This blog is because I'm too long-winded for Twitter or maybe because I aspire to write quality content as a Cosmic professional.  

Here is an example of my wordy nerdy intent and how it had to be limited for a single Tweet. 

The original : "My newsletter on the subject of Divination hit a roadblock when I knew there is something important about Quantum Mechanics and 'wave form collapse' in the matter of choosing wisely with potentials.  The science baffled me even more when I read scientific journals and reports.  Something needed to be said here, but what?  Then I discovered this article on Selfmastered  @leoncastilloVC  with a guest post by by Garrett Dailey, @Libera_Rex.  Much appreciated!"

The tweet : "I sensed something important about Quantum Mechanics and 'wave form collapse'.  The science baffled me even when I read scientific journals. Then I found this article on Selfmastered  @leoncastilloVC with a guest post by by Garrett Dailey, @Libera_Rex ."

The difference is that I did not have 'character space' to promote my newsletter or even state the context of the quest.  My attitude of appreciation to some very smart men was also not properly visible.  The context of my research was not evident.  The entire issue of understanding Wave Form Collapse for manifesting potentials into probability and then reality is also not expressed. 

A section of Divination Newsletter volume 2 touches upon the theme of available choices that can be detrimental or wise depending on our attune ment.  Here is something that anyone Divining and acting upon goals should consider : 

Anything and everything is being transmitted.  Transmission is a specific range of wave-forms for reception by a given mechanism that can be tuned for an image or conceptualization.  A broadcast to our awareness can be artificial and manipulative, or authentic and sourced from our own Being.  Attunement is our choice of which broadcast transmission we can imagine, conceptualize, and act upon.  Choose wisely. 

Divination is one method of choosing the authentic source of our Being for reception and action. The electronic broadcast medium impinges upon or contributes to our daily lives but that is a specific techne presence.  

Another way of looking at a vast potential of choosing probabilities as a 'wave form collapse' which Quantum physics tells us appears through attentive observation.  The science and math is beyond me so I'll move on to another way of choosing which potential appears. 

Ecology is all the rage as a transmitted program but I think there is value in the natural ecology for those who can experience it.  At this level of reality it is not a political program.  The ecology of clean rivers and lakes is something I can understand without signing on the dotted line as a modern Democrat.  

Another kind of ecology must be considered in the worlds of available choices. 

There is an ecology of the Spirit or 'Akashic Field' as a presencing power that can be enacted through unwise or wise choices from unlimited potential.  We can move a more positive Probability into action through wise choices. 

A note on "choosing probabilites" on the above paragraph concerning Quantum Mechanics.  I was stymied by exactly what a 'wave form collapse' meant and after looking at several scientific papers and overviews I still did not understand the details.  Intuition told me it was important though.  Then through fortune I found an article that said what I had meant to say.  Respect to Leon Castillo at Selfmastered and Garett daily for his thoughtful guest post.   

Manifestation can appear in a moment even if the time of work and choices seems to require patience in a long process.


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