First, some connected resources for thriving. Taylor Pearson awakened me to the internet entrepreneurial world with his book, "The End of Jobs." I had seen some alternative education sites like the ones created by Edred Thorsson to fight back against the PC wokeness that is crippling 'higher' education. These are powerful statements of an adamant taking back of the better purposes of academia but they did not have the marketing expertise of money success.
Pearson shows how it is being done and how it will be done in the future. I would call the articles I read on his newsletter, "financial market metaphysics." Cultural renewal with a practical and esoteric outlook is found on his excellent newsletter. I'm linking his main page below. From there, you can find your way to some spectacular good articles.
In the pages of Taylor Pearson's thought, I discovered a man and a concept of "Choose Yourself" and "Reinvent Yourself" in the honest and instructive works of James Altucher. It comes full circle with a podcast where he meets with an internet hero, Hooa Fury.
Life is good when the coincidences increase.
noir photo
Before I venture into posting a sample of my "Cosmic Noir" novel, here is a video of Harlem Nocturne which sets the musical mood. I had been working on a theme for the real firepower of my cosmic detective for a couple years. By another 'coincidence' this version of The Viscounts classic features the Northern Lights.
Section of my "Cosmic Noir" novel. Allegedly fiction. Alternative timeline led to this. What could have been. What could still happen. All true. The link is below but I will return to jawbone some more.
When the story hits a market it will have more suspense. More insurmountable odds. More cynical hero getting his ass kicked by the forces of treacherous and murderous monsters.
In the interim, lets enter the story with some scenes and notes.
An aging cosmic detective appreciates moments of time-fluidity transference. Today he's lifting in the gym and practicing kata forms before battling the heavy bag. The boxing section of the gym is tiny but it seems the more considerate space to practice than the main floor with machines and iron. Techniques continued past the point of exhaustion energize from a direction of youthful times still attached to the astral form like the fetch or flygja mentioned in Norse mythology. Moments. Then there is the cough and limited oxygen that is the price paid to be the man with the cigarette and wide-brimmed fedora hat.
But there are bigger issues. How fare the people arrived in this era? Do we still have the ambition and joy of the mountain seasons? Are treason and corruption only known as realities isolated and not known to daily life? Have the forces of negativity and enslavement won the day?
Not on my watch.
Geometric forms of conscious energy still show archetypal resonance to dimensions that can not be influenced by those on the wrong path. Living stories of cinematic memory tug at the heart strings of those who remember. String theory, Quantum mechanics, and Chaos strange attractors are introduced by science to give shape to what we already experience. If this is war, we intend to win. The back alleys of misery be damned, we stride through field and stream of an energy that is a timeless win. That we take to the bank and bring home with us. Home streets and back roads be blessed. Architecture of generations rise to greet sunrise, noon, and sunset with an aura of where man was guided to build for his gatherings. Focused intelligent people meet to share stories of the past, appreciation for the moment, and plans for the future. We can't be stopped.
It's probably something I read elsewhere, but prayer, galdor, and projected vision is a warrior's prerogative. The sullen detective is only a convenient image to get things done. The awareness of something more is the real energy that can't be taken away by anyone.
What is the Noir influence on the decor of corruption and criminality in the 2020s? We saw politicians, cops on the take , and war machines in the 1930s. Murder is murder but the scenario of the times will appear differently. The aggressive newspaper reporter with the flashbulb appendage on his camera was a doofus to get some info on the main story, but he was not a player.
Today's doofus is reading a scripted news report on television with the required superficial look of superiority and outrage. He is more integral to the story. He is the means of persuasion toward the standardized agenda that is so sneaky we don't see it. But if you are a detective you are not believing the transmitted story but looking for clues. Let's follow the clues to the habitat of the murderous enslaver.
Someone owns the financial resources and office power of the media transmission machine. There are nameless stockholders but someone or something put the organization together. The creation is a monstrosity that is an absolute authority on the influential exchange of ideas and profited treasure building to sustain the power and create more. Impressive facades of polished decor and decorum speak of wealth in construction. The office managers are in the employ of the owner and were, in fact, selected because of their innate and learned allegiance to the agenda.
The owner of manipulation is seldom in the city except in opulent quarters separated from the employees. Where does he live far away? There is a surrounding opulence of gated residence far away from prying eyes. Entry there would be lethal if you weren't invited. If you were invited (not likely and not likely to go well), there would be inspection and checks on your credentials. You would be directed by an assigned entourage.
Not all builders of wealth are in this mob. Some are in the counterpoint to the mob and are dangerously defiant. These are the Noir hero's builders who are supportive in the background of the gumshoe. They often even have the detective's practical expertise and metaphysical sophistication. They have their own resources to build and independent life.These are a few scenes of the social landscape where our investigative hunt narrative could evolve.
A coincidence here that the Harlem Nocturne video of a greater power features the Northern Lights and my "Armanen Runes" book features the Northern Lights over Flathead Lake.
Next newsletter will be about Vril healing and the lake connection.
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