Grand times with  glorious triumphs over the hostile elite were presaged by the appearance of "Gorilla Mindset by MikeCernovich based partly on the work of Carol Dweck.  "Fixed Mindset" vs "Growth Mindset" was instructive to personal goals and the larger picture of a sea-change in normative politics.  Those were the days!  

Growth mindset requires adjustment to powerful setbacks with a new attitude of what we can learn from this and how to respond with a more lasting victory.  I'm partial to an operating theory (from my own experience of surviving 1968) and philosophers today.  When people got back to taking care of their immediate business and their home concerns, the tragic energy of media dissipated.  Without the chronic angst, improvements were made by personal attention.   

Another aspect of personal attention and respect for one's own culture would be the abiding presence of a Higher Power well beyond political machinations.  Different words could be used for this, such as Divine Creator, or God.  That we function best in the realm of Spirit when we are co-creators is an axiom that can be presented as theory or from personal experience.  There is also a big picture that has been amplified by the recent work of Alexander Wolfheze in "Rupes Nigra : An Archaeo-Futurist Countdown in Twelve Essays." which is about Tradition and a furtherance of Archeofuturism.  The Alexander Wolfheze book is an expansion that I have presented in my own way in the pages of "Alternative America : A Retrofuturist Perspective."   my book and blog beginning  with  "Family. Farm. Kindred. Town. Culture. Region" in chapter one.

We have learned is that there can be unexpected triumphs over the hostile elite but we must expect them to make a comeback using all the economic, media, and 'education' power at their disposal.  What we should learn is that the trajectory of time favors our Supra-historical victory from our guiding Cosmic power. I'm fairly sure Carol Dweck would not approve of my True Right personal views but the principles she elucidated are relevant to anyone.  In fact the ever competent and flexible Mike Cernovich is so focused on his learning and teaching mission that I'm not sure he would validate my trajectory which was to a small degree encouraged by his book.

Cernovich showed us that  you don't grow by staying in one place.  He went on to create a masterpiece of documentary cinema and challenge us with his shifts in direction.  I should say, 'adaptability of growth mindset.'      

Future work in "Alternative America :  The Retrofuturist Prospect"  will touch on how to be adaptable, while adhering to principle, when there are adjustments necessary



Alternative America is a hope that follows the massive shocked disappointment and sense of betrayal that even the most loyal citizen feels who has watched absurdity and manipulation rule the day.  To venture into operational theory and options of political science is not what millions of people want. They want their lives back with more control and more to say about what they do.  Those of us who were fascinated and hopeful about the possibilities of political science and meta-politics were gaining in numbers but we were not in the mainstream of people's daily interest.  Which is as it should be.  Attention to daily living is how we spend our time in an ideal world.  But the transgressions against sanity began growing exponentially with the programs of the managerial elite.

Getting the attention of the people is no longer a primary concern because (outside of media advertising) people are paying attention and astonished at what demands are promoted by managerial political correctness.  It has gone from the merely annoying to the dangerously insane.

Addendum For today.  

The magnificent option calls to us. We don't need to participate in the continued descent of society into a clownish degeneration.  We can challenge certain root assumptions about how we should comply with 'experts' and their strange agendas.  Never has it been more obvious that the air wave transmission of reality are a manipulation that do not concern the meaning of life itself. How much actual political and policing power is behind the standardized agenda remains to be seen.  We do know that the real power is with the spirit of life that brought us here and sustains us.  

That real force of life and common sense is often forbidden.  It's a joy to find resources that celebrate who we once were and encourages us to become that again.  I use 'we' and 'us' so often because I think there are many who feel this way.  There are sometimes philosophical admonishments agains using we and us.  I sort of understand their argument so rather than argue, I'll return to the 'I' that is what I can speak for.  I am going to enjoy working on this addendum to AATRP because of the rich sources that I have abandoned too long, not because of the forbidding by standardized worldviews, but because I'm not one-dimensional and have varied interests.  None of those varied interests conflict with the described Right Wing of which I stand accused.  When someone uses that phrase as an insult it says more about them than it does about me.  

I'm currently enjoying the audible version of "Ideas Have Consequences" by Richard M. Weaver.  Prescient when published in 1948.  We are there. We can choose how we will be while we are there or how to be elsewhere.         Return to what's right.   Weaver's 'Up From Liberalsim' journey described what many of us experienced while ensconced in Leftist assumptions of youthful hipness and how we found our way back to right.  Richard M. Weaver was a student of Donald Davidson and the Southern Agrarians or 'Futives' of Vanderbilt.  The iconic father of an American ideal,Russell Kirk also acknowledged the Southern Agrarians and called himself a "Northern Agrarian."  This is where considerable of the better thought of America is found that can compete with the great Conservative Revolution and current minds of a European Renaissance can be found.  

The Fugitives of Vanderbilt, the Paleoconservatism of Kirk can direct some of the American prospect for an Alternative America.  The Retrofuturist aspects that will be looked at here include some of the Barbarian encampments which are intellectual and physical as well as more of the history of a fading but hopeful era of prosperity and creative energy.  As I often do, I'll bring in some European thought that opposes annialation since we are European or inheritors of a native landscape that has a spiritual connection to the power of ancestors.   

I'm considering "After The Fall." for a recommended reading list current for today's atrocity of manipulation and media horror.  These are depressing and spooky strange times but we've seen it before.  Buck up.  Stay strong.  A good attitude would be to see such horrific times as an opportunity for watching more people using common sense to become aware and look for solutions. Provide those solutions.  Providing you are ready.  Be ready.

I was 19 and impressionable when the hard and strange times of 1968 accelerated with the MLK assassination, riots, and the assassination of Robert Kennedy.  I could have succumbed to despair or a misguided 'activism' but wiser and more experienced heads prevailed.  Those who had already seen front lines fighting in World War II knew about taking action to build what is nearest and dearest.  That which is closest to home is where the attention went.  Not much time for news - - as dramatic as the reports were.  

The bizarre strangeness of today seems more disconcerting than the mood of 1968.  That's because there seems to be no relief in sight.  Except that people who would have never suspected subversion by trusted experts are joining that ranks of a common sense awakening that will probably carry the day.    

This expansion addendum to an alternative and retrofuturist America will draw upon the resources of a populace with startled common sense disdain for recent authoritarian excess.  The gloom of a Fahernheit 451 society will not establish itself without resistance.  I'm calling upon three coincidental works as added weaponry for triumph and tools for building.  

"Ideas Have Consequences" by Richard M. Weaver.  1948

"After Collapse" by Max Borders    

" Gods in the Abyss: Essays on Heidegger, the Germanic Logos and the Germanic Myth" by Askr Svarte  

 Jeff Putnam's 'Empire' series

"Re-Tribalize Now" by Edred Thorsson 

Donovan's new book 

I travel from classic Paleoconservatism to the newer permutations of Libertarian thought to the metaphysics of culture as found in Germanic awakening.  The re-tribalization and heroic quest of men today is connected to the paradigm of independent parallell societies.  I represented the Amish as an example of this in my earlier work.  The past few years have seen a tribalization in theory advocated by men who have had enough of Femisim and watching their children's world collapse into clownish media subversion.  Add to this a media induced lockdown, mask requirements, and demands for experimental innoculation, and we have a necessary public and personal reaction to despotism.  The battle lines are drawn.  

The retrofuturist potential for my homeland still rests with the developing application of Archeofuturist trajectories.  Archeofuturism was an idea in 2012 so we need to look at actual manifestations of that direction from the archaic toward futurism.  How has spirit expressed with the use of technology?  A more swift access to thought through the presence of digital media is one way.  This acceleration of information calls upon a real need for intuitive and traditional paramaters for direction.  For example, if there is compulsion to banish all previous forms of worship through 'public health' policy it is likely that the spirit of man will rise against this despotism among even those who do not share the same faith as the oppressed.  Principles before particulars.  

A futurist world that values the metaphysics of Traditional wisdom through the ages will take the forms of technology expression within the developing independent social structure.  

We have survived the degradation of a mediocracy.  Massive social compliance regulated at a scale never seen before.  Will there be a corresponding correction in freedom principles?  I believe people are shifting attention away from the dominant social directives.  Perhaps an interregnum would be healthy.  A period of time where people just say "I Am" without joining any social movements.    

    A thought on the communitarian aspects of projects that might be advocated on After Collapse.  Max Borders began his career with The Freeman, which has deep roots in the original Libertarian prospect.  So I don't know if he is going to advocate for mutual ownership of land in intentional community projects.  Probably not.  Edred Thorsson in "Re-Tribalize Now!" says its good for people of like mind to live close together but that land ownership should be an individual matter.  This agrees with Richard Weaver that OWNERSHIP is one of the last mainstays of a strong culture exempt from manipulations of subversive action. "The last metaphysical right." as Weaver says in Ideas Have Consequences.  

This could well go at the beginning of the addendum of new content.  



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