Effort to raise my vibration (as they say) means I confront and overcome a tech failure on a selling platform.  First, I'm glad I still have the $2,000 appraised value first edition book because  it had such positive impact for me.  My reading and use was long after the 1937 publishing date on the classic.  A couple of quotes from the book and you will know the book and my meaning.  
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success."  Pg 31
"Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage."  Pg 37

Yes, I'm trying to sell a first edition of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.  I also have several other collectible books and products that gained interest.  Questions from buyers were about why they could not buy when they clicked "Buy Now."  I took my problem to the Ebay company and the following results : 

WHY EBAY SUCKS (To Use The Vernacular Of Generation Misanthrope)

Getting attention from a failed and obsolete business might require a reduction to the level of 'The Misanthrope Generation.'  Thus "Ebay Sucks!"  is the attention grabber.  My own preference would be "Using The OODA Loop For Profitable Tactics."  But then I'm in a subset of the Boomer generation of Whole Earth Catalog and the quest for Cosmic intelligence in all things.  I'll grant that many Boomers were lazy and dropped the ball on what The Greatest Generation worked and sacrificed for.  We also unquestioningly embraced Marxist subversion as ultimate hipness.  This cultural momentum of imposed authoritarian collectivism continues as a driving force for the Misanthropic paradigm.

This first illustration is from an excellent article about Boyd and the OODA loop that adjusts for greater meaning than usually shown in the simplified illustration of the loop.  This is from "The Art Of Manliness"


Pictured above is a more comprehensive representation of the OODA loop from the Art Of Manliness blog.

Pictured below is the better known image of the OODA loop, also from the Art Of Manliness blog.  

For an excellent study of John Boyd's work see the blog :

Much philosophy, history, and theoretical physics went into Boyd's tactical understanding.

Survival in the rapidly fluid tech world requires the same observe, orient, decide, and act principles as a fighter pilot or developer of aircraft.  Repeated failure to correct a corporate technology ebay malfunction forces me into a rather fun use of the OODA loop.  I observed that people were trying to buy my products but were sending me messaged that they could not buy because my 'store is on vacation.'  First of all I closed my 100% five star store during the Fauci-Cuomo panic of a year ago. This helps me orient a reason that the 'time away' feature is OFF on my new listings yet customers  cannot purchase while I'm 'on vacation.'   I did put my old AvalonVH46  on vacation just before I had to close it.  Thus it could be that as an independent lister my customers message me about a glitch that I can't change.  I decided to call ebay support since they were unresponsive to other communication.  After the fourth phone call in a week's time,  they still have not corrected the problem.  
They referred the problem to the tech department which has not corrected it.  

I have observed this.  Now I must orient myself to how to make sales of my best books by reaching a select group of collectors and esotericists.  This will require unlisting all but one book from ebay and getting the certification and website to build a landing page of my own.  The one book left on ebay is for and attempt at resolving the issue with the company tech glitch.  Not likely at this point but I might get their attention when I list my next title of "Why Ebay Sucks."  

That's my decision so I must act in getting the tech expertise of building a landing page for my own website.  My books are rare and collectible and would demand a high price after my efforts to sell them.  To ACT is the next step.  

John Boyd's lifetime study of fighter pilot skills with a philosophical, cybernetic, historical, and scientific analysis is a valuable tool kit in what people can do to create value when correcting difficulty.

My equivalent advantage is that I'm gathering skills in building a landing page and listing on my own.  A news and editorial section of my catalog will be satisfying to my wider interests.   



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