to Runes From The War Room : Mannerbund Revisited . 

Some of the best and most creative minds have been obstructed and redirected by the agendas of media and controlled education.  My first introduction to this book was unfair with insulting the 'activists' who gathered at the behest of media empires.  Those in the streets and complaining to their associates about an artificial problem are not the villains.  

When good minds are focused on the transmissions of a manufactured media program there is bound to be an effect.  This is all cold and calculating.

The redirection of so many good people grieves me.  I lost talented and creative friends.  With this perspective, I've edited my  introduction to "Runes From The War Room : Mannerbund Revisited"  

My introduction to the War was accurate in specifying my intent.  But it was unseemly of me to single out the early protestors against the Trump presidency as an opponent.  A real man does not fight women!  And the male Feminists giving support were mostly soy (to use the vernacular) and repulsively cringy.  Hint to 'white knight feminists' - - women might be your buddies but women are looking for toxic males and you will be abandoned.  

I'm not sure I made any more friends with this revised introduction but I think there is a valid issue about what a warrior does.  I think I made it clear in this book that the real enemies are not the innocent brainwashed by the Fahrenheit 451 media complex.  People who really think they are advocating according to their own virtue and seek to do no harm are not the villains here.  The society of elites who finance the media and government parties are who we should stand against.  This will be a war of information, ethics, and heroic commitment to making sure life has value.   


The above excerpts are works in progress as edits of previous books.  Some are entirely new books.  To see what is available so far, check at

That's my Gumroad ebook page.  Thank you for reading my editing experiment on this blog.   


The early formation of the Church of Relitgious Science had a department for the paranormal.  "The Law of Psychic Phenomena" by Thomson Hudson. 1893. Was a book studied and appreciated by Ernest Holmes and his brother.  What I like about Holmes compared to the plethora of other New Thought advocates was his embracing curiosity. If he had been in an environment to have been introduced to the Eddas or Sagas he would have eventually learned about runes and myth as related to the One Power that he sought.  I grant that the aesthetics, culture, and ancestral lineage are the functioning aspect of runes.  Yet we could consider that the Holmes family was of European lineage.  The passion for the quest for knowledge is an Odian characteristic. 


 Krisler views the current media story of who should rule.
Krisler is partly the voice of my uncle who survived a Bolshvik genocide.  Partly, Krisler is the voice of myself in my teaching persona.  I am a mentor to those who would look past the manipulations of the controlling narrative and more toward their OWN narrative.  What is your own must not be taken away from you.  We must be responsible and self-reliant using the Great Truth of our ultimate source of knowledge.  There is something working for us and there are those who have shown the way.  

My own contributions begin with my mention of two guiding principles for these times.    
1.  The Spiritual must come first with a renewed commitment to improve that aspect of my life.
2.  A more close sharing with those who have proven their ability and importance.  

This is from Cosmic Compendium Book Two in the section on the trajectory toward New Thought.  
Now for the voice of my uncle who won.  Builders and men lead community in business, making money, and places to live the Montana life.  How they did this and do this can be studied to do it yourself. The builders of recreation areas and heavy equipment construction are still here but they are not the same people I knew.  One exception who I did know is Dennis Wasington.  Another is Stan Cohen.  Both are winners in building a quality business to say the least.  

Dennis Wasington started with owning one bulldozer and expanded into a highway construction company.  Here let's look at the availability of money for projects of effort and interest.  The Interstate highway program was in full swing at this time.  The G.I. Bill had provided education and financial funding for startups.  A prosperous community arrived at the homebuilders, grocers, and recreation centers.  Today there is less offered by the government and some people are offended at what the government demands that they become.  Let's look at private funding.  Are there any venture capitalists who would be interested in financing your start-up?  If you have attracted their attention through your own presence, persistance, and good ideas that is possible.  Crowd funding is a new way of sponsoring your work through personal donations of interested people.  They can be interested in your company or you as a compelling person.  

If Kris thought in these terms he would consider which cases would provide enough for him to live and contribute.  Also which would be most appreciative of his craftsmanshiip.  For myself I know there is demand for my work somewhere and there is money somewhere.  I must think on this.    

In critical times it is as important to know what you are against and what you are FOR.  Krisler is anti-bolshevik.  Krisler is for your best life.

Cosmic Spirit Tech is a book I began during a time when my computer was down.  About a two week period away from internet connection of any kind.  I began to re-experience what the connectivity to awareness meant in a regular life.  As I had known it before.  There is a Cosmic connection that can be sensed through the mind, intuition, and the body.  The complete human being was meant to be more than our limitations that have been learned or taught. 

 True, life without the internet using verbal, literate, and intuitive perception was the impetus of Cosmic Spirit Tech.  Yet there is value in recognizing whatever information processing we learn from others in addition to the fates of personal meeting, books, and teachers.  The same aspects of personal attraction and learning can be found with the 'coincidences' of our online friendships and education.  There is no need to eliminate internet and computer functioning.  The Spirit Tech approach is to see a seamless connectivity to the skills we had at creation and how we still use them with what tools we have.  

 A field where I can serve mankind will be evident in my interests and my intent to share with others what I have learned.  What shows the most care and interest toward others?  At first glance it seems that presenting them with controversial non-standardized views will give people hope and release from suffering.  Areas of religious meaning and the Afterlife are evident.  UFO s and other subjects of interest intersect with an overall meaning.  There is an Hyperborean overall trajectory of ancient memory that serves to bring us back to Prime Principles and advance us forward with those operational eternal precepts.  What is true is true and it is Good.  That Goodness is what people have hidden in an obfuscation of cynicism and subversion that is intentional.  Standing up to the doom mongers means overcoming mediocrity.   

Cosmic Spirit Tech was formulated and written during my absence from electronic digital technology.  It is important to know that we have an inbuilt communication ability that can function in physical environment through imaginative and willed intelligence.  Watch for 'coincidence' and the shape of events.  But this also holds true for connections on chosen electronic media that we have learned to trust with time and intuition.  Likely that in person meetings with people who we resonate with on electronic chats would be verified and accelerated with personal meetings.  The added vibe of aura and physical signals would magnify our connection.  This has occurred and been reported by people who have done exactly that.  I have.  




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