Divination is about selective focus and watching for signs. Not always from divinatory tools like runes or Tarot. Two books found me because of my interests. The first edition of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" I found at a yard sale in the original Ralston Society 1937 edition and it has been appraised at $2,000. My interest in such things made the resonant connection. Science of Mind is another interest. "Ernest Holmes : His Life and Times" has an obituary clipping from 1960 on the first page. I always enjoy reading this book and it speaks to me of survival.
BIBLIOMANCY. Opening at random to a page for a message in response to a question. That's what I did here while thinking about the intent of young woman who suggested I post a photo from a worthy book. This will require my "too long-winded tor twitter" blog.
Bibliomancy is a sub-set of divinatory questioning. Looking for guidance from a higher source does not require elaborate ritual and does not always require exotic arcane tools. A simple connection to Source with a seeking spirit is sufficient. This book arrived by 'coincidence' at a yard sale with an indication that it had meant a great deal to the previous owner. Studying Science of Mind in my youth was a worthwhile endeavor that was not as misspent as some of it.
A previous connection to synchronicity or 'coincidence' arrived by what is called a 'hale' sign. Tacitus describes how when the Germanic tribes would reach a confirmation through sortilage of lots they would look for these hale signs which were sometimes signaled by a flight of birds. In our modern world 'coincidence ' on social media works pretty well. Reading "Ernest Holmes : His Life and Times" I noticed that he had studied "The Law of Psychic Phenomenon (1893) by Thomson Hudson. I resolved to look for a link or ebook the next day. Upon logging onto Facebook the next morning, I noticed that a phenomenal author was looking for the same obscure material.
Evolutionary Metaphors by David J. Moore is a superb book and I was honored to find he was looking for the same obscure book that I was seeking.
So I sent him a link which I found here.
The young woman had previously sent me a link based upon my aesthetic art vibe that turned out to be a breakthrough on a thesis I was working on. The book is William Cooper's Town : Power and Persuasion on the Frontier of the Early American Republic" by Alan Taylor. Notice that my page of the Holmes book chosen at random has something about the reading passion of the Holmes family and that James Fenimore Cooper is among their subjects.
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