The ebay store is temporarily closed while I come to terms with some setbacks from a political power play that strangled my freedom to ship as a small business. The Carona schtick caused a shipping snafu with small operators like me not getting support from ebay policy. That's okay. I used my time to work on something I've always wanted to do. Now, instead of selling books by other authors I'm formatting and creating from my own years of writing in a Cosmic and meta-political genre. Most of this is found free on my various blogs but I've organized more professional efforts. E-books available early in my business are found in the link below that features "Cosmic Compendium : Ancestralist Road Back To Right."
Please join me as we expand our horizons together.
The big league players in e-commerce are inscrutable as to exactly what they do. There are some helpful exceptions but even those generous people say you have to learn for yourself. True. This is my budget page that is operational as a link to my Avalon VH46 Mercantile store. The future will see me develop payment links and a landing page.
So what does a small operation like mine have to offer? Personal, efficient response from a Cosmic niche. I have been working at this scale for many years. Notice my rating is 100% with five stars on the ebay platform.
I began the site with collectibles until I sold the entire inventory. Now I must sell a large segment of my library. Shipping costs for books means I must be creative with 'value added' and lots for sales. Check out my store to see what I mean.
Books and divinatory sets must find a proper home. People have less value for what you give them for free. Also, my library was so massive that I gave crates of books to a local book shop that turned out to be Bolshevik. The shop failed in time. Some ideologies generate that. I want my books to find real people.
The ebay store is temporarily closed while I come to terms with some setbacks from a political power play that strangled my freedom to ship as a small business. The Carona schtick caused a shipping snafu with small operators like me not getting support from ebay policy. That's okay. I used my time to work on something I've always wanted to do. Now, instead of selling books by other authors I'm formatting and creating from my own years of writing in a Cosmic and meta-political genre. Most of this is found free on my various blogs but I've organized more professional efforts. E-books available early in my business are found in the link below that features "Cosmic Compendium : Ancestralist Road Back To Right."
Please join me as we expand our horizons together.
The big league players in e-commerce are inscrutable as to exactly what they do. There are some helpful exceptions but even those generous people say you have to learn for yourself. True. This is my budget page that is operational as a link to my Avalon VH46 Mercantile store. The future will see me develop payment links and a landing page.
So what does a small operation like mine have to offer? Personal, efficient response from a Cosmic niche. I have been working at this scale for many years. Notice my rating is 100% with five stars on the ebay platform.
I began the site with collectibles until I sold the entire inventory. Now I must sell a large segment of my library. Shipping costs for books means I must be creative with 'value added' and lots for sales. Check out my store to see what I mean.
Books and divinatory sets must find a proper home. People have less value for what you give them for free. Also, my library was so massive that I gave crates of books to a local book shop that turned out to be Bolshevik. The shop failed in time. Some ideologies generate that. I want my books to find real people.
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