That which heals and restores directs energy toward re-manifestation of a Divine pattern  What we have been, we can become.  Have I forgotten the essential heart of a runic Mystery?  For a time, yes.  Remembering calls upon the wholeness of what we have gained in data combined with what we have lost in imagination.  The integral requires that all this data and speedy communication  recombines with our power of vision with the stories of triumph in a living past.  For today.  Nothing is past us.  

Living well is both resolve toward personal excellence, and the inevitable appearance of paradox.  It is said that the ability to accept paradox is a sign of maturity.  I don't remember who said that but I think its true and I'll let you know when I find out.  It rings true because of real experience.  A paradox I'm looking at today concerns the shamanic other-worldly, or non-ordinary, appearance of the Supernatural or its explanatory description in metaphysics.  Magic has been presented as something not physical and not concerned with life situation.  In reality magic has been shown to alter the known individual world through focused wisdom of that which is true and the personal development of truth that succeeds in the world, or worlds.   

There is a certain fascination in the adventures of non-ordinary consciousness shamans or magicians in legend and lore.  My preference now is with ancestral regions and culture and how they did it.  Yet sometimes I return to the exotic and more familiar like the story telling of Carlos Castaneda.  These works were influential to a generation or more.  Magic happens we live and I will start there.   

So today I will consider the similarities in landscape and living found in the Carpathians of Romania and Montana U.S.A.  Yes, Transylvania speaks to us in literature, epic drama of a more artistic era, and a general landscape and population. I'm told by Romanians that our land is identical.  Forests that glisten green in the summer day and darken to deep black in the night.  There is an ecstasy and a spooky that speak of life-force to contemplate and mystery to challenge the imagination.  A moon through arching pine boughs brightens the heart's imagination and stirs memory of a journey taken with companions who are warriors and hearth-mates.

What other creatures share the land before us with the ability to stalk us unseen?  That is the saga of the Transylvania Carpathians.  That is the adventure of the Montana wilderness.  When we sense something bigger or stronger we can identify the Cougar or Grizzly bear.  Or something else? 

The tale of Vlad is overrated.  Castles in the mountains can inspire a tale like Dracula but this sense of dangerous wonder is bigger than one tyrant in history.  That life is both beautiful and dangerous is a fact that awakens the senses to challenge us.  Cycles that take us from the warm and familiar into the regions of the strange and powerful.  We must gain in personal and kindred Power to meet the supernatural. 

Staying alive while prospering has its own supernatural challenge, even in sunlight among fellow citizens.  Imagination, adventuring, and attack is required to make it in this world.  Those before us have done it and so will we.  But work and grinding it out can deaden our senses and cause us to lose our sense of mystery.  In the more suspenseful and older genre of spooky stories there is an art that calls us to rise above fear.  There is Power in the world and we ourselves can combine and co-create with the Greatest Power.  I think there is wisdom in the celebration of a spooky season.  

The conquest of life in a supernatural attack with principles of victory has recently occurred in Romania.  I'm referring to the gathering of men called The War Room with luminaries like AndrewTate, Tristan Tate, Ivan Throne, Dylan Madden, Alexander Cortez, and others.  Romania is a wonderland of prosperous opportunity.  I am not able to participate in such high-powered training and tactics but it was sure fun to watch on Twitter.  Men are winning and that is a lesson for the winners.  You know who you are. 

There were beautiful women there.  If you don't like beautiful women you are not Cosmic. 

From the Carpathian mountains I will take my pondering to the desert chaparral of Southwest U.S.A. and then to Anglo-Saxon England in the 5th century.  Principles exist and thrive beyond location and time.  Classics have a way of gaining power when they return from a hiatus from popularity.  Controversial as they are, the Carlos Castaneda series has a timeless quality that transcends the hippies.  My favorite is Journey to Ixtlan.

A desert adventure conversation :
"One must assume responsibility for being in a weird world." he said.  "We are in a weird world, you know."

Castaneda nods.

"We're not talking about the same thing," he said.  "For you the world is weird because if you're not bored with it you're at odds with it.  For me the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable ; my interest here has been to convince you that you must assume responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world, in this marvelous desert, in this marvelous time."
Don Juan Maltus.  Journey to Ixtlan

From The Way of Wyrd, by Brian Bates
"Nothing may happen without wyrd, for it is present in everything, but wyrd does not make things happen.  Wyrd is created in every instant and so wyrd is the happening."
Way of Wyrd . 1992

 Interview in Shaman's Drum magazine :
"It has often struck me that most paths to wisdom - the ways that enable us to move forward in life - usually involve going "back" to the realms of inner experience.  Most of us had vivid inner lives as children, but we learned to deny those realities in favor of the consensually validated "real world."  Following the shaman's path involves re-entering the image world we knew as children and returning to that source of wisdom which, as adults, we have forgotten."

It was years ago that I read the interview in Shaman's Drum.  This was an astonishing validation that whatever sophisticated metaphysics can be found in cultures other than mine, powerful teachings also exists in my own people's history.  We must live it today to keep it relevant and transformative.   


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