Some notes here about the publication of my book that combines varied disciplines and a few decades of work. Sample chapters of Cosmic Compendium.

Financial success with a purpose and creating a legacy could have a mutual impact.  Success now and a living influence on the future should be combined in a way that one does not preclude the other.  Reciprocity of established fortune and cultural influence can have a dynamic mutuality.  This page of my blog is where I present my work toward publication.  These are excerpts in an evolving draft of established work.  


A Narrative Of Spiritual Direction. Cosmic Influence In Matters Conceptual and Practical.

Being a compendium of works toward the right.


We begin with with early works that set a foundation for the future. That's how we all begin with the hope of making right choices. This is my story and the story of my kindred ones. Even in enthusiastic naiveté there were some observations that indicated worthwhile efforts. My Archeo-Futurist direction was inspired by life before I saw Guillaume Faye's works. Some are mostly Spiritual studies in metaphysics and some are American National politics with cautionary respect for global politics. My DNA results show that the regions I've concentrated upon in Europe are honestly attained.

Before the meta-politics, I wrote about more personal and kindred efforts toward a practicing 'Heathenry' as I called it at the time. Now most of us are using terms like 'ancient Germanic magico-religious culture' because even an accurate word like 'Heathen' is too limited in scope and emotionally charged for the general public.

Writing in spiritual matters presents a perceptual revolution that owes relationship to Tradition, great minds, and creative work. The Work is the transformation of the individual as a sovereign actor within a larger, much larger, community. There is action here from the fields of psychology, primordial and perennial tradition, economics, world history, self-help and general wisdom teachings. Observation of the trajectory of the times is necessary for a reality check and proactive stands against that which opposes us. However, the negative and destructive miasma and calculated harm that functions around us must not be the dominating focus.

Knowing one's major purpose is stated by classic practical philosophers as the means to success. Putting it in writing is given as a must. I've stated mine as "Writing and selling Cosmic books." I've had some success with selling books by noteworthy authors and a few booklets of my own. Now I'm expanding to using my endeavors at monographs and blogs toward a combined work that features SOME of the best of my work. There are overlaps in themes and, indeed, any whole program includes fractals that unite to combine knowledge.

I begin here with some of my dormant blogs and then expand to excerpts from more current and operational sites.

By archiving where we were in the past decades and what has been effective in re-establishing the best of our culture, I hope to present a synopsis of where we can go from here. As a subtext that might not be expressed immediately I want to add some principles and observations from where I am now. I should say, "Where we are now." We've watched the greatest political miracle of the last 100 years and then watched how troubled power agendas tried to negate the victory by manipulating people and acting with bizarre behavior.

It is for my own personal growth that I participate as little as possible in this new outrage culture while I get on with my own life with the assurance of further victory.

These works from my blogs and booklets appear in approximate chronological order although not strictly so because sometimes a theme warrants repeating or should be postponed until the Overton Window allows discourse. Even the online world of blogging is subject to platform censorship with enough concessions made that people may still express themselves to a degree if they are creative.  

Toward Winning Back Traditional Values
Another title for this website might be, 'Mystic wealth'. The applied values and metaphysics of the Teutonic Tradition have always created wealth in the very best sense of the term. We will continue in this endeavor. We see effort toward goals as a spiritual value in itself. We are, by nature, adventurers. Maybe too much emphasis has been placed on identifying us as 'risk takers'. We have an innate sense of improving our lives and the effort required to get there. Certainly there is an enjoyment in the adventure and an understanding of how a challenge can improve our contact with essential Spiritual qualities. If we are 'risk takers' the risk is considered and modified for the greatest chance of success for ourselves and our kindred. As gamblers, we are strategists towards winning. We are also world merchants and as such there is an appreciation for the material culture of other societies. We are also interested in some philosophical enrichments that come from other cultures. Yet the past has taught us to maintain our own essential mythic philosophy and not be intimidated by other cultures who might have a vested interest in advocating, and maybe imposing their imagined superiority.

So this information resource and journal will concentrate on Teutonic philosophy while looking at other regional values where they apply. If there is a world market we can participate and even dominate that world market. That we are kind, wise, and generous by nature should not be lost in our insistence on being ourselves. There is a theoretical model that can be perceived, communicated, refined, and brought into action. Now is the time for us to take some action in the field of aggressive marketing. This will be one step at a time, and we will continue with that process we have already started. Increase in the actual action of commerce will afford the opportunity to enact more of the expression of Mystic Wealth in a way that enriches our essential Being and allows us to share in an enthusiastic and constructive way. Two ancient Germanic words that are related to our work and the achievement of wealth are 'frith' and 'weal'. Frith is a state of peace that goes beyond mere serenity. Frith is a dynamic state of reaching toward and enjoying current fulfillment. Weal is well-being that includes prosperity, health, protection, and assurance that an all-encompassing wellness is provided to the individual and his loved ones. The word 'weal' is the root source of the modern English 'wealth'. These are holy concepts to us as a European culture.

We will approach the Traditional ethics of wealth. The theoretical aspects are important and the applications of those aspects are important. In general we will mostly analyze and apply wealth venture philosophy in terms of the Teutonic Tradition that is responsible for the very word for wealth. The European ancestral culture of the continental Germanic tribes, Scandinavia, Angle-Seax, Goths, and Baltic regions will be the most relevant.
The recognition that much of our culture and venture toward prosperity is based upon our Germanic heritage is acknowledged. Sometimes this will be done within the context of current and operational principles of Capitalism and freedom to advance and enjoy. There has long been a connection between work about riches and Spiritual science. Recently I am very impressed with the clues of esoteric knowledge presented in the book, "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. Taking a lesson from Eker that mind science requires action as bridge between insight and riches, I'm going to go make money with some sales and return to this writing later.
I've returned after making some money.
The next step in keeping with Eker's valuable book is to take action toward turning the hundreds of dollars into thousands of dollars. I'm going to go get started on those actions now. That was interesting. Setbacks cost me thousands of dollars in medical fees. It looks like victory over setbacks has to be part of my action. Some assistance in getting my computer to work with programs would help too.
The Viking Endeavor
Our look at applied wealth philosophy will of course include the dynamic Viking era and its influence on how we approach endeavor today. The Teutonic world view is way more expansive than just the Viking influence, so there will be other areas of interest. I might as well start with the well known Scandinavian sea merchants and land holders because they are such a striking power.
Farm villages were the main focus of Scandinavian culture. Vorbasse, A Viking farming village in Jutland, has been thoroughly excavated. "The village probably produced a surplus of food which could be traded for the necessities it could provide for itself; good building timber, iron, whetstones and soapstone pots from Norway, and good quality pottery and lava quernstone from the Rhineland." The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings John Haywood (1995). Scandinavian trade with the rest of Europe was an endeavor of sea routes and also overland routes. An adventurous spirit and respectful curiosity about other cultures was not seen as detrimental their own identity. The Norse religion, magic, and ethics traveled with them. When other cultures visited their own homelands they met them with tolerance. However, if the visiting culture had an aggressive agenda of evangelizing or despotism of any kind, there were consequences. A business sense and the famed Norse sense of hospitality would be extended if fairness was practiced by all. Some places of Viking culture in Denmark were Hedeby and Ribe. Because of my Danish ancestry I'm partial to Denmark, yet kingdoms and alliances could extend to many places in the Baltic and Atlantic.

There were many sources and currencies of wealth. Silver was a preferred medium of exchange. Hacksilver could be portioned out into varying sizes and used for a medium of exchange. The means of prosperity were varied and comprehensive. "Some Scandinavians made a living exclusively as merchants, but most were part-timers who also engaged in farming, crafts or even piracy." The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings. It should be noted here that piracy was usually an endeavor entered into short-term for the purposes of acquiring land and prosperity for a much more peaceful life. While the discovery and settlement voyages were often for political freedom and new farm land there were also more lucrative trade routes. They ranged from England to Finnland to Arabia to Russia and to the Baltic coasts. "Wealth flooded into Scandinavia during the 9th and 10th centuries; on the Baltic island of Gotland alone, 40,000 Arabic, 38,000 Frankish, and 21,000 Anglo-Saxon coins have been found in hoards from this period." The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings. We are going to look at various mediums of wealth and how these can be approached today for increase in worth.

Trade. Marketing. Culture.
This was posted on a trade marketing website and no apologies are made for that.  The criticism that esoteric knowledge has been diluted and made inauthentic by 'commercialism' is somewhat true in the sense that the old paradigm of detrimental institutions have held the economic power in academia and publishing.  The answer to this past situation is that Teutonic and Tribal reawakening will take back the economic advantage.  From the tribal Germanics to theVikings to the Hanseatic League to Colonial America, trade and wealth have been the forces for advantageous living and education.
My business is online selling of the best in True religious and philosophical resources. Also there is the innate inheritance of a family business in collectibles, nostalgia, anitques, tools, and interesting books. I have chosen to stay at home to be a caregiver for my infirm mother rather than put her in a warehouse rest home. If I support us through commercial marketing that should not raise any questions about commercialism. If Capitalism is the basis for our past prosperity then Capitalism will be how we will move forward. Theory must be put into practice for success, and marketing on this site is one means of success.
Right now I'm writing and editing some publications for sale. The first of these will be about Viking Wealth Secrets. Other secrets of wealth will follow. Please check my blog for a related study of how philosophical science can enrich our understanding of mythic culture, tradition, archetype, and magic. This will be a look at 'Semiotics' and how an admittedly amateur interest in this discipline has led me to some ways of empowering wealth gain.

Semiotics is a term used to describe a philosophical linguistic approach to communication.  The sender, signal, medium, ,and receiver are part of the communication dynamic that enables contact between individuals.  Some names associated with the science of Semiotics are Stephen E. Flowers, Umberto Eco, and Claude Levi-Strauss.  These people have worked in the field of magic, religion, and anthropology.  Since this blog looks at the subject of acquiring wealth, it can be pointed out that economics is another area of study for how people, signs, communication medium, and interpretation act as a circle or spiral of mutual benefit in prosperity.  There is also a tech side to Semiotics that deals with computer science.  
There are a few websites that present economic and stock market analysis that consider the Semiotic model of economic factors. What I hope to do in the future is combine the religious, magical, ethical, and practical aspects of Teutonic culture into a study of how we advance toward prosperity.

Semiotics part two
Definition of 'terms' that are given in a semiotic context will automatically have a dynamic that leads to the process of communication as it includes signs, signals, power, medium, and the receiver. We will look at this in terms of the wealth motivated person first. Then there is the receiver to be considered as a pre-existent paradigm that will interpret.  First let's look at some terminology for the one who aspires to wealth and is a force in that realization.
'Motivation' or 'Internal Signal'. The internal signal should be accessed first. What is the AUTHENTIC motivation toward wealth? From where does this signal originate? If the answer to that question is recognition of purpose of being in the present space and time, then this signal can be given a 'sign'. If this sign seems comprehensive then it can be considered ready to project toward gathering resources. This will be a 'signal' and there should be a 'power source' that enlivens the signal.
This could be considered as 'stage one'. This is not a linear and isolated process of labelling a 'stage' because in terms of 'space and time' there has already been a powerful projected signal that has led to the present circumstances, and maybe more importantly, better circumstances in the past that can be gathered in the present and projected toward the future. Perhaps a thorough meditation on this will be beneficial in creating an accurate sign.

The study of semiotics will prove important in later material in this book as it concerns operant work and the definition of magic as it pertains to runic evidence and paradigms within the Germanic tradition.


Times when we are worried about someone or when we feel less than adequate for personal challenges are times when we really wish that prayer is real. The good news is that Modernist scientific research and more relevant ancient folklore seem to present strong evidence in the affirmative. The experiential anecdotal stories we have among ourselves should not be dismissed either. I become less dogmatic as the years pass (and there are lots of 'em) and more respectful for the ways of others who happen to be human too.

My particular frame of reference is the Germanic conception of the numinous and the semiotics of communication. So that is what I've looked at in my blog post about Germanic prayer. This is a blog where I post my early rough drafts so I can correct and edit them later. This entry tends toward requiring footnotes and citing of sources in a later edition.

Our Western cultural heritage is the source of our survival and thriving success. A cathedral to Wodan could be constructed and dedicated that would signify our return to our more ancient source of heritage. Such a project would be in the realm of those who have the Destining Power to fulfill that promise. For most of us, a more simple yet elegant holy enclosure of our own means and environment will work very well. Our religion is of the Folk and we are already sanctified and worthy.

Sometimes during a time of crisis there might be an increased need for attentive prayer. This could be for oneself or others. To heal a situation might be assisted by an environment or liturgy that takes the person or persons beyond their perceived limitations. This is an occasional event for many because the Awareness of Higher Purpose and the attendant pyschic skills required can be a continuous condition.
Germanic prayer as evidenced in surviving literature is largely devotional and affirmative. There is an acknowledgement of Rightness. To be aligned with the Gods and Ancestors is to take our place among them so we can accomplish what they did. It is from here that we can best offer up prayers of petition that we all need from time to time. We can, and should, have ambition, education, and goals yet sometimes there are blessings needed by sources that might be a little out of our immediate perception. That's okay because we are not meant to have the overload to manage the minute or large details of the Universe. In Asatru we say Multiverse because different levels and functions of existence have unique Worlds.

In presenting the theme of prayer in the way it came to us from ancient days and how it has been modified for today, I have a couple frames of reference that are fully active and tested and documented by me. I will present those first and then also offer some of the evidence that I know about from academic sources. The academic background is vauable and we should appreciate the dedicated scholars who have gone before. I believe most of these were interested in Germanic studies because of an innate fascination and respect for something that was a Superconscious prompting from a Great Source.
We see the results of our prayers whether we have the best academic credentials going for us or have another field of reference for our journey. When prayer works there is an awakening that we are okay. We are more than okay. We have Hamingja and our Selves and our Folk. Yes, some humility is beneficial here too so that we remain awake in all our relationships.

Here are some examples of prayer in historical Germanic literature.

"Hail Day, Hail Day's sons!
Hail Night and daughter of Night!
With loving eyes, look upon these
and grant those of us here Godspeed"

"Hail Gods! Hail Goddesses!
Hail the much needed Earth
who givest to all!"

" Sayings, goodly spells, and sage wit
give to us the storied ones;
And healing hands in this life."

This is from the Sigrdrifumal. Verses 2 and 3.

The following is a stanza from the Voluspa that I include with the above prayer as an affirmation that our goal is the brighter time of Gimle where we find joy and success.

" I see a hall than the sun more fair
thatched with red gold which is Gimle hight
There shall all the Gods and Goddesses
and trothful Folk dwell in peace and bliss
during long ages."

This is from the Voluspa. Verse 63.

The above blessing is one I use as a reconstruction of the voice of our ancestors as recorded in the Poetic Edda. It is a combined form of verses from the Sigrifumal and Voluspa. This is my interpretation rather than a translation. It is modified for specific use while trying to hold to the original intent and poetic format. I have concentrated upon the Gimle time of renewal and success because I believe it makes a better affirmation for what we want in life.

I am also aware of the Mersberg Charm and the Lacnunga Manuscript which I will mention later with some good resources for study. The above prayers are ones that I have integrated into my daily and seasonal practice. I have also been aware also of the discription that follows.

There is an example of a merchant's prayer for success in a true account of a scribe. "Ibn Fadlan's Travel-Report. As it Concerns the Scandinavian Rus". Introduction and Commentary by Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. 1998. Runa-Raven Press.
Here is a description beginning on page 7 in the thirteenth section. "At the time of the arrival of these ships at this anchorage, each of them came ashore with bread, meat, onions, milk, and drink and proceeded to a tall pillar of wood which has a man-like face carved into it. And around it are small figures behind which long wooden poles are erected." Fadlan then goes on to describe that the merchant prostrates himself before it. I would imagine that the warrior merchant only goes down on one knee in the more familiar form of respect and allegiance that we know. The merchant then mentions from where he has come and says, "I have brought this gift for you." Then he lays down what he has brought in front of the pole. He asks that he be provided with a buyer who is rich and who will be agreeable. If the merchant is not successful in his early attempts he returns and repeats the process to the smaller figures. To me it seems that this verifies a cooperative hierarchy of entities. This seems to be evidence from older times for my theory about the delegation of acting response to many entities who are in the petitioners frame of reference.

On the general heading of 'prayer', Wikipedia has a surprisingly detailed and accurate account of Germanic Tradition. Here reference is made to many sources in literature. Among these are the Mersberg Charm, the Aecerbot, and the Lacnunga manuscript. I might present this information at a later time. These are from Anglo Saxon sources. For further study on this I would recommend the work of Stephen Pollington of Anglo-Saxon Books. There is a work called, "Lacnunga" which is comprehensive. These charms seem to include the herbal mixtures and verbal chants that are involved.
Galdor could be considered another form of prayer. Galdor is the vocal intonation that gives a sonic vibration to intention that has sometimes been given a magical form through runes, bindrunes, or other representation of a Germanic quality. The combination of chanting a phonetic equivlent while concentrating upon an esoteric understanding of the concept and a personal or transpersonal intentionality is powerful in theory. It is also powerful in reality to which I can attest. This work will have a manifested effect. However, the practice of Galdor or any runic practice requires much intense study so that the Mysteries are well known at a mythic and experiential level first.

In times of action in the daily world where perhaps the meditative privacy or environment is not available I maintain that Germanic prayer can be expressed and activated while not being obvious to others in terms of ritual action. This shows up in attitude. It is how the ethics and ambitions of a person are brought to bear upon the daily intention and conduct in the world that causes prayer results. The Gods give what they will, the ancestors support us, yet we must act. This would include acting upon such benefits as are given to us.

The preceding blog posts serve as an introduction to the more detailed and specialized work within the runic and Germanic cultural tradition. The Viking image gained popularity with the TV series but after a few gems in the first season it became completely erroneous. We can correct that or we can broaden our perspective to a wider rang of Germanic lore. This is where I exit my inactive blog and represent work from a more academic series that were meant to :

Enact practical principles in real life as a workable honoring of the lore as it can be used today.

Serve as an academic standard for my Fellow degree essay in the Rune-Gild. This is why there is more detailed attention to linguistics and history.


This is where I was in July, 2006.
Arrived in the mail: a photo of my grandparents, parents, brother, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and myself. This had been taken at my parents home about 1959. We are all standing in the corner where the Yule tree usually was during that season. I'm not sure when the photo was taken, but I'm guessing autumn. These people are descended from courageous, adventurous, ambitious people who arrived here from Europe to thrive and love.

My theory is that it was ancient Old World values and magic that created the Kindred in Montana. The photo was essentially from a gathering in a central Hall, a Kindred Lodge. The image elicits a sense of a meeting of a spiritual tribe. These people were, and are, winners in a Living Tradition.

For my own part, I can see that my personal failure to adhere to the values, metaphysics, and life-force of that Tradition has led to recent losses in my life. One value that I have embraced is 'not giving up' so we will prosper again while I reconnect with ancestral values and metaphysics. The recent losses in my tribe could have been prevented with greater intention on my part. That I failed in my basic humanity was perhaps not entirely my fault. I believe there has been a vacuum of teaching in lore, theology, and philosophy that leaves us vulnerable. We are free-associating, ungrounded, and flailing about in modern confusion. We are ignorant of the teachings that describe the natural Spiritual impulse we sense in our beings. Instead we now live in a maelstrom of alien imposed manipulations. It was in this maelstrom of non-relevant and detrimental alien ideas that was my only choice of where to look for answers to my spiritual quest. It was perhaps in seeking the spiritual philosophy responsible for our well-being and in my hope to continue this presence and influence that paradoxically led to me to what was immediatlely available to the general modern public as a 'universalist' denial of immanent tribal values. These 'universalist' teachings of life-negation were all too available, but that is the nature of evangelism. My effectiveness to the Kindred reality was diminished far beyond those folks who never studied the available metaphysics at all. If the real teachings hadn't been taken away and hidden from us all, I would not have needed to go astray into life-negating slave universalisms. So perhaps I can be forgiven for taking a wrong path.

Yet within the challenge of seeking the hidden, reclaiming the lost, individual strength can grow in the process of finding the truth. Perhaps this is the greater plan. Small comfort when I have failed myself and failed my people. But that is part of the challenge or quest -- the possibility of failure. I can reach again for victory. The positive that will come from this is when I take up the Allfather's greater plan and lead myself back to Right and leave some clues for those in the Kindred who care.

Action is more important than words right now. So I'm going to post this part of the "Heathen And Heretical Ways" introduction and take care of some business. Back later to polish this up a bit.

It is my assertion, or contention as seen by some, that ancient and timeless truths exist within the edifices of institutions that ostensibly tell the public an opposing and oppressive story. However the social gathering of Kindred has access to a Spirit that resonates hiddin within the gathering. An example for me was the social edifice of the Seventh Day Adventist church. This is an institutional structure that houses a doctrine based upon monotheist psycho-cruelty. In my youth I was presented with a viscious deity who was to smite just about everybody (including Adventists)in the final last day. Guess what. There is no 'last day' and we refuse to be smote because we have the power of our True Selves which is described by a coherent and powerful polytheism. The central Mystery we seek is found within a subtle and refined version of this polytheism.

I have mentioned before that we prefer to use 'Heathen' over 'Pagan' to describe the healing process of taking back our heritage. This distinction is not as essential as it seems. 'Pagan' is an acceptable word because of its frequent use in good contexts and also because of our historical conflict, admiration and sometimes alliance with Rome in terms of military and politics.

A lesser and more corrupt form of Rome drifted down through history to become institutions like the Adventist conclave where I found myself with family and friends. I always wondered why the ghastly doctrine was not mentioned at family and church social gatherings like picnics and potlucks. I wanted to know how we could beat the horrific odds so that more of my loved ones could be saved. I now believe silence about the vile doctrine was because my elders instinctively knew that the christian doctrine was wrong, while the gathering was True.

Thews (ancient ethical customs) called upon me while I was posting these words so I often interrupted the process to attend some attend to paramount daily reponsibilities. I was a 24/7 caregiver at the time. I made the best of it. It was an honor and I wish I was still doing it.

Some alternative history novels have offered intriguing possibilities for cultures that might have been. While these novels present a violent and dramatic context, since they are entertainment, we might look at some more prosaic scenarios for alternative states of mind and social dynamics. Things could have been different.

On a more personal level,its up to me to recreate my past and see how the present is improved. If I had not gone down an ignorant road, believing that money and power were wrong, that alcohol was for obsessive and excessive long-term escape, and that dominant cultural powers had good and wise intentions with their threatening world-view,then I might have had a true frame of reference to guide me in my youth. As it was, I fell into uncultered alcohol abuse. The only available recovery mechanism made me choose a program that had horrific consequences for myself and many of my people. That horrific choice was accepting what I shall call the 'atrocity and abomination'. This shall hereafter be abbreviated as, 'AA'. It was in this culture of medieval self-loathing and surrender to the christian hierarchy of personality and values that I encountered a tremendous loss of fortune and will to live. I am getting back my fortune and will to live.

By the very definition of the A.A. program I was on the path of surrender. But surrender to what? Surrender to the meta-political institution of anti-life that gained power in the Middle Eastern/Mediterranean world and aggressively took up their mandate to inflict their atrocity on the rest of the world.

It was my previous and more fortunate knowledge of more positive-life and enriching metaphysics that led me to an alert rejection of the foul doctrine and a sense of the likelihood of a greater truth. Some of those earlier influences were Edgar Cayce, Fate magazine, Albert Einstein, and my own grandfather's quiet truth. Granted, these are not the most profound sources of a Teutonic truth that I might have found available in the works of Nietzsche, Heidegger, or Germanic Myth scholars, but when the heart of a people dwells within, anything of some value can enlighten a greater value. There was mystery and magic here that I was fortunate enough to touch upon, but not fortunate enough to pursue fully at the time. So since 'karma' was a concept that seemed to explain much in terms of a rational understanding of the causes behind the effects we experience -- I found myself enmeshed in Orientalism. Eastern philosophies were the most accessible sources of this revelation since our own teachings had been supressed long ago. During my A.A, tenure, I found myself attending some Buddhist meetings. This was only to become a Japanese/Up With People Concert program of enforced activity and coerced proslytizing. Ultimately this did not lead to integrated Spiritual growth with tangible connections to that Spiritual Kindred Energy described earlier.

We must learn to ignore the more socially available but lesser impulses from outside environments and trust more to the Inner Being. There is a greater destiny for myself and my people. Independence to pursue that greater destiny takes us back to the beginning and takes us forward into forever.

If there had been an early introduction to the ancestral lore that presented Odin, Freya, kindred, honor, tribe and the thews, I could have dealt with aspects of living in a victorious way. This would have avoided the weakened condition that led to victimization by alien agendas. In the future, I hope that more young people can explore the European way that leads to a constructive life of frith and weal.

Some word definitions from a suppressed language (our own) might be in order here:

"Frith" means "peace" but it has a meaning that is more profound than mere 'serenity'. Frith is a dynamic state of well-being that embraces an active persuit of healthy physical and emotional living.

"Weal" means prosperity and good fortune. It is the root source of of the word "wealth".

"Thews" are ethics based upon ancient customs that are proven to be beneficial to the Self and the community. These can be found primarily throughout the Poetic Edda.

Edred Thorsson points out the the Troth is all about ACTION. He acknowledges that this action can take the form of thought, study, meditation, and divination but actualization of what we have learned must be applied to the environment. That is where I fell short. If I had taken responsibility long ago I would have taken some criticism, been called strange, been called selfish, but we ALL would have been in better circumstances. There are two regrets that I have. First, that if I had received the proper education early from lore and ethics passed down about gathering, kindred, alcohol, tribe and honor, I would have found in Euro-mythic patterns the way that would have led to a more constructive way of dealing with everything. Second, if I had applied the teachings after I did become aware, I would have advanced both my own better destiny and that of my people. Fortunately the ancestral past and even my own past efforts are rich with dynamic wisdom and action that has been taken towards weal.


Timber, Tapestry, and Table.

The transformative reawakening to the Deities, Nature, and Kindred is what we aspire toward. We have had enough of degeneration. Now we reach back into a better time of remembrance to take it up and bring it forward. It is in this 'pastness' that the power flows to charge the present and create a better future. For an academically sound analysis of this mythic reality see "THE WELL AND THE TREE : World and Time in Early Germanic Culture." by Paul C. Bauschatz. This book is probably still out of print so for a more available and erudite analysis see, "THE NORTHERN DAWN : A History of the Reawakening of the Germanic Spirit. Vol I : From the Twilight of the Gods to the Sun At Midnight." by Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D.. This is available again after being out of print for a while.

The Kindred.

Our first quote in literature is from "THE POETIC EDDA". The usual appearance on a printed book page uses the skaldic format of spacing between sections of meter. Since blog sites compress empty spaces together I will insert a few + signs to show where there should be a line of space.

"Out of woodlands + + came Rig walking

came Rig walking + + and taught him runes,

His own name gave him + + as heir and son,

bade him make his own + + the udal lands,

the udal lands + + and olden manors."

Rigsthula. (stanza 37; Hollander translation)

The runes represent the Mystery of Being. They are symbols that embody, instruct, and bring forth the Power of that Mystery for our benifit. They were discovered through Shamanic Initiation by Odin. Another God who knows and teaches runes is Heimdall and may represent a progenator, teacher, and benefactor to a prospering humanity. Another name for Heimdall is "Rig". Thus the title, "Rigsthula".

It is important that we know runes were taught to Jarl and Konungr and that the Mysteries and Power were mastered by them as part of their province of victorious and generous living. This needs to be prefaced with an account of the Rigsthula. The story describes the three types of humanity in terms of their characteristics and social function. Rig, or Heimdall, through visits with poverty-stricken thralls, working farmers, and the sovereign wealthy engenders three children. The first is Thrall, the second, Carl, and the third Jarl. It is obviously Jarl that we should aspire to become. This Eddic primary source was used (along with many other Indo-European sources) by Dumezil in postulating the Triple Function of European and other world cultures. However the Dumezilian theory concentrates on producer, warrior, and Sovereign more so than the particular divisions found in the Rigsthula.

Before going any further and giving the impression that the Higher Mysteries and Prosperity are exclusively patriarchal, I should mention the profound evidence of the Feminine instructing the Masculine found in another Poetic Edda presentation. In the 'Sigrdfumal' Sigrdrifa teaches the runes to Sigurth. Here we have a runically initiated woman teaching a man. He may have been an heroic figure but he needed the rede of a wise woman to learn the Mysteries. Since another title for this essay could be, 'How a man can avoid becoming a loser', we should take this to heart.

A word about the the distinctions between human endeavor based on Dumezilian Tripartrate Functions. A well-balanced and effective individual should function at all three levels. This is true for Spiritual, physical and mental health. There is a model for this society in Viking Age Iceland. The settler's survival required skills as farmers, warriors,and Religious Leaders. What we are looking at in terms of describing Jarl is the attitude and energy that are necessary to prosper. When I get back from my Sovereign duties we will describe the attributes of young Jarl.

New post
While presenting the structure of a vital Heathenry we need to look at the nature of the souls who inhabit that landscape. We have already shown that the runes and sovereign skills are the inheritance of Jarl. There is no split-personality insistence that poverty, neediness, and emptiness are signs of spiritual virtue. The Mysteries and the Holy are really revealed to those who have an active connection to past achievement and present vitality.

Rigsthula stanzas 26 to 32 describe the home and people to where Rig strode and guested. There was a southward-facing door which according to Hollander's notes was an omen of good luck. There is a ring on the doorpost. The interior is well-kept and furnished compared to the earlier homes that Rig visited. We are shown that the parents of Jarl, Father and Mother, are in love. Father and Mother 'gazed at each other.' (stannza 27) Hollander interprets, 'With their fingers playing'(stanza 27) as being signs of privileged idleness. I think they were holding hands. Father is maintaining his weapons and they are both well-dressed. There is ample food.

"there was wine in a crock + + + + were the cups gold-plated;

they drank and chatted + + + + till the day was ended."

(Stanza 32)

The visit from Rig is followed by the birth of Jarl.

"A son bore Mother, + + + + in silk they swathed him,

sprinkled him with water + + + + and called him Jarl,

Was his hair flaxen, + + + + and fair his cheek,

his eyes awfully + + + + like an adder's, blazed."

(stanza 35)

Note that sprinkling with water is a Heathen custom of blessing that precedes the adoption of the custom by christianity. Hollander's notes point out that flashing eyes were a sure sign of nobility, according to Tacitus.

Stanzas 36 to 38 give the developing and applied sovereign skills of Jarl and the previously given return of Rig to teach the young Jarl runes. This was fortunate and successful for Jarl.

"He made himself master + + + + of manors eighteen,

gan share his wealth + + + + and shower it on all:

silver and gold + + + + and slender steeds;

squandered arm rings + + + + and scattered gold."

(stanza 39)

This ethical statement of the successful being generous is important to the balance maintaining considerations of Teutonic lore. The Old English account of a Scandanavian adventure, 'Beowulf' is rich in events of shared wealth as an aspect of courage and nobility. We will look at this again later.

Continuing with the Rigsthula, let's look at the nature of that venturing into new territory, and what contact with old territory is needed to make it work. Looking forward, building a 'kingdom', Jarl takes on another quest using very human drives to create a family. Here is where the ethos of Germanic culture differs form the anomie of the Roman Christian view of what is sacred in the 'will to power'. Pesonal drives based upon erotic vital life force are supported by the efforts of kindred and clan. The church seeks to deny or subert this drive into its own purposes. Maybe it is that very anomie caused by weakness, frustration, and personal powerlessness that inspires monks by the hundreds to give up on life and pass judgement on the successful. If the winners in life can be brought to accept those judgements through abnegation of their own life authority, then the judgements of the the monks can have the desired outcome of control.

So in Jarl's next step in the Rigsthula we see support from the community in finding his wife and expanding his presence in the world. This attitude of a world accepting survival would prevail in many ways.

"His heralds drove + + + + on dew-wet paths,

and came to the hall + + + + where the Hersir dwelled;

a daughter had he, + + + + dainty-fingered,

fair-haired and wise + + + + she was named Erna."

(Stanza 40)

"For her hand they asked, + + + + and home drove her,

gave her to Jarl, + + + + gowned in linen;

they lived together + + + + and loved each other,

had many children, + + + + and lived cheerfully."

(Stanza 41)

Jarl and Erna go forward to expand their holdings and their youngest son is taught runes by Rig when the God returns to give him personal instruction. Kon the Younger, from where we get Konungr meaning 'king', goes on to excel over Jarl in his enterprises.

This story of land-taking, courage, cosmic learning, and applied ability supported by Deity is a perfect description the the migration from Europe to what is now called North America. This is how we get to Montana. My kindred and folk are here and we have prospered.

Throwing away a legacy does not create 'individuality'. The manipulators of the 'collective' gain their desired control but individuals are impoverished. Somehow the baby boomer generation was influenced by a socialist agenda rampant in approximately 1966 - 1972. I believe this occurred because we had seen what doesn't work but looked to the wrong cultural solution for what would work. We fell victim to a compulsion to 'hipness' that required us to throw away what The Greatest Generation had fought so valiantly to create. We will overcome our mistake and take the right action to win our rightful place in prosperity and advance with our own skills.

We are not meant to reinvent the wheel. Rather, we are from a continuum of consciousness that is meant to drive toward greater gains. Our story does not end with Jarl and Erna. Their youngest son, Kon, grows in frith and weal and Mystical knowledge then advances on his own using what he has learned from Rig. Heimdall has taught him well. The children of Jarl and Erna learned sports, chess style board games, warrior skills, and travelled on swift horses. Kon learned specialized skills.

"But Kon only + + + + could carve runes,

runes lasting ay, + + + + life-keeping runes;

to bring forth babes + + + + birth runes he knew,

to dull sword edge + + + + and calm the sea."

"Fowl's speech he knew + + + + and quenched fires,

could soothe sorrows + + + + and the sick mind heal;

in his arms the strength + + + + of eight men had."

"In runes he rivaled + + + + Rig the Jarl;

with wiles he warred + + + + outwitting him;

thus got for himself + + + + and gained to have,

the name of Rig + + + + and runic lore."

"Rode Kon the young + + + + through copse and woods,

birds he snared + + + + used bow and arrow."

"Then quoth a crow + + + + croaking on branch.

'Why snarest thou birds, + + + + scion of kings?

Rather shoulds't thou + + + + ride swift horse,

(brandish swords) + + + + slaying foemen."

"'Have Dan and Danp + + + + a dwelling richer,

and lands larger, + + + + than are left to thee;

are they skilled in steering + + + + the stormy seas,

in trying swords + + + + and slaying heroes.'"

(stanzas 44 - 49)

This translation of the Rigsthula is from The Poetic Edda translation by Lee M. Hollander. I have slightly modified it in places with my own interpretation.

A few things to note here. Those skilled in runes can listen to nature. They have shamanic skills but are also familiar with wealth and prosperity. It is said that Konungr went on to prove himself by victory in Denmark. He wed Dana the daughter of Danpr. Their son was said to have united Denmark. So even the achievements of Konungr were advanced in deed by the next generation.

There is no place in Teutonic Magical skill for throwing aside a legacy to prove oneself. Rather, the proof is in making gains from what Orlog has been given to the person through his lineage. Once this is understood, Spiritual economics and social progress of Teutonic tribes will arise again. This knowledge can be applied to skillful adventures in wealth.

The Beowulf Narrative Poem As A Model For Traditional Environment And Decorum.

"Its narrative elements may belong to a previous age but as a work of art it lives in its own continuous present, equal to our knowledge of reality in the present time." Seamus Heaney. From the introduction to his 2000 translation.

We will be working with the Seamus Heaney translation which includes both the original Angle-Seax and modern English. Beowulf was an oral tale of the scops of England, set in Denmark and Sweden, but written down by English scribes sometime between the 7th to 10th century. The Angle-Seax 'scop' is equivalent to the Scandinavian 'skald' as a poet who has memorized the oral narratives from antiquity and has power to create new tales in a prescribed form. This was believed to have a Magical power and they were regarded as magicians in their own right. Beowulf was a favorite English tale but its setting was in Scandinavia. The Angle-Seax looked to their homeland in continental Europe just south of Denmark as their source on ancient ways.

Beowulf the hero sails from Sweden to achieve his victory for the rescue of the Danish king Hrothgar and his people. This is the first part of the story, which is best known, yet in the second half of the tale Beowulf goes back to Gotland Sweden to become a king himself and honorably rule a prosperous kingdom for 50 years.

When Beowulf's Elders among the Geats heard of his intention to take on the quest they encouraged him and helped him make ready. They inspected the omens. We have established a culture of magic and action and what we are looking for is the environment in which this culture meets. For true formal and even less formal meetings in the home we need to recreate the atmosphere of our Elders. From Beowulf's perspective as the one venturing into a different environment for a challenge we have already looked at how he declared his intention and practiced divination. Once clearly focused on success the retinue sets forth to Denmark.

When landed on the shores, Beowulf and his retinue are met by King Hrothgar's thejn. The formal duty of this watchman is to challenge the visitors and give them the opportunity to express their purpose. Beowulf meets this challenge with his own formal response. Here is one place we can look at the similarities between Old English and modern English. Beowulf unlocked his word-hoard ('word-hord onleac'- pg. 17) which means he began to speak. The power of the spoken word is given great credence in Scandanavian and Angle-Seax culture.

When Beowulf and his retinue arrive at the hall they are granted safe entrance, given a place to stack their gear, and a comortable place to be seated. Beowulf remains standing for the formal introduction. They must be formaly introduced to King Hrothgar and then state their purpose. Wulfgar is the king's thejn charged with welcoming Beowulf and presenting him honorably to the king. Beowulf is aware of the formalities. In Old English this is described by, "cuthe he dugude theow" (pg.24) which means, "he knew the courtesies". "Theow" is the same word as known in modern Asatru as "thew". The thews have a deeper meaning than courtesies or customs in the mere sense of etiquette. The ancient reason for their importance is based on the value of the power of Tradition and past connections to hold a people together in ethics and spirit.

Wulfgar compliments the retinue and points out to king Hrothgar that they have worth. "From their arms and appointment, they appear well born and worthy of respect." The words, 'hider wisade' are used. They seem to mean, 'formidable'. Old English is an area where I have much language to learn so I cautiously propose that 'hider' might be related to the concept of 'hyde' or the etheric force that surrounds a person. A powerful astral force could be perceived by those who still had that concept and perception in their reality.

Here occurs the well known phrase by Hrothgar, "I knew him as a boy". He recounts his previous interactions with his relatives and describes how they acted honorably with each other.

Now that Beowulf has been acknowledged, he can address the king. "Beowulf strode forward and stood on the hearth." Maybe a better translation would be, "Beowulf strode forward and stood near the hearth.". We know that the hearth was important for warmth and light in the great lodge. Then Beowulf announces his pedigree and states that he is accomplished and worthy. He states his qualifications to help. Then he states exactly what deed he will accomplish, his purpose in arriving. Beowulf requests of the king, "the privilege of purifying Heorot". He then states that he will fight the foe on equal terms and with honor.

There is an excellent study of the literature, history, architecture, and artifacts of the historical culture of humanity and lodge by Pollington. "The Mead-Hall". Someone interested in this subject would do very well to get this book. Pollington is certainly more knowlegable than me and he also has access to archeology and museums for evidence of the era. I wanted to explore the primary sources for myself before thoroughly studying Pollington's work.

Mine is a literary analysis that gives evidence of the structure required to recreate the Old Ways. So far we have the greeting, a preliminary statement of intention, and guidance to the Hall. In the Hall, a place of entry and a place to stack gear is first and then a place for the retinue to sit. The leader would probably remain standing until introduced to the king. A formal introduction between the two parties takes place and then the king and Beowulf make their mutual honor and intentions known. It is important that the intention is spoken into the energy of the gathering. This is how we avoid frittering away into long chatter and not getting down to business. There is a time and place for chat and a time and place for creating the nature of our quest. 

This chapter on Beowulf will continue in my Fellow work for the Rune-Gild. There is considerably more to relate in terms of the life expression of ethics and closely magical precepts in a traditional way. We will meet with King Hrothgar's queen, Wealtheow, and we will see Beowulf victorious over Grendel. The hero is given advice by the king and takes it home to rule magnanimously and powerfully for 50 years.

In the book you are reading now, the specialized study in these particular Primary Sources stops here where it concerns my dormant blog. We will take up with new themes of comparative content with some blogs and online activism that are more current.


The era of My Alternative To Standardized Media

This blog began with my contemplation on how there could be an alternative society that would bypass the media and political demands of how we should be and relate. The title was used before the 'Alternative Right' label was used by anyone else. I believe my work on Alternative America even preceded Paul Gottfried's use of “Alternative Right” in his speeches. The idea was that I was tired of being shunned and shamed by my non- compliant views on social media. Eventually, people like me were banned on many platforms.

The best course of human action is to work and play at whatever we know is our purpose and obsession. Some will succeed beyond their expectations and some will meet with varying degrees of accomplishment. One thing for sure, we will never be happy if we abandon our own interests. We have a difficult enough time getting beyond our own doubts and obstacles without the restrictions imposed by the agendas of those who would hold us back.

My energizing interests are many, yet there is one area that has been consistent through the years. That area is the realm of possibility that we can remember who we are and create the world we should inhabit. In making this effort it is probably more important to concentrate on what we are for rather than what we are against. This is both a personal matter and a field of action that should take into account that we must maintain or create a worthy social culture.

The restrictions and standard impositions of the controllers of the entrenched media should not be allowed to stop us. Social media institutions have the right to dictate whatever they want in terms of the content that fits their agenda and what they will allow. We have the right not to participate under their manipulations. We have the right to find our own formats for expression.

For And Against
It's more productive to take actions toward what one is FOR rather than what one is AGAINST. That is where I live now except when my failures at realizing my inherited advantages become overwhelming. In the words of a Traffic song, "Put the blame on someone that you've hardly ever known. Then you realize, too late, the blame was all your own." Traffic. I did not do well at efforts to continue my advantages. Bad decisions and a need for peer approval. 

However, on general principles, we do have opponents and I have seen them make life miserable in a clever way that keeps my people acquiescent.  It is better to find one's energy with positive goals.  Secondary, but also important, is to know one's enemies.  There might be an element of appreciation for opponents if they make you stronger and help you more clearly define where you take a stand.  A good fight can also be an energizing influence.  My own encounter with a fierce and gradually more clever opponent was the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. 

The 'Intercollegiate Socialist Society' of 1905 became the 'League for Industrial Democracy' with a collegiate division called 'Student League for Industrial Democracy'.  In 1960 it was decided to change the name to 'Sudents for a Democratic Society'.  With the new name, Tom Hayden and others drafted the Port Huron Statement and the organization began it's work on campus.  The SDS reached its nadir during the anti Viet Nam war demonstrations during the mid 1960's.  Sponsored by the New Left and charismatic students with family wealth, that is the only organized and funded resistance to 'the establishment' that we knew about at my university.  At some schools across the nation there were also anti war protests and gatherings by the Young Americans for Freedom which was at the time a Right Libertarian and Conservative organization.  I would have been more at home there and I could have still been a hippie.  I have a similar narrative to Richard M. Weaver who was a student activist Leftist in his early undergraduate years.  He quit his former political interests and joined the Traditionalist Right because he found the people were much more real and compassionate.  It was the people more than sloganeering that changed his mind. I sensed something was wrong with the SDS but did not become outraged until some of that crowd tried to 'liberate' my musical equipment that I had worked hard to have through the years.  "It belongs to the people" was the slogan.  The 'people' meant the leader with the most convincing charisma.  The Young Americans for Freedom would have congratulated me on my achievements and ambition and wished me well.             

We have more options now so neither the Port Huron Statement or the Sharon Statement need define where we are going from here.  I only mention the SDS because of the continuing influence of its alumni in the Democrat Party.  There is an SDS revival now that began in 2006.  I don't find them as consistently reprehensible as the original and some of their causes are worth looking at.  The 'Occupy' movement would be in the same Progressivist category.  In general the membership is anti Tea Party and sponsored through ideology and funding support from Progressive organizations that front the Democrat Party. This has been used to insinuate that George Soros is a sponsor although there is only funding from organizations that he has created or contributes to.  And that would be the Democrat Party.

It is apparent that in America there is a rising awareness that something must arrive as an alternative to the Democrat Party and the Republican Party.  There could be many alternatives.  A dialogue between these groups and a coalition with variable points of agreement could be effective.

Old School Conservatives.
For my first link to the quality work that has already been presented in the cultural and political field, I will present some work about the Southern Agrarians on 'The Imaginative Conservative' website.  I would like to write a preface here with some of my appreciation for the Old School Conservatism that was a literary and living phenomenon by the Southern Agrarians of Vanderbilt University.  They were also called 'The Fugitives' which I would imagine referred to their outlaw State and Family rights stance for an aristocratic agrarian lifestyle that stood in opposition to the imposed Industrial domination by the Eastern establishment.  

In the 1920s and 1930s, The Agrarians wrote poems and prose about the countryside, people, and noble life of their Southern heritage.  In response to the critical encroachment of a mandatory Industrialization twelve of them published an anthology, "I'll Take My Stand" in 1930.  They were taking their stand for their homeland, region, and traditional lifestyle.  They were against Modernism and central control from the Eastern Establishment which had won the Second War of Independence and thereby crushed their independence.  This was a continuation of a Paleoconservatism which sought to conserve what is best about culture.  I call this 'Old School Conservatism' to distinguish it from the neo-conservatives that we mostly know in the Republican party today.  The Paleoconservatives are concerned with family, town, and regional sovereignty as opposed to centralized bureaucracy and intimidation.  Likewise, the interests of the intellectual and political bodies should be concerned mainly with individual issues and not foreign entanglements.  The wars of Globalization were cautioned against in a prescient manner thus they could be seen as peace activists. 

My own introduction to the Southern Agrarians came through a synchronicity with meeting an intellectual activist from Alabama and realizing that the paradigm could also describe the Northwest and especially my native Montana.  He was coincidentally visiting in my hometown and agreed with me that we have much in common.  The details of that 'coincidence' I have given elsewhere and it is an esoteric lesson in itself.  He thought my life story would make me appreciate Richard M. Weaver who was a student of Donald Davidson.  He was right.  There is a spirit across the land to return to our heritage.  There might have been a delay while the Southern Agrarians were ignored for promoters of alien agendas, yet they might return even more strongly now that we know what we have been missing.

There are many fascinating articles on this and other sites about how much we could learn from the Southern Agrarians.  

Website link accessed on November 22, 2019
The Imaginative Conservative / 2012/01/ Southern Agrarians. Pillars Of The South.

A scholar of the past and potential recovery for America, Tomislav Sunic, said at one point that the Southern Agrarian dynamic shows the most promise.

This is not something that can be posted on Facebook without confronting some serious misunderstandings.  My people in Montana fought to overcome deprivation and starvation in the Depression era only to be called upon to fight in a European conflict that should never have happened.  They fought honorably as warriors even if the cause was not entirely their own.  There were a very few in Allied leadership who knew who the more serious enemy was and had the courage to speak out.  One of these was General Patton whose outspoken statements of truth might have cost him his life.

My father fought in the Third Army Infantry in the Battle of the Bulge and Patton's further excursions into the European battlefield.  On the front lines Dad was vistied by Patton and was able to show his creatively protective foxhole that saved lives in his company. Dad met German and Russian soldiers on a social basis when Patton's advance had been slowed by orders from Washington.  If the Third Army had been able to secure Berlin, a far worse enemy would have been stymied.  Patton knew that the Bolshevik world empire was a far greater destructive force against civilization.  This proved to be true in Latvia where Dad's aunt and uncle and cousin fell to the Soviet advance.  The family had prospered under the short German National Socialist occupation but were destroyed by land confiscation and Gulag persecution under the Soviets.   
I honor the bravery and sacrifice of Allied soldiers yet am willing to state the truth that there was a real enemy that engineered us into the war in the first place and gained an enslaving foothold with the results in Europe.   The Versailles Treaty of World War I was grossly unfair and created a starving Germany. Yet Germany had made a remarkable and unthreatening recovery until Bolshevik influence engendered World War II.  Here is a link to one of the best historical accounts of the conflict.

Patrick J. Buchanan's "Churchill, Hitler, and the 'Unnecessary War' : How Britain Lost its Empire and the West Lost the World." is one of the best historical accounts of an injustice that had terrible consequences.  Buchanan is an historian who is so erudite and experienced that he even wins a begrudging respect from the Left as well as being an elder statesman to the supporting Right.

Mujahid Kamran has an interesting article on General Patton and why he was perceived as a threat to the mainstream Liberal politicians that were shaping policy.  The maintenance of relationships with the anti-Aryan Bolshevik empire was crucial to the plans of subduing European people across the world including America.  The forces of Bolshevism considered an artificial stand-off between the blatantly Communist forces abroad and the creeping Socialist forces in America to be productive for their cause. 

 Mujahid Kamran is an interesting mind in the world who I have only recently learned about.  He is not from my usual circle of respected Right/Conservative authors.  Sometimes when the Huffington Post or New York times will ignore a story in spite of the evidence it takes an outsider have the courage.  I think he has some interesting things to say. 

Again, my stating of the needless destruction of WWII and the political forces that engineered the conflict in no way is meant to minimize the heroic courage shown on all sides of the battlefield.  We should continue to honor them. 


The Spiritual Mind research of Ukrainian Traditionalist literature, academia, and politics was most promising in an era just preceding the Euro-Maidan demonstrations and subsequent dynamics in that great nation.  One reason I'm hopeful about a positive direction for their changes is that background among a Traditionalist community that had solidarity and a basis for reconstruction.  That promise of early intellectual Traditionalism lives on.  

Editing this entry a few years later I realize the full magnitude of what the Ukrainian Traditionalists have accomplished.  The demonstration first known in media as 'Euro-Maidan' is now just called 'Maidan.'  Everyone now knows that there was never any support to becoming a puppet of the European Union, the United States, or Russia.  I know a man who lived there who confirms that the Ukrainian people are much like the Colonial Americans during their Revolutionary War and the succeeding establishment of an independent republic.    

An interesting aspect of this Right Sector thought is a similarity to concepts carried in the New Right awakening in Europe and also the Traditional Conservative heritage of America.  The theme of similarity is something I hope to show with information and  examples of conceptual Tradition as it will guide our purposes.  A sense of Mystery and a duty to ancestors, ourselves, and descendants guides us in an awesome way.  

The theme here will be familiar to those who have read Thorsson's "Green Runa".   Those familiar with 'Green Runa' by Edred Thorsson will recognize the name 'Rudolph Otto' as mentioned on page 41 in the article, "The Holy".  (Runa, vol. 1, no.2, Yule, 1982).   The words in Proto-Germanic for Wihaz and Hailagaz are distinguished in terminology. The aspects of the holy are sometimes indeed beyond mere conceptualization as correctly described in Olena Semenyaka's article about Rudolph Otto linked here.  There are two words from ancient Germanic lore that make distinctions.  One is Wihaz and another is Hailagaz which are Proto-Germanic reconstructions. 

Wihaz is a realm of the holy that is totally separate and beyond our immediate comprehension.  Usually.  This is the numinous.  Thorsson even refers to Rudolph Otto as labelling this the 'Mysterium Tremendum'.  This is a sense of an awesome mystery.  Hailigaz has more of a meaning of wholeness and relates to all aspects of our world including the mundane.  Hailigaz is the awareness of value all around us.  Wihaz is separate and set aside. 

Appreciation for Mystery is one of the hallmarks of Traditional Conservatism.  There is something greater than we are shaping our worlds yet we should be vigilant to play our part.

The New Right in Europe was preceded by the New Conservatives in the U.S.  Conservatism was certainly not new and , by definition or intention, could not be new.  Conservatism has an ancient heritage that must be conserved in an imaginative way.  It was the realignment with previously proven successful principles and adaptations that was new.   I'm still looking for the article by Russell Kirk where he describes himself as a 'Goth' regarding his work and worldview.  That sense of Mystery as a guide is stated in the following review of his Gothic work.

The following is an interesting academic site that works for this theme.
Radical Right
Nationalism on the Right might be the most controversial and difficult to express against the grain of entrenched propaganda. I've been working on this for some time and want to get an early very rough draft on this blog. Seems my computer might need some work and I want to save this somewhere.

An early article will be about the politics of General Patton. Possibly I should work on taking Heidegger back for the Far Right. A definition of Bolshevik is in order to define what I oppose. Reactionary Opposition is what is needed now according to the Motpol site.

Important to take back Martin Heidegger. He should be with a Germanic paradigm in Europe, among the hills and timbered homes. He should be with the arising White Republic. The Mystic portion of the Right is in happiness, in adventure and discovery. If we are only defensive we lose this happy fortunate connection. So some areas of Quantum mechanics and ancient traditions are essential.

A new terminology related to the history of the left comes from the resistance fighters in the Baltic. My specific heritage in the Soviet tragedy is Latvian. The Lithuanians, Estonians, and Latvians took flight into the forests when the Soviets drove farmers, intellectuals, and the best of the Baltic onto rail cars for Siberia. Ownership of property or participation in the world of educated thought were forbidden and punished by the arriving Bolsheviks. In Latvia, the tool of this punishment was called Cheka.

The native language use of the word Cheka rather than NKVD (Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs) comes because of the memory of a previous atrocity in the early part of the twentieth century. Certainly the Cheka had more recently been active in the policy of starvation in Ukraine called the Holdormor.

We have used the ubiquitous terminology of 'Cultural Marxism', 'Frankfort School', 'political correctness', 'thought police' etc to describe the less dramatic but certainly just as deadly effective directives of the Left today. I'm going to use "Bolshevik-Cheka" for the description of the enemy from my personal reference point. 

The Mystic Far Right will combine previous work on the more mellow presentations of what could be considered Libertarian or Paleo-Conservative principles. There were even some approaches and attitudes that could be considered Republican or Tea Party. There is nothing wrong with the Taxed Enough Already genesis of the Tea Party movement but there were aggressive leadership grabs by those who were maybe not qualified for intellectual leadership. They were not as bad as the media/snide propaganda painted them for common contempt by the common masses. Nevertheless, they fell away from any influential change.

The more Far Right teachings concern politics and Nationalist concerns of an integral nature that are frightening to the usual Facebook user and the general public. Even Conservatives on the Right are cautious about entering areas that have been propagandized against by public education and media-owned norms. This blog will enter into those areas that are forbidden. Right from the start I should present programs of a postive nature with a good heart toward mankind. Indeed, it is troubling that so many people suffer in a life that should have been better for them. We are not given interests and talents that can't find expression. We are stopped by our own acceptance of limitations. We are also stopped by the subversions and trouble caused by forces hostile to our success. Both. Perhaps it is in winning the war against our enemies that we gain strength from the battle challenges.

We have the blessed opportunity to be appreciative of those who are of a different situation and ethnicity than us. By not being afraid to say someone has unique heritage and talents we can appreciate them as people. This is the reality. It is when government or social pressures mandate and legislate our personal policy that we take issue. Just because there are quality people in one ethnic group does not mean there are not wide Liberals with the Progressive dominance of the attitudinal directives of global society are quick with their condemnation of Nationalism.

When Nationalism makes helpful advances to European culture they use pejorative labels that have emotional impact. These come from their own representation of history. Before I had become politically aware and only wanted to see if there was any value in my own native heritage, I was greatly impressed by how Edred Thorsson described a "nation" in his "Book of Troth." I won't quote him here but I will use descriptive definitions from the Online Etymology Dictionary. "Nation is from the Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species ; race of people, tribe," literally "that which been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci; see genus). Political sense has gradually predominated, but earliest English examples inclined toward the racial meaning "large group of people with common ancestry."

There you are. I see nothing wrong with Nationalism. We must question any disapproval of Nationalist endeavors. What is it they want to prevent? What's in it for them? The Nation is more important than the State.

We have been instructed by vested interests that there is something disturbing about the term "Nationalist." We are forbidden from going there. The entrenched Modernist neo-Marxist culture will see to it that we are admonished, shunned, and possibly economically destroyed if we are interested in promoting the true aspect of our nation. We are also becoming clever enough to be cautious about confronting our enemies with terminology from a defeated position. We should not have been defeated but we must face that as our starting point much as the Confederacy of the South must regain their own purpose from the Lost Cause. The factors of being conquered do not impinge upon the intrinsic value of the Cause. I believe that cause is Identitarian here in America as much as it is for the European New Right.

Leftist notions are so entrenched because of the dominance of the organized clubs in places like Chicago that arrived when they did not have carte blanche in Europe. The Frankfurt School may have begun in Germany but they came to America to prosper and spread that influence. I consider this a Bolshevik presence that thrives in the more subtle state than what failed in the extreme Soviet experiment.

European Nationalism is on the rise. I'm an independent with varied interests but I appreciate the positive traits of Nationalism. Happily anticipating what could be accomplished here. A concerted effort of Nationalists is necessary to combat flaws in the extended artificial situation fostered by Liberalism.  

We have the blessed opportunity to be appreciative of those who are of a different situation and ethnicity than us. By not being afraid to say someone has unique heritage and talents we can appreciate them as people. This is the reality. It is when government or social pressures mandate and legislate our personal policy that we take issue. Just because there are quality people in one ethnic group does not mean there are not wide flaws in the extended artificial situation.


Spare us from the Democrat/Republican/designated third party loser scenario.  How is it that we accepted this narrative instruction as a reality? 

We are enslaved by alien agendas and we are impoverished by limited resources if we think it is only realistic to live in a two party system in America.  Okay, there is an obligatory  third party delegated to chronic loser status.  There are alternatives beyond this triumvirate.  The usual third party is the Libertarian Party which is usually preferable to the big two.  However, there are other parties of choice if we look for ourselves.  The best way to find these might be to search the Southern Poverty Law Center for who they say we should hate.  The SPLC is a highly profitable law firm that has so much influence in public perception and policy that some people mistake them for a governmental body.  They are a fundraising firm that is quick to point out variations from how they think America should be. 

I believe this political party is misidentified by SPLC and agencies that adhere to their criteria. I'm thinking about this option.  The American Third Position had become the
American Freedom Party by the time I looked at their organization and platform.  I don't know anything about their viability now but I leave the prospect of transcending any established party in the future. 

Bringing it home.   

Bringing the Radical Traditionalist program close to home, where it should be, means looking at one's immediate ecology, culture, and politics.  This is my look.  A personal approach is necessary to advance.  Economic politics is where I'll look first since this has the greatest impact on my ability to have an environment or participate in culture.  Property ownership is the most essential aspect of a free and creative life.  Hans-Hermann Hoppe makes the best case for this in his books and online sites of thoughtful criteria and solutions.

In Missoula, Montana the property taxes are exorbitant and extortionary.  I have seen so much loss from ordinary people who can't meet their tax bills.  This is institutionalized theft.  The return from government in terms of service are mainly for those with several children in school or university students with time to use a vast system of park walkways and bike trails.  All these are good in themselves yet it is the users who should pay for them.  Hoppe presents the means of an economic structure that would be more directly supported by the users.  As far as schools and public education go, these institutions are mainly training grounds for instilling correct opinions toward the mandates of the ruling elite in young minds. 

The objection that high taxes are necessary for public roads, law enforcement, and services is not valid.  Hoppe presents the alternatives which would provide better services more efficiently.  High taxation on those who don't benefit from government structure is the first area of politics where I should seek reform.  A group of people who are educated in alternative funding for services, indeed an entirely free approach to the structure of government would be the first step.  To actually get reforms on the ballot or people holding office would take time.  A cadre of committed citizens holding to this vision would be a start. 

The issue of high taxation is the most pressing one for me because of the homeland I have lost and might be losing.  To free up this money drain so that there is capital for creative business would have put me on the track of independence long ago.  Taxes must be lowered or eliminated.  I believe a regional Radical Traditionalist project would involve the magic of gathering like minds toward freedom from theft. 

The organic means of sustainable economics would involve work toward gardening, small business, and home business.  A homestead approach with food and shelter for kinship at the center and satellites of creative business at the periphery has worked before and it will work again.    

Heidegger And Junger Correspondence
A review of  Ernst Jünger and Martin Heidegger, Correspondence 1949–1975, ed. and trans. Julien Hervier,

Of course it would be good idea to read the Alain de Benoist review of this illuminating book.  His experience and erudition exceeds mine.  Yet I wanted to express the thoughts of an ordinary American in today's political/cultural climate.  We live in a society that resembles the occupation dictates that two great minds navigated skillfully without surrendering to the Thought Police.  The letters between Heidegger and Junger show a warmth of ordinary life with moments of the high philosophy that transcend toward truth rather than bitter engagement with forces that they might have seen as inevitable and beatable.  There are also clues about how to live in a society where not complying would result in professional and social censure.  Expressing any Conservative Traditionalist thought paradigms were more risky in occupied Germany than the minor pressures put on them to conform during the NSDAP era.  Junger and Heidegger live in a realm that is above bureaucratic managers, yet could instruct better policy if their views were heeded.

Germany is still in the grips of the Thought Police.  Witness the intransigent  ignoring of cultural collapse by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her insistence that it would be better if Europe is destroyed rather than abandon Liberal dictates.  Unfortunately, this is a prelude to what is asked of us in the United States.  The likely Democrat victory in this election cycle will match us with Germany in leadership in terms of gender and policy.  It is destructive there and it will be destructive here.  My detractors have belittled me as being whiny and a crybaby about pointing this out.  Not falling prey to self-pity and not unwisely exposing myself to economic and social punishment are skills that the spirit of this dialog could encourage.  

The private correspondence between these two German thinkers allowed them to compare notes on not so much forbidden subjects as general directions of profound thought that could still engage a resistance to Modernism and nihilism as a destructive force.  Considerations of nihilistic thought as both a positive precursor to eventually overcoming nihilism and the likely destruction that would be brought on by negative superficial promotion of 'sophisticated' doctrinaire nihilism is considered.  A more profound knowledge of Nietzsche's work is evident in the two thinker's  discussion. 

A bonus of the book is the inclusion of Junger's essay, Across the Line, which he wrote for Heidegger's 60th birthday.  Heidegger states that his publication of the essay indicates that restrictions of the ruling realm are decreasing and there can be a return to previous efforts. The letters make interesting reading in terms of social and intellectual associations with people like Werner Heisenberg and Mircea Eliade.  I will improve this post with quotes in the context of a book review and some more contemplation in the spirit of what we hope to achieve.

In the context of a review and recommendation I'd like to include some quotes now.  Hard to know where to start, but here is a quick study.  Early in their communication there was consideration of adding their joint efforts to a journal resisting Modernity.  They had only just been allowed to teach and publish so there was reluctance and they thought better of it.  Heidgegger wrote to Junger in June of 1949.  "I still recall well the location of the path on which we spoke last autumn about the extreme danger that faces those of us who try today to hold onto what is essential; that to endure solitude is not an escape, but the highest freedom."  

Discretion about public efforts seemed the order of the day.  The appearance of their names together would cause outrage that would be harmful to any project.  Heidegger quotes from Nietzsche with the reminder that, "Venice is formed by a hundred profound solitudes together - that is her magic.  An image of the man of the future." (quoting Nietzsche).

In further discussing that they should retreat from the more public project and be careful about expressing a higher truth Heidegger writes, "We should not throw out the last scraps to the persistent thirst for vengeance, which has in the meantime become more crafty; we must remain unassailable in what is proper for us." 

In today's 2016 political climate the same force of entrenched standards is used by the power elite to instruct the common man in who he should scorn among his peers if there is lack of compliance.  In my native Montana U.S.A.  there was an exploratory movement launched by the anti-national borders Open Society Institute policy of George Soros.  At first this seemed like a grass-roots movement in compassionate response to the media saturation of suffering shown in the Syrian refugee crisis.  The Obama/Cinton/Soros machine created the instability in the Arab states in the first place and now we were told to find places for the wreckage.  Anyone who opposed the group called "Soft Landings Missoula" was called a hater.  After sufficient ridicule and guilt was disseminated the official Soros agency "International Rescue Committee" could open an office here with the highy paid staff.  Soros is a major funder both financially and philosophically to the Clinton Foundation.

Exposing the Clinton Foundation and objecting to the corruption is not the lonely quest it once was unless you live at MSNBC.  Even CNN has been forced to recognize the obvious.  Yet living with the inevitable success of the Clinton Liberal empire might be a lonely place.  They do not want us to have correspondence or organization of an effective measure.  There are those among us who will continue because we must.              

From here on I must exercise some restraint. Editing from years of content requires one to get over being enamored of past words. If anything is truly great from the general posts of MATSM, I will include it in a second volume. I will shift now to two books in progress : “Alternative America” and “Toward a Radical Traditionalist, Libertarian, and Identitarian Model For Economic Culture.”

These are meta-political. That is, the Spiritual and native history of a people is of prime consideration. There is a place for RealPolitic of a power play but that is only to lead the rightful people to victory. I will look for the main points and the most Cosmic relevance in the following section.





There are themes that could be placed in action to renew the life my people once knew. This is much more than ‘nostalgia’. The time when America worked was based upon a sense of optimism that was active in honoring the past and working toward the future.


A few years ago, some people hoped that someone would take on the work of researching some potentials in America's history and some possible current actions that would be equivalent to the work being done in Europe by the New Right. Activist and intellectual Europeans were attempting to take back their Western culture. The literature developed by these people was profound for Europe, although very dismissive of America. This is important work that I enjoy very much yet something in me and my fellow Euro-Americans refuses to accept an imposed inferiority complex. We know we might be the last best hope for White European civilization. I started working toward this goal before I knew there was already strong work being done.

At the time I thought the best approach would be the awakening of the Germanic culture in the ethnic, linguistic, religion, ethics, and folkways that have motivated American people from a Super-Conscious level. I used a biographical family narrative about my native Montana and related ethics, actions, and attitudes found in Old Norse sources like the 'Poetic Edda', and the 'Prose Edda'. I also presented the kindred themes found in the Angle-Seax 'Beowulf'. The religious, magico-religious, heroic, political, and family aspects were considered as a wholistic paradigm. Notice the influence of Stephen E. Flowers' concept of 'Integral Culture' on how I wanted to approach this project. This first approach is still relevant and indeed I still think that a healthy Asatru community is the best way. However, it might be too specialized at the current time to motivate a general populace toward action. Folks may have to come to the Asatru community gradually and in their own time.

The Super-Conscious and inherently Traditional direction already has an American literate collection of work that was prescient in its warnings and directions toward an improved state. I was not aware of this and indeed it was my practice of an attuned magico-religious work that made me fortunate enough to connect with the rede of the right synchronicities to recognize those who were already advancing the work of building a better America. Coincidental to this were two nearly simultaneous meetings of literate resources. Tom Sunic and Kevin MacDonald have done considerable work on what America is now because of various sources of influence. More important to me, they also present a hope of what America could have been and what our nation might yet be.

As I encountered prospects for what America could have been and could still choose to achieve, I encountered a teacher who brought me a quantum leap forward. Here is what happened.

For many of us a connection to ancient ancestors and recent relatives is evident as a perception that calls to us or even a more evident manifestation of created environment. I live in the Northwestern United States. The fortunate advancement of my own understanding came from the unexpected quarter of the Southern U.S. with the introduction of how an agrarian, heroic, and chivalrous culture coincided with my own experience as a native and life-long resident of Montana. This Southern paradigm represents a culture that could have contributed to a better America and still might with the dedicated proponents that are keeping the possibility alive today.

It began with my reading an excellent essay on the esoteric discussion forum called, "The Southern Connection" by a Spiritual and intellectual man named Dow. I commented my support and it resulted in an online correspondence. I mentioned to the gentleman from Alabama that his agrarian and anti-modernist direction toward Tradition reminded my of what I had experienced growing up in Montana. He said, "Funny thing, I happen to be in Missoula for a short visit." I told him Missoula is my home town and I was able to meet in person with Dow. He is Spiritually advanced and a real power in intellectual erudition.

Dow's teaching method is to share the best in recommended sources and share his enthusiasm for possible solutions to the obvious devolvement of any real culture by the present Modernist American mainstream. I have learned so much that I hardly know where to start. As far as influences toward dramatic advancements in my life there has been, in chronological order, Ayn Rand, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Stephen E. Flowers, and Dow. That so many Ancient Traditionalist and political insights have existed in hidden archives, suppressed by Modernist education, is amazing. Here is an account of where we are bringing our sources to light and toward implemented manifestation.

To use an older historical perspective to explain the changes that diminished our power, and how some of our power was preserved I submit the following. Among our people in Europe, shifts in respect for sovereignty began as changes implemented within our culture were accepted in order to realign with another culture. Before this acceptance of change, the Old Ways of attention to the Gods dwelling in Asgard and their society in Midgard had generally united sovereign tribes in mutual purpose. Where there were conflicts of interest, at least there was a common world-view and an acknowledgement of kinship that could resolve conflicts in time. Then, an acquiesence to the economic and political and sometimes military force of foreign societies of various types resulted in an external display of changing loyalties. This was only, and could only, be accepted at a conscious and practical level and the original direction of the tribal and individual life became subconscious. That there could have been a Superconscious facilitation of this change might be evident in how the 'new' paradigm was shaped by the intent of the older paradigm. For discussion of this please see "The Germanization of Early Medeival Christianity" by James C. Russell.

The time for a reawakening and recognition of this older paradigm is evident in the gaining strength of Asatru and similar interests in native Germanic religions. Likewise philosophers of Germanic and other traditional origin are being studied at a grassroots level in defiance of the politically correct mandates of Modernist education. This impetus toward thinking about who we are and the actions, however minor at first, of taking back our heritage is gaining momentum in respect to our European lineage. It seems ironic and somewhat discouraging that there is so much disrespect among Europeans for any American prospect at this time. I believe that it is among a mis-directed European culture of Modernism that we can attribute a loss of American integrity that gained a foothold here and then was re-directed back to Europe as a claimed American hegemony and patronage imposed after World War Two. Any loss of an instinctual American reliance on something Traditional came from an original directive from the Leftists that were sometimes adamantly Marxist and sometimes more subtley Leftist in the directives of a supposedly 'sophisticated' existential nihilism that further separated Europeans from their heritage and later was exported to New York and promulgated to the rest of the United States as 'education'. This is studied by a contemporary observer of the invasion by the works of Donald Davidson and others of the South who were also aware of how a particular world view had also been imposed upon a native people after the Civil War. The use of standardized education as a means of controlling a populace had already been used in an attempt to bring any dissidents to heel. The flow of approved information from government to the south set a precedent that would be used for the rest of the nation with increasing effect in later generations.

Donald Davidson seemed prescient in how he predicted this would play out during the imposition of the New Deal mandates as directives from a central authority to attempt an operational concensus imposed upon regions. This prescient work appeared in 1938 as "Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States : The Attack on Leviathan". Donaldson was a renaissance man and in addition to social and political sciences he wrote epic poetry in works like "The Tall Men". He was one of the twelve 'Agrarians' sometimes called the 'Fugitives' that were on the faculty of Vanderbilt University. Their work, "I'll Take My Stand" is considered a literary classic that is traditionally conservative yet studied by enthusiastic readers of academia in general.

It was evident from the poems and literature that Dow introduced that these Southern Agrarians, especially Davidson, were familiar with Germanic and other European Myth and legend. They expressed the worlds of the ancient ones in words of their times then and their times now. It is clear that their times are still with us. That is why we respond so strongly.

Considering what Tom Sunic says (Quote here) I payed careful attention to the sources recommended by Dow. Often we resonate best with intellectual work that correspondends most strongly with our personal life narratives. That is why Richard M. Weaver (years) spoke directly to me. His Traditional Conservative stand was acquired after a youthful foray as a Leftist organizer in his early college years. He became disillusioned with the Socialists and after meeting some of the Southern Agrarians and becoming a student of Donald Davidson, he found his true calling. Some of Weaver’s books are, "Ideas Have Consequences" and "In Defense of Tradition". Weaver found that the personal connections with the Conservatives revealed them to be better people than the Leftists in daily discourse and social meetings.

The following is from the blog
Tentative Introduction :  Revolution is action toward consciously choosing our direction of evolution.  I began this book about 7 years ago in a phase of inspired learning.  While I owe much to the works of others, it seems that there is something about a return to memory in my own life that could contribute to our cause.  I've been lucky, both in my finding literature that guides and mentors who point even further upward toward realization.  These mentors return when the time is right to show me even more of what we already know in our highest memory and future aspirations.   

                           ALTERNATIVE AMERICA. NATION BUILDING.

                                                      Chapter One
Reflective memory with ambitious action could be our way to regain a sense of dynamic living. When creating an alternative America, the model of what works is already there in a recent past era. I identify this era as about 1946 to 1964. There was a continuation of beneficial aspects into the 1970s much like how the effect of one governmental administration will continue into the next one.

I believe that one reason for this successful era was based upon the presence of an earlier trend of thought that could be called “Old School” Conservatism. This Traditional Conservatism was based in turn upon ancient principles and Spiritual awareness of our European heritage. To get to the root of that heritage it is necessary to look to the Primary Sources in literature, art, and archeology. These are found in works of the Medieval age that are often representations of an even earlier age. The advantage to a science of history and research is that the work on recovering this lore improves as we move forward. This is sometimes reinforced by fortunate discoveries that improve our understanding.

The theme of the early years of my own work was how these Primary Sources are able to elucidate our purpose and also greatly improve how we relate to living the lives we should. That early year study is available in previous editions and will be included here only to reiterate my more recent study. It follows that our interests meet with fortunate circumstances in meeting those interests. So an area of intellectual, political, and especially Spiritual information is available from sources that are less well known than what is presented in the standard educational programs of our modern society. We are not trying to become modernists, with an agenda of repression. We are trying to become Traditionalists with a sense of remembrance and expression.

I'm doing this because it is fun and life should be interesting. Certainly the subject is serious and there could be consequences if enough people are as impassioned as I am about alternative ways of making things right. So here are some elaborations on the original theme.

Perhaps I will begin an explanation of “Old School” with a mention that Russell Kirk is considered a stalwart intellect in Traditionalist Conservative thought. He wrote the introduction to Donald Davidson's “Attack on Leviathan : Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States” and pointed out the prescience of Davidson's warning of a “Great Society” in 1938. It was not until 1965 that Lyndon Johnson used the words, Great Society to describe his agenda. Russell Kirk was not only aware of the work of the Southern Agrarians of Vanderbilt but also the historical shapers of a philosophy of higher meaning in European history. The great thoughts and ideals that shaped a worldview that worked are his area of expertise. Of course he would probably maintain that the Spiritual destiny of a people provides each individual and their fellowship with that common sense of work and destiny.

By “Old School”, in describing Conservative thought, we could also mention Russell Kirk as a proponent and archivist of that historical and natural phenomenon that gave a literary expression to where we arrived as a nation. Russell Kirk is considered a stalwart biographer of those who preceded him and a philosophical influence on those who arrived later. For an account of the historical and philosophical background of this faith and family enjoyment culture called 'Conservatism' I would recommend “The Conservative Mind” published in 1953 in the parameters of the still hopeful era that I have identified.

At one time, Traditionalist Conservatism held the high ground for intellectual achievement, literature, and arts. However, Eastern Federal mandates were sponsoring and imposing a sweeping change that challenged the Traditionalist paradigm. Educational funds, legislative law, and a media overview were insisting upon a bureaucracy of compliance to a centralized egalitarian order. A few Traditionalists maintained their integrity and continued to publish and teach. This was considerably funded by the private sector of those who wanted to see freedom preserved. Richard M. Weaver wrote many articles and essays and gave lectures with the sponsorship of the Volker Fund.

That the Volker Fund sponsored both the early Libertarian thinkers and the Old School Conservatives shows that there might be more in common between Libertarian and Traditionalist proponents than might be indicated by the current skepticism between them today. Before anyone complains that a capitalist fund was behind it all, we might point out that Milton Friedman made a good point that the freedom of private benefactors to make a case is one of the prime differences between a totalitarian governmental society and a free society.

Toward Sovereignty

It has always seemed that there must be a government to maintain order and nurture human society. This governmental reality has been highly overrated when artificially constructed and unnoticed when a natural and organic process. Therefore, when constructing any theoretical model on how a new republic might function it might be best to look at some older models when nationalization and , certainly, globalization were not factors. This would be preliminary to ascertaining principles of a diplomatic, military, and economic sovereignty. This would be from a tribal era, much more personal, and much more committed to the well being of each individual. Those making a studied contribution to this field would be more qualified than myself to elaborate so I would recommend finding the work of those scholars.

My own background began with a study and enactment of a Heathen age that had its own culture and greatly influenced the incoming Christian culture. There are other people more qualified than myself in this area also yet there are sources that are available to us all. We do have “The Poetic Edda”, “The Prose Edda” and “Beowulf” to directly ascertain how the poets describe their culture.

This reawakening of the Elder Ways is greatly accelerating beyond where it began as academic and practical work by a few dedicated enthusiasts. It is now a wide phenomenon that is developing as a viable community of Religion, politics, and culture. This was where my early work in alternative realities focused. Eventually the Work itself leads to areas of interest that are in harmony with the practitioner. The devoted student of the Mysteries might seem separated from consensus reality for a while, yet returns with a stronger sense of mission to transform reality.

This new intent to transform reality could lead to some previously unexpected areas of work. At this time, I am considering two areas that need attention. Most relevant to this essay would be cultural independence for Europid people in terms of politics, economics, and the arts. Next, and probably most important in terms of immediate imperative and results, would be the transformation of the environment in relationship to the inner purpose of the individual.

Since the second area is the most immediate, I am taking those actions first and reporting back later about results. We improve the world best when we concentrate on what is closest to home. The household environment must be brought to higher standards and property is to be respected and secured. This is important and unique to each individual and will be a comparative description in a later theme.

Most obvious in this essay and certainly the most interesting would be the resources and achievements in terms of Europid politics, economics and arts. This will be like reporting an ongoing process with options for the people that are nation building. My focus with this essay is the creation of an alternative America. There are other options open to the White person who wants to survive and protect his descendents but in my opinion those should only be activated if we cannot bring back America as lived in the early years and protected by the United States Constitution. Tradition is where our best future will be found.

The following paragraph was posted as my comment on the original appearance of this essay on one of my blogs. It occurred to me that I might seem unpatriotic when I had in fact deeply respected certain patriots.

This respect for Tradition and how that relates to the United States Constitution is only one direction that our future might take. At one time it would have been my favorite option. I am a patriot because I come from a long line of patriots. Yet it is my people that I am patriotic toward. If they can't survive in the Leftist and oppressive direction that the current government is going, there are other very interesting options for an alternative America. We will eventually consider some of those.

A Homeland For Integral Living

There are themes that could be placed in action to renew the life my people once knew. This is much more than ‘nostalgia’. The time when America worked was based upon a sense of optimism that was active in honoring the past and working toward the future. My sense of a return to the Retromodern era as a way of choosing to regain a more integral standard of living comes naturally and is a living memory with the best promise toward results in futuristic efforts. I have as much awareness as anyone that we live in a Postmodern age. Within this Postmodern reality there are options from which to choose and I'm proposing a beneficial direction.

A few years ago, some people hoped that someone would take on the work of researching some potentials in America's history and some possible current actions that would be equivalent to the work being done in Europe by the New Right. Activist and intellectual Europeans were attempting to take back their Western culture. The literature developed by these people was profound for Europe, although very dismissive of America. This is important work that I enjoy very much yet something in me and my fellow Euro-Americans refuses to accept an imposed inferiority complex. We know we might be the last best hope for White European civilization. I started working toward this goal before I knew there was already strong work being done.

At the time I thought the best approach would be the awakening of the Germanic culture in the ethnic, linguistic, religion, ethics, and folkways that have motivated American people from a Super-Conscious level. I used a biographical family narrative about my native Montana and related ethics, actions, and attitudes found in Old Norse sources like the 'Poetic Edda', and the 'Prose Edda'. I also presented the kindred themes found in the Angle-Seax 'Beowulf'. The religious, magico-religious, heroic, political, and family aspects were considered as a wholistic paradigm. Notice the influence of Stephen E. Flowers' concept of 'Integral Culture' on how I wanted to approach this project. This first approach is still relevant and indeed I still think that a healthy Asatru community is the best way. However, it might be too specialized at the current time to motivate a general populace toward action. Folks may have to come to the Asatru community gradually and in their own time.

The Super-Conscious and inherently Traditional direction already has an American literate collection of work that was prescient in its warnings and directions toward an improved state. I was not aware of this and indeed it was my practice of an attuned magico-religious work that made me fortunate enough to connect with the rede of the right synchronicities to recognize those who were already advancing the work of building a better America. Coincidental to this were two nearly simultaneous meetings of literate resources. Tom Sunic and Kevin MacDonald have done considerable work on what America is now because of various sources of influence. More important to me, they also present a hope of what America could have been and what our nation might yet be.

As I encountered prospects for what America could have been and could still choose to achieve, I encountered a teacher who brought me a quantum leap forward. Here is what happened.

For many of us a connection to ancient ancestors and recent relatives is evident as a perception that calls to us or even a more evident manifestation of created environment. I live in the Northwestern United States. The fortunate advancement of my own understanding came from the unexpected quarter of the Southern U.S. with the introduction of how an agrarian, heroic, and chivalrous culture coincided with my own experience as a native and life-long resident of Montana. This Southern paradigm represents a culture that could have contributed to a better America and still might with the dedicated proponents that are keeping the possibility alive today.

It began with my reading an excellent essay on an esoteric discussion. The formidable essay was called, "The Southern Connection" by a Spiritual and intellectual man named Dow. I commented my support and it resulted in an online correspondence. I mentioned to the gentleman from Alabama that his agrarian and anti-modernist direction toward Tradition reminded my of what I had experienced growing up in Montana. He said, "Funny thing, I happen to be in Missoula for a short visit." I told him Missoula is my home town and I was able to meet in person with Dow. He is Spiritually advanced and a real power in intellectual erudition.

Dow's teaching method is to share the best in recommended sources and share his enthusiasm for possible solutions to the obvious devolvement of any real culture by the present Modernist American mainstream. I have learned so much that I hardly know where to start. As far as influences toward dramatic advancements in my life there has been, in chronological order, Ayn Rand, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Stephen E. Flowers, and Dow. That so many Ancient Traditionalist and political insights have existed in hidden archives, suppressed by Modernist education, is amazing. I would like to describe some areas of where we are bringing our sources to light and toward implemented manifestation.

To use an older historical perspective to explain the changes that diminished our power, and how some of our power was preserved, I submit the following. Among our people in
Europe, shifts in respect for sovereignty began as changes implemented within our culture were accepted in order to realign with another culture. Before this acceptance of change, the Old Ways of attention to the Gods dwelling in Asgard and their society in Midgard had generally united sovereign tribes in mutual purpose. Where there were conflicts of interest, at least there was a common world-view and an acknowledgement of kinship that could resolve conflicts in time.

Then, an acquiesence to the economic and political and sometimes military force of foreign societies of various types resulted in an external display of changing loyalties. This was only, and could only, be accepted at a conscious and practical level and the original direction of the tribal and individual life became subconscious. That there could have been a Superconscious facilitation of this change might be evident in how the 'new' paradigm was shaped by the intent of the older paradigm. For discussion of this please see "The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity" by James C. Russell.

The time for a reawakening and recognition of this older paradigm is evident in the gaining strength of Asatru and similar interests in native Germanic religions. Likewise
philosophers of Germanic and other traditional origin are being studied at a grassroots level in defiance of the politically correct mandates of Modernist education. This impetus toward thinking about who we are and the actions, however minor at first, of taking back our heritage is gaining momentum in respect to our European lineage. It seems ironic and somewhat discouraging that there is so much disrespect among Europeans for any American prospect at this time. I believe that it is among a mis-directed European culture of Modernism that we can attribute a loss of American integrity that gained a foothold here and then was re-directed back to Europe as a claimed American hegemony and patronage imposed after World War Two. Any loss of an instinctual American reliance on something Traditional came from an original directive from the Leftists that were sometimes adamantly Marxist and sometimes more subtley Leftist in the directives of a supposedly 'sophisticated' existential nihilism that further separated Europeans from their heritage and later was exported to New York and promulgated to the rest of the United States as 'education'. This is studied by a contemporary observer of the invasion by the works of Donald Davidson and others of the South who were also aware of how a particular world view had also been imposed upon a native people after the Civil War. The use of standardized education as a means of controlling a populace had already been used in an attempt to bring any dissidents to heel. The flow of approved information from government to be imposed upon the South set a precedent that would be used for the rest of the nation with increasing effect in later generations.

Donald Davidson seemed prescient in how he predicted this would play out during the imposition of the New Deal mandates as directives from a central authority to attempt an
operational consensus imposed upon regions. This prescient work appeared in 1938 as "Regionalism and Nationalism in the United States : The Attack on Leviathan". Donaldson was a renaissance man and in addition to social and political sciences he wrote epic poetry in works like "The Tall Men". He was one of the twelve 'Agrarians' sometimes called the 'Fugitives' that were on the faculty of Vanderbilt University. Their work, "I'll Take My Stand" is considered a literary classic that is traditionally conservative yet studied by enthusiastic readers of academia in general.

It was evident from the poems and literature that my friend and mentor Dow introduced, that these Southern Agrarians, especially Davidson, were familiar with Germanic and other European Myth and legend. They expressed the worlds of the ancient ones in words of their times then and their times now. It is clear that their times are still with us. That is why we respond so strongly.


When looking at the basic foundation of a caring and successful culture, we should start with the family and with strong individuals. The individual finds his strongest purpose in the context of the most immediate relationships. This has always worked best on the Land which is sacrosanct to nurturance and fulfillment. Ideally this would be a farmstead which would provide food and shelter at all times and also a gathering place for survival and celebration of the immediate kindred. Then there should be a surplus for commerce with the nearest town.

Then the surrounding interests of the society of individuals in the area would become known and appreciated as friends and participants in a common culture. With this there would come regional interests where known individuals could govern the prosperity and ecological vitality of the region. Let me amend the word 'govern' with 'facilitate' or another word more in keeping with participation for mutual purposes. We are trying to get away from 'govern' as a coercive presence.

Notice that this is a sequential relationship of the spiritual social realities to the physical manifestation of their best interests. There is a natural conceptual environment that is already in effect from those who have gone before. While there might be a time to rethink belief systems for purposes of true efficiency, this conceptual environment is perfectly valid or the family would not have survived. The level of thriving is also indicative of this true efficiency.

There was a time when the family farm was the place of work, economy, and gathering together. This monad lasted a while into the era when those raised on the farm went to more populated areas to work. They would still return to help with the work and sometimes to contribute or elicit economic support and always for celebrational gatherings. It was an era of economic prosperity that had a Spiritual aspect. This could be created again today as one step toward sovereignty.

There will be the beneficial periphery culture where the homesteaders participate in community and commerce. In actuality this comes to exist without much social engineering. There is attention to detail and function by those who voluntarily put together the community. There should be no influence or regulation by outside agencies who are not actual participants. At this time of a thriving community there are still the basic aspects of the family unit.


These are not administrators as employed and funded by any distant governing agency. These are positions of interested duty taken on by family and friends who have a vision for the best interests that the people of the community also share. The people we respect, and who have risen to create value in markets and services, are a meritocracy. There is a good chance that their dignity and influence would also qualify them as aristocracy, in the older sense, when regions and states and colonies were given special attention by individuals of achievement and ability. The word 'aristocracy' thus has a different meaning than 'monarchy' as we have come to know the terms. Of course, monarchy was originally intended as a Spiritual representation of the people.

We are taking back what is ours and what we have built. The obvious despotism has awakened a people to their Gods. It could be glibly stated that the Neo-Liberal intimidation specialists have awakened us to our Gods. Our founding mythology and culture is our association with our Gods. We recognize that as descendants of the Gods we are Gods ourselves. Now it is time to take back what we have created and also create new societies in keeping with Tradition that is our own work. A word here about the religious and cultural background that is our frame of reference. I am a participant in an Ancient Tradition which is sometimes called 'Asatru' and more broadly known as Heathen. The wider spectrum of our American heritage has a philosophy, power, and function that is Christian. Those of us in Asatru with more experience and educational research do not advocate against Christianity. The very survival and ethical nature of the Church, as formed in Europe, was an adaptation to the previous mores of the Northern European tribes. Please see "The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity" by James C. Russell for an accounting of how we we created a High Culture and protective warrior civilization through a syncretic creativity. I see no conflict between a panthenistic notion of God and the value created by our culture of churches. It is usually those new to Asatru who are riled up against Christianity. They often continue a Liberal mindset for many years.  We have time.  

Here is a sequence of options that might be workable at this time.  Before describing each one of these possibilities I want to say more about the first option as a cultural benefit.  It seems to me that there is a pre-verbal, or trans-verbal natural state that many of us experienced when life and society worked.  This could be called pre-theoretical.  This does not mean it is superior to the theoretical models that great minds and even active advocates have given us.  The natural quality of our best experience of social culture should be greatly considered anyway.  I might use more repetition of this first option because the recognition of the value there led me to study the others and appreciate what our great people have communicated to us.  Accomplishment is important here.  Those who have achieved or are achieving have more to teach us.  


A.  Family , farm, and neighborhood relationship to township and local economy and responsibility.  This option is described above. 

B.  County sovereignty with selected officials that also have full-time employment in private business.  

C.  State Sovereignty.  This would be a State Constitution  for an independent State that would be granted full status by the United States Constitution. 

D.  A complete political effectiveness in the three branches of the government of the United States of America so that control would be returned the individual as envisioned by the original founders. 

E.  A state that would enact Nullification and be granted exemption from Federal overreach.

F.  If not granted Nullification a state that has successfully enacted Secession and has independent status. 

G.  A confederation of states that have declared independence as a Regional sovereignty. 

H.  A confederation of states that have declared independence which might not be regional neighbors.


The above options are toward a sovereign community whether large or small. Considerations of statecraft with other areas domestic in terms of the current United States or foreign countries will be dependent upon locally determined interests and malleable changes within those foreign states


There is a parallel secession concept that could keep the individual and his kindred free while not attracting coercive violence by the established Liberal rulership. The Amish are a model we have for this. If we could have a free culture while telling the ruling elite to “mind your own business” , we could avoid not only a dramatic separation but a conflict like the failed Second Revolutionary War for Independence. Better to live in peace.

Any of the approaches above taken with personal responsibility could likely result in the formation of a new regional government. This could be an existing state or a geographical area that would become its own sovereign nation.

Attitude that stands up for ourselves and opposes central control will be imperative while in the process of revolution. The reasons many of us have for opposing excessive central control of the citizenry is nearly genetic. The history of genocide by governmental agendas upon independent farm owners, land holders, and intelligentsia is suppressed yet we remember. In my case, it was in Latvia where my relatives were taken from their farm and sent to die in a Soviet gulag. Those who were in the university and news journal departments were also sent away if they had ever opposed the Marxist agenda. The number of free native citizens murdered by the Marxists was nearly double of that attributed to the previous holocaust victims by the occupying German forces. However, we do not have an industry and educational agenda that uses our misfortune for economic, political, and educational interests. In fact it is the policy of the neo-Marxists worldwide, and in America, to insinuate that theirs is the ultimate victimhood. The educational and policy influence they have prevents any awareness of atrocity against free people from being known. At the very least they have made sure that the ongoing historical atrocity Europid people is not at the forefront of our awareness.

While I believe we have a genetic and instinctive memory of Marxist injustice, I also believe there are many in addition to myself who have met with cruel manipulation in the burgeoning crypto-Marxist culture of today.

Another theme of a constructive nature might be considered here. If we are to seriously try again with option A to maintain the stability and prosperity necessary to freely work on further options.


Facing disaster from the 'merits' of a two party political system, we might consider the advantages of an amendment to adopt a proportional representation system. The parliament is determined by the percentage of the vote garnered in each region. For example, if Montana would send 5 representatives (low population here - - some states might send 50) we might have 2 representing a Donald Trump party based upon votes. We might have 1 Democrat, 1 Republican and 1 libertarian representative. There are no wasted votes. An executive leader, like a president, would be chosen by a coalition agreement and turning bills into laws would also be dependent upon a wide coalition. This might allow for more statesmanship and minimize the current adversarial concern with propaganda.

This structure is based upon more than two parties. Here there are no wasted votes because the legislature designates members that represent the percentage of votes by the electorate. Thus in this country there could be as many as seven represented in the convening legislature and they would debate and vote toward who the president would be. This might not be as adversarial and cumbersome as the duality of the two party system in use today. With a wider selection of alternative ideas and ideals there would be more attention to the details of law making and better representation for considered opinions of the citizens. This might be objected to by those who have opinions about
the superiority of a more capable oligarchy or aristocracy based upon criteria of merit. However, where there is not the shallow and manipulative entrenchment of two party propaganda, there might be more wise and statesman quality discourse toward those recognized as meritorious for the wellness of the nation.

The next chapter will look at recent past times when America worked. There are Spiritual, philosophical, and cultural sources in Tradition. Our people are worldwide so there will be some mention of their efforts while bringing it all home right where we are now. Personal and family stories will always be relevant.

This is the conclusion of the Alternative America section. The complete book with that title (forthcoming and available now as a monograph-style booklet) will have that 'next chapter'. For now, let's move on to the Radical Traditionalist work in progress.

Toward A Radical Traditionalist, Libertarian, and Identitarian Model for Economic Culture


This work began in a state of enthusiasm for the possible. There were many ideas in areas of Political Science and esoteric retrieval of a better culture that brought me here. The ideas and practicalities of the trajectory of thought I encountered led me to increased learning. Thus, some of my early observations and solutions were improved. I think the arising activist culture in general made adjustments as we discovered what was sound and based upon workable solutions.

The following is from the text that I wrote several years ago. It began before there was any term like “Alt-Right” referring to an as yet unlabeled “Alternative Right.” That would come later, as would some corrections to my understanding. The following text has been improved and edited according to my further education. However, some basic premises have remained the same.


Our return to authentic living requires freedom to create the environment and society that we choose. We are fortunate in the United States of America to have that freedom. So far. We have the opportunity for a 'return to right' that will rebuild the best of economic factors. One of the most influential teachers in the field of our creative reawakening is Stephen E. Flowers. He has presented a model of the various aspects of 'Integral Culture' that is beyond the scope of this work. However those who wish further study in what we mean by 'culture' could do well to find his work.

My particular focus here is on economics that are in agreement with the self-determination required of authentic living. I believe that Libertarian Capitalism best represents the ambition and wealth that our ancestors knew very well. Let me amend that to Homestead Capitalism, since the manipulations of Globalist Corporate/State finance and politics are a force of our enemy. As far as the intellectual field of economic theory goes, I'm in way over my head. This work is my attempt to integrate what I know about the business of living with my learning from the best Capitalist minds. In my early study I looked at Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" as a primary source for observations and philosophy about the advance of Capitalism and freedom in creative and prosperous living. I found that in reality he rarely used the 'invisible hand' saying attributed to him by pundits today. He presented a good description of how products are made availalable through multiple interests but he was only describing an evolving social reality. He was an early scholar of Social Thought and Economics.

A more recent advocate is Ayn Rand. I know, I know - - there are some problems with her approach. A contemporary in free-market economic theory is Ludwig von Mises who founded the Austrian School of Economics which is dynamically influential today. The work of Nobel laureate F.A. Hayek is becoming more well known. Again, I'm aware that there are some problems with Libertarians in terms of what could occure in terms of 'dog eat dog' business practices and open borders.

I still think there are a number of great minds in Capitalism in both theory and practice that I want to study for my own advancement and for the benefit of my people. As experience and knowledge are gained, we know that Anarcho-Capitalism has much to offer as opposed to Globalist Corporate State finances. This issue will be dealt with.

In my experience the government has not been overly restrictive to my economic freedom. However I have witnessed the cruelty of the 'state' despotism toward others. For myself and others it has been the media most recently that threatens a world-view and relationship necessary for success. My recent ancestors did not have the continuous distraction and detrimentally counterproductive morass that bombards us today. In my own case the most serious threat to my prosperity came with a Socialist agenda of my peer group in the late 1960's and early 1970's. I was fortunate to withstand the pressure then and I'm making a stand now.

The free market has a practical manifest condition and a more ethereal philosophy that describes it. I say 'describes' because the dynamics of Capitalism are in full effect as a vital process. There is an attempt on my part to show something mystic about the principles of prosperity. When observing the mystic realities there is a perception that the manifest physical and the numinous are not mutually exclusive by any means. This understanding of the basic goodness of life is where Heathen economics are bound to better describe transactions of life than the teachings of Christianity which have never been a very good fit without some tweaking. The self-contradictions of the anomic world-view of early Christian culture required considerable correction and adjustment from the world accepting early Germanic tribes. This was, and is, a Spiritual connection to ambition, courage, adventure, enjoyment, abundance, and generosity. The Primary Source evidence of our Germanic wealth concepts have been shown in my more specialized work. Here I want to show points of agreement with Libertarian Capitalism and consider some possible advancements in a wide field of economic alternatives. These 'alternatives' will not be from 'modernism' which has already damaged economic and ecological factors. These alternatives will be more in the form of agreeable possibilities in the 'Radical Traditional' field that shows so much wisdom and potential today.

I want to determine how much syncretic value there is in the theories of Radical Capitalism and the emergence of Radical Traditionalist education. That the Radical Traditionalist values tribal and regional indigenous culture and economics is not a problem to my Capitalist worldview since I've seen investment, work, and profit at a family level. I grew up with an immediate association with people who were building a dwelling community.

Granted, Northern Europe is the source of a return to Ancestral Ways if we are trying to regain a Radical Traditionalist approach to living as an individual in a tribal way of honoring maximum potential. Yet it would seem that as far as 'historicity' goes we in America can also call upon a rich heritage of genius from the Agrarian and Capitalist era of the American Revolution and the principles of freedom that those great minds protected in the Constitution of the United States of America. Of course in the recent past and also very recently there came a time when 'progressive modernism' tried to overthrow those principles for the sake of a 'collective' society for non-exceptionalist doctrines. My interest is in returning to the freedom to thrive and live in an exceptional way. Among the works of the Founding Fathers there are references to the Traditional freedoms found in Anglo-Saxon English Common Law.

Above there has been mention above of 'dwelling' and 'historicity' which could remind us of the work of Martin Heidegger who is highly respected in the Radical Traditionalist school. His talk at an architects convention became printed as "Building Dwelling Thinking". This work reminds us that the reason for building is because we have learned dwelling as a way of being conscious of ourselves as enowning of Being where we live. His term 'Dasein' literally means 'there being'. As related to 'historicity' Heidegger pointed out that we come into the world within a community with its own traditions already in place. It seems to me that the Primordial Traditions would have continued through the generations and could have been accessed in a conscious way by our ancestors in the American Colonial era. There was certainly an active Folk Lore from Europe that lived with the settlers. This may have been more prominently Heathen than that which was allowed in a centralized authoritarian Christian Europe that was attempting to become Middle Eastern Universalist. Tribal ways and regional ways were transplanted to America. They emigrated to America. The environmentally syncretic way that these existed on the ancient landscape here is a matter for intuitive study that should be based upon and informed by knowing the lore teachings.

Back to the more strictly Libertarian educational and political theme as it made a return to the American scene in the 20th century, we have a variety of versions. The subjectively rationalist or 'objectivist' school of philosophical Capitalist advocates are only part of the Libertarian story. Libertarianism also has a history of those who acknowledged the psychological and spiritual nature of mankind. Some were quite mystical in their interests. Some displayed amazing abilities in what are called psychic abilities.

It is in the area of publishing, self-publishing, pamphleteering, and research foundations that the Libertarian adventure reached growth beyond the few enthusiastic advocates that began it all. A political party was late in coming because early Libertarians saw themselves as more appreciative of the educational aspect of activism. They were
always an elite few who were going against the tide of mass culture. To campaign for political office would have been an unsuccessful and ironic use of their time. A government of politicians was seen as the problem, not the solution. Yet they wanted their message to reach enough people to make a difference.

It seems to me that the possibility of a Libertarian Party was only open in the 1970's and it was bound to be very small and eccentric in the early years. The more profound and influential Libertarians were in the academic and foundation institutions of education. The time how seems right that enough people are intuitively wanting an alternative that election results are hopefully effective.

The Radical Traditionalist is free to build his own dwelling and thrive in all matters of his humanity. The social aspects of his dwelling should coincide with his own sovereign nature. I hope to manage a prosperous publishing empire from this homestead. There could also be transactions in merchandise. There could also be grants from benefactors toward this work. Milton Freidman makes some good points toward the importance of patrons when making revolutionary changes to society. In his, "Capitalism and Freedom" he points out that publishing with profit or patron funding has precedence, and is only possible in, a free society. This means a Capitalistic society. This is another place where Libertarian and Radical Traditional notions are in agreement in actual terms.

That we could encourage a better economy seems like an exciting prospect that keeps me passionately enthused about Libertarian Free Market education. I'm only a beginner at knowing the full range of resources, yet I bring an experiential and philosophical perspective that might be unique. We are unapologetic individualists. During my metaphysical and magical adventures I was especially attracted to the intelligence and freedom seeking observations of Robert Anton Wilson. I recall reading that he identified himself as a Libertarian but I didn't understand the full context at the time. Recently while reading  Radicals for Capitalism : A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement by Brian Doherty, I encountered tales of Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Heinlen in the middle chapters. It was true, what I always suspected, that freedom is the nexus of a truly cosmic life. Experimental and heretical approaches to defining and living the economic, political, and ontological understanding of the individual have interesting and successful precedents. The more advanced Spiritual nature of these erudite historians and pioneers is evident in their instructive humor. Robert Anton Wilson was among the best at this good-natured humor. Like many Libertarians, his erudition went beyond technical economics to encompass a wide range of the human experience. The anti-mystic bias of Ayn Rand was probably the result of her limited and unpleasant previous associations with religious and paranormal possibilities. I would agree with her in her anti-church stance up to a point. Anyway, Ayn Rand was valuable to my escape from the Marxists. I have tried to study Objectivism including the text by Leonard Peikoff but found it too dull for the amount of mental investment I would need to make. I do find "The Objective Standard" quarterly to be interesting, challenging, and very current. Relevant work providing the reader makes some adjustments according to one's own educated insights.

As an experienced practitioner of esoteric operant philosophy, I found more satisfying and certainly functional mainstream philosophy in other areas than the limits of Objectivism. It's true that much of standard philosophy is counter-productive to the Individualist and productive humanity that Rand advocates. Even before I discovered that there is a rich background of Libertarian Freedom advocates other than Rand, I eventually found philosophers who are sympathetic and supportive of our cause. The work of Martin Heidegger is an inspirational source for philosophy of a spiritual intent.

Which leads us to the Radical Traditionalist approach. This is an enowning of a grand heritage. The power of the individual is given respect in the context of his relationship to his true society. This is an Individualist in a Libertarian sense and also considers that the individual acts within a civilization if he wants to be challenged, grow, and thrive. The most directly influential society is the local and regional connection to the immediate environment and tribal interests. Globalization is only of value in the event that it brings abundance to the immediate region. There is no centralized authority who is not of immediate presence to the individual. This rejection of a centralized planning bureaucracy and resisting global socialism is greatly important to both the Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian. 

Here I would like to explain some of the definitions of the Radical Traditionalist school and recommend some resources. Most important would be to read all four of the journals currently published called "Tyr : Myth, Culture, Tradition". These are edited by Michael Moynihan and Joshua Buckley. There is a compendium of articles by the best minds in the Germanic reawakening, past and present. Consider this a review and a strong recommendation for any of the four volumes published at this time. As a short description in a review and endorsement, I would like to mention the introductory principles of the Radical Traditionalist as given on page 7 of volume one.

"Our ideals are simple:
1. Resacralization of the world versus materialism.
2. Folk/traditional culture versus mass culture.
3. Natural social hierarchy (based, perhaps, on Dumezil's "three functions) versus an artificial hierarchy based upon wealth.
4. Tribal community versus the nation-state.
5. Stewardship of the earth versus the "maximization of resources".
6. A harmonious relationship between men and women versus the "war between the sexes".
7. Handicrafts and artisanship versus industrial mass-production."

I'm continuing this work because the area of thought is so compelling and addresses many of the issues of today's American culture. Yes, the dominant media of American culture is superficial and deplorable. The issues stand beyond the punditry and 'entertainment' aspects that shape the news. Yet within the context of some commentators and panels there is the possibility of discourse and a call to action. It varies.

The theme of 'democracy' has been called into question by those who have experienced the despotism that a small majority can hold over a minority. Those in the minority should also have the rights of their own sovereignty. Likewise (and more problematic today) a majority that has been misled by despots can be created to destroy a natural culture. That is addressed in the genius of the United States Constitution. With the several functions of control over any Federal abuse of power we get by with slowing any 'change' that would have detrimental effects. There is a wide range of recourse to due diligence before any enslavement or impoverishment can occur through a temporary mandate of those who gain power. This political drama is evident today and it was from the beginning.

The Federalist advocates always had an argument from those who thought a limited government would be best and best initiated at the state and local level. This is most harmonious to the Radical Traditionalist project. The Libertarians advocate a minimum government also.

Libertarian Economics As Harmonious To The Reawakening.

Capitalism could be considered the very essence of the ambitious courage that motivated our Folk toward prosperity. That the individual of strength and intelligence could combine the resources of a tribal community toward endeavors of gain and maintenance of secure homeland was a function of free enterprise and not a distant centralized government. There were certain religious and social Traditions that guided the tribal direction.

I believe that a return to the religion, tradition, and culture of the Ancients would be a way to transcend the difference of opinion between those who advocate Faith and those who advocate atheism as a background for Libertarian principles.

The immediate dwelling and homestead of the individual is where sovereignty exists as a premium right. How the family dwells in that stead is a matter of personal rights and responsibilities. There is an endeavor of further community that supports the thriving of the home dwelling. Sometimes this could be within the immediate neighborhood and sometimes areas more distant could have more social and economic relevance to the prosperity of the homestead. A job or business location might be more influential to the state of the home than a location in near proximity. In more ancient terms, the trading or hunting enterprise might have once been a journey by ship or overland expedition to acquire wealth for the tribe. Now this journey might be into the areas of construction, commerce, or trading in the social fields of the enterprising world. This is a difficult quest and there should be no barriers or fines raised by abstractions of a self-appointed 'government'. This leveler of barriers and fines will use its own doctrine (indoctrination) to maintain generations of workers conscripted to support the powerful in their positions. These so-called 'powerful' can only exist through the assent of the conscripted.
The real power resides in the homestead. It is here that the Spirit and mind of the individual dwells. There must usually be a tribe where the full advance of this power is given full presence and context. It is in the tribe that nurturing toward growth exists. It is in the tribe that challenges for advancement is developed toward opportunity. It is in the tribe that courage is found.

The Radical Traditionalist, as represented by Alain de Benoist and brilliantly described by the genius of Michael O'Meara, has a school of activist politics in Europe that seem to advocate that a true Monarchy would be preferable to an oppressive democracy. Europe has its own destiny and rightful direction and it is no doubt true that they should look to their own ways. Yet when looking at the New Right's insistence on indigenous sovereignty for each culture there would probably be a distinctive place in the mythography and political geography of the United States. I would maintain that in the establishment of a colonial culture there was also a kingly leadership of merit that was akin to the old European reign of tribal Jarls and Konungurs. A region was ruled and protected by a First Function person or persons of very high quality. This was repeated in the Colonial steads of obviously intellectually brilliant and economically successful landholders. It was a place for the powerful First Function to rise to its rightful leadership. I have maintained that as a western migration of our people occurred there was also an integration of individuals with all three Dumizelian functions needed to survive and thrive. This was certainly true for the Icelandic farmers. I believe that the arrival of Germanic people in the New World also called for this individual taking of responsibility. As populations increased here there was opportunity and necessity for a 'division of labor' as each individual took his own place in society. It was then that the obvious personal power and ability of those of a regal human nature could direct the wise and successful path to victory and abundance.

Cosmic Libertarians.

Robert Anton Wilson. We are blessed to have our memories of him. Ah ..... those were the days. The man known as RAW had a good-hearted cosmic sense of humor inspired by a seeking spirit that was erudite and entertaining. Robert Heinlein. We are blessed to have our memories of him. I didn't know the works of Heinlein as well as Wilson's , yet his cosmic sci-fi novels influenced many in my generation.

I've suspected for some time that the cause of Freedom was more inclusive and varied than the Objectivism of Ayn Rand. Don't get me wrong - - I still think 'Atlas Shrugged' is one of the most important books for our time. However it could have been shorter and made the point just as well. The philosophical school that developed from her teaching and her intellectual heirs seems a little stifling and strident. There might be a time to be aggressively strident in the defense of the individual when opposed by collectivist totalitarians. There is also a time to have a little faith. The anti-mysticism of Objectivism always seemed to me a little restrictive of the human spirit.

Imagine my delight when I found my fellow mystics and freedom advocates in the pages of a historical study of the Libertarian cause. Radicals for Capitalism : A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement by Brian Doherty is a massive and engaging study of the history of a cause that becomes more relevant every day.

The history of Libertarian thought unfolds in this book as a dramatic narrative. Some could find the field of technical economics boring. Not in this book. Its about time that something as interesting and exciting as economic recovery found an intelligent voice for our times. Libertarian stands against 'statist totalitarianism' have not always had the growing popular support it does now. It was originally an intellectual exercise in human potential. Early recognition for these brave intellectuals came with the Nobel Prize in economics being awarded to three freedom advocates, Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, and James Buchanan.

Milton Friedman was considered 'out there' when he advocated that the mail and package service could be more successful outside the monopoly of government control. Now we have the UPS and Federal Express services to expand our options. He also advocated for eliminating military conscription. Now we have a voluntary professional military. His guidance to presidents was responsible to some of our best economic times.

This brings us to the anti-war movement and the strong presence of Libertarian youth in demonstrations for peace in the late 1960's and early 1970's. It was not the case in my leftist university, but in most places the Right had demonstrators and activists against war across the country. Ayn Rand did not like the hippies, or most other Libertarians for that matter. They liked her however. Doherty's book showed me that even though I never met any at my Left Wing school, there were psychedelic hippies on the Right politically. Doherty covers their relationship to the Marxist SDS that I encountered at my school. It is ironic that when the SDS was acting with despotism toward me the teachings of Ayn Rand made me stand up for myself as an individual with rights.

Fast forward to another time when a collectivist religion demanded my allegiance and I found escape velocity through the cosmic Libertarian, Robert Anton Wilson. Erudition can lead us away from despots. Authentic humor is a blessing. Authenticity has been ignored too long as a cosmic principle of realization.

The idea that no 'state' should have economic or social engineering control over the rights of the individual has been considered heretical since the American Progressivist era that was strongly influenced by socialist thinking in Europe. The progressive socialist agendas did not, and still do not, serve Europe well. Europe's debacles have been more dramatic in the recent past and their effects today may create greater malaise than we see so far in America. However, we don't seem to get it that there are those who have seen repeated European progressivist failure and warn against trying to make it work here. Repeated failure of social engineering by a centralized national or global authority is a warning that we should consider letting the individual and the local tribe determine the actions of a culture toward its rightful destiny.

The free market tribal rights of economic and political interests have been researched by my cosmic heroes in the areas of Libertarian Spiritual and philosophical persuits of a challenging, meaningful, and abundant life. The "Radicals for Capitalism" book expanded my knowledge of the varied culture of Libertarians. Avenues of research offer exciting adventures in what I might have considered 'dry' technical data from what I had previously thought were boring economists. One of the many interesting research
sources that Doherty introduced to me is the "Cato Institute". In these difficult economic times, and by those who tried to prevent these difficult times, the Cato Institute has won the attention of policy makers who really want to make things better. An economic recovery is an exciting prospect and worthy of enjoyable discourse for advocates of freedom.

A recent issue of the Cato Journal mentions that F. A. Hayek and others in the minarchist school of Libertarian thought have advocated that ‘Tradition’ in terms of what has worked in the past for customs that have advanced survival of a people might determine what small function is appropriate for government.

When speaking of the Radical Traditionalist school there are many sources of leadership presentations. Two of the most often represented philosophers are Martin Heidegger and Julius Evola. The following observance is about how Martin Heidegger relates to my own journey of mystical wealth.

Early in this study I mentioned the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. My appreciation of Heidegger’s work goes beyond book study and carries into the world of comprehending daily life and my unique situation. With Dasein all individuals have a unique situation. This is described in the words of Heidegger experts as, “In each case, one’s own.”. One aspect that makes the enowning of Dasein personal, and at the same time community oriented, is the concept of ‘historicity’. We come into the world through those who have gone before. Dasein is ‘there being’ literally and Being is what Heidegger looks at in his major work, “Being and Time”. The temporal aspect of time is what brings historicity into the experiential nowness of Being.

So here is some historicity that shows my enowning of wealth. It was immediately after World War II that the family of my father joined together in a building enterprise. Three brothers and a cousin had the ambition and faith to begin a home building business. This endeavor took courage and cooperation that combined unique areas of ability. My father had worked to support his family since the age of twelve. His own father had a stroke and these were the times of the Great Depression. Dad was an enthusiastic and creative worker who found an essential value in the making of money. He had some money for the building enterprise and certainly provided his own physical labor. One brother had graduated from architecture school and their houses were the first in Missoula to have a Frank Lloyd Wright theme of environmental consideration for design. Another brother also had a knack for construction and worked hard. A cousin from Latvia was sponsored to become a U.S. citizen after being released from war camps and the grips of The  Marxist Soviet Union. 

This meeting of a team endeavor shaped a direction of building during what could be both prosperous and environmentally considerate times. Nobody thought about being ‘hip’ to an environmental agenda. They were naturally appreciative of their environment and culture. Wealth achievement advanced human ambitions while appreciating the natural environment. We could do it again.

Conclusion to the Radical Traditionalist section of this book. Again, the trajectory of this theme will be available in the complete book form and now in a monograph-style booklet. The Spiritual lives of Libertarians during the pamphleteering and public educational phase before the creation of an actual national Libertarian Party organization is the most metaphysically interesting history. We know there are problems with the strictly 'dog-eat-dog' economics even with the Non Aggression Principle and we know that there are problems with the cultural dismisiveness of Ancestral connections. Having said that, I     wanted to give the 7 precepts of the Radical Traditionalist program and look for any similarities.

Retrofuturist America
To conclude my compendium I would need a larger book. I want to get this one out there. Action vs more theory. However, I would like to get in at least few pages from my Retrofuturist America : A Montana Perspective blog. This is where the wheels meet the road.

Here are some excerpts from Retrofuturist Montana.

Some of us remember a time that worked.  Those who did not experience that era seem lost in the machinations of an intentional decline.  This insistence on our surrender was carefully engineered to remove us or enslave us to agendas of globalist subversion.  Standing up for ourselves and against the dominant socio-political directives of media/public doctrine/government is essential to recover our formerly positive and aware destiny.

Much of this work was originally posted on my Facebook page.  Sometimes they were complete essays and sometimes they were in a continuing series.

The term 'retrofuturist' is derived from the important work of Guillaume Faye who has a widely published theme of "Archeofuturism."  This is a proposal to bring the best of archaic traditions that shaped us in the best way forward into the future rather than letting it be mere nostalgia.  I was working on the theme with a trajectory from my native Montana a few years before I'd heard of Faye.  All due respect is given to the great minds of Europe and to those forgotten intellectuals of America who will be relevant here. 

A related theme, in my opinion, is the Private Property Rights work of Hans-Hermann Hoppe.  His endeavor is about creating value without the influence of State mandates.  Private enterprise is the entire social and economic structure in what that distinct group of Libertarians call, 'Anarcho-Capitalism'.  I had watched Capitalism function as a beneficial system in Montana farmstead and town life.  This is definitely distinct from, and contrary to, globalist corporate state capitalism, I called the economic and social experience I knew "Homestead Capitalism" which may or may not resemble the Anarcho-Capitalist theory.  

Whereas the works of Hans-Hermann Hoppe in the area of Mises Austrian economics is intellectual and professorial beyond my expertise, the Montana Retrofuturist project is experiential and within my comprehensive knowledge.  The same goes for interesting metapolitics of others within the esoteric Right that is promising toward our learning how to think beyond prescribed 'higher education' and media.  Some expertise seems to belong to others who we can learn from and respect.  The experiential and deeply integrated insight that we possess ourselves needs to be expressed also.

The purpose of Retrofuturism is not mere nostalgia.  It must be lived in the present day as a projection into the future.  A better future.  That will be the theme after a narrative that tells about who we are in more recent times.   

This is about our presence in life that is timeless yet encompasses all time. The Primordial informs the records of the Perennial which informs the eras where we place our daily awareness; and the memories that make us who we are. There is a pulse toward continuation that is ever-present, that we know instinctively, yet awaits our disciplined recognition that there is a greater Consciousness. I found it fun to study New Thought teaching as a modeled presentation of certain principles that are religious while transcending religion. Before getting into the history and personalities of New Thought, I want to take some road trips in old cars.

It was the early 1950s so most of the cars winding through the mountain hills and valleys were from the 1940s. Winter roads were perfectly fine with some care and attention. Snow was not a big deal but watch for ice. Heaters were probably as good as they are now. The car I'm in has some weight and wide tires that were checked for tread and traction. I wouldn't know about responsible stuff like that because I just see the big moon, hear the whistle of a train at our side heading for the overpass. I marvel at the big shadows of the peaks. A distant neon sign is a blinking old friend that probably named the cafe but I can't read yet so I just imagine it has some magic purpose.

That was the trip to my grandmother's in East Missoula. The trip to Lolo to my other grandmother and grandfather's farm was a little longer but about the same. The people making frequent trips in those 'old' cars were not concerned that they were just machines forging into the winter. They were not about to wait for the technology of the automobile to improve. I'm not sure it ever did.

We travel where we will, bearing some forethought and caution when warranted. The bundling up and journey and greetings on arrival are the same as they were with wagons or horseback or walking. Life is motion either across the landscape or across time. There is something there with us. Something that is about us.

In my study of the German mystic philosopher, I saw a photo of his home in the mountains of the Black Forest.  It told me something about relating to kindred spirits.  So I posted the photo on Facebook and continued with an introduction to my theme. 

Thre is a pictorial view of Martin Heidegger's home near the German village of Todtnauburg in the Black Forest. Ski hill in the distance. I'm posting related text here because it was a place he could write some of his greatest works and be with his family. His wife was an avid skier. There is something in that world beyond the athleticism and culture of skiing. It relates to the theme of a Source return to another beginning that I'm working on with the terminology of a New Thought paradigm. I won't be using Heideggerian terms. I've done that elsewhere for fun and practice. I'm no longer a skier and I'm certainly no Martin Heidegger, but there is something that compels me to state a potential that is positive and above rancor. The challenge is to transcend what I'm AGAINST and remember what I'm FOR. This involves journeys in old cars and the exhilaration of skiing as related to nature, people, mission, and time.

A 1952 Mercury navigated the slush and mud of the last day of spring skiing at the old Snow Park ski area north of Missoula. Nobody showed up on the hill except my uncle Kris and the developers of the ski hill. The owners knew everyone by name (and their children and occupations) in those days. No customers on the hill except myself and Kris, so Mr. Flaccus and Mr. Johnson wanted to tow us on skis behind their snowcat to the top of the mountain. They wanted to show us something. We got to the top of a peak beyond the bounds of the ski area and they pointed down the other side of the mountain. "That is where we are building the new area." I was a little surprised that Snow Park would be closing, but excited that the new Snow Bowl would someday have an actual chairlift.

Kris and I thought it would be an adventure to ski down the forested mountainside - just the way it was - before development. It was the last chance to ski that year. The patches of rocks were hard on our skis but there would be a whole summer to make repairs. We eventually reached a lower logging road and hiked back up to where the car was parked at the tiny parking area of Snow Park. I took one last look at the warming cabin with the double barrel wood stove. It was late spring in 1961. Snow Park was history.

That day, my uncle Kris and I had been the first people to ski Montana Snow Bowl.

How did I get so lucky? That is a theme I want to look at in the context of fortune and destiny where each of us are connected.

 I called the next post a 'Short Intermission'.  I wanted to acknowledge a scholar, pictorial book publisher, and historian of our Montana landscape.  I had a motive of respecting his work while making it clear I was relying on my own memories and research.

No, I'm not using Stan Cohen's fascinating book , "Downhill in Montana" as a resource for my theme. It's all my own memories. I don't have the book for reference at this time. I will say that I'm glad that I gave a copy to Kris and we had some enjoyable time remembering. He'd had some strokes and was not the athletic powerhouse he'd once been. But the young man from war-torn Latvia who made the best of things in America was still there. We looked at an overhead photo of the Snow Park parking lot (only a slight widening of the road really) and identified the cars that indicated who had been on the hill that day.

Stan Cohen probably does not remember me. He was one of those movers and shakers in the skiing community that I just assumed were meant to be there. One year he operated a ski shop on the far south end of Higgins Avenue. I might be the only person who remembers that. The shop was built to look like a small chalet. I think it became a photographer studio and is now a beauty shop. Stan Cohen knew his customers well. He knew what level of skier they were and what their goals were. It was a good place.

As another teaser about my main theme : Does the fact that the South Higgins ski shop closed mean that Stan Cohen is a failure?  No.  He went on to manage the ski shop at Snow Bowl.  The owner of Pictorial Histories Publishing Co. and a director of the Museum of Mountain Flying, and respected archivist for the University of Montana is a great success. We make efforts toward our dreams and they can take shape in ways that have their own purposes.

 My theme of a mountain culture and how Montana Snow Bowl was created from Imagination meeting Divine Potential is not meant to be instructive in tone. It is shared enthusiasm. The very nature of New Thought insists that you already Know.

Some folks already manifest better than I do. But it is not a contest.

A thought on Quantum Non-Locality. Realities in the dimensions already exist in potential. It is a matter of Consciousness what we choose to create.

After some clues about where, in part, this series was headed, I linked a graduate dissertation that was a matter of UM Business School but was so thorough and accurate that it had to touch upon the metaphysical theme also.    

There is a lot of heart in this graduate dissertation for Master of Business Administration. Since I saw the events personally, I can vouch for the accuracy of events and the human tone of an amazing accomplishment. One thing I really like is that Jens Gran mentions the dedication of Dave Flaccus and Bob Johnson is underappreciated. I knew them. I was young, so I just assumed they were providential in doing work that was decreed by the inevitability of skiing in Missoula. I knew they worked hard, though. Bob Johnson died of a heart attack working on the hill. I saw them using shovels, tools, and bustling about on a snowmobile (a recent invention then) more than I ever saw them skiing.

Jens Gran mentions the previous ski areas and cultures that existed prior to 1961. Diamond Mountain, Marshall, and Snow Park were places I skied. The Pattee Canyon area I only saw as a relic of bygone days. Sort of like visiting a ghost town. It was operational in the 1930s as a project of the local skiing community.

The odds of having a major ski resort in a small population area like Missoula, Montana were slim to nonexistent. Jens Gran captures the vision of a few men and women who did the impossible. There is more here than data about finances, numbers, and business plans. He does that very well but it is the spirit of community and vision that really shines through. My future presentations in no way imply that any of the people I've mentioned would endorse my metaphysical implications. This will be my own expression of making what seems impossible become reality. A key here is to realize that at some level your imagination perceives something that already exists. The Eternal Power is yours and you are an active participant.

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill.

All our skiing community knew about Ullr. We didn't have the serious tone that is found in Mythology revival today. There was a good-hearted humor about the entire concept but also a sense of wonder that we knew something great that Ullr seemed to represent. We knew we were lucky in our time and that we descended from lucky people in past times. We knew effort was required. Practice, athletic prowess, and a willingness to test ourselves in the elements were essential. Moments of transcendent exhilaration and shared fun pushed us to our limits. After a day on the hill, a culture of hearty laughter and belonging were part of the adventure. We called it 'apres ski'. The world of trails, lifts, and lodges rose around us like they were always meant to be there.

To venture into the cosmic, I could use the terminology of Martin Heidegger to describe this arising out of what was intended to be. However, this is a time I want to use the progression of New Thought for the terminology to describe the ineffable. The vision of Dave Flaccus and Bob Johnson was put in motion by their first efforts. This was in no way a selfish effort although they might not have considered themselves altruists. There were scores of people who were active skiers or just enthusiasts about a resort community whose energy and intent created a kind of conscious field. This 'field' of power was fueled by imagination and joyful anticipation.

“An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.” Neville Goddard.

The propaganda stereotype of the "greedy businessman" does not apply. Snow Park made a small profit but their venture into building Snow Bowl did not have financial returns that overcame struggle. The effort created a motion of economy among several types of businesses and employees but it was the commitment to a vision that kept the momentum going. It began as an endeavor. People are not meant to be poor. A business enterprise can include the greater needs of the community, but we should not be too quick to condemn the efforts of those who make efforts and take risks.

“We are all thinking, willing, knowing,conscious centers of Life. We are surrounded by, immersed in, and there is flowing through us a creative something... call it what you will.”
Ernest Holmes

Homestead Capitalism. If there is criticism of Napoleon Hill for his strong advocacy of Capitalism and industry it might be warranted in one respect and misrepresented in another. I'm no fan of financial market capitalism, the pollution of industry or the impersonal enslavement of the corporate global state that delivers the same destruction to private rights that were found in Communism. Hill advocated personal effort and imagination as a benefit to both the creative and the customer. The idea man and his community were of greatest importance. If riches followed it was okay. The worship of poverty as a virtue is overblown in these trendy times. He did not advocate a Capitalism of controlling financial markets where the players did not participate in ideas or production. He would view the Rothchilds and George Soros with the same contempt that I do.

My theory of Homestead Capitalism is more than a theory. I saw it work. Homesteaders with farms remained at the core of the landscape. Family members would move to the nearby town and country to start businesses. These steads would be satellites that orbited the original farm. The kindred would meet at the farm or one of the homes for celebration of season or general fellowship. There was mutual support in starting endeavors or meeting hard times. The city/town would be integrated into this structure where everybody knew everybody. The Snow Bowl project from its TV Mountain beginning to the ambitious building of a world-class skiing area continued in this tradition. Investors and contributors of construction resources were all locals and there was no international investment.

The Snow Bowl project did not meet all the specifications of Anarcho-Capitalism with the theory of building without any deference to State or national corporation. I'd say it was more minarchist where there is some minimum existence of a State function. The United States Forest Service played a role in terms of environment and guidance. Burlington Northern as formed from the former Northern Pacific railroad saw some mutual interest and lent support.

I have not abandoned my Ancient Ancestors paradigm to enthuse about New Thought. In fact I'm making a conjecture that Life could not be denied and the True continued in secret through the ages. A scholarly case for something that could not be destroyed but thrived through adaptability is made in James C. Russell's "The Germanization of Early Medeival Christianity." I began where Russell left off to speculate about the following centuries. I started with Meister Eckhart (1260 - 1381) and went on to Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772). Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882).

From the quest for self-reliance and inspired consciousness in early America with European connections we move to a period that Israel Regardie wrote about in his "The Romance of Metaphysics. I mention Regardie's study because it lends a magico-religious flare to a phenomenon that was more than pop-culture. I only know of his book through interviews which means that I can only mention Unity Church, Neville Goddard, Robert Collier and a few others of a more debatable relevance. In my youth I was a voracious readier of Napoleon Hill and Ernest Holmes. The more recent revival of New Thought I observed with that frame of reference. It is true that pop-culture simplicity hijacked the implications, but more study by those who were genuinely touched is inevitable. And has occurred.

From Metaphysics to Today's Metapolitics.
Guillame Faye might have the right idea with his Archeofuturism. This is not about living in the past but rather using archaic structures of value combined with vision for the future. Faye observes that we live in a degenerating time of 'soft totalitarianism' that inevitably leads to catastrophe. He is of a positive nature though and through his books solutions are offered. My own hope is for a retrofuturism where what once was is restored with futuristic trajectories. I mention the hard-headed optimism of Faye which is unafraid to address catastrophic conditions because I don't believe that positivity should be cowardly or retreat from threats. The utopian is the unreal engineered by limited man. A Higher direction is guided by Greater Man. I think we have already experienced the catastrophe in the last 14 years so the solutions are now with us.

Ullr is usually depicted and described as carrying a bow. Skills in weaponry and navigation of a sometimes harsh environment are necessary for survival and creativity in the North. The Old English name for Ullr is Wuldor and the etymology is probably from the Gothic "Glory." What few stories remain from the pagan times indicate a strong warrior who seems to have an aura of positive light for his people. That's my perception anyway. I hold a vision and prayer for the strength to defeat enemies and the wisdom to not further the forces against us. If the native Zoroastrian faith could return again and replace Islam this would be a long-term blessing to the world. A vision worth holding.

The scenic forest horizons of Missoula Montana rise with mountains of green trees and glacial rock soil. On the high forested northern peaks there are the prominent ski runs of Snow Bowl carved like a glyph made of trails. After fifty years this seems like a natural work of art that belongs there from the beginning. Something about the vista says, "Missoula, Montana." I would not want any more trees harvested from the surrounding forest. Something has been created in nature that is supported by the wild. As people we can create more but I think the time has come to let the environment grow naturally. We can make efforts to create value in what we already have.


The glowing and sparking of Hank Rearden's steel mill in the fiction of Atlas Shrugged is not the model for my Homestead Capitalist world. That more industrial focus could fit in with another Anarcho-Capitalist scenario - - perhaps in a revived Detroit. Likewise, the Cohousing project of Denmark is not the model I would prefer for an organic intentional community. The Scandinavian model is too metropolitan/suburban. The orbit of kindred family life that I experienced in Montana was centered around two farms owned by the original settlers. One was a produce and flower farm in proximity to the city and the other within an 8 mile driving distance was a ranch and dairy farm. The children who grew up there moved to their own homes in close proximity, started small businesses or worked in Forest Service or Railroad jobs. The farms were still central for kindred gathering, work, and support. The more suburban homes sometimes served as points of meeting. This was an outgrowth of private property and not a managerial elite Marxist community by any means.

My interest in Capitalism began as defiance against the New Left SDS in the late 1960s who demanded that my heat-stroke labor summer savings 'belongs to the people'. The people were of course the slick talking leaders and proponents of the movement. My lack of compliance branded me as unhip. An Ayn Rand book recommended in the very hip Whole Earth Catalog guided me back to myself. Couple decades later, like all occultniks, I was again admonished by an alleged pagan group that Capitalism and America were foul and unsavory. I thought this seemed reasonable since I was invested in hoping for a pagan community in a search for truth. At a time of great need I found their guidance not only useless but harmful and disrespectful to my immediate ancestors. I again dug in my heels against their advocacy of Socialism.

In the process of 'live and learn', I eventually understood the argument against globalist financial market Capitalism as being just as dehumanizing as Bolshevism. It takes awhile to be fortunate enough to encounter Mises Institute economists and especially appreciate the property rights Anarcho-Captialist narrative of Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Yet it is not this future model that inspires me but my own experience in Montana not so long ago. My ego is invested in the work I did in writing about "homestead capitalism" long before I encountered Anarcho-Capitalist thought. This could make me moribund with nostalgia rather than taking something essential and moving forward. The spirit of remembrance at its best is about entering the future. I have some outlandish plans for the future that will be modified to something more likely.

Onward to the Spiritual directives with some examples of ancestral Cosmic influence.  

Excerpts from essays on the Germanic Craft blog.  This was a blog to share with people who wanted to take the intellectual and primary lore into the field of action.    
First, we have assurance from personal experience that creative formulaic elements work with a charged impact on our circumstances.  Second, there is the admission that our intent can SEEM to bog down with failure after showing promise.  There is an explanation and a solution. 

The Runemaster formula comes from our history as found in literature and artifacts.  The best source for creating our own formulas is found in Rune Magic : Formulaic Elements in  the Older Runic Tradition, by Stephen Flowers.  This is his Ph.D dissertation.  Another good study is How To Do Things With Runes : A Semiotic Approach to Operative Communication which is from a talk that Edred gave at an international runic symposium that was held in Denmark with recognized scholars.  The result is that we can create our own objects as amulets or talismans today using the archeology and literary evidence of our history. 

How to create a formulaic script :

This is based upon the Lindholm "Amulet."  This was found in 1840 in Skåne, Sweden and is dated somewhere between the 2nd to 4th century.   

The word, 'amulet' is in parenthesis because some magic technicians say the word implies a protective function and we can't be certain that this is the only purpose of the Lindholm inscription. 

This will appear as a script or message in runes that could be partially read phonetically and also contain a series of runes for their power aspects.  I don't have font for a runic script so the English phonetic letters must be transcribed to runes on a worksheet and studied in that communicative form.  Magic is observed by Stephen Flowers to be a semiotic communication between dimensions.  To  simplify, this means sender, message, medium of symbols for the message, receiver, means of communication back to the sender.  Runes are our medium.  We are sending to the Gods, or to Divine Advisors called Ginnregin. 

This is an Elder Futhark formula so the language is Proto-Germanic.  

There are various Runemaster formulas.  We will look at one in particular.  Written in runes the first statement is "E K"  Which states translates "I" or "I am"  This is the first step of rising up to working as an person of power from a Higher Consciousness.  The next runes are "E R I L A R" which means "The Erulian."  Now the mage has risen up to what could be called the Wode Self or some variation of that concept.  It is from this high position that "I, the Erulian" can begin the work on the amulet.  There there are two more steps to full identification with the magical self rather than the personality self.  "S A" means "Called" as in "I am called."  Then the magical name is written.  For my example, I will use "Frithmaker" as the magical or initiatory name.

Thus far we have, "I am the Erulian called Frithmaker." The runic sequence is followed by a " : " This separates the introductory change of consciousness with the actual spell.  Now the mage must determine his intentions for the message to be sent to the worlds.  Let us say he wishes to influence his family, friends, clan, and tribe to act more harmoniously toward each other.  He has foreseen that fighting among themselves, bickering, and not being united in mutual good will have disastrous consequences.  He wishes peace and mutual good.  This is where runes are ascribed strictly for their dynamic power rather than phonetics.  A good series to use in this instance might be wunjo written 9 times.  That this is a mutual exchange of gifted energy would mean two gebo runes.  Maybe the mage wants this to evolve over continued time.  Thus two jera runes are added.  A homeland for these people to gather might indicate two othalas are added.  That seems good. 

This section is set apart with another " : "

The final galdor of meaningful power is added.  As you all know "Alu" is a common and effective galdor that has the power of historical usage.  Let us say that we are already inspired to work for peace among our family and friends.  We already have that inspiration going for us so we want the good fortune of an ongoing effort by all involved.  My preference here would be "AUJA"  which means "Good fortune" or "I give good fortune."

Let's look at our completed talisman.  Remember the English letters must be converted to runes. 


Please note that the " : " which essentially means the end of a sentence is actually three vertical dots.  I don't have the font for that.    

The evidence of this particular Runemaster formula (with a different purpose in the original artifact) does not indicate any particular further galdor or charging work.  It is archeological artifact evidence.  We are already familiar with galdor and charging techniques.   

I want to share what happened when I created a formulaic amulet with a different intention.  It is not a good idea to share on the internet the precise work we are doing for personal purposes.  My formula was different in purpose than the example here. 

It worked strongly according to semiotic principles.  We communicate to the Gods with runes.  Thier method of responding back is with events.  Signals in the environment are often what we are seeking - - and that is what we get.  My situation improved dramatically according to the runic intention I used.  This was an undeniable power and a presence felt at many levels.  I sometimes looked at my amulet and gave my thanks to All who were involved.  It is said that it is sometimes best to put our work aside from our conscious mind so I did not make a ritual about looking at the amulet.  Things went really well according to my intention. 

 Then it all broke down.  I should say that 'according to my limited perception' it all broke down'.  When we make an oath or create magic the long term purposes of the our mission and the Ineffable s must be considered.  Yet my question remained - - how to make things work again?  I believe that there are skills in attentive living that keep us on course.  Someday, with the help of smart and observant people, I will know what specific techniques from Germanic lore could be used.  In the interim, there seems to be an Odian knowledge connection to more recent developments in the skills of living on purpose.  The Odian does not eschew knowledge that comes from world sources.  While it is true that humanity has generally devolved with the imposition of Modernism, we sometimes notice superior work by great minds that should be respected. 

This will be included in my forthcoming, "Runes From The War Room."

John Boyd and the OODA loop.   John Boyd (1927 - 1997) was a fighter pilot and military strategist whose works have been compared to Sun Tzu and  Carl Von Clausewitz.  This model goes beyond the miliatry and informs areas of personal development and business.  OODA is "observe", "orient", "decide", and "act"  The rapid integration of those areas are essential to victory as a fighter pilot.  Victory in life requires such a responsive strategy.    

Here is a quote from an article about the OODA loop by Taylor Pearson :

Orientation is the most important part of the OODA loop. It includes understanding your genetics, cultural heritage and previous experiences, then analyzing and synthesizing that with all the observations you made."

This sentence in his article convinced me I was correct in seeing Odian principles at work in current times.   

Here is a link to the Taylor Pearson article. 

No, I don't have any examples of how I'm using this method.  And I don't have sufficient study to share much on the subject.  It just seems right. 


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