The Meta-Political Approach and the Generic Approach.  

My material technology crashed and forced me to take at look at something I'd considered before.  Our communication technology could have taken a more Spirit and Mind interface if conditions and efforts had gone in that direction rather than electro-digital means of transmission and reception.  Impossible you say?  What we are using today as TV and the internet is impossible but somebody (many somebodies) did it anyway.  

Effort and fortune could have gone in a different direction which we could only imagine.  Only?  To imagine is the first steps of creativity.  An impulse arrives sent by our Multiverse to our unique place in the world.  We translate this impulse into more and more clearly defined images and plans.  Somebody had to be receptive to that and to develop that to create the tech world we have today.  This is where we find much anecdotal self-help sayings and writings from people like Henry Ford or Thomas Edison.  Let us update to Elon Musk who is doing the impossible.  Acceleration of achievement is happening at the same time others are being left behind.  Hopefully this will mitigate with the arrival of advanced distribution and housing.   That's my optimistic and virtue-signalling statement for the moment.  

Some of us can make effort and fortune go our way in manifesting the impossible.  If you could think of someone you absolutely must communicate with and you would meet them in a 'coincidental' meeting or have them call you or drive by, this would reduce the need for electronic dependence.  We know this has been done on occasion from anecdotal stories and most probably from your own experience.  The rarity of those occurrences keeps them in the realm of the mysterious.  The mysterious is where a great deal of our spiritual and psychological health lives.  We probably should respect it and not mess with it until understanding and adaptations have been earned and installed.  

That was my cautionary note.  Indeed, a sense of an abiding Mystery and our respect for that is one of the hallmarks of a true conservatism.  That is the tack I'll take when presenting an experiential program that follows.     

Belief systems can override what what we intend to accomplish. That is an aspect of the John C. Lilly quote.  Within my intended frame of reference is an optimistic respect for the First Principles of what it means to apply the trajectory of the Spiritual direction.  

“In the province of the mind, what one
believes to be true is true or becomes
true, within certain limits to be found
experientially and experimentally. These
limits are further beliefs to be transcended.
In the mind there are no limits.”  John C. Lilly

Consider a definitive compendium of principles and active good forces for the advancement of mankind.  More directly, how to reach a certain cadre of men and women who are in alignment with my purpose.  My purpose is the Cosmic quest of a better life that has value and power.  

The beginning chapter might start with the adventure of forces perceived that directed and empowered the success of my people.  Where opposing forces seemed to win the day, as in Latvia, there is now an enormous strength that arrived with the triumph over opposition.  That could be a chapter.  That which brings eventual victory gains in power to create momentum toward building.


A. FUNDAMENTAL PURE CONSCIOUSNESS.  Could also be called Original Consciousness. This is the origin of our Being and our Purpose.  There was a point where we accepted our purpose in the Divine.  We understood that our journey or quest would present challenges.  We will return to this point when we have enacted those aspects of living that we have embarked upon.  Thus this introductory principle chapter will seem short until we return to it later after some defining and developing elucidation.  

B.  Ambition in Action.  Work as creativity in building is the first thing that we become aware of doing.  I am playing at this or I am working at this is in our first aware actions.  This goes here.  I will go there.

C. Refined Ambition.  This is where we have advanced goals that are the reason for our work.  If we are receiving a wage we know it is for a purpose.  For advanced men, the purpose and our work is combined in one.  No longer are we acting just to have something to do.  We hold a vision that has hope and aspirations.

D.  Ambition with Remembrance.  We sense some Mystery that is a motive power for what we have accomplished and what we feel compelled to do.  A sense of a continuity of our kindred and race is first perceived as a magic momentum.  We sense some reason for what we do.

E.  Perception of Divine presence arrives in our awareness,  This is understood and defined by the unique individual and not a universally instructed dogma from a social power.  

F.  Appreciation for the similarities in the defined narrative of our quest and values from other teachings that are in accordance with what we are.  This is the beginning of a peaceful resolution to many of the troubles and travails that beset men on the journey.  We are appreciative.  

G.  A more full remembrance of our Origination.  Greater devotion to our Sacred Purpose motivates us to more action and more appropriate action.  

H.  Effective Prayer.  This is where the principles of rising up to the Wode  through an identification with the Wode Self as empowering the Rune Master formula.  In terms of Science of Mind this is the secret to prayer that is an identification with God rather than imploring a God that you are not sure about.  In other terms, faith is the key. I do not imply that focused and intense prayer of need is not useful for many people.  I only wish for them to be effective in their rightful carrying out of the Divine will.   


Origination within timeless Creation might resonate with some readers.  You have a sense that there is a definite purpose for your life yet you know the environment and society seem opposed to that.  Life is not what it could be and there is a created life that is in the dynamic of perfection.  There is a question of 'why can't it be this way?' and a sense that real living would make it this way.  You see society as fallen and corrupt.  You have a nostalgia for what was meant to be.

You are living in a Dark World that arrived for some reason that is in opposition to Creation.  This mythography comes most recently to my awareness through the teachings of Zoroastrian or Mazdan words of the prophet and first philosopher, Zarathustra.  A very similar model of the genesis of existence is found in Germanic and Norse mythology.  A time of perfection in a primal state is invaded by forces of unconsciousness.  It is significant that the foremost academic scholar of mystic Germanic rune lore and metaphysics is also one who brought forward an Indo-Iranian paradigm for Mazdan teachings.  The Indo-Iranian and Indo-European cultures have a commonality.  

Within this origination there comes an opposition by by a force of mis-direction that is bent on the destruction of all that this fundamental pure consciousness represents in pure love.  Ahura Mazda has a plan to defeat the oppositional force through a miriad of entities that will volunteer to take up the battle through living in the physical plane.  

Defeating the destructive forces of the unconsciousness enmity to Consciousness is a primary mission and you and I have been enlisted or volunteered to do battle.  Victory is assured because God, The One Mind, Aesir, Ahura Mazda has ultimate foresight and power and that consciousness assures we will win in the arena of free will that we have entered into.  It is in work toward growth that we develop the individual spirit rather than some state of static bliss.    A note here of paradox that Ivan Throne teaches us how to achieve victory in the dark world but we are not to glorify that world.  It is what it is and that is where we enact our fight.  Win.  

So our accepted purpose of arriving at the planet for the fight is in the field of action and appreciative awareness.  The delight in a child's face of having something brought to his attention is an example of this.  What a wonder that there is something!  Early actions toward play are a way of later skill in making our choices manifest in the world.  When entering into the world of more serious work we still want to arrange things to our liking.  Ambition arrives early as a tool toward progress.  Memory of why we like to do things and have a mission might not be present because that motive is forgotten from our early genesis and acceptance of the challenge.  

Refined ambition means we have future goals.  We hold a vision of what could be.  Action today is understood to be a leading toward those goals and we know there might need to be some postponement of immediate gratification so that we can achieve that vision.  We aren't quite sure why we want something but we know we want it.  Some daily time working at things and for people who don't seem relevant to the cause except as means of income are a common scenario.

D. Ambition with remembrance.  The reasons for what we do in our daily goals has some deeper meaning than we might have imagined.  To quit is not an option because our actions speak who we are.  Life with a purpose is the only life we can accept at this point. There is an excellent essay on Ivan Throne dot com which is called "Discover Your Sacred Purpose."  The instructions and elucidation there is phenomenal.   

 E. The presence of the Divine is more than a theory that we have been told or read about.  Identify with the Multiverse and the Gods is a reality.  Theoretical expressions of a sacred identity might have been sensed in working with runes in their most authentic and profound aspect.  Or understanding a Science of Mind through New Thought or mindset study has gone from mere theory to an actual experience.  This effort may have taken years but most of us have been at this for years.  To merely repeat research, study, and ritual as we always have becomes redundant unless we actually live the reality.  This does not mean it is time to stop learning and practicing.  There is always more to the Mystery that is found in our future and we need to keep working.  The point is that we begin to live in the reality of what we already know.  

F. There is an ecstatic appreciation  in the fullness of life.  Something that happens here is that we contact similar teachings to the ones that led us here.  Coincidence can come into play here.  As an example I can give the supreme expertise that Stephen Flowers has with runes and the Germanic paradigm and how something in the true Iranian connection he had in his youth developed into writing as Darban I Den with the means of recovering the Indo-Iranian teachings that have long been neglected.  If you are familiar with runes from years of practicing the entire context of their magic and lore, you will recognize similar concepts.  

The history of ancient teachings shows a continuity that has survived and might have been continued with different outward appearance.  The Divine Identification of Science of Mind and the Rune Master formula is an example of this.  As an example that is not mine, but could be yours, an Episcapalean has benefited from his years of devotion and has gradually found verification in Quantum Physics.  The power of prayer is workable and translatable.  

G. You could have actual memories of your origination and knowledge of exactly what you came here to do.  This could be a quiet reflective time or a very busy going forth into the world to achieve what you must.  Creativity soars.  Natural functions of how life can support or oppose your goals are seen for what they are.  You have the skills to use obstacles as growth because failure is not possible.  

H. We know effective prayer because we feel compassion for those who continue to suffer.  Granted we have used prayer as indicated above yet there is a social reason for our place in the world.  You probably don't see people who have achieved perfection.  Yet you know that they are perfect in essential nature.  Keep in mind that prayer works through affirmation of that ultimate perfection.  Ivan Throne speaks truth when he says, "I don't do pity."  Compassion and recognition of value is what we do.  

Since the steps above are achieved through your own Cosmic Efforts and you have your own resources that got you here, those are the most important.  If I give a recommendation it is only my experience where I am now.  This is a dynamic process and more could be added later.  

(specific resources are mentioned here)

As a side note on new material introduced :  I recently found my copy of R. Buckminster Fuller's "Operational Manual for Spaceship Earth" that I purchased from Whole Earth Catalog in 1969.  To see validation in paradox is a Cosmic skill.  Evident in my previously written books is a respect for classical economics and a contempt for the destruction and violent 'egality' of   Bolshevism.  There is a different perspective in Fuller's insistence that there is increasing wealth with enough to include everybody.  Equality of opportunity is entirely different than coercive and violent actions against the accomplished being necessary to level the playing field.  We will see how this optimism plays out in the current emergency situation.  That is part of Fuller's message that crisis throughout history has forced us to call upon our imagination and intelligence to support a synergy of development.  

The techniques of expanded awareness and expansion of abilities are found in Mind Science programs, High Magic, and the better psychology studies.  There are so many of them that I will not add them here.  If I were to add any they would be from Germanic or Teutonic studies and Rites.  That's my thing but I realize that not everyone will be on that road. What I will include are generic techniques that I can speak of in a anecdotal way.  Experimental combinations of previous learning with the practical immediate means that are required in the real world.  We don't always have time to dress in special regalia and set the wards of protection and invocation of power.  Living sometimes requires more immediacy and less hootin' and hollerin'.  It's good to know how to set aside sacred space and enter a higher consciousness through intense practice.  Once these are learned they can be called up immediately so that there is more time for the Working.  

Meditation as prescribed is not my thing, although it probably should be. Imagination and visualization in an interesting narrative is more familiar to me.  Seeing oneself surrounded by a field of White Light might seem cliche but it works.  I can also see 'fibres' or lines of connection that extend out.  This is not quite the same as the Assemblage Point described by Carlos Castaneda.  In some ways it is because perception of information of how we assemble the world are received from the Fibres. The  building of the imaginary auric egg around the body should come first.  If you are familiar with protective or meaningful symbols that's okay.  I'm not describing a religion or ritual here.  Just an awareness that you are in the Light of the One Mind.  An affirmation or prayer as given in H. above might make you feel more connected to something special in your purpose that includes the All.  This field could be as large as you feel comfortable with.  

In Germanic words for the sacred there are the two words of Wihailag and Heilegaz.  The 'wih' is an area set aside outside the constraints of the normal.  In terms of space and time we have the example of Weinachten or 'holy nights' set aside for the Yule season.  The Hailagaz is the taking of the holy energy into this space and time that is set aside.  As specific to the Germanic tradition as this seems, it mainly points out the concept.  For another generic presentation of this read Rudolph Otto's "Idea of the Holy."  This is where we get our word for Numinous as a power beyond the apparent normal. 

This is a post I made on my Wodan Heimdall facebook page that describes the above concept.

Lodestar is the website where Stephen E. Flowers continues his essential work. The theory I give here expresses my own experiments and opinions without in any way claiming any endorsement from Edred. In the 'Alu' book the method of creating sacred space is elucidated with the terms "wihjanan" and "hailagojanan" as verb forms of wihaz and hailagaz. These are two Germanic terms for the Holy. In Germanic definition, "wihaz" is separate or set apart in a special way and "hailagaz" is imbued with Holy power. Both are necessary in the construction of sacred space for workings and Edred explains how this is done in the 'Alu' book.

An interesting continuation of this process is described in 'Runarmal I' by Dr. Flowers as a process of separating, transforming, and then enacting at one level and taking it to a higher level to be remanifested back in the environment again. The process is beyond the scope of what I'm theorizing here and my books are in storage so all I could do is paraphrase without guarantees of accuracy. I hope that book is available again someday.

What I do propose here is that the wihaz and hailagaz model might have a psychological use other than working a magic circle. In the magical context wihaz is visualized as a circle on the horizontal plane to 'set apart' and hailagaz is the 'imbuing of Holy power' from the vertical plane. This creates a space for transformation. I'm thinking that more 'mundane' uses could spontaneously occur here or specifically be considered for transformation. For example, in politics, the external agitation of intimidation and repetition creates in an individual a sense of disharmony and alarm when considering what we now perceive of 'democracy' as a choice of Democrat or Republican. I've listed those two in my personal opinion of their respective places of harm and despotism. If the person could set their essential nature apart, separate, from that instructed frame of reference this external media agitation could be negated for a clear, clean space. Then a Higher Power could imbue a new perspective not limited by former limitations. A realization of a better way could occur or a recognition of which way is really better from the former choices.

I mean no disrespect to the Circle Working of high magic by using a mundane example of psychological or educational uses for esoteric techniques. Indeed one of the things that occurs in technical magic is transformation of what is believed possible.


My situation does not allow for extended time away from distraction or the interests of others.  I worked ritual when I had the opportunity but lets face it, having loving people around is a benefit of living well.  So now I mainly take my meditations, viualizations, and journies just before falling asleep.  I have described elsewhere the journies taken while standing up to avoid falling asleep but as you become more capable you can complete your journey before sleep or take it with you into the dream world.  Just be sure that when you get up in the morning you affirm that you are returned to normal.      

A note on the Spirit Journey to meet Odin.  Thoughts are (and they seem confirmed by Odin) that while an anthropomorphic image of a presence for oneself is available, He would only be available to a limited number of people in the total population.  A few can know a tribal member personally although the entire nation may be aware second hand through the media.  This limitation is natural.  There will be varied times when any one member has access in fullness.  This may hold somewhat true for the One Power concept as well but I think that is a total cellular and molecular awareness.  Same could be true for tribal God.    

Connection to Tribal interests are preferable for initiating real life contact.  That's the whole point of disconnecting from commercial and persuasive transmissions.  When Dr. Flowers wrote "Retribalize Now!", it was still preferable that IRL contacts were the building platform rather than the internet.  Hopefully, that will be true again.  

Reminder today when wi fi would not connect.  Connectivity with life is always available. Projected outward to see what my people are doing.  Actually, no.  This is a time to connect with what I am doing.  And I did send out some thoughts and intent to the missing.  They are still there.  That is why the tech functions of fibres and energetic fields might be real but the Spirit program given above is the most inclusive means of continuing contact.  

Someone may SEEM missing from your intended contacts in real life.  If you think back, there were times when they were far away and occupied in other interests when you were still in contact at some level.  They are still there now even as you think for a moment that they are missing.  For those in the physical where you know their IRL coordinates you could reach out through normal means - - which means the electro digital tech or the wheeled and bipedal mail tech.  That intent would start the link you have again weather the physical link happens immediately or not.  The intent would be another effort along with your spirit tech sensing and seeing and sending along the etheric routes.  If you don't want to be so specific with the fibres and fields visualizations, the One Mind of eternal connection will do nicely.   

The 'confirmed anecdotally' aspects of the above statement are up to you.  For myself, I know that there can be a period of YEARS before meeting happens again but no energy or love are diminished in time.  Accelerated frequency of coincidences or synchronicity will happen at times and at other times you will wonder where the magic went.  Acceptance of  this limitation seems realistic but that's where we return to the aphorism of John C. Lilly.   This factor of limitation is a belief to be transcended.  

To respect the Mystery means that we accept the challenge of not knowing everything and only APPROACHING toward more competence is a condition necessary to keep our place in the Multiverse intact.  Static completion means no more fun.  

Our continuing interest and participation in a bio-energetic, spiritual and mental effort creates more connections and evolution toward purpose in our lives and in the greater field.  


 [ from here I post my newsletter given with 'readings' when I was a practioner of the art of Divination.  I'm including it here for presentation of practical theory in this related field of Divination.  Will edit later]


A section on Divination, with advanced perception techniques and theory.  

Our work will encompass a range of techniques, historical and recent, that enhance the human ability to make predictions and appropriate decisions.  The goal is to be in harmony with the Cosmos and our purpose and place in the Divine order.  

Divination is a process of perception that can arrive through heightened intuition or through special techniques with tools.  Perception of our place in the current of Divine order can arrive in the ordinnary activities of our daily lives or we can set aside a special place and time for consulting various oracles.  The use of sortilage through symbols that have ancient and powerful meanings is one method.  

Mystic Reading is a pathway to awareness through focusing our attention on learning what is important and choosing what we wish to create.  That is true with books, websites, and whatever sources of information appeals to us.  Or is brought to us by Divine Providence.  The pathway is also found through another aspect that has been given the name 'reading.'  People can gather to do readings for each other in a Divinatory way.  This has been misused as 'fortune telling.'  Even this more mundane form of 'getting a reading' can have the benefit of entertainment or possibly an avenue for some thought.
My preference when I practice the Divinatory type of reading is to focus upon 'fortune creating.'  This is possible.  There are approaches and methods that are ancient and adaptable to our current methodology.  I've called this active engagement with Divination, "Cybernetic" in that a deliberate steering mechanism adjusts what is probable in a given trajectory which can be modified by conscious intent.  There is no finality in something as intangible as the future.  

Familiarity and expertise with the the religious and philosophical basis of any coded symbol system is important.  Indeed, the presence of a coded lore is valuable to study on its own merits whether one is going to enact a divination or not.  The more one knows about the religious and philosophical basis the  more effective the practice of Divination will be when using that Tradition.   

Since my primary work is with the Teutonic runes, a quick essay on ancient lore is necessary here.  Predicting and creating the 'future' is one thing.  Appreciating heritage and how the present moment is a disclosing the Mystery is also important. When considering the perspectives of Traditionalists that I admire, there is very solid thought that recognizes that the 'past' has the most has the most manifested and directed quality in our lives.  Most will present their evidence in terms of Urdhr, Verdhandi, and Skuld.  That which has become, that which is becoming, and that which should be.  I won't cite many sources for research in this at the moment.  I will say that "The Well and the Tree" by Paul Bauschatz is the best academic study.  

It is Urdhr that has the most relevance  to who we are and why we are here.  We can only act in the present because of all that has gone before.  It seems that Urdhr is the strongest Norn.  , Verdhandi is moving toward something and dependent upon what has already manifested.  Skuld is ephemeral, not quite clear enough to work with except with considerable skill.  
Of course all three Norns are important to be whole and they should be known and respected.  These years have been a gradual acceptance that Spiritual work must become more than just theory.  

Some thought on awareness about continuance of Consciousness through time and dimension :

Nornic Law tells of the three Norns, Urdhr, Verdhandi, and Skuld.  They are, "that which has become,"  "that which is becoming," and "that which should be."  Our practioners are somewhat in agreement that Urdhr is the strongest Norn.  We live always in that which has become.

The past matters very much.

A strong influence of what is becoming and what should be is already given to work with from that which has become.  Our responsibility i've s to act is to act in the moment with creative connection to Tradition.  The Gods guide us.  The Heroes guide us.  Our Ancestors guide us.  This is natural.  

I've tried here to delineate some of the aspects of a 'reading,'  In today's terms, the Cybernetic approach is to appreciate what is given through Divine information and then to actively participate in enacting our direction if it seems genuine and favorable ; or making an affirmation of efforts toward correcting the apparent course of events.  In short, if you don't like what you see, you can change it.     

The original edition of this newsletter for clients had an image of the cover of "Runelore" by Edred Thorsson.  The best academic and scholarly study of the history and meaning of runes.  

Divination as a social folk custom :

Gathering together in the process or ritual of reading the messages from our more complete higher nature or the guidance of the Gods can create personal value at a therapeutic level or natural kindred formation at a group level.  Something truly focused happens when attention is directed toward a common goal or at least the strong consideration of an individual's interest.    

There are varied techniques, forms, or 'tools' that can inform and assist our perceptions.  These can be as varied as the Chinese I-Ching,  Tarot, or more modern cards.  I achieved some expertise in Tarot after years of study of the esoteric background of those cards.  Yet at some point I moved to more ancestral methods of ancient hidden lore that I found in runes.  I don't capitalize 'rune' because each stave is an individual or fractal of a guiding mystery that is combined in the word 'Runa' which is capitalized.  

We have specific history and traditions that make us who we are.  I believe that the precise accuracy of the forms, literature, and art are important. This is a basis for a return to ascertain our correct and most efficient trajectory today.  Images, words, and artifacts of the past were created by us and they are rediscovered to guide us.

The ethics of a functioning folklore must be recognized to create value in our real lives.  Recognition of guiding energy and consciousness gives meaning to history and symbols.

We can recognize the guiding energy and consciousness through what is important to us and what creates positive value.  If we consider the hidden and mysterious forces that guide us as from an arcane past, that is all well and good.  If we recognize hidden and mysterious forces that are more recent as an arcane force we should not neglect going there for value.

Research into the nature of Consciousness means to eventually encounter the works of Martin Heidegger.  Heavy reading for me until I found his "Elucidations of Holderlin's Poetry."  In an interview and some of his later books he expressed that poets best represented what he wanted to say.  Holderlin (1770 - 1843)  was a voice of German Romanticism and an influence toward German Idealism.    

The entire poem,  "As When On A Holiday" could be seen as a transmission of the nature of Divination that has generational power.  It is difficult to pick only a couple lines for for inclusion in this essay.  Yet that is how this particular Holderlin poem got my attention.  

"They seem to be alone, yet are always divining
For divining too she herself is resting"

For context, here are my quotes within a partial section of the poem :
"Whom no master alone, whom she wonderfully
All-present, educates in a light embrace,
The powerful, divinely beautiful nature.
So when she seems to be sleeping at times of the year
Up in the heavens or among plants or the peoples,
The Poets' faces are also mourning,
They seem to be alone, yet are always divining.
For divining too she herself is resting.

But now day breaks!  I awaited and saw it come,
And what I saw, may the holy be my word,
For she, she herself, who is older than the ages
And above the gods of Occident and Orient,
Nature is now awakening with the clang of arms,
And from high aether down to the abyss,
According to firm law, as once begotten out of holy Chaos
Inspiration, the all-creative,
Again feels herself anew."

My point is that looking to nature and something Holy for guidance is not new and is not limited to any particular technique.  Divining has never disappeared from the customs of humanity.  Appreciation for the thoughts and lessons given by those who have gone before us is the very nature of Tradition.  We build upon the landscape of our ancestors.  We have a rightful place in adding our participation as a living presence.  

(at one time I was in demand for 'readings.'  Word got out through the natural grapevine so I had a lot of work)

The complex theoretical presentation of Divination with access to mystic guidance is where my interest goes.  There are others who have more academic experience so I often include recommendations to their works.  Now I might as well admit that this is my professional endeavor at fortune telling.  Hopefully, you are aware that fortune creating is the higher aspect and that you can act toward using your options in destiny toward your greatest good.  There was some relief when I went forward with the description of my profession as a fortune teller.  
There were some assumptions from the past about who would comprise my clientele.  I was a young man when I first sought readings but I'd say that these days the majority of readers and their clients are women.  Women are more open to relational aspects of the mind and men to the more rational.  This is a stereotype that reveals certain faults.  It should not imply that the rational is more 'correct' than the relational.  In fact, definitions and assumptions are assigned to what is 'real' based upon bias and propaganda.  Today's scientific truth is tomorrow's error that calls for correction.  Often.  There are some constants however.  

Having thus described the usual clientele for readings through the correspondences of letters or the internet, or through personal readings at psychic fairs, I will state that my clientele will usually have additional queries.  My personal direction is toward mysticism of Germanic religious forms, scientific historical paranormal research and another factor.  The first two factors will attract kindred spirits of the European awakening.  They are generally quite expert themselves and could just as well be doing readings for me.  A third source of clientele requesting readings could come from those who recognize my Mannerbunde warrior interests and what has been called, 'the manosphere.'  I am a proponent of Tradition and an opponent of Liberalism.  Being controlled by current sociopolitical powers is not in our best interest.  A perceptive reading should connect you with your best interests.

The next section of this essay, given as complimentary content when I did online readings, was written while I was still active in the field.  I didn't make much money but I made good friends who are of high value today.  

You are by your heritage able to relate to your Source of guidance and teleology. Your direction in life is built into your spiritual structure.  Ancestors and your own experience and sacred reason for being are a functioning whole once you remember who you are.  At another time we could debate whether this 'forgetting' among the people has been carefully engineered or whether it is by the design of our development.  I don't know.  It could be both.  It could be a social conspiracy if we are forbidden to begin our awakening or it could be part of our development if we are able to make heroic causes toward recollection.  

My personal service in Divination is with the hope that you always appreciate your own value and ability and don't place too much emphasis on my vocation as a personal contact metaphysician.  I'm doing this because I love the work.  I would hope the sophistication and the best scholarly work is valued first and foremost.  Personal contact with a 'reading' is how I combine education and career with an honoring of the Spiritual as the ultimate source.

This issue number one of my newsletter is dedicated to the concepts of rede through the revealed evidence of Wyrd.  In other words, good guidance through the patterns laid out in the technology of psychic readings.


Any reading service is required, practically by law, to include the phrase, "for entertainment purposes only."  That is fine.  Life should be fun.  Many people enjoy quickly having their fortunes told at fairs and gypsy tea rooms or wshatever venue.  By providing the esoteric and technical details of mystic readings I've made the process more interesting for me and hopefully more interesting for you.     

 I'll add a little more here to the Divination factor from previous work.


Tacitus described how the Germanic tribes made important decisions. Whether or not to go to war was certainly among these. Issue two of this newsletter gave his account in section 10 of The Germania. After a determination was made by the signs pro or con given by reading the lots, 'hale signs' were needed to confirm a 'yes' indication. If sortilege indicates the answer is no, there are no further considerations of the matter. If the answer is 'yes' the environment is watched for signals to confirm.

"They attach the highest importance to the taking of auspices and casting lots. Their usual procedure with the lot is simple. They cut off a branch from a nut-bearing tree and slice it into strips these they mark with different signs and throw them at random onto a white cloth. Then the state's priest, if it is an official consultation, or the father of the family, in a private one, offers prayer to the gods and looking up towards heaven picks up three strips, one at a time, and, according to which sign they have previously been marked with, makes his interpretation. If the lots forbid an undertaking, there is no deliberation that day about the matter in question. If they allow it, further confirmation is required by taking auspices." Germania. chapter 10

Tacitus. “The Germania” Approximately 98 c.e.

Patterns of the flight of birds was one such environmental signal. This is much like a shamanic confirmation from nature. It seems that CAUTION is the overriding factor which indicates this is more than a gamlbing gamesmanship approach.

I still believe that nature gives the best signals. We can use the same connection to the Divine. This is not 50 c.e. so we can look for other 'coincidences'. I've found books appearing and certain pages with information that seemed to be given. Paragraphs seen at random in books could be a confirmation or different approaches to thought and action.

The internet has potential for hale signs if you are aligned with the best that new world has to offer. Forget miscreant misanthropy and rampant snideness. Frankly, there are some corners of Twitter that you will only find if you are focused on being a better man. Thus, signals of 'coincidence' or confirmation through signs can appear in this media as well. If I'm wondering about something, no matter how obscure, someone will post on the same subject with the same thought. Divination can signal kindred spirits.

There is more on Divination newsletters dealing with probability factors and best decisions.  That can be found on my Gumroad Profile


Return To Original Cosmic Tech Theme :

There are some auxiliary books that support this project as discovered by me later.  These are by professionals and established experts in the fields of the effects of modern technology as we know it, and the fields of Consciousness that are awaiting our full discovery if we shift our focus.   

Here is a link to a support post on this blog :

I would encourage the serious to take a look at these resource recommendations.  From here I will return to my own experimental evidence and proofs of theory.  In real life.   



After beginning this project I encountered the crucial work of Ingo Swann.  I had read other Remote Viewers who all credited Swann with being the Godfather and main instructor of the Government and Military projects.  But Swann was a civilian whose contribution was with experience and expertise.  He was well schooled in both the real and effective paranormal arts and also the pitfalls and frauds relative to the field.  He addressed that issue and also the cultural bias that was inherently intolerant of anything non-materialist in society.  

An observation by Ingo Swann about why the belief in psychic phenomenon increased among the general public while scientists accelerated their denigration of the field.  The   distrust of 'science' is a feature of those with common sense who value the human experience.  

Ingo Swan on Natural ESP
"Today it  is a well-understood tactic of mind manipulation that if an unknown and unresolvable guilt can be established among a group of people (such as parapsychologists represent), that group can be controlled and subdued.  As long as the target group accepts the possibility that the guilt might be true in some ways, it remains introverted and creatively unproductive.  All its resources go to trying to resolve the 'guilt' that does not exist in the first place."

It is more productive to express authentic interest than to engage defensive measures in compliance with the tactics of the opposition. The oppositional elite are not interested in the well-being of a population.  They are, by definition, opposed to the integral health and empowerment of a people.  We all enjoy a good fight but we profit more from not recognizing or allowing any such distraction.  

Perception with direct experience in the walking world, working and walking world, is a venture into the Numinous reconnection to Spirit.  

Direct attention to where we are and who we are now is a counter balance to knowledge as transmitted by recognized authorities.  WE must build upon those who have gone before us.  Advanced aircraft are built from what is learned from previous development of aeronautics, metalurgy,  structural engineering, and navigation.  There are certain workable principles that constitute knowledge of 'how to' in the world.  

Innovation and intuition of those who are actively building in the world are neccessary aspects of knowledge.  

Ingo Swann's books are where you will meet many of your old friends if you have been around for awhile and have read a few really interesting books. His erudition in the field of psychic literacy is unparalleled.    If you are familiar with some work in the psychic tech field you will meet them again in Ingo's encyclopedic mentions which are mainly used to verify and further illuminate his own work.  

Ingo and I moved in the same circles in the same era.  The difference is that Ingo was also a skilled artist and communicator.  I have almost the same background and interest which I pursued in the same era.  Ingo was a professional while I dallied with the best of my abilities.  For all of his distrust of 'science' Swann put together scientific protocols and quantifiable data for his writing and his governmental contracts.  I also gave a nod to science with my "Paranormal Research Methodology" site with considerable less success.  

This work is about living in real life and not about strict protocols.  Perception with direct experience in the walking world, working and walking world, is a venture into the Numinous reconnection to Spirit.  


This section begins with my personal structured mythic resonance that is shared by more people now that there are more options to Modernism. More people can ignore that recent doctrine's limited permission.  Then we will look at the written works of other worthy heretics.  

Faring Forth :

To practice this spirit tech again on my own terms I have some 'simple' techniques involving what my ancestors (long ago) called 'faring forth.'  You see yourself traveling in your imagination where you want to go and as far as you want to go.  I'm assuming that either you have taken the advanced precautions of affirmative sacred space and protected aetheric or astral body.  Not really necessary if you assume we live in a safe universe.  If you have done your connection with God or All That Is, then you know you are connected and are participating in the right thing.

When faring forth you might see features that duplicate what is in the physical or if you are like me you prefer a region of Light that does in fact imitate physical structures and nature.  Yet these Light structures usually seem like they have been built as much FOR you as BY you.  The distinction becomes less and less when you understand that all creative Mind is connected.  There may be a meeting place where you receive instruction or guidance.  You are free to question answers you find there.  The structure could be a meadow, mountain, or an office.  I won't give any details of my 'places' because I think you should keep that private between you and your Cosmic quest.  This place and the characters will seem very real to you.  

You might be asking if you can travel to an actual physical place and interact with people unseen.  Historically this has been done.  To me it only feels right if when visiting uninvited like this I ask permission of a Higher Version of the person I'm visiting.  Then only the best 'conversations' in the long run will occur.  We are not meant to manipulate in an unknown way.  If you respect the secret and highest version of the person and only seek their good, you can enjoy this process.  This seems like a moralistic version of communication but that is what works for me.  Then again, its true that in olden times someone who fared forth to spy using this spaecraft could meet with protective powers that would ward him away.  This is how the protective guardians of Iceland were discovered and can still be found on Icelandic coins and regional descriptions.  

In my spirit house visits I'm only seeking guidance for how I can act most successfully.  I'm not above telling someone I know that I wish they would call etc. but its not usually my main focus.  

That's one technique of Cosmic Spirit Tech.  By the way, make sure you are again grounded in physical reality and your healthy body when returning from your faring forth.  Affirm it.  Dreams have a similar function and after you write down or think about what you have dreamed, get back in worldly action.  

The above technique can create communication dreams.  

Dreams may be too personal to share.  Mine was of a young woman who left Montana.  She was walking with her arm around me like she wished we had been more.  The woman had been a significant player in the heart vibe of Missoula and everything changed when she left although she had not been here long.  She brought much of an older vibe to Missoula.  One of those people who bring a karmic narrative with them and probably find the place where the people of the story live.

The communication you participate in with these scenarios will be revealed in your personal reality or maybe something new will be introduced.  I'm giving an example here of a meeting I had in those 'higher Light astral' worlds.  Would not likely be yours but that's not important.  

Using my Cosmic Spirit Tech methods last night, I had a conversation with *Wodanaz in his more regal state. Enthroned and with the winged helm, spear, and wolves at his feet, he was more adamant and prophetic than in his usual Wanderer appearance.  He appreciated that I knew and respected the past but advised that I start envisioning the future.  The future will be different.  My furor over the Woke idiots and 'cancel culture' will not even be relevant.  Expression will reach a wide populace without being restricted.  Some will understand.  

*Wodanaz gave rede in a silent intuitive way that without all the energy going into fighting with loser idiots, there will come a time of energy and consciousness toward advancement.
My esoteric Facebook page had content deleted because I used the very best sources for content regarding runes, mannerbund, and mythic structure.  The publisher was banned from Facebook.  My links were removed.  Yet somehow I'm finding it beneath me to fuss and fume over Woke  bozos and cancel culture.  There is triumph on the horizon.

I will give more of the paranormal methods at some point but I have drifted a little from the computer/internet analog.  For good reasons.  We are NOT computers.  Yet the technology function is relevant in one of my resource books.  Let's have a look at Martin Heidegger. and his analysis of technology as a phenomenon.   

"The Question Concerning Technology." by Martin Heidegger.  With an introduction by William Lovitt.

The introduction by William Lovitt is a good introduction to Heidegger in general.  Lovitt presents reading Heidegger as a personal adventure  which can be a difficult trip.  Lovitt points out that we bring our own prejudices to our understanding and that sometimes Heidegger will confirm them and then turn around and confound us by pushing us into another direction of thinking.  Lovitt brings his own understanding which is similar to mine in some ways.  He says that Heidegger does not think there is any controlling compulsion from Being and that we are free to relate to our perception of the direction of Being in any way that we choose.  Heidegger wants us to transcend his work as appearing from either a fatalist or a mystic.  Rather, the adventure of thought is a challenge given to us.   

Heidegger is not against technology.  Nor is he a romantic who disdains it.  Seems to me he issues a cautionary note.  In the beginning of Heidegger's technology essay he says we are to think in a way to openness of what technology is.  Technology is the means to an end.  How it defines us we will see as an 'enframement' of our place in its creation and how that creation infuences us.

We must gain and continue control over this means to an end.  It becomes more and more important to gain and continue mastery over the technology we create as it gains complexity.  

Technology is a way of revealing.  How does Heidegger come to this observation?  He begins by examining the Greek and Roman conceptualization of 'cause' as in 'cause and effect.'   In his usual way, he questions the defining limits of four causes as they have down to us.  He says 'why not another, a fifth?'  His example is a cup of silver and the causes to its existence.  He posits and additional cause.  The silversmith himself.

The Greek sourc of technology is Teknikon and also Techne.  This techne implies an artist understanding that is profound.  Expertise of the creator is found in Techne.  "Such knowing provides and opening up."

Standing reserve.
"Wherever man opens his eyes and ears, unlocks his heart, and gives himself over to meditating  and striving, shaping and working, entreating and thanking, he finds himself everywhere already brought into the unconcealed."

Openness seems to be a qualification of how man should regard technology.  Then caution or a sense of responsibility is added to the equation.  We are enframed by technology and there is something qualifying about the 'standing reserve.'  "Enframing is  the gathering together that belongs to that setting-upon which sets upon man and puts him in position to reveal the real, in the mode of ordering, as  standing-reserve."

The abundance of a 'standing reserve' is what we have developed that makes such advanced technology possible.

"Always the destining  of revealing holds complete sway over man. But that destining is never a  fate that compels. For man becomes truly free only insofar as  he belongs to  the realm of  destining and so  becomes one who listens and hears [Horender] , and not one who is  simply constrained to  obey [Horiger] . The essence of  freedom  is originally not connected with the will or even with the causality of human willing. Freedom  governs the open in  the  sense of  the cleared and lighted up, i.e., of the revealed. It is to the happening of reveal­ing, i.e., of  truth, that freedom stands in  the closest and most intimate kinship."  

"But where danger is grows the saving power also"  Heidegger points toward Holderlin as saying that to 'save' is to fetch something home to its original essence and therefore bring the concept to mind for the first time. Enframing is the power to endure.   

My girlfriend watched me pondering this e-book and asked, "Watcha doin' ?"  I answered, "Studying how Heidegger says we can survive technology."  She is the same age as me and we are both often befuddled by computers and the internet.  There are travails and dangers here which Heidegger says we can overcome "provided that we, for our part, begin to pay heed to the coming to presence of technology."  

Heidegger seems to say to me with his reference to Holderlin who also says, "Poetically, man dwells upon the earth" that techne has been an art and the coming to presence of technology can also be seen as an art.  With my anecdotal reference to my friend and myself coping with technology, this is helpful.  This is a response to the question concerning technology.   

It's okay if we question the value of technology providing we ask with considerable thought.  "Questioning is the piety of thought."

This consideration of modern technology and techne as art does indeed illuminate the paranormal long learning process and experimentation of  "Cosmic Spirit Tech."


We will move along to your own experience, my experience, and how to make it all work.  Right after a few more ravings about the excellence of Ingo Swann.  Ingo Swann's book is where you will meet many of your old friends if you have been around for awhile and have read a few really interesting books. His erudition in the field of psychic literacy is unparalleled.    If you are familiar with some work in the psychic tech field you will meet them again in Ingo's encyclopedic mentions which are mainly used to verify and further illuminate his own work.  

The Web existed long before electric technology.  I've been powering my project through as a solitaire.  Not the days when people met in person and there was an energetic auric and resonant interest in communication.  Human spirit stuff.  So I should use the modern and more ancient Web to relate on that wider spectrum.  If anyone has experiences, theory, research, or protocols to share, please feel free to contact me.  

Ingo Swann.  Direct-sensing.  Linkages.

There is my work before encountering more of Ingo Swann and there is the work afterwards.  Yet I must again give credit where credit is due.  In addition to 'direct sensing' Swann mentions that we are not separate entities but Biopsychic beings who are also psychic.  He postulates that Linkages are the what makes this all possible in terms of realizing and processing this awareness of interconnectedness.    

Let's get right down to it.  You already have significant 'coincidences' in the real world and probably online (with the increased living away from direct contact, until we come to our senses).  Your own envisioning and sensate thoughts about your life are where the rubber meets the road.   

It seems that if my work is to return to my original experiences in the matter, I must become more personal in my approach and use the concept in a practical way.  There are psychic linkages I wish to encourage and goals to achieve.  Before reading mine, think about yours. This about more than what you think you want.  It is about what you KNOW your  best purpose is.  That is what will excite you most.  Mere wants will arrive as a matter of course. Use your power of vision, emotion, sensation, and, above all, optimism.  Remember, we have already discussed the negative and manipulative media transmission of their version of reality.  You and I have some transmissions from the past where things were not up to our highest standards.  Our job is to tune this bandwidth out altogether and tune into a chosen broadcast of excellence.

What to do about the detours :

In real life there will be naysayers and those who do not carry the exact shape/model of your intention.  I've found the best way to deal with this is a compassionate one.  As long as they allow you to get back to your work, appreciate that they are living in their own linkage and the 'changing the channel' is up to them.  Its okay to give them some validation of their current time and place providing you can get back on track as soon as possible.  They will likely join you in the advanced transmission later.  

Your code is to have a linkage with your Sacred Purpose.  My own wavelength is to be aware of some superb cooperative work that is a little out of my range yet very much appreciated.  I'll catch them on the next recording session.  "Discovering Your Sacred Purpose" by Ivan Throne is available for free if you get on his mailing list and sign onto his website. 

This is the best !  

Your thoughts about your purpose and mission have already tuned the linkages so it will be up to you to translate the transmission into manifestation. Coincidences will increase.  Your focus will be on point.  

It gets better and better.  That's how you know you are on the wavelength.  

I will follow here with some of my Cosmic Spirit Tech observations and results.    

The personal direction that my work takes me has unexpected, but remembered linkage.  This has been Cosmic in a field where I found purpose 45 years ago and maintained as an energy field.  



 Some time away from a working project can reinforce the work.  The Enjoyable and absorbing work in writing my 'Spirit Tech' was actually reinforced by a little time away. The music of a Cosmic age found its way to me again.  The energy was there formed by my former linkage, a neural pathway if you will.  If we always had a technology built within us the content has a 'save your work' feature that makes us timeless.  

There was a Cosmic time when music transmitted a world-view that encouraged our advancement.  But much of today's music seems to be using this media for subversive reasons. There are those who recognize that there is a better way, even in the field of rap.  In fact some of the biggest and most sensible promoters of defiance against the new machine are in the pod cast rap and music community.  Remember, in the 1960s we called gathering around to talk about ideas 'rapping.'  

Listening to music and planning my return to Hammond musicianship, I gained some of the life-force, or Vril, necessary to thrive as a biopsychic human.  That's one reason I mention looking at your own history and interests when engaging Psychic work.  Something of a trajectory of your past success will return and recalibrate for you to have an increased duplication in the same area or a related field.

For me, getting another Hammond B-3 is a huge challenge.  When I had one at age 19 it was still possible with hard work and attention.  Now they are $26,000.  Some intense focus and passion gave me an adaptive idea of creating a crowd fund page.  Yet there are more heart-breaking stories than mine from some real musicians.  I gave up my B-3 because of romantic heartbreak and a failed gig that traumatized me.  Wise people told me not to abandon everything, but that is another story.  

Right now creative solutions are called for.  I think I'll combine my interest in Cosmic stuff with the meaningful music and lyrics of my youth.  Be doing that I will also advance a total program of music and book culture.  Thus, my crowd funding page will have an expanded content for appreciation for great musicians, powerful music technology, and metaphysical culture.

Focused intent is a linkage to the creative.  Permutations of alternatives will arrive.  My own focus revealed that there is a Hammond that is more portable with all the features of a full cabinet mode.  There is another advantage in its newness would mean less maintenence than the classic models.  I miss the beauty of my full cabinet 1950s Hammond but in real life I will aspire to the more practical model.  I didn't even know about this until I became entranced with the possibility of returning to my Hammond adventure.  During a break from writing as a total discipline.  Writing about life is about life.    

Consider what I've learned about abandoning long-cherished dreams.  Don't do it.  Accept help if need be.  Independence and integrity are laudable.  Consider whether someone would know and understand your goals and want to help.  In my case I turned away from people who didn't want me to do something stupid over a breakup and one failure at a gig.  Consider neither my girl, the venue audience, or my own consciousness were ready for what the purposeful life intended. Keep your resources until your awareness catches up.  

Look at any successful professional musician who plays keyboards and you will see a Hammond B-3

This is what I abandoned. At age 20.  1972. The Hammond B-3 alone now goes for about $26,000  Add the cost a few more grand of the Leslie rotating speaker cabinet. 

 But don't get stuck in regret.  Focus and remembrance brought an amazing possibility.....   

Some new Hammonds are versatile with all the features of the heavy cabinet B-3.  Affordable, more or less. Sound, features, and multi-contact float keyboard quality preserve the classic machine.  Now there is a chance for more people to create that magnificent range of sound and virtuosity.  Also, the other band members or roadies won't hate you.  


Here's the thing - - my hand and fingers have been in pain and not working too well.  A few days of even looking at the Hammond, The Traffic with Steve Winwood era, and practicing a little on my cheap plastic keyboard and my fingers are back.  There is muscle memory and there is connective memory.                    

Unexpected but well-remembered linkage arrived while working on this book. Synchronicity pulses a healing presence if we are open to it.  For years my fingers have been stiff, bleeding, and painful.  Circulation problem (Raynaud's disease).  For some fortunate reason, I've been totally absorbed in my Hammond era of 45 years ago.  Just looking at this image, listening to the Cosmic era of sound, and very, very little practice on my cheap plastic keyboard has brought back full health to my hands.

Time to bring this Gumroad version of my book to an inconclusive conclusion.  Action in the real world calls me to use what I know.  The development of our innate Cosmic linkage calls for a cooperative combination of great minds of capability.  An area of technology that I have not approached is nano-tech and the science of Elon Musk with Open AI and Neuralink. ' Per Aspera ad Astra' is okay with me but my interest is for working right where we are as we are. 

I'm skeptical of that kind of altering in our human genome and the natural progression of a valued archaic history.  I will leave the brain science and socio-genetic engineering to others who are capable.

In some ways, what I've tried to express here duplicates and amplifies what I tried to say in "Ancient Ways To New Thought"  For an archetypal modeling of coding see "Runes From The War Room" or, better yet, the runic works of Edred Thorsson.  That ancient remembrance and tradition is where its at.  This book has been presentation of a more generic model you can use whatever your connection to belief system and collective egregore.  I have mine and you have yours.  We will meet somewhere online or in real life when we achieve mastery and virtuosity.       


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