These books are ones I discovered after already having my work in progress.  They are auxiliary sources of information. 

 I will place a description here after I state some resources.  Remember, the work has already been done from previous study of particular esoteric fields.  There is enough anecdote and evidence for the book to stand as it is. 

This theory with the techniques and background is already operational as I begin to add these books.  There has already been a general sense of the Cosmic as an interesting supporting narrative to daily life whether it is unfolding well or having difficulty. There is a story in an explanatory way that runs concurrent with the more mundane facts and actions of living.

However, in the model of Elon Musk who is a voracious reader of various fields and who is willing to consult and give credit to other thinkers, I am taking up a varied field of studies.  These are :

On The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger

psychic Literacy by Ingo Swann 



The Cosmic Internet by Frank DeMarco

Quickly I point out that I had not read DeMarco's book or seen the title before I began seriously working on my idea during a time of disconnection from electro digital technology.  I could call the concept my own, but let's face it, we are all connected.  The good thing about this universal connection is that we can consciously choose which energies and good powers that we can get on our screens and send as transmissions.   

Bio-energetic perception was a tool for living long before the popular computer age.  We used intuition and imagination to qualify our lives, appreciate values, and create something new.  These were our tools used to succeed at goals.  It is even what was used to create the computer age.  

There are auxiliary studies an continued adult education that you will find after you begin your original work in any field.  I already had a manuscript in the works before adding the above resources to my studies.  There is also another Gumroad book or two that address my interests to the point that someone might think I copied them.  That's the thing about Cosmic tech - - we are all connected so we have psychic connections.

These are not the books that initiated the Cosmic Tech study.  For the genesis of related work we would need to go back to about 1968.  The heretical prospect that life had a Cosmic and immediately practical purpose was found in the pages of Fate magazine, some astrology and Edgar Cayce books.  From there we have added more sophisticated and tried methods of connection.  Needless to say, before the internet the model for Cosmic Spirit Tech would have been different.  There were however other models like astral projection and divination and psychic readings.  These all seemed to imply an existing structure for consciousness and energy within the tech maps of those times.     

Recent study has revealed that Ingo Swann was way ahead of me.  He was the man for the job to lead the protocols at SRI remote viewing.  A civilian, the military/governmental project was willing to follow his leadership because he was a proven adept and could best orchestrate the program. 

Working on this project has accelerated the synchronicity pulse.  I knew that Ingo Swann was the main leader of the SRI remote viewing lab but I did not know he was a kindred spirit.  When reading his "Psychic Literacy" book it is amazing how he is an astrologer and a reader of Fate magazine and a cosmic magician who walked among us.

Of the above three books of recent auxiliary study, The Ingo Swann book would be the most useful. 

"Psychic Literacy: & the Coming Psychic Renaissance" by Ingo Swann.  I'm getting lazy about finishing my book on the subject.  Ingo says it so much better anyway.  You will meet your own experience here which Swann presents with common sense and a genius aplomb. 


Additional material for an alternative to the modern machine is being added here because I think it is totally false that the Progressive Left has any moral superiority or imaginative creativity than Conservatives now or in history.  That Russell Kirk had some personal insight into the paranormal would surprise anyone except a biographical expert.  I've read his political science masterpieces but had no idea about his cosmic enouinters or interests.  

"Mine was not an Enlightened mind . . . it was a Gothic mind, medieval in its temper and structure. I did not love cold harmony and perfect regularity of organization; what I sought was variety, mystery, tradition, the venerable, the awful . . . I would have given any number of neo-classical pediments for one poor battered gargoyle."


My peers might never forgive me for revealing that I'm a Conservative.  I was a little suspicious of myself since I have such an  interest in things Arcane that found resonance in the hippie society of the late 1960s.  I joined all the correct Communist movments like Students For A Democratic Society.  I was properly snide about 'the establishment' which at that time included more than the Republican party.  Johnson was a Democrat.  

Now in the second decade of the 21st Century, I have accelerated my interest in the Arcane as a matter of course when respecting the heritage of my ancestors.  Yet my survivorship of the Communist doctrines of hipsters (then and now) has ensconced me more profoundly in the Conservative wing of political culture. "The Conservative Mind" by Russell Kirk is a common sense view of life that has an abiding awe for the Mystery as a First Principle.  Russell was Cosmic in his respect for the mysticism, art, and spirit of a Traditional people.  I assumed he leaned toward being a fundamentalist in his understanding of church doctrines.  

Not so!    

Kirk knew some ghosts and liked them.  He did not relish the day when 'science' and modernity would eliminate them.  He often read Tarot cards for friends.  His first financial success as an author was a gothic novel with the atmosphere of Old Europe that expressed some abiding respect for First Principles.  The principle of an abiding respect for the Mystery of life is found in his "The Conservative Mind."  Common sense shows itself to be more and more relevant in today's cancel culture so it is the intuitive and mystical understanding of literature and art that calls out for defense from crazy varmints.  

Progressive Liberals have shown their hand and over-extended their claims to being the arbiter of culture.  Specific censorship atrocities are trending now but I won't mention them because its nothing new and won't stop here.  Take your stand!  

(To be continued.  We might look at Edgar Allen Poe and some other non-standardized literati)    


Here is a link to the New Criterion article about Kirk and his metaphysical respect for the Supernatural.

Or course The Imaginative Conservative has further studies.  


But it might be time to return to the theme of an alternative technology that addresses what wonders we might be capable of achieving.  The point is made above about us being more than machines.   

 * * * * * * * * 

More notes on Cosmic Spirit Tech : 

Cosmic Spirit Tech is a book I began during a time when my computer was down.  About a two week period away from internet connection of any kind.  I began to re-experience what the connectivity to awareness meant in a regular life.  As I had known it before.  There is a Cosmic connection that can be sensed through the mind, intuition, and the body.  The complete human being was meant to be more than our limitations that have been learned or taught. 

 True, life without the internet using verbal, literate, and intuitive perception was the impetus of Cosmic Spirit Tech.  Yet there is value in recognizing whatever information processing we learn from others in addition to the fates of personal meeting, books, and teachers.  The same aspects of personal attraction and learning can be found with the 'coincidences' of our online friendships and education.  There is no need to eliminate internet and computer functioning.  The Spirit Tech approach is to see a seamless connectivity to the skills we had at creation and how we still use them with what tools we have.  

 Cosmic Spirit Tech was formulated and written during my absence from electronic digital technology.  It is important to know that we have an inbuilt communication ability that can function in physical environment through imaginative and willed intelligence.  Watch for 'coincidence' and the shape of events.  But this also holds true for connections on chosen electronic media that we have learned to trust with time and intuition.  Likely that in person meetings with people who we resonate with on electronic chats would be verified and accelerated with personal meetings.  The added vibe of aura and physical signals would magnify our connection.  This has occurred and been reported by people who have done exactly that.  I have. 





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