Tacitus described how the Germanic tribes made important decisions. Whether or not to go to war was certainly among these. Issue two of this newsletter gave his account in section 10 of The Germania. After a determination was made by the signs pro or con given by reading the lots, 'hale signs' were needed to confirm a 'yes' indication. If sortilege indicates the answer is no, there are no further considerations of the matter. If the answer is 'yes' the environment is watched for signals to confirm.

"They attach the highest importance to the taking of auspices and casting lots. Their usual procedure with the lot is simple. They cut off a branch from a nut-bearing tree and slice it into strips these they mark with different signs and throw them at random onto a white cloth. Then the state's priest, if it is an official consultation, or the father of the family, in a private one, offers prayer to the gods and looking up towards heaven picks up three strips, one at a time, and, according to which sign they have previously been marked with, makes his interpretation. If the lots forbid an undertaking, there is no deliberation that day about the matter in question. If they allow it, further confirmation is required by taking auspices." Germania. chapter 10

Tacitus. “The Germania” Approximately 98 c.e. 


Patterns of the flight of birds was one such environmental signal. This is much like a shamanic confirmation from nature. It seems that CAUTION is the overriding factor which indicates this is more than a gamlbing gamesmanship approach.

I still believe that nature gives the best signals. We can use the same connection to the Divine. This is not 50 c.e. so we can look for other 'coincidences'. I've found books appearing and certain pages with information that seemed to be given. Paragraphs seen at random in books could be a confirmation or different approaches to thought and action.

The internet has potential for hale signs if you are aligned with the best that new world has to offer. Forget miscreant misanthropy and rampant snideness. Frankly, there are some corners of Twitter that you will only find if you are focused on being a better man. Thus, signals of 'coincidence' or confirmation through signs can appear in this media as well. If I'm wondering about something, no matter how obscure, someone will post on the same subject with the same thought. Divination can signal kindred spirits.


The first two issues were provided as a supplement to services and related books that I sold on the internet and were sent as hard copy. I later combined those first two newsletters in a PDF that I sell on Gumroad. This issue number three is complete and independent in itself with the most important new content being the following :


What follows are techniques I've developed myself while puzzling the sometime vagaries of sortilage layouts. I know, I know....... the patterns of non-rational, non-linear information can prepare the mind for open contemplation. I would usually recommend using the open pattern visuals for an initial impression for information from variables. Design and mental focus can give information. This helps use another part of the mind, and access to more abilities of the mind is what you want.

However, there is nothing to say the signals can't be obvious as a warning or a blessing. I believe the High Self - as the Wode Self or a God or the Norns if you are using runes - is open to being asked for advice in a direct and unambiguous way. We are seeking beyond the little ego or the limited self.

The first technique involves making a list of options. Carefully consider actions or questions that could be elucidated. Write them down. I'm only using three options in this example but you could have many more. The list will be :

Option A

Option B

Option C

Draw one lot or card for each option while thinking clearly about it. I will use the option of drawing a rune for each option. Let's use this as an example.

Option A...... mannaz

Option B...... uruz

Option C...... othala

Let's say my question was about moving to a new home. Option A was 'staying right where I am'. Option B was moving across town. Option C was moving to that opportunity in a new state.

Next, put the lots you have chosen back in a separate bag or in your hand. Mix them up thoroughtly. Raising your hand, ask “What is the best choice? Then ask “What is the second best choice? Then of course number three choice is what you have left. Let's say you got uruz as the best choice, othala as the second best choice. And mannaz is the least good option.

Looks like that move across town will contribute to your strength and that you will have the strength for the move. Looks like that move to another state will create a new homeland and estate for you. If you stay where you are you will still have your humanity and your relationships.

Consider that you have asked the question and then been given the options. You are still responsible to use your rational mind to take the best actions. You just have more information to work from. You are still responsible for the work and to act wisely. Keeping personal responsibility while asking for guidance explains why I put more detail in my list of options than just three choices. When inputting the momentum of a trajectory, my average list has about 14 choices. For some reason. I guess that's about the right number for thoroughness and management 


The unfavorable meaning and aspect of a rune lot is called 'murk'. The favorable meaning and aspect is called 'bright'. Some people say that if a rune is reversed or upside down it is murk. That's a self-limiting attitude to have about the odds and probabilities in one's life. Surely we MUST affirm that we are more than 50% okay in the aspects of life. There are some methods I've developed to affirm a higher likelihood of success and a bright general influence in life.

This is a method that works but is less complex than my usual technique and easier to describe in writing. You have a bag of lots or staves. Add to this bag a stave that is not a rune but a clearly marked (normal writing will do) stave that will indicate murk. If you draw that stave the next draw from the bag will be murk. This reduces the probability of a murk meaning to one in twenty four. One in sixteen if you are using the Younger Futhark or one in thirty three if you are using the Northumbrian Futhorc. The advantage to this is that you are living an affirmative life yet if there is a real warning it will show.

I include an additional stave indicator that is clearly labelled 'Bright' that will indicate an especially positive meaning to the next stave drawn. This is an amplification of my preference for positive living.


Using the Elder Futhark, we will have four full sets of 24 staves within our container for selection. There are four colors used for each set of 24. In my case the color-meanings are purely arbitrary in actual color association in general terms. The meanings of the four colors described here work for me for some reason.

Red : The subjective and internal personal aspect of the rune.

Blue : The objective and external expression of the rune.

Purple : Harmony and reciprocity of the subjective and objective meaning.

Black : The negative or murk meaning of the rune.

These color codes provide additional information but I don't take any aspect as definitive of the mystery meaning of the runes in general. Interesting information is provided here but any stave or workings with this mythos implies the totality of the experience. Notice that the black as negative meaning increased our likelihood of positive success to 75% rather than the 50% with reversal interpretations.

Of course the information in the particular rune shape is always the most viable divinatory factor.

A note here that active learning and directed magic with runes is the larger part of the work and not divination. Skills with divination will increase if many hours are devoted to the learning of staves in a contemplative manner. Also, the complete re-learning of ancient cultural paradigms counts for everything.

Clients and friends – also clients who have become friends – verify the accuracy of my technique when I give them information to act upon with their own discretion. They want to know how I do it so I have described one method above. I might need to improve my writing to become more clear.


Some do not want anything that is predictive to be verifiable in the actual world.

It smacks of usefulness in gambling or removing the challenging elements of chance from endeavors of effort. It gives an unfair advantage. There is nothing in predictiion that is definitive enough to be used this way. The Universe is brilliantly and artfully designed to offer risk and reward as a challenge that evolves our courage and effort.

The field of data-verifiable science.

This hearkens back to the glory years of Remote Viewing with protocols and scientific rigor. Conditions are in place for predictive binary-associative or multi-associative result verified potentials. I describe my techniques and results on my Paranormal Research Methodology blog. Information on the techniques, theory and philosophical ethics will be on the new Gumroad version. This is the concluding section available on this free blog you are reading now. These are teachings and practices that were at one time used in a social 'class' situation as well as for my own decisions skills. 



Before expanding to my heretical and controversial data-verifiable work, I would like to mention a sortilege tool addition that you might work out intuitively from your unique characteristics. Only a mention, because the details of my Teutonic Stave Set would require a lengthy issue number four of this series.

An example - - your sortilege selects elhaz as the defining stave. Is there a psychic impression of exactly what this means? Then go with that. Does elhaz mean protection, divine communication, or the challenge of knowing higher forces with safety? Or does it mean the fetch or flygja in a specific way? If you have a set of staves that identifies exactly which fetch as the dyrflylgja, mannfylgja, or kinfylgja that is added information.

Did you draw a stave that could indicate an aspect of the psychosomatic soul complex? Then a stave that indicates the lik or ek, or, minn, or hyde, or Wode, or Wode-Self could be made to clarify exactly which.

Divination could be your own tools of your own design that also represent universal agents of Truth. 


This will feature :

Remote Prediction method that is similar to Associative Remote Viewing.

Using binary and multiple result oriented data verifiable methods

Paranormal Research Methodology



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