The sometimes maudlin aspect of missing people of is an aspect of our living.  This understandable sadness can be put into a more positively comprehensive integration with Cosmic contact.  I have avoided addressing the Afterlife in much of my work because of Divinatory guidance for me to concentrate on the here and now.  Advised to be ambitious and constructive first.  Then arrived the paradox of guidance from my deceased father who was successful and was famed and loved for his good character. I used an Ancient Ways/Spirit Tech method where he appeared.  The love for me was still evident yet he was stern and direct about my need to reach achievement through diligence.   


Dad's focus was always on providing.  From about age 10 he was the sole provider for his family after his own father had a stroke.  This was during the Great Depression.  He fished for trout and did odd jobs.  At age 12 he had to quit school to feed the family.  So we can understand why he was so focused on being a provider and would encourage me to do the same.  Will this increase access to a better life?  That was his question when starting any task.  Later in life after success in the building crafts he took more and more pride in his artistry as a mason and craftsman.  I believe the artistry was always there, provided it occurred within the context of practical gains.   


The sterness is a reasonable attitude for his communication.  In life, he always encouraged my recreational and artistic interests, but I did ask after all, so I got the message I needed.  I must think about how actions will provide gain.  


My Cosmic book series has not looked much at the continuity of the Afterlife aspects of our living.  There are a couple of reasons for that.  One is that the reader already has considerable thought in that area because of the inevitable loss of loved ones in a lifetime.  Thus, there is already a belief structure in place based upon intuition and perception and probably a strong supportive religion.  I leave people alone in that.  The second reason is that I've received guidance through Divination to concentrate on the here and now for practical reasons until the time arrives for writing about afterlife studies.    


The advantage of an encyclopedia of Afterlife studies like the first one linked here concerns the authentic and inviolable nature of each person's own experience and Sacred Purpose.  


That is what will determine if anything in the resources here has value.  I've noticed many works listed here as among those I've studied.  I have been around a long time.  So have you.  So have your loved ones.     


As an advocate and student of *Wodanaz, I have a natural observation that seen and 'unseen' dimensions work in a creative harmony.  The presence of the Ancestors is never limited to the past.  So, with this considered, I've not ignored afterlife philosophy and anecdotes in the least.  Life is one seamless tapestry across space and time.  The Cosmic mentions of Ingo Swann, and others means that this continuity has been addressed to an extent.  Yet the Bolshevik science dogmas of restrictive reality probably have a strong hold on society, especially as the crowd reveals itself to be so obedient in the face of pure lunacy.  Granted, that lunacy has a hypnotic media transmission that is more obvious now.  A more subtle belief in scientific limitations has been on the scene for a long time.  The engineered doctrine of our forgetting goes back centuries.  Our knowing goes back farther.       


Let's consider that our knowing goes forward farther.  Some works that were convincing and hopeful for me were by Allan Botkin, Joseph McMoneagle, and  Eben Alexandar.   

It is the quality of difference that knowledge of continuance makes for us that has value in the here and now.   



For myself, I will continue to use the book, "*Wodanaz: Our Ancestral God Of Sovereign Wisdom" by Stephen Edred Flowers for understanding the natural coherence of multiple dimensions of our lives.  This study is for me an affirmation of how the Ancestors and their spirits have appeared to me as natural functions which can be assigned to the superb academic work of Dr. Flowers.  Indeed, his whole focus with this book has addressed the personal aspects of the Odian Way with ample citing of sources and scholarship which is demanded of us in the Re-Awakening.   


Cosmic journey techniques are found in some of my books.  If the availability of personal sacred time and space are limited for you, as they are for me, using the time just before sleep is one method.  That is how I contacted my father.  Another example follows here.   


Whatever prayer affirmation works for you, feel yourself surrounded in caring love that is compassionate and wise.  Ask directions about what area to work on or affirm an area that you have already decided upon.  Affirm that you will rise to a level of Light where an operational structure will be built by you or be waiting for you.  This works well in my mythos because Ljossalfheim is a region just above the physical earth.  Ljossalfheim receives the Spiritual information of Asgard in a way that is more accessible to the normal mind.    


Last night's light travel led to the concept of gambling.  Consider this from various angles. Any endeavor is a gamble and I don't think conditions are much less risky now.  In days of yore you invested in building a wooden ship and it might come back with a fortune in goods or it might be shipwrecked and you'd lose everything.  My parent's invested time and effort in creating a home building business with my uncles.  It worked out very well but they could have failed at any point of the venture.  There are degrees of gambling but everything is a gamble.  Our place in the universe is an interesting place.  God is not bored.  My father reminded me of this with his masculine, stern approach last night.  This is not usually in his nature but he knows the nature of risk and courage.  He was usually mellow while being ambitious and creative.

Hard to say why this memory played a part in the concentrating on what’s real message from my father.  Perhaps it is because every venture in life is a gamble so you’d better concentrate your efforts on what counts.     

This was only a small section of the stern 'concentrate on making a living' message of my father.  Mostly he wanted me to put that concern first - - for a change.   



Some authors to study in the area of continued Cosciousness are Edgar Cayce, Allan Botkin, Eben Alexander, Joseph McMoneagle, and Frank DeMarco to mention only a few.  


Foundational information in the field of non-linear and non-standardized Consciousness is often related to the Edgar Cayce material. This is especially true of my generation which has been called 'boomer.'  No apologies necessary.  Many met the Edgar Cayce material in conjunction with the field of battle in Viet Nam.  Probably explains why my best friend was a First Cav army ranger of three tours who I met during his leave from his first tour.  I was a bona fide hippie but I could not fathom being shallow enough to hate the men of courage in the military.  My friend came back wounded from his third tour with one lung and a thumb missing from rifle fire and an rpg.   


As per the above "no apologies necessary" it is true in my opinion that the boomers got spoiled, radicalized toward Marxism, and dropped the ball on the hard work, sacrifice, and dedication of The Greatest Generation.  We also got very Cosmic with altered states and resumed influence on the world.  NDE information also caught on with our interest in non-ordinary reality.    


Edgar Cayce references could pop up in any environment.  The popularity of a few published books had reached critical mass.  That influence exists today so there are more members of A.R.E. than ever before.  Not all survival interests are strictly associated with Cayce so there are adequate researchers who are not conversant in his work.  Through my years later with Buddhism and Asatru I brought a more expansive and refined concern to the field of study.  Here are some examples of good work : 



The advantage to a site like this is that if you look around there is information that seems meant just for you.  We aren't monolithic in our perceptions at any level.  


Allan Botkin has developed "Induced Afterlife " therapy that he discovered while doing unrelated work with Rapid Eye Movement Desensitization therapy.  His patients began experiencing the presence of the deceased.  It was as real to them as anything.   The book, "Induced After-Death Communication: A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma." with Allan Botkin, Psy.D.  


R. Craig Hogan Ph.D. worked as a co-author on Botkin's book presentation.  Hogan teaches professional writing and is an expert in the field of Consciousness studies himself.  The field related to EMDR is the most interesting. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment for PTSD as well as other mental health conditions. 


Highly recommended is "Proof of Heaven : A neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife" by Eben Alexander.  The doctor's reflection on his experience based upon his knowledge of the human brain makes for a compelling cosmic narrative.  Students of myth will see events in his journey after flatline that indicate contact with the reality of lore and tales through the generations.  If I may conjecture for the moment, the Higher Dimensions that pull him out of an original loss of identity are available to us now in our conscious living.  This is why afterlife experiences are practical and important.   


Here is a site that seems to be originally founded on a skeptical approach.  The evidence of our meaningful consciousness in all dimensions is so overwhelming that Skeptico is now one of the most professional and truth oriented websites.  This page is the interview with Joseph McMoneagle who was a pioneer in Remote Viewing. 


An an attorney who used an investigative rational approach to the study of Afterlife is Victor Zammat at   


The title of the book, "The Cosmic Internet" is something I discovered after being well on the way to publishing my books and long after the content was on my blogs.  Yet that is the whole point - - we are connected.   


Form a bridge to the generations.  The people who lived before you were just as real as you.  They left stories with lessons to survive.  Teach what you know.     

 THE COSMIC INTERNET , by Frank DeMarco     

"The reason people invented the gods is that they had EXPERIENCED them!"  The Cosmic Internet.   


Cosmic veterans of my age were accelerated by reading "The Nature of Personal Reality : A Seth Book."  At least that was my favorite.  Jane Roberts received 'dictation' from a non-physical entity which arrived in coherent thematic chapters.  These were the teachings of Seth which were more influential than later critics of 'channeling' would like to admit.  Phrases like "You create your own reality" became part of the seeking people's lexicon and found their way into common vernacular.   


We tend to move on to the next big thing.  Those who can relate their further work with what has gone before tend to get the most value from the latest presentation of wisdom.  Permutations of the living past and a building future can create a solid structure using aetheric truth.   


The Cosmic Internet.  This book by Frank DeMarco is something I discovered after being well on my way to publishing my books and long after the content was on my blogs.  Yet that is the whole point - - we are connected. Frank DeMarco is familiar with the Seth Material and Carl Jung and he has worked with aetheric personalities he calls "The Guys Upstairs" as he writes a compelling communication between regions.  He rightly draws a distinction between the organized 'channeling' of the Jane Roberts era and what he does in writing with open perception while using his own consciosness to pursue questions and elucidations.  The reader might feel much more at home with this than vacating the body to allow another entity to enter. Yet his work is happily as Cosmic as the older works among our resources.  It might be you who will advance a functional metaphysics and that would be okay with Frank DeMarco.   


The way here of interacting with inspiration might be familiar to you if you are a writer, artist, or musician. A dialog occurs between the person and his inspiration.  Reaching beyond limitations of the current Mindset toward something of a numinous communication is something that Frank DeMarco has mastered and offers to teach us how.  I don't often post on my Mystic Reading blog but this work is worth checking out.  There is more to life than we have been told.   


Cosmic Spirit Tech  


Communication arrives more as a dialog than dictation when achieving contact with the other side. You have your say and they have theirs so our job is to speak and listen.  I have an assignment because I asked.  How this plays out remains to be seen.  There is so much that remains to be seen.      

Traveling with those who have gone before you is comforting.  The proof is in how it all plays out.  The proof is not in anyone’s opinion of you or how virtuous you regarded in someone else’s rating system.  The awareness of a presence has value in itself.        

 You have probably heard of The Monroe Institute.  Here is a link to Joseph McMoneagle who is now a vital part of that program.

The Monroe Institute uses a Hemi-Synch sound technology to support more access to aspects of the mind.  Many professional and interested persons in expanded consciousness have gained from association and training there.


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