At the close of my Cosmic Spirit Tech book I made some observations about how my connection continues... and yours as well.  

Your thoughts about your purpose and mission have already tuned the linkages so it will be up to you to translate the transmission into manifestation. Coincidences will increase.  Your focus will be on point.  

It gets better and better.  That's how you know you are on the wavelength.  

I will follow here with some of my Cosmic Spirit Tech observations and results.    


The personal direction that my work takes me has unexpected, but remembered, linkage.  This has been Cosmic in an endeavor where I found purpose 50 years ago and maintained as an energy field.  



 Some time away from a working project can reinforce the work.  The Enjoyable and absorbing work in writing my 'Spirit Tech' was actually reinforced by a little time away. The music of a Cosmic age found its way to me again.  The energy was there formed by my former linkage, a neural pathway if you will.  If we always had a technology built within us, the content has a 'save your work' feature that makes us timeless.  

There was a Cosmic time when music transmitted a world-view that encouraged our advancement.  But much of today's music seems to be using this media for subversive reasons. There are those who recognize that there is a better way, even in the field of rap.  In fact some of the biggest and most sensible promoters of defiance against the new machine are in the pod cast rap and music community.  Remember, in the 1960s we called gathering around to talk about ideas 'rapping.'  

Listening to music and planning my return to Hammond musicianship, I gained some of the life-force, or Vril, necessary to thrive as a biopsychic human.  That's one reason I mention looking at your own history and interests when engaging Psychic work.  Something of a trajectory of your past success will return and recalibrate for you to have an increased duplication in the same area or a related field.

For me, getting another Hammond B-3 is a huge challenge.  When I had one at age 19 it was still possible with hard work and attention.  Now they are $26,000 if they have maintained tonewheels and upkeep.  Some intense focus and passion gave me an adaptive idea of creating a crowd fund page.  Yet there are more heart-breaking stories than mine from some real musicians.  I gave up my B-3 because of romantic heartbreak and a failed gig that traumatized me.  Wise people told me not to abandon everything, but that is another story.  

Right now creative solutions are called for.  I think I'll combine my interest in Cosmic stuff with the meaningful music and lyrics of my youth.  By doing that I will also advance a total program of music and book culture.  Thus, my crowd funding page will have an expanded content for appreciation for great musicians, powerful music technology, and metaphysical culture.

Focused intent is a linkage to the creative.  Permutations of alternatives will arrive.  My own focus revealed that there is a Hammond that is more portable with all the features of a full cabinet mode.  There is another advantage in its newness would mean less maintainance than the classic models.  I miss the beauty of my full cabinet red almond 1950s Hammond but in real life I will aspire to the more practical model.  I didn't even know about this until I became entranced with the possibility of returning to my Hammond adventure.  During a break from writing as a total discipline.  Writing about life is about life.    

Consider what I've learned about abandoning long-cherished dreams.  Don't do it.  Accept help if need be.  Independence and integrity are laudable.  Consider whether someone would know and understand your goals and want to help.  In my case I turned away from people who didn't want me to do something stupid over a breakup and one failure at a gig.  Consider neither my girl, the venue audience, or my own consciousness were ready for what the purposeful life intended. Keep your resources until your awareness catches up.  

Look at any successful professional musician who plays keyboards and you will see a Hammond B-3

This is what I abandoned. At age 20.  1972. The Hammond B-3 alone now goes for about $26,000  Add the cost a few more grand of the Leslie rotating speaker cabinet. 

 But don't get stuck in regret.  Focus and remembrance brought an amazing possibility.....   

Some new Hammonds are versatile with all the features of the heavy cabinet B-3.  Affordable, more or less. Sound, features, and multi-contact float keyboard quality preserve the classic machine.  Now there is a chance for more people to create that magnificent range of sound and virtuosity.  Also, the other band members or roadies won't hate you.  


Here's the thing - - my hand and fingers have been in pain and not working too well.  A few days of even looking at the Hammond, The Traffic with Steve Winwood era, and practicing a little on my cheap plastic keyboard and my fingers are back.  There is muscle memory and there is connective memory.                    

Unexpected but well-remembered linkage arrived while working on a Cosmic book. Synchronicity pulses a healing presence if we are open to it.  For years my fingers have been stiff, bleeding, and painful.  Circulation problem (Raynaud's disease).  For some fortunate reason, I've been totally absorbed in my Hammond era of 50 years ago.  Just looking at this image, listening to the Cosmic era of sound, and very, very little practice on my cheap plastic keyboard has brought back full health to my hands.

Time was when I brought my Gumroad version of Cosmic Spirit Tech my book to an inconclusive conclusion.  Action in the real world calls me to use what I know.  The development of our innate Cosmic linkage calls for a cooperative combination of great minds of capability.  An area of technology that I have not approached is nano-tech and the science of Elon Musk with Open AI and Neuralink. ' Per Aspera ad Astra' is okay with me but my interest is for working right where we are as we are. 

I'm skeptical of that kind of altering in our human genome and the natural progression of a valued archaic history.  I will leave the brain science and socio-genetic engineering to others who are capable.

In some ways, what I've tried to express here duplicates and amplifies what I tried to say in "Ancient Ways To New Thought"  For an archetypal modeling of coding see "Runes From The War Room" or, better yet, the runic works of Edred Thorsson.  That ancient remembrance and tradition is where its at.  This book has been presentation of a more generic model you can use whatever your connection to belief system and collective egregore.  I have mine and you have yours.  We will meet somewhere online or in real life when we achieve mastery and virtuosity.  

Your story will probably not be about abandoned musical dreams that you recover later in life.  Might be, I don't know.  You must tell your own story in the realm of victory and triumph.  Because that is where you will be fighting and living.  There might be much in common with my tale here anyway.    

Lyrical music speaks in real life.  The mythos informs and refines real life.    The sound and images of a Higher Vision are my goals in writing - - and my return to Hammond power.

A Chrysler weaving through tree canyon roads of Flathead Lake 8-tracked the rich notes of Traffic with Steve Winwood.  Hammond, flute, saxophone, guitar, drums and driving bass told a visual saga.  Mountains surround one of the largest fresh water lakes in the country.  Something lived, really lived, in an eternal return of adventure and purpose.  It was not yet 1970. Memories of building the cabin with my father were still fresh.  The 'vintage' plywood trailer where my mother had cooked pancakes and fried fish had withstood the test of time. It was an encampment where we lived until the cabin was built around a massive ashlar stone fireplace. The abandoned trailer now stored bamboo fly rods and deep sea fishing gear.  

The road from lake front to wooded bench above was graveled and steep.  Gentle waves from a slight breeze lapped the pebbled shoreline. Submerged rocks and pebbles of myriad bright colors.  Because its also the purest lake water in the country.  I was home again for a few days.   

The mystic journey with Traffic needs to be where I live.  When did paganism as it is promulgated today lose what it knew of this mystic vision?  Wokeness today shows us nothing of the mystic in life and nature.  Modern groupthink only gives us the dictates of a standardized media.  That monster's agenda is against your living.  'Pagan', as defined, must be transcended in favor of a living presence that includes wild nature, agriculture, and the aspiring consciousness of man.  We have been defined by too many attitudes compliant with a regulatory agency.  

The new perception of our purpose has been forced by the effectiveness of the media intention.  There are those who sense a bigger picture.  A transmission from a more trustworthy source.  One that is ACTUALLY ancient and observes the forces of the Multiverse and each unique mission in the continuum of life.  It might be cliche to demand freedom when the very word is anathema to the controlling media.  But enough of this negativity and tales of a nemesis.

There is an amazing clear energy in the disconnect from Modernism.  The thoughts and symbols of the ancients become understood in a living way.  So the journey in a Chrysler to the forest of memory had the soundtrack of Cosmic musicians.  It was there in that lake forest 20 years later that I met the runes that told of the old ways.  I knew we had been here before and I knew that we had a challenge.  I met this challenge for another 25 years until it was brought down by aging and illness.  That's the way of things But we must remember that the path of becoming includes a seeming demise - - and a rising again.  

The fundraiser is a way back to making Hammond B-3 music.  I'm doing this for the spirit of remembrance for a trajectory in music that coincided with perceptual, creative, and manifest culture.  The tone wheel Hammond was genius that improved the musical quality of a period of time.  How the visionary creator could have known his invention could serve classical music, home and hearth singing, jazz,  and the power of heavy rock, I don't know.  There was magic. 

My interest in cosmic books has always coincided with my interest in cosmic music.  Laying around the hippie pad as a 'stoner' never had much appeal because the natural tendency of a goalless life is a state of pessimistic negative nihilism.  The more futile and aggressively hostile attitude one could have the greater level of earned 'hipness.'  This is a state that negates all natural energies of passion that are in the air. 

Sometimes in the hippie gloom among the 'crash pad' furnishings, the presence of a mitigating metaphysical direction could be found among the well-read and among the books and programs found in the living area.  Today the goal is to direct as many positive and Cosmic works to the internet community as possible.  Yes, this could coincide with musical appreciation.   

The Cosmic Hammond project.

My writing skills need improving and my Hammond skills CERTAINLY need improving. For one thing I don't have a Hammond.  Lost my B-3 in 1970 because I did not know how rare it was to accomplish such a feat.  Didn't know I'd never have one again. So I practice on a plastic electric piano.  Here's where my determination and effort can still have an effect.  Learning to read music (again) and learning the new Hammond tech will be more than enough to keep me on track.  I'm looking to start again with a single keyboard.  Of course technique requires dual keyboards.  That is for the future because to have any action on that wonderful Hammond key action would be magnificent.

I will create something that will make me enough money for a Hammond.  Accurate future predictions.  Books of my writing.  Consultation for those seeking Cosmic resources.  A compelling crowd fund manuscript.  Start small yet reach for wealth able to contribute.  Consider Steve Winwood.  

The beauty of a 1959 Hammond B-3 was something I had at age 19.  Two Leslie cabinets also.  I worked summers as a hod carrier and fortified my musical determination by reading "Think and Grow Rich!" by Napoleon Hill.  My goals were just a little modified from the usual citizen's view of riches.  From a Farfisa mini-compact, to a Hammond M-1, to a Hammond B-3, I thought, wrote down my goals and proceeded a step at a time.   I would modify that today when following Hill's insistence that we write down our definite major purpose. I would write "to share the music and sound of Hammond musicianship in a way that continues the positive journey of higher consciousness."  

I like that.  There is a place in music for the high life that arrived to affirm our place in the Multiverse.  Interesting that in the current era there is advancement of practical Hammonds with added features.  These also eliminate the need to find people to help you move them.  I miss the beauty of my cherry almond wood finish Hammond but we move onward.  Also, there are advances in the basic and fundamental teachings of Napoleon Hill.  He said we could do it.   

The Hammond was perfected as a work of art.  Beautiful and musical.  
The Hammond has adapted this perfect work of art to utility while Hammond is key action to virtuosity.  Hammond is key action to responsive virtuosity.  Hammond is a full sound awaiting your design.  Hammond is a soft subtle overtone.  Hammond is a bonk of percussive key note.  Hammond is sound that moves, rocks, and rolls. 

There are philosophical explorers who have matched and refined the classic work of Napoleon Hill.  He was not the first to synthesize an old wisdom that became known as New Thought.   So as I seek the presence of a new Hammond I will discover and present the mystics and interpreters of practical wisdom.  

Let's style how the conscious intent of a narrative in music meets the physical instrument that awaits your skill.  That skill has been developed with this meeting in mind.  We see that the creative Mind of All That Is lives in the region of your focus.  The Mind of All That Is also exists in myriad other interests and this is the existing genius of how it should be. The Sacred Purpose is going to be yours.  When your mind reaches the intuitive input of why a goal shines for you in thought, vision, sound, normal senses, and the undiscovered regions of the paranormal, you will be on your way.  

The Classic and the  revolution toward the Spirit's insistence upon a perfecting journey.  
This will feature images of my first edition.  Candidates for new consideration are Ernest Holmes, Stephen Edred Flowers, Ivan Throne, Medvus and a few others 

Coinciding with my efforts to get back in the Hammond arena, is my attempting to sell a treasure that arrived through focused interest.  I was at a yard sale years ago and noticed that there was a hardback of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.  No exclamation point in the title.  Then I noticed it was from The Ralston Society.  I still couldn't believe I found a first edition until I took it to a book appraiser downtown.  Worth $2,000 at the time although the value fluctuates. 


All those years reading and using various editions of Napoleon's classic had put my vibrational focus into being the one who discovered the first edition at a yard sale.  The previous owner had cared for the book because it was in good condition for a 1937 hardback.  Interesting that the only mark on it was a lightly pencilled owner signature in very, very, light pencil.  "Lloyd Buel Aviation."  A man with respect and self-esteem apparently and I don't doubt that he was successful.

Did I get rich from reading the book?  That is what I'm sometimes asked in a cynical accusatory way.  Sometimes the question is genuine and I can tell the difference.  My answer is honest :  I used the content of the book to acquire my own Hammond B-3 at the age of 20 through a few years of progressive focus on my main purpose at the time.  I lost my way later and lost the Hammond but I've had other getting rich experiences. You can always tell when you are on the right wavelength.  There is a sensation of responsibility -- that this is up to you - -  and also a sense of response from the universal Mind.      

My inspiration to raise myself back to the Hammond quality life has an effect on how goals are created within my Cosmic system.  Scott Adams says, "Systems, not goals" and he's right about that.  My new affirmation of what my chief purpose in life is responds to the systems of inspiration from Source that are generalized yet responsive to where the action takes me. 

My next journey will probably be toward Patreon or a Crowd Funding site.  

In the interim, please consider supporting my work through purchasing an affordable Gumroad publication of mine. 

Or donate here : 


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