Originally, I posted here with a missing part of my pdf free preview of Krisler & Alternative America.  I corrected the pdf so I considered removing this post.

However, I think this section gets to the heart of the options we have in sovereign independence.  So this post will remain and there will be edits and additions to elucidate on the theme.  These are different times from the Obama era when it was written.  The escape clauses recommended here apply to a different overreach which comes mainly from the media and an entrenched society of repression and manipulation.  Don't get lost in what's wrong.  Find what works.  


These are not administrators as employed and funded by any distant governing agency. These are positions of interested duty taken on by family and friends who have a vision for the best interests that the people of the community also share. The people we respect, and who have risen to create value in markets and services, are a meritocracy. There is a good chance that their dignity and influence would also qualify them as aristocracy, in the older sense, when regions and states and colonies were given special attention by individuals of achievement and ability. The word 'aristocracy' thus has a different meaning than 'monarchy' as we have come to know the terms. Of course, monarchy was originally intended as a Spiritual representation of the people.

We are taking back what is ours and what we have built. The obvious despotism has awakened a people to their Gods. It could be glibly stated that the Neo-Liberal intimidation specialists have awakened us to our Gods. Our founding mythology and culture is our association with our Gods. We recognize that as descendants of the Gods we are Gods ourselves. Now it is time to take back what we have created and also create new societies in keeping with Tradition that is our own work. A word here about the religious and cultural background that is our frame of reference. I am a participant in an Ancient Tradition which is sometimes called 'Asatru' and more broadly known as Heathen. The wider spectrum of our American heritage has a philosophy, power, and function that is Christian. Those of us in Asatru with more experience and educational research do not advocate against Christianity. The very survival and ethical nature of the Church, as formed in Europe, was an adaptation to the previous mores of the Northern European tribes. Please see "The Germanization of Early Medeival Christianity" by James C. Russell for an accounting of how we we created a High Culture and protective warrior civilization through a syncretic creativity. I see no conflict between a panthenistic notion of God and the value created by our culture of churches. It is usually those new to Asatru who are riled up against Chrisitianity. They often continue a Liberal mindset for many years.  We have time.  

Here is a sequence of options that might be workable at this time.  Before describing each one of these possibilities I want to say more about the first option as a cultural benefit.  It seems to me that there is a pre-verbal, or trans-verbal natural state that many of us experienced when life and society worked.  This could be called pre-theoretical.  This does not mean it is superior to the theoretical models that great minds and even active advocates have given us.  The natural quality of our best experience of social culture should be greatly considered anyway.  I might use more repetition of this first option because the recognition of the value there led me to study the others and appreciate what our great people have communicated to us.  Accomplishment is important here.  Those who have achieved or are achieving have more to teach us.  


A.  Family , farm, and neighborhood relationship to township and local economy and responsibility.  This option is described above. 

B.  County sovereignty with selected officials that also have full-time employment in private business.  

C.  State Sovereignty.  This would be a State Constitution  for an independent State that would be granted full status by the United States Constitution. 

D.  A complete political effectiveness in the three branches of the government of the United States of America so that control would be returned the individual as envisioned by the original founders. 

E.  A state that would enact Nullification and be granted exemption from Federal overreach.

F.  If not granted Nullification a state that has successfully enacted Secession and has independent status. 

G.  A confederation of states that have declared independence as a Regional sovereignty. 

H.  A confederation of states that have declared independence which might not be regional neighbors.

 I.  A regional Republic that has been formed as an independent nation.    

The above options are toward a sovereign community whether large or small. Considerations of statecraft with other areas domestic in terms of the current United States or foreign countries will be dependent upon locally determined interests and malleable changes within those foreign states

So for now I'm going to make a better foundation for the sovereignty of the most immediate family as the first political unit.  This is where the Spiritual principle will show first and must be maintained with honor to qualify for the wider community.  That is my nation building focus at the moment.  I will return with observations about how immediate concerns effect the wider aspects in a more integral way.  This is how I watched the advanced natural state develop in the years of 1946 to 1964.  There must be a return to right before we are able to advance the Right.  That is a catchy phrase and is not the entire picture.  We must ascertain through right actions and thought how to transcend this dichotomy of labels, yet remain true to first principles.  

It might be that the options listed here could be focused upon simultaneousy. Work toward one goal would not preclude another. Enacting the scenario of option A would be the most reasonable in the sequence of possibilities. Whatever ventures we make into option options B to I would involve considerable requirements of financial solidarity. Its no use sitting at a poverty soup kitchen while planning the revolution. Option D would  require incredible efforts within the political machinery.  The recent campaign by Donald Trump shows that with enough independent funding and an ability to dominate the media we could enter that arena.     

There is a parallel secession concept that could keep the individual and his kindred free while not attracting coercive violence by the established Liberal rulership. The Amish are a model we have for this. If we could have a free culture while telling the ruling elite to “mind your own business” , we could avoid not only a dramatic separation but a conflict like the failed Second Revolutionary War for Independence. Better to live in peace.

Any of the approaches above taken with personal responsibity could likely result in the formation of a new regional government. This could be an existing state or a geographical area that would become its own sovereign nation.

Attitude that stands up for ourselves and opposes central control will be imperative while in the process of revolution. The reasons many of us have for opposing excessive central control of the citizenry is nearly genetic. The history of genocide by governmental agendas upon independent farm owners, land holders, and intelligentsia is suppressed yet we remember. In my case, it was in Latvia where my relatives were taken from their farm and sent to die in a Soviet gulag. Those who were in the university and news journal departments were also sent away if they had ever opposed the Marxist agenda. The number of free native citizens murdered by the Marxists was nearly double of that attributed to the previous holocaust victims by the occupying German forces. However, we do not have an industry and educational agenda that uses our misfortune for economic, political, and educational interests. In fact it is the policy of the neo-Marxists worldwide, and in America, to insinuate that theirs is the ultimate victimhood. The educational and policy influence they have prevents any awareness of atrocity against free people from being known. At the very least they have made sure that the ongoing historical atrocity Europid people is not at the forefront of our awareness.

While I believe we have a genetic and instinctive memory of Marxist injustice, I also believe there are many in addition to myself who have met with cruel manipulation in the burgeoning crypto-Marxist culture of today.

Another theme of a constructive nature might be considered here. If we are to seriously try again with option A to maintain the stability and prosperity necessary to freely work on further options.

This July of 2020 requires that I add an option to the above list. This option is to maintain a stance of 'wait and see' while also creating a parallel society. Turn off the TV, don't scroll the internet excessively, avoid city congestion - - especially in heavily politicized areas like Seattle and Portland. Take your activism to the voting booth and make a statement there. Some may feel like making a stand in the streets but I would offer a caveat there. If you are not a maritial artist or heavily trained in street control methods, stick with what you know safely. There is an evolution of protection from a Higher Source that will maintain your appropriate connection.


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