Books can arrive as signals of synchronicity.  This biography of Ernest Holmes found its way to me with an announcement of the funeral services for Dr. Holmes in 1970.  Somebody had thought highly enough of him to tape the newspaper article on the inside.  I discovered the Science of Mind of Ernest Holmes in about 1980.

 When I publish my blogs and assorted thoughts in a formatted book I would mostly hope one could skip reading it and live by the intent.  I intend for you to have  creative and loving life as your authentic Self with your authentic people.  The content of my work is mostly about having fun as an independent.  There are moments when I get to tell the oponents of our value to "Bite me!" but that's just an added bonus.  That's my thought for the day so its time to get to work.  Formatting.

One would hope that even the varmints of opposition will find their way back.  I owe this generous perspective to considerable reading of Stephen Flowers on the subject of the Zoroastrian or Mazdan paradigm.  It seems we are all destined to recall and re-engage with our better selves and the purpose of Ahura Mazda.  This is also an Odian approach that those forces we tend to worship are indeed worth emulating as a heritage that we can find within ourselves.  This is not to eliminate the religious observation of Something Greater but rather to identify with our own Divine Purpose.

I've said before that our very survival is evidence that the Ancient Ways were never entirely banished but found expression in other formats - - for whatever reason.  When synchronicity shows me some similarities to New Thought as a reentry into my awareness I pay attention. If my language and syntax sounds like a New Thought book I come by it honestly.  During an attempted escape from both Fundamentalist Christianity and Japanese Buddhism, I found the writings of a Western metaphysics which including the works of Ernest Holmes.          

Aelfric Avery might not endorse my observation about the survival of ancient ways within church and culture of the West.  Yet I find his account of the survival of the importance of the Goths within Germanic culture to be compelling evidence of how we honor a past scenario with our heroes and concepts of the times within the evolving culture.  Please see Avery's "Gaut's Descendants: Gothic Religion and Culture in Germania" for an overview of the history and influence of a people who left the scene while leaving a legacy.

I don't subscribe to the necessity of Biblical reference within New Thought.  If you doubt my dedication to the runic and Germanic lore paradigm, I include a link here to one of my posts where I work with the Rune Master Formula as evidenced in the Lindholm Amulet.

New Thought is generally Biblical but I find Quantum Physics to be more compelling when making a case for worthwhile creativity.  Here is my timeline for ancient teachings that survived within the changed European Society.   

Somehow, through hidden Mystery, my people managed to keep an essential spirit alive when it appeared an alien force had won the day.  I have a previous post reviewing  "The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity" by James C. Russell gets straight to the point.  The pulse of the ancestors could not be stopped so they made the best of things within a new framework.  Within Christianity through the years there were proponents of the essence whether they used the vocabulary of the ancients or not.  I'm tracing my theory of survival that I theorize happened AFTER the Early Medieval era.  This is not my completed essay because a new development has arrived that I want to mention in a timely manner.

I started with Meister Eckhart (1260 - 1381) and went on to Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772).  Thomas Jefferson we all know.  Next there are the Transcendetalists in America and a connection to Europe.  Emerson and Thomas Carlyle were friends.  Carlyle is a favorite of mine because of his understanding of ancient themes.  He wrote "On Heroes, Hero Worship and the heroic in History."  The first section is titled, "The Hero As Divinity. Odin. Paganism : Scandinavian Mythology."  Dated May 5, 1840. 

From the quest for self-reliance and inspired consciousness in early America I moved on to the early New Thought movement.  Ernest Holmes is one of my favorites.  The part of my youth that was not misspent was in study of New Thought authors who maintained that Consciousness is everything.  The frame of reference might not be as respectfully archaic in symbolic content as the more important Reawakening scholarship we have today,  Yet there is something that speaks to the people.  Thus I have not gone completey astray when I mention Norman Vincent Peale, Ernest Holmes, and Robert Collier.

You were created to win.    


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