The rigor of attempting an academic thesis has me bogged down with laziness.  I need to remember WHY I forged into a heretical forest of distant ideas that seemed familiar as they got closer. 
The grandeur of these wilderness steads among the mountain landscapes is why I'm here.  There are some familiar cottages with the comfort of homey advice and there are high stone parapets and alcun walks between the soaring keeps of mystery.   

Pieces of an old concrete lagoon peek out from the lake foliage and the shoreline gravel.  Vibrant men had once built the forms and poured the concrete that would cradle a powerful cabin cruiser.  The shore and approaching woods now await whatever the new owners will do with the land.  The structures of my youth are all gone now and a modern intent to create a recreation home has re-configured the next incarnation.   That part of my homestead estate is gone now.  I stopped building, conquering.  Thus the land moves to the next endeavor of a different family.     

To not mix metaphors - or historical eras - I could use the imagery of a Viking longhouse on the wooded bench above the lagoon.  Envisioned but never built - - not in the twentieth century.  It was there nonetheless.  The cabin had seen laughter and dreams.  Daily work of strong men of character and women of beautiful art.  Left empty for the winds of time to return to the elements.  Viking ambitions are not guaranteed.  There is danger, of course.  We didn't say it would be otherwise. 

Back when the structures still stood among the trees and shoreline, I made my first study of the runes of the Elder Futhark.  The Mystery spoke to me of distant times and ancestors.  More importantly, these angular symbols spoke to me of my people today.  What we had endeavored, what we are today, and what we will be.  That is where the maudlin arrival of the knowledge of temporality is overcome.  We will be together again and we will be more vibrant than before.  Knowledge will be more refined and powerful.

The purpose of my ventures into metaphysics was always for the protection and well-being of my people.  I was a better man back then.  The runic quest worked very well and I got to keep my genetic heritage.  Thriving seems to have a 20 year limit before storms rip out the dock.  Rebuilding is the best you can do.  Engage the formulas that empower the soul-lore purpose of power. 

Building again on Flathead Lake is a specific task that requires me to encourage younger people.  The essence of land-taking in a sister region of Idaho is something I'm witnessing by a kindred spirit who is considerably younger than me.  (See the Rigsthula lay of The Poetic Edda) Once, I thought being a heretic was a singular leap away from dogma and toward a better truth.  It was.  It is, however, a continuing series of small steps and occasional leaps toward dynamic process of becoming who you are.  When you find verification of a fundamental intent there will be a corresponding elucidation of where to go with your momentum.  There will be new opportunities for learning and manifestation of actions. 

You might identify with pioneers, scholars, and authors who made such advancements for themselves and their people yet had to deal with ferocious setbacks.  My most respected mentor took some hits from academia, natural disaster, betrayal, and loss.  You would think a cultural hero would be beyond the fray.  Yet remember that being a hero means winning in a battle against the odds.  A leader is wise so a leader often finds hidden sources of advancement during challenging times. 

My most respected mentor made a shift in expression of content that shocked his followers.  Why would it turn out that the most adamant advocate of the Germanic Tradition found life-affirming value in a Zoroastrian religion?  Because he had already been introduced to experts in that field through the years of his own study and he has an advanced Ph.D level education that informed him that the Indo-European history is also Indo-Iranian. history.  In fact the now forbidden word 'Aryan' comes from this source. 

My own decline and crushing loss of people, land, and heritage coincided with the publishing business loss of a lifetimes work and our only connection to non PC-regulated education.  The Bastrop Texas fire and website collapse was felt by all of us in some ways.  My traditional homeland was gone soon followed by my parents.  Are these things always avoided by relationship to the Gods?  No.  We are meant to progress our heritage and to increase our homelands.  This is the lesson of Jarl and Konungr of the Rigsthula.  During my own period of destruction, I resigned from leadership of a small group of eclectic pagans because I was technically disqualified.  Did they understand?  No, they said my reach of lore and wisdom made me the most qualified.  I've never accepted that.  A correction in the direction of Wyrd is necessary to win my way back to right. 

Edred has an inspiring tale about the beginning of his comeback in the introduction to "The Good Religion."  His work with Ahura Mazda and the Mazdan way increased his Cosmic connection beyond previous limitations.  He in no way abandoned his premier expertise and contribution to Germanic Re-Awakening.  In fact his contribution with his new educational institute and publishing endeavors are accelerated even beyond his former prolific success.  Edred Thorsson is an author name for Stephen Edred Flowers, Ph.D. whose doctorate at the University of Austin Texas is in
Germanic Languages and Medieval Studies.  Dr. Flowers probably does not endorse my observations and comparisons.  I only use my parallel comparison with personal experience in an anecdotal way.  It would be best to study his comeback story and embracing of expanded esoteric knowledge in his own words. 

My point is that we experience expertise in one area that is eventually not limited to previous stasis.  Wodanaz is a challenger.  We accept the challenge because of who we are.  We are to expand and enact a wide range of unique interests and abilities.  Orlog and Wyrd are  destiny and a mission that we drive with intent and purpose with manifestations and events that can only be ours.  The concept of Kinfylgja  means we share a commonality within our individuality as benefiting and being supported by relevant others.  "Relevant" is the crucial aspect here.  Family, kindred spirits, and members of our created Tribe are what matters - - not an artificially assembled mass of those we 'should' care about.  Paradox is that all humanity, at some level participates, in a united commonality.  The caveat is that when a media or educational system presents us with distracting prescribed preferences we are not able to focus our energies on our authentic purpose.  Master your craftsmanship in your chosen vocation.     

(to be continued with historical evolution toward a return to Center and how we meet the challenge today)  


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