Before Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Heinlein, Timothy Leary and the heady cosmic adventures of the 60s counterculture, there was a gathering of men in business suits who knew that the real quest for Freedom was to be found in Higher Consciousness.

Leonard Read, founder of the Foundation for Economic Education, was true to his name and was a voracious reader with eclectic interests. He was extremely well-versed in Theosophy and other metaphysical studies. He was close friends with Gerald Heard who was a phenomenon of the 1950s and highly regarded by Aldous Huxley. Read shared this interest with enthusiastic contemporaries like William C. Mullendore, James Ingbretsen, Thadeus Ashby, Edmund Ashby, and R.C. Hoiles. Guiding minds of the early Libertarians. They were participating with Heard and Huxley in experimental voyages to the frontiers of human potential. The founder of FEE in 1946 which was progenitor of later endeavors like the Cato Institute was a religious philosopher and is profiled in the historical masterpiece of Brian Doherty.

In the 1950s there came an acceptance that the original premise of obscurity for Freedom advocates would remain a reality. They would be a 'remnant' that would present principles that ran counter to the massive juggernaut of government control that was taking hold. It there was nothing to be done about politics, at least a mystic freedom could be achieved at an inner level. Some Libertarians were concerned that a vanguard was dropping out of the fight. Yet Read and others had only wanted to tell the truth from the beginning whether it found popularity or not. It seems that their endeavors in truth have reached beyond what they expected. Although it mostly holds true to its purpose of economic education, FEE is a presence on Facebook (we'll see how long that lasts) and Freedom Economics has other advocates like The Cato Institute and The Mises Institute.

I don't know much about Gerald Heard. In fact almost nobody does these days. It is not my path to follow mystics and metaphysicians of that particular school. However, it can often come as a surprise how much more there is to learn about the complex endeavors of human seeking.


Future work will be about ‘the America that might have been’ and also ‘the America that might yet be’. This will look at Southern agrarian intellectual themes, resonance with Western states, and insights from current work about overcoming the decadence that accelerated after about 1965. There is considerable doubt expressed in some circles that a Libertarian culture could act in a beneficial way to the cause of strengthening the Euro-American populace in taking back their native civilization. These doubts by
the more Traditionalist schools do not take into account that Libertarianism is more inclusive than the few Objectivist and Anarchist supporters. There is a more voluminous curriculum in effect from the pioneering work of the early publishers and advocates. They doubted that they would be as effective as the results show today in potential Freedom and Sovereignty principles. Showing the common interests of Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian hopes will be interesting work. 

This book and other works can be found at my Gumroad site :


Thank you for looking at these thoughts. 


 FURTHERMORE :  An addition with a vision of potential dynamics written on December 12, 2021.

Further content on my Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian book could address the issue of anarchy vs. tried and true systems that function.  The Libertarian adventure as fictionalized with a perfectly reasonable call to allow people freedom to form their own associations is respect worthy.  So is the call to continue traditions and culture that have proven successful through the centuries.  What to do?  The the dramatic science fiction found in some directions of potential for society could use freedom developments for a traditional culture of a new sort.  Dune would be one example.  Imaginative excursions into the drama and background of a society not standardized by recent political limits.  These imaginative and intuitive excursions could give permission to engage traditional ideals into a new anarchic structure.

I don't have time to be a writer but I'm going to venture a personal fiction that illustrates how to combine an arche and futurist scenario.  This is Archeofuturism as recommended by Gulluame Faye.       The first fiction is that I have a windfall that allows me to purchase my lost homeland property.  This will then become a place where culture is rebuilt with 3D and 4D representations of the dominant past.  There are no televisions and radio tuned to NPR programming to attack the 'problematical' so such ideas will not enter the mental sphere.  A mead-hall is furnished for gatherings and audience with the Jarl and retinue.  Yuletide decorations brighten the place since Christmas is something of the Old Ways that has survived.  

Those in the hall are respected for who they are.  No dictates from faction or creed are relevant in the face of common sense and principles of ethics and victory in life.  Yes, even ethnicity is irrelevant if the person comes into association through merit or personal destiny.  If anyone is aware of programming from external agents phrases like 'white soup premises' are met with derision and ridicule.  We aren't members of that media club.  

Income and means of livelihood can be practiced by young people who have learned some trades of their immediate ancestors.  Masonry and carpentry is learned with tools and structured building that is eventually taken into the world.  Contracts and regulations are reviewed by men of wisdom who help the young navigate the pitfalls.  The Tribe comes first.  

Others will find more interest in cyberspace creativity.  Block chain technology and Cryptocurrency will engage young and more agile seniors with an attitude of winning through cyberspace mastery.  A reminder that the Great Hall is not a commune but a gathering place for independent family entities to orbit.  Ownership belongs to the person in all respects. 

Any mandates from existing media authority like masking and distancing are called out for the lying, herding agenda that created them.  Taxation from such institutions are a question to be addressed.   


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