The West appeared lost.  At least that was the overwhelming picture when we looked at public and established education.  Yet it seems scholars can be fighters.  The West is making a resurgence when we look at what creative entrepreneurs have built to preserve history, art, and thought.  Lost education in the West seemed like an inevitable 'accomplishment' of the managerial elite.  Yet, survival and employment has found a place in the tech age.

                 The Runa magazine interviews with the esteemed Stephen E. Flowers

Education entrepreneurs are recovering what is lost in higher education.  Indeed, professors who have lost their employment to political correctness in the sad state of current curriculum are calling upon their resources to creatively implement solid programs that honor the integrity of their love of knowledge.   This is a phenomenon that is an evolution toward non-compliance when confronted with draconian programs to eliminate Traditional culture in order to establish pc mandates.  


Some areas of new curriculum are related to the tech age and I appreciate that.  Yet areas of social science, history, and thoughtful philosophical trajectory should continue to have a place in education. My own interest is in Germanic and Medieval studies.  The premier professor and educator in that area is a hero of mine.  If you have trouble with someone having a guiding hero or mentor see the works of Thomas Carlyle  (1795 - 1881)   He is not taught in schools anymore and most teachers have never heard of him.  

                      The Ph.D. dissertation of Stephen E. Flowers.  University of Texas at Austin

My hero/mentor is a scholar and professor many many of us consider essential reading and without whom our studies would be bereft. Dr. Stephen E. Flowers was among those who were hit in the cutbacks from university departments.  The University of Texas at Austin had the best Germanic Studies department in world with teachers like Lee M. Hollander and Edgar Polome.  These are different times now and we must act accordingly.   

The cost of higher education is a debt of astronomical amounts.  Prospects are slim for employment based upon subjects required or opted in for.  If you are very well-behaved and credentialed there are a few areas where gender studies and associated political conditioning would be helpful in the current marketplace.  

The true leader and scholar I refer to is Stephen E. Flowers.  Here is his introduction to an alternative education project called, The Woodharrow Institute.

"The world of Indo-European studies, along with other traditional disciplines, is increasingly being eliminated from university programs, not only in the U.S. but also in Europe. The commodification of college degrees and the marketing of education as entertainment undermine more rigorous and rewarding disciplines in favor of college-lite, which fails to meet the real needs of scholars and students alike. For this reason, the Woodharrow Institute has taken upon itself the task of educating a new generation of scholars in the field of Indo-European studies. The Institute is independent of the current status quo, yet applies the same rigorous intellectual standards of traditional academia as found in the first three-quarters of the twentieth century."  Stephen Flowers.  

Dr. Flowers is more commonly known as Edred Thorsson and many of us know his works in rune craft by that name.  At one time he had a publishing house, Runa Raven Press.  A wild land  fire known as the Bastrop fire destroyed his business although Edred stayed on the property to protect the animals on his animal rescue farm.  His website manager also contributed to the end of his business.  Many of us did not hear from him for years and thought a great man had been finished by tragedy.  Never count him out.  Edred returned with Lodestar as a new publishing house and also picked up the pace with new projects and other publishers.  The link to his new publishing house is here

A publisher that carries his work and books by other authors in the field is here .  

The quote above is from The Woodharrow Institute which features talks on subjects of an educational curriculum.  Listening to these is much like attending a professor Flowers lecture.  Link is here for the Woodharrow Institute

Some areas of knowledge are new to the tech age and I appreciate that.  Yet areas of social science, history, and thoughtful trajectory in culture and philosophy should still have a place. 

Beyond my personal interest in Germanic and Medieval studies, there are high-powered creators in fields of Social Science, Technology and Business.  Studying these people while going immediately to work will teach more than any college.  In my opinion.  Here is one of those creative entrepreneurs : 

There are rich potentials here.  This is a theme, or thread if you will, of resources for meaningful education and the reason it must be found in alternative views.  Before looking at the destructive and expensive aspects of current higher education, let's take a look at some early and critical work in the absolute necessity of avoiding a useless and financially crippling consequences of state and federal institutions.  

The research of Taylor Pearson documents the statistics of failure by colleges or universities to address meaningful employment.  A life of debt and underemployment is the likely result.  We will get into the brainwashing and insane mandates of campus life later.  Pearson does not get into these.  His only concern is that people find a real source of education from experience and apprenticeship.  Real education in the real world. 

Taylor Pearson shares many alternatives whether you get his book or not.  His website and newsletter offer insights into how to make the entrepreneurial imperative workable in a way that grows the spirit.  I will address the liberal arts and humanities aspects of alternative education with other authors. 


You will be glad you looked around his website.  Pearson is pragmatic and wants you to get results.  This is not to deny, and it might even confirm, that he does indeed get into the liberal arts and humanities.

 Resources abound for anyone who has Taylor Pearson's book or visits his website.  I'm finding much practical education there. 

Of special interest to me is preserving an area of education not getting public support like it did in better times politically.  This special interest could be seen as avant guard and arcane in our current culture. It really shouldn't be if Northern European established culture had been allowed to continue existing.  Anyway, there is the fun in gaining back what has been forbidden.

More important to this article are the circumstances that created the Woodharrow Institute as an entrepreneurial education website.  Stephen E. Flowers Ph.D. was a teacher of renown at the University of Texas at Austin.  His specialty of Germanic Studies was at the university known as one of the best in the world on the subject.  Best in the WORLD not just the United States.  The department was not considered politically correct on a typical campus that would prefer gender studies with appropriated subsets and baffling scoldings on 'microagressions' or whatever. Those are the times we live in.  Rather than just eliminate some 'controversial' professors, they eliminated an entire department.

Dr Flowers was without a job.  Too committed to his chosen area of education to give up, he started his own institute.  Here is freedom.    


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