
A title like this might seem like an anachronism in these sullen times.   Also a title like this might seem opportunist, but that was never my intention.  I lived through a different era where the Mind and Spirit were understood to be an action faith that guided enterprise, building, and business.  I will publish the principles that were present then and are still present now. 

Let's spend some time with current developments first, and then we will get on with the original manuscript which is still relevant in essentials today.   
Staying current on the prosperity game is not my strong point.  My metaphysics and anecdotal sagas are mostly of an era before Cyptocurrency and before the present meltdown of the economy with underemployment and inflation.  It's here.  How catastrophic it gets remains to be seen.  Crisis management and staid savings programs are also beyond me.  What I propose and validate are ventures made with the comprehension that we each have potential ideas that will be of such service and demand that we can build a personal economy that is appropriate to a time and place.  Yet the principles are not limited by a time and place.  The principles will operate in booming times and times of decline or crisis.  

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are genius programs created by the great minds and technology that have a freeing social implication.  I know that.  Decentralization addresses and corrects a problem.  That problem has been the  political domination of money supply as determined by an elite class of financiers.  This former centralization was long long known to be a manipulative and enslaving program. Yet attempts to do something about it took some time to reach practicality and to reach a large enough number of people for counter currency.  Prior to crypto being well-known as it is now, there was great interest in an alternative script.  Also, books like  "Money Power: A Force for Freedom or Slavery?" by Isac Boman carefully presented the theory of money and the manipulations that made the former partial reserve banking industry work.  There is a new currency on the measure of worth gaining steam today.  This is not my expertise but interest in my Mystic Wealth principles keeps me involved in study with a small degree of participation.  

Back to the area of spirit and meaning of mind and service where I belong.  

Look to those you admire for success and good character for clues about how you will create or increase you own quest for real wealth.     

Before we get into the original manuscript of Mystic Wealth, I want to bring the very latest updates on what a quest like this can create.  I had stayed afloat financially through paying attention and gaining blessings where I could.  Yet it seemed that rebuilding my former momentum would be necessary as a reinvention of my self.  You know how it is these days. 

I had a goal that seemed beyond my reach

I wanted to regain my music goals by obtaining a Hammond Xk-1c and cheap amp that was  beyond my reach at $2,100.  Seemed setbacks in finances kept stopping my goal.  Then I purchased a $1 book at a yard sale.  My eye caught that it was by the first publisher and the original 1937 publishing date.  It was the book that was in my daily focus at age 18 and led me to own a Hammond B-3 and two Leslies.  

The first edition of "Think and Grow Rich!" by Napoleon Hill was a hardback of 5,000 copies published by by Ralston Society, Meriden Conn, 1937. I was a devotee of Napoleon Hill's worldview in the 1960s and 1970s and, while I didn't get rich, I did accomplish ownership of the very best musical equipment of the era (and still today) while only age 19. Focus, putting my main purpose in writing, and action with faith got me there. Hard work got me the down payment money. Summer construction building scaffold and getting mortar and block up to the masons in long days of extreme heat. I got heat stroke and exhaustion. I saved my money for the goal.

Never mind that the socialist Marxist collectives of the hippie era said that "property is theft" and "it belongs to the people" in which I was admonished to turn my musical equipment over to those with convincing socialist leadership. "It belongs to the people" really means "Give it to me!"

Once I had observed the tactics of the vociferous elite I got back on track and began living for my own purpose.

You have a right to your own responsibility leading to prosperity. You have a right to your own intuitions and interests. Anyone who tells you otherwise for their own political aggrandizement is not your friend. They are not even on your planet.


(edit from here)

It seems hip these days to bash Napoleon Hill.  'Scandalous' biographical details are trotted out as evidence that his work has no value.  He had his foibles.  So do his readers. So do his critics.  That's the point of working with principles for overcoming that which holds us back and ensconces us in slavery.  

I will grant that in the years since the 1937 first edition the metaphysics have been expanded and presented in more recent terms.  Yet there is always something in the basics that remain true for all time.  With my anecdotal tales of how "Think and Grow Rich" benefited me, I'm in good company.  The influence on Bruce Lee is well documented as his determining guide for his success.  Testimonials are too many to mention.  

Mystic Wealth was a monograph-style booklet that I offered in combination with other economic success books. Published a few years ago, it was always open to improvement in a field that is not easy to master and has insightful improvements through the years. The Classics remain important to learn on the way to a victorious world-view with ability to contribute to your fellow man.

This is a continuation of that monograph in a blog format which I will edit for the second edition. Let's learn and achieve prosperity together.

The operative key here to taking back our rightful place with economic power is contained and expressed in the concept of work. There are advances to the classic works on prosperity consciousness that were inevitable as new people mastered the principles that were told before. Sometimes, somebody stands out as particularly knowledgeable  and imaginative in setting our sails in a positive direction. Such a person is Taylor Pearson. His website is worth visiting.

Entrepreneurial Science Advances

Taylor Pearson wrote and constructed some of the work I postponed or was not yet able to enact. I can't say enough about his vast knowledge in varied fields that somehow coalesce into a prosperous curriculum of dynamic reality. I can only be humble in some respect when he has so skillfully accomplished what I aspired towards. In another respect, we can be generous in the praise of others because we each have our unique purpose and the niche that we can offer. Nobody can demonstrate the Homestead Capitalist paradigm like I can in terms of my Montana settlers heritage. The Spiritual, social, and economic lessons can have a wide benefit to America and our people all over the world. I can do that. I can still praise Taylor Pearson as a force of success that exceeds my own attempts.

Pearson's website has many articles that are informative and challenging. Pearson documents the ongoing change in economic culture as it happens and he anticipates technical changes that will arrive in the future. He does not shy away from difficult block chain and cryptocurrency study.

His book, ”The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5” is a highly recommended study of the entrepreneurial imperative.

Observation of successful entrepreneurs has refined some of my reflections but not changed the basics. Desire, ambition, something to contribute, and clearly written plans as affirmations are essential. A refinement is that action and participation in a field can not come too early. Participation in the commerce of an area of interest might not be as tidy as hours and days of planning and contemplation but valuable learning will occur.

I don't recommend taking financially dangerous risks but you must get into the game at some level. I'm seeing an actual increase in my income level in a minor yet significant way through an experimental etsy listing process where I attach some 'value-added' services to offset the high cost of the nearly mandatory free shipping. I actually  approve of a free shipping policy because the buyer will not be taken aback when you send the total bill with cost of shipping. Convenience of purchase means knowing exactly your cost and making one click to buy.

The Mystic Wealth series begins anew with perspectives that provide overviews of some options. Prosperity is not optional. Victory is the only viable outcome. In this respect, a shift in direction could be toward the vehicle for the manifestation of wealth. We all know the value of sovereign power. Wishing for it is not enough. A vehicle for the manifestation is required. This could be in terms of software and internet business. Or there could be a study of gaining venture investment through amenable sources from the already rich or crowd funding.

The theories are known when it comes to prosperity attitude. The next evolution by those with expertise in the metaphysics are in the arenas of taking action. Learning as you go with brave forays into adventure will inform what you already know in theory.

The era of Mystic Wealth makes me nostalgic for hopeful times past. It shouldn't be this way. It worked before so it should work now. What was I thinking? At least I was thinking.

Like many who take responsibility for their own improvement I've been working on my health and body fitness.

Professional sales of my ebooks are in the success category whether they are about meta-politics, ancient religion, or family history. New discoveries on the mystic science of wealth requires me to update and improve my previous work. I began while focused on some classic understanding of mind science and Spiritual manifestation. These principles and prophets still remain valid. Nothing of abundance remains static, so the vitality of minds and experiences aligned with wealth also grow and add their own unique resonance.

Life is a continuum so anything in the world of thought that has proven valid will produce people on that wavelength who will take up the cause and, with passion and intent, continue that work. Youth of today are proving up to the task. Their talents and enthusiasm are an affirmation.

These young people are still too rare.  If you are concerned with a legacy you are happy to see them and probably focus on the good ones through a hopeful selective attention. In fact, compliance with a broadcast of hip negativity is the dominant mind-set of a large mass of people today. We inhabit a world of media and educational bias that opposes ambition and endeavor if it is not of a certain political aggrandizement of the government managerial elite. But there is a new elite arising based upon merit and a fortunate connection to something profound in our transformative evolution. What is True can't be stopped. What is merely manipulative and illusory will eventually collapse.

When the collapse arrives, suddenly or gradually, there will be those who are able to continue life and who are already creating a new structure based upon Tradition. I don't think there is an impending collapse that will harm the greater population. Everything has already fallen apart for the manipulators so we interpret their outrage as a sign of impending violence. There are, however, forces in place Spiritually and socially, that will keep us on course for prosperity.

I would like to say this about the benefits of money ambition : I remember that what pulled us out of our terror and despair in the years of 1968 to 1970 was a return to normal life in the workplace. My place was in the family construction business. In the fields of masonry, concrete, brick, and stone there was hard physical work and creativity. Self-esteem and ambition took precedence over watching dramatic media.We appreciate money accumulated in the creative process, not through unearned privilege, but through determination. Of course in a general sense we were lucky. The science and mystic outreach of luck is necessary. A study of the Three Norns in Nordic mythology will reveal much about the continuum of time, fate, and how to create wisely within the destiny that meets us. My Germanic booklets elucidate this but here is a place for generic enactment of principles no matter what background you have. That's for sure.

Back to the contribution by young people. Some are in their forties and fifties and some are in their early twenties. I could have used their advice when I was twenty. There seems to be an enactment of inspiration and a work ethic that is most valued when it creates results. I did in fact utilize the teachings of Think And Grow Rich when I was 18. And I did work toward immediate results which gave me the best musical equipment on the planet. Somewhere I lost the fire and became theoretical. Reading and contemplation should always be followed by action.

The mystic aspect of our trajectory is a connection to family heritage. There are 'voices' in the Great Beyond that encourage us. As we get older, more of these voices with expanded perception become available. I wish they were still here in the physical plane but that is the nature of our journey. Just as those recently passed away had a consciousness that connected to the ambition and courage of those who went before them, we have a privilege and a duty to listen to them all. This is how we will be guided moving forward.

There is a certain amount of sadness at the close of a family business. Its true, a family working together provides purpose to the work and also is the best format for a true apprenticeship. At one time, the guilds of Europe provided training, skills, and a foundation for enterprise, building and commerce. People who work together are the foundation of Homestead Capitalism. This is the opposite of finance capitalism where there is a bottom line that is directed not only by investors but also the very few elites who ultimately control the market mechanisms.

Yes there is sadness of closing any epoch in business. Daily effort and attention to detail is how a growing garden is brought to abundance. The chill and first thaw of early spring means we get the seeds in the ground. Then we see the early sprouts that mean something is happening.

There has been an exponential increase in works by authors who represent the practical and experiential worlds of entrepreneurial endeavor. These are people who speak from experience of success and who have not lost their passion for the work. They are natural teachers. The first we should consider took up the mantle of teacher and wrote a book with Robert Kiyosaki . His books through certain eras concentrated on ethical and principled science of success. Mystics like C.G. Jung, Lao Tzu, and Aldous Huxley were quoted in those works. This was prior to his career in politics which exemplified the success principles. I refer, of course, to Donald J. Trump.


It might be inevitable that there are seeming devastating setbacks on the way to the freedom of wealth. This phenomenon is addressed very well in the Napoleon Hill books, yet I wonder if today's economy is such an uncontrollable juggernaut of poverty creating situations that his words aren't relevant. Still, we must consider that Hill was working on his themes during the Great Depression.

If you read Napoleon Hill's biography you will see he had several setbacks and recoveries.  

Still we might have to tweak his sense of optimism for current times.

My own devastation during my era of the Mystic Wealth theme occurred through the horrifically expensive nursing home costs for my mother. A nursing home will wipe out anyone's wealth in a very short time. We brought my mother back home as soon as we could because we could understand and care for her better than any institution. Unfortunately there came a time when her decline became greater than we could handle without technical medical expertise. We tried to make her return to the facilities as good for her as possible. A very sad and painful period at the end of her life. We all did the best we could.
This is an epidemic in American experience today. The cost to personal freedom and independence is one of the hardest aspects to take. It is a time of discouragement. This requires a focus on taking back a quiet courage.

The mystic aspects of recovery might mean going back to a simpler, yet more immediate, perception of dimensional magic. This would be the presence of my more immediate ancestors who were definitely not losers. Techniques in ancestral awareness would be a source of guidance I could use through these difficult times.

The population of this nation are in my situation in mass numbers. It seems to me that a metaphysical solution for them would be similar to mine. I'm going to interview some members of the broken middle class and see what they think.

At present, I must work as one of the members of a large majority of people in need. This might not be the best solution long term but for the short term there might be no other way. Indeed, if I have learned the lessons of the past, it is okay for me to ask for help. It is also okay for me to take back for my people that which has been taken away in the first place. There is a time to say, “This is rightfully mine”.


This book is about success in creating wealth as an adventure and world game.  Leaving a legacy and making an imprint are demanding of continued effort with a purpose of winning.  Those who were shocked at the mention above of the former President have not read his books before politics and they likely don't approve of wealth in general.  Not my problem..

Mystic Wealth
This work will be met with skepticism by some.  That's good because many of the skeptics will be the very people who have advanced the reality of meaning and money in their own lives.  It is the essential nature of a working toward your purpose that finds expression.  It is not the limits of previous exhortations that define what you have found that truly works in bringing a prosperous spirit to manifestation.

For other skeptics it will be a compliance to more familiar poverty as a virtue or "I'm too smart for thinking rich."  That can be overcome with the arrival of the exciting fulfillment of the road to expressing your prosperity consciousness.  This is not about making affirmations that are not backed by action. 

The mystic who truly understands takes action.  Interest in Mystic Wealth did not wain after I wrote the original manuscript.  Something was added to the quest in terms of information and success among the younger generation.  A precedent had been set by people business the online business world.  Those who actually succeeded were those who knew action beyond theory.  I learned of many of them from websites of the successful who recommended the websites of those who were up and coming.  Many of these new arrivals post on Twitter which, of course leads to content locations that allow more than 280 characters.  

Dylan Madden built his own website and published "Think And Go Hustle."  He has outgrown the limits of book publishing and now freelances and sells courses on freelancing.  

In addition to the successful young hustlers on the internet, there is a new classic "The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime" by MJ DeMarco. This is a no no nonsense book about action.  No 'save the money from your latte habit' standardized Millionaire books.  In fact, the pure practicality of invoking the laws of probability I would characterize as mystic.

So we have to keep up with the new additions to the classics for our reading.  Action is the most important part.  Those are a couple books.  We are going to close out the preface with a look at the man himself as he taught.   

"Truthful Living: The First Writings of Napoleon Hill"   by Napoleon Hill and Jeffrey Gitomer. This is a new presentation of his teaching method.  You probably know of other books you could use and recommend. 

                                                                                                               Wealth Of Our Ancestors

Mystic wealth is a realization of theory, perception, and action.

Wealth is a profoundly Spiritual presence in the events that shape the daily living of my people and my own essential interests.  That’s the way it is, in spite of alien metaphysics that have become popular in protest of this.  We don’t care what life-negating admonishments are all the latest rage or have existed in the cultural background for centuries.  

This booklet is partly a collection of themes that describe the thriving of my pioneer ancestors and my most recent extended family.  There is a Spiritual principle at work as we enact ownership of our existence.  Much of our frame of reference is found in Old Europe as we have evidence in literature and a knowledge that we are descended from those who lived the event-scape of the literature.  I’m using the evidence as found in the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Sagas, and other presentations.  Recently I‘ve found that within academia there is a neglected philosopher who reached his own understanding of our right to be.  Martin Heidegger (1889 – 1976) is being re-discovered as a great mind and his work has certainly been valuable to me.                     

There is more to wealth than mathematical counting of money.  “Weal” is used as a Germanic expression of well-being. The wellness of an individual and the social milieu where he lives is a state of conscious and instinctual awareness.  Sometimes within the context of ‘making a living’ there is an event-scape of the presence of love, challenge, growth, and empowerment.  This spiritual happening during the course of ‘making a living’ is so close that it might not be noticed at the time, yet is known in moments of reflection and appreciation.  A family business is the best format for this weal to occur.  My premise is that the Old European literature shows how this kindred aspect was indeed the principle of prosperity.  Also, there is something that we intuit about ourselves and our ancestry.

Deep in the German forests, upon the Danish pastures, across the known and unknown oceans, our ancestors struggled, won, celebrated, loved, and thrived.  That’s the way it was or we wouldn’t be here today.  Later, the Colonial American landscape was an intellectual integrating starting point for freedom to pioneer into an even newer land in Montana.  Danish, German, and Latvian people settled in a land where only their ambition and innate confidence guided their economic homesteading.  The values were active and effective.  Those values might be labeled after the fact by definitions of religion or fellowship.  That those external organizations of definition were so varied might be seen as evidence that the Mystic qualities were real and could be recognized by various frame of reference assignments.  Church and Masonic Lodge were places of fellowship - - as were saloons and general stores.  The family and extended family kindred for the most part trusted and valued the civilized citizens around their community.  Economic life and community life were integrated then, and they should be today.

It’s tempting to call the Old Ways of wealth a ‘Gothic’ or ‘Viking’ heritage yet many types of Germanic culture were our places of prosperity.  At the strongest these were Heathen values of action and attitude.  We could call them “Germanic Models of Wealth” or something similar that would imply action and endeavor.  There are precepts of action that will lead us again to the abundance that has temporarily been denied through the machinations of others or through our own neglect.  Once we are determined to be rich, there will be no stopping us.

                               The Capitalist  

One descriptive term that could be used might be “Mystic Capitalist”.  The limitations of a popularized perception of a Capitalist as a materialist and defined rationalist could be open to a correct modification when taking into account the very real Mystic dimensions of any people.  In fact, a Capitalist entrepreneur has probably used advanced perceptions in the creation and implementation of a business.  Awareness and an interest in people are required to know how to make money.  My father had this focus and his interest in people made him well liked.  I have told his story elsewhere so I won’t recount it here at the moment.  For now let’s take a look at where anyone can go to gather a treasure hoard.                         

What are your interests?  Who do you like?  These interests and people are your map to riches.  I’m going to enact these principles myself and describe them to you as I go.  I’m already more prosperous than I was during some lean (to say the least) years.  That’s because of some prosperity investments that were put in motion through my own sacrifice and dedication.  Actually, there was no sacrifice compared to the satisfaction of living for my people.  I’m somewhat on my own now.  I miss being part of a family endeavor yet I must press forward.  

My interests are in the potential of living history in the present time in a way that corrects the defects of our times.  This dynamic possibility for creating a new world based upon Primordial themes that found expression in an ancestral culture is something that I have named.  I call this “Heathen” and “heretical”.  I have a blog, “Heathen And Heretical Ways” that studies themes of literature and ancestry.  I’m isolated at home as a caregiver for my mother but at one time I was active in the local metaphysical and Magickal community.  Some of my friends have gone on to fame and fortune.  They are good people.  An interest of mine would be to advance my own connection to the spirit of my homeland through combined perceptions and actions of my community.  This must be done while maintaining my own authenticity as a student of specialized philosophy and religious intent.  The first steps I’m taking are toward something that I observed very well in the actions of my recent relatives.  I’m getting access to valuable goods at a price that allows me to turn a profit. My main interest is in quality books, so that is where I’m turning my attention.  The creation of a quality online bookstore and mercantile center would be easy enough if I gathered the best material at the usual price.  However I need to get discounted prices for resale profit. First I should find a                     
name for my company with a decision about focused approach.  

One thing about my approach to Mystic Wealth is that I insist on attuning to what is nearest and most direct in terms of how the Mystery is translated to the individual.  This means living where you are (although travel to places of significance could be included) and using an ancestral paradigm for your tools.  We have seen what can happen when a guru uses exotic imports or borrows from another culture to attempt a technique or ‘teaching’.  We can’t twist something not our own into something we think might be better than what we have already.  

Mystic Wealth is an enowning of an energetic Field that is present.  How the ancestors have acted with their own energy and focused intent is what we can study.  More importantly, this is how we can act.  As I write this I’m working on mapping out an area of Missoula, Montana that is harmonious to a business enterprise.   The reality of the matter is that this will probably start as an office with variable hours.  My mission as a caregiver will keep me in the home most of the time.  Still, there is a place of commerce.  It is in my heritage to know how to succeed in a place of commerce.  Shops, social places, and farmsteads are what I would like to see in my community.  I’m very close to determining my place of business. Indeed, I’m using my perception and a form of geomantic divination to determine the location of my enterprise.  This will be a place of resources in esoteric lore, intellectual representations, and atmosphere for consultation.  There should also be fun merchandise.                     

Right now I’m consulting with the ginnregin about where the mystery of manifest wealth potential will take me.  Importantly, I’m listening and trying to perceive the guidance of the ancestors who knew how to be brave and make it work.  My father is with me often and has the most to teach.  Right now he is advising me to gather the finances that I already have and be more responsible.  My grandfather knows much about the environment and having a rich spiritual experience on the land and property.  

It seemed like I was working with the guidance of my father when I gathered over $260.00 from the change that I had around the house.  Money should be respected.  I will see to it that the money is invested to good purpose for increase.  This should be done in a sense of adventure and fun.  My father worked this way.  Shaping up the property is also on the agenda.  Mom is doing well tonight.  This is an aspect of what I mean by Mystic Wealth.  

Abundance and value have many dimensions.  The appearance of value in the dimension of manifestation is inevitable.  Our wealth will increase.

                           Runes Toward Wealth
There is an elite and specialized area of Mystic Wealth that is the teaching of the Ancients.  Runic knowledge and lore are beyond the scope of this basic work, yet runic attributes are the very basis for our entire journey toward greater weal.  Some people are familiar enough with the Futhark that they will know the message of prosperity that is in the very structure of the consistent order of the staves.  The staves are representatives of a greater Mystery.                      

For an introduction to runes I would start with the very best work available. I’m starting over at the beginning myself by reading “Runes and Magic” by Stephen E. Flowers.  This is the Ph.D. dissertation by Flowers.  He also writes as Edred Thorsson and may be better known by that name.  Any work by Edred is the best source of getting it right.  There is too much misleading information out there about runes that has been quickly assembled by New Age and New Age Pagan promoters.
Runes will awaken contact and context with how to live well.  The entire Germanic worldview necessary for our becoming ourselves has a wide range of teaching.  Again, there are essays by Stephen E. Flowers in various places about “Integral Culture” as we relate to ethical, ethnic, language, and material manifestations of our ways.  For a religious approach to Germanic embracing of living well, I would consult the Asatru Folk Assembly as formed by Stephen A. McNallen.  I intend to learn more myself.

This section is about the most direct mystical code for the transmission of our ways. Futhark staves represent the most primordial expression we have of something very close to us yet very difficult to explain for standard comprehension.  In fact the Mystery is not something that is ever finished or explained once and for all.  So it is also with the Mysteries of the runes. I would like to present some evidence of the place runes have in sovereign living as a wealthy person. This is from my blog site, "Heathen And Heretical                 
Ways".  I should mention that the quote from the Poetic Edda is my interpretation and not a translation.

                                                                                                         JARL AND KONUNGR

The Rigsthula lay of the Poetic Edda is about how the god Heimdall was the progenator of the folk of our powerful societal structure.  Another name for Heimdall is 'Rig' which gives this segment of the Edda its name.  What concerns us here as shapers of advanced perception and success is that it is not the impoverished thralls, or even the working craftsmen carls who are taught the Mysteries. The leaders and shapers and mystics who learn the Mysteries of the runes are Jarl and Konungr.  While each of us might take lessons from Icelandic society and embody all three of the Dumezilian functions within our own daily efforts of a prosperous farmstead, it is to be skilled leaders that we should aspire toward and make our efforts.  The stanza numbers are from the Lee M. Hollander translation.     
"Up grew Jarl     within the hall,
began to wield bucklers   and the bowstring fasten,
the elmwood bend     and arrow shaft,
hurl the spear     and speed the lance,
hunt with hounds,   and horses ride,
brandish swords     and swim the sea."
"Out of woodlands     came Rig walking,
came Rig walking,     and taught him runes;
his own name gave him     as heir and son,              
bade him make his own     the udal lands,
the udal lands       and olden manors.”                         
"He made himself master      of manors eighteen,
began sharing his wealth    and showered it on all:
silver and gold      and strong steeds;
gave arm rings       and shared gold."

"Up within the hall     grew Jarl's children;
spearshafts they shook,     with shields they fended,
swift steeds bestrode,   and straightened arrows."
"But Kon only     could carve runes,
runes lasting, ay     life-giving runes;
to bring forth babes     birth runes he knew,
to dull swords edges     and to calm the sea."

"In runes he rivaled     Rig the Jarl;
with wiles he warred,     outwitted him;                     
thus got for himself,     and gained to have,
the name of Rig     and runic lore."
This is from my interpretation of the following translations.
Lee M. Hollander.
Carolyne Larrington.

When the Futhark runes are learned well enough to be effective for us, they are a powerful means toward more than monetary wealth.  In the broader view of weal they have much to show us.  The power is there.  The learning of this power is in unity with the Way.  The wealth achieved here is substantial.                        
This initial chapter of this booklet is only meant to recommend the more profound and specialized education possible with the programs of my recommended books.  I have written my own book and some essays on the subject.  However, my work is not yet of the advanced quality of the recommended authors.  

                                                                                                   Appreciating Our People

So for a more generic response to the potential of mystic wealth I want to look at some living principles of the rich.  One of the aspects of wealth is that it arrives for those who appreciate money.  As an interest, money itself can be a fascinating game for some.  Another aspect of wealth is that it arrives for those who are interested in people.  The propaganda that Capitalism is somehow not noble and is abusive toward people is untrue.  There has to be a fascination and even love for humanity for someone to produce something that is for the use of that humanity.  A sense of meaning in the scheme of things is necessary.  Actually, ‘the scheme of things’ might not be the best choice of words.  The word ‘purpose’ might have been overused, but that is what it is for us.  Willed resonance with potential direction is what we advocate.  This is a very rough draft for editing.  It is only the outline of future work, some of which will be about experiential business.  It is the Mystic in the field of perception that will give direction.  Using this in everyday action will lead to real results.              
                                                                                                        Tribal Business                    

There is a generational quality to any social structure that can be called tribal.  I am documenting certain aspects of this generational tribal quality.  This will be a journal about actual business and finance activities.  The first action is to list ideas and options.  The next action is in the field of Divination and contemplation of best first actions.

This process is started by taking action.  Remember that the active process of the profound  choices of Divination must be followed through with action in the world.   Perception matters . If you want Now I want to perceive the presence of my ability you will notice. I remember my father’s ability to focus, imagine, and act on possibilities.  I will still make my list and do a Divination yet I may have something to add or not consider as viable for the income profit aspect. At this time it becomes apparent that I must overcome the suggestions of others who tell me the continuity of kindred spirits and loved ones is not to be encouraged.  They don’t know.  I do.  Values and love survives.  We are a family.  We are a tribe.

                                                                                                      Heathen Capitalism.

This section was originally intended as a separate booklet.  However one of the things I determined in contemplation and Divining is that it would be a good chapter on the theme of Mystic Wealth.  We use the word, 'Heathen' to describe ancient influence because it is a Germanic word for pre-Latinate Christian culture in our European lands.  The use of the more common modern term, 'Pagan' was originally a pejorative Latin word.  
As we overcome our conditioning and modern propaganda we will appreciate 'Heathen' in an entirely more positive sense of honor and endeavor.  

Heathen Capitalism and the Related Potential of Libertarian Economics. Freedom to be Ourselves.  Heathen Capitalism and Libertarian Economics.  

Our return to authentic living requires freedom to create the environment and society that we choose.  We are fortunate in the United States of America to have that freedom.  So far we have the opportunity for a ‘return to right’ that will rebuild the best of economic factors.  One of the most influential teachers in the field of our creative reawakening is Stephen E. Flowers.  He has presented a model of the various aspects of 'Integral Culture' that is beyond the scope of this work.  However those who wish further study in what we mean by 'culture' could do well to find his work.  

My particular focus here is on economics that are in agreement with the self-determination required of authentic living.  I believe that Libertarian Capitalism best represents the ambition and wealth that our ancestors knew very well.  As far as the intellectual field of economic theory goes, I'm in way over my head.  This work is my attempt to integrate what I know about the business of living with my learning from the best Capitalist minds.  
First and foremost I want to study Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" as a primary source for observations and philosophy about the advance of Capitalism and freedom in creative and prosperous living.  A more recent advocate is Ayn Rand.  A contemporary in free-market economic theory is Ludwig von Mises who founded the Austrian School of  Ecnomics which is dynamically influential today.  There are a number of great minds in Capitalism in both theory and practice that I want to study for my own advancement and for the benefit of my people.  

In my experience the government has not been overly restrictive to my economic freedom.  It has been the media most recently that threatens a world-view and relationship necessary for success.  My recent ancestors did not have the continuous distraction and detrimentally counterproductive morass that bombards us today.  In my own case the most serious threat to my prosperity came with a Socialist agenda of my peer group in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  I was fortunate to withstand the pressure.

The free market has a practical manifest condition and a more ethereal philosophy that describes it.  I say 'describes' because the dynamics of Capitalism are in full effect as a vital process.  There is an attempt on my part to show something mystic about the principles of prosperity.  When observing the mystic realities, there is a perception that the manifest physical and the numinous are not mutually exclusive by any means.  This understanding of the basic goodness of life is where Heathen economics are bound to better describe transactions of life than the teachings of Christianity which have never been a very good fit without some tweaking.  The self-contradictions of the anomic world-view of early Christian culture required considerable adjustment by the ambitious, heroic, and world-accepting early Germanic tribes.  This was and is a Spiritual connection to ambition, courage, adventure, loyalty, enjoyment, abundance, and generosity.                        

The Primary Source evidence of our Germanic wealth concepts have been shown in my more specialized work.  Here I want to show points of agreement with Libertarian Capitalism and consider some possible advancements in a wide field of economic alternatives.  These 'alternatives' will not be from 'modernism' which has already damaged economic and ecological factors.  These alternatives will be more in the form of agreeable possibilities in the 'Radical Traditional' field that shows so much wisdom today.

I want to determine how much syncretic value there is in the theories of Radical Capitalism and the emergence of Radical Traditionalist education.  That the Radical Traditionalist values tribal and regional indigenous culture and economics is not a problem to my Capitalist worldview since I've seen investment, work, and profit at a family level.  I grew up with an immediate association with people who were building a dwelling community.          

Granted, Northern Europe is the source of a return to Ancestral Ways if we are trying to regain a Radical Traditionalist approach to living as an individual in a tribal way of honoring maximum potential.  Yet it would seem that as far as 'historicity' goes we in America can also call upon a rich heritage of genius from the Agrarian and
Capitalist era of the American Revolution and the principles of freedom that those great minds protected in the Constitution of the United States of America.  Of course in the recent past and also very recently there came a time when 'progressive modernism' tried to overthrow those principles for the sake of a 'collective' society for non-exceptionalist doctrines.  My interest is in returning to the freedom to thrive and live in an exceptional way.  Among the works of the Founding Fathers there are references to the Traditional freedoms found in Anglo-Saxon English Common Law.  

Above there has been mention above of 'dwelling' and 'historicity' which could remind us of the work of Martin Heidegger who is highly respected in the Radical Traditionalist school.  His talk at an architects convention became printed as "Building Dwelling Thinking".  This work reminds us that the reason for building is because we have learned dwelling as a way of being conscious of ourselves as enowning of Being where we live.  His term 'Dasein' literally means 'there being'.  As related to 'historicity' Heidegger pointed out that we come into the world within a community with its own traditions already in place.  It seems to me that the Primordial Traditions would have continued through the generations and could have been accessed in a conscious way by our ancestors in the Colonial era.  There was certainly an active Folk Lore from Europe that lived with the settlers.  This may have been more prominently Heathen than that which was allowed in a centralized authority Christian Europe that was attempting to become Middle Eastern Universalist.  Tribal ways and regional ways were transplanted to America.  The environmentally syncretic way that these existed on the ancient landscape here is a matter for inuitive study that should be based upon and informed by knowing the lore teachings.

Back to the more strictly Libertarian educational and political theme as it made a return to the American scene in the 20th century, we have a   
variety of versions.  The subjectively rationalist or 'objectivist' school of philosophical Capitalist advocates are only part of the Libertarian story.  Libertarianism also has a history of those who acknowledged the psychological and spiritual nature of mankind.  Some were quite mystical in their interests.  Some displayed amazing abilities in what are called psychic abilities.

It is in the area of publishing, self-publishing, pamphleteering, and research foundations that the Libertarian adventure reached growth beyond the few enthusiastic advocates that began it all.  A political party was late in coming because early Libertarians saw themselves as more appreciative of the educational aspect of activism.  They were always an elite few who were going against the tide of mass culture.  To campaign for political office would have been an unsuccessful and ironic use of their time.  A government of politicians was seen as the problem, not the solution.  Yet they wanted their message to reach enough people to make a difference.

It seems to me that the possibility of a Libertarian Party was only open in the 1970s and it was bound to be very small and eccentric in the early years.  The more profound and influential Libertarians were in the academic and foundation institutions of education.  The time how seems right that enough people are intuitively wanting an alternative that election results are hopefully effective.


The Radical Traditionalist is free to build his own dwelling and thrive in all matters of his humanity.  The social aspects of his dwelling should coincide with his own sovereign nature.  I hope to manage a prosperous publishing empire from this homestead.        
There could also be transactions in merchandise.  There could also be grants from benefactors toward this work.  Milton Freidman makes some good points toward the importance of patrons when making revolutionary changes to society. In his, "Capitalism and Freedom" he points out that publishing with profit or patron funding has precedence, and is only possible in, a free society.  This means a Capitalistic society.  This is another place where Libertarian and Radical Traditional notions are in agreement in actual terms.

Regional and less centralized sovereignty should be allowed free expression.  

                            Ambition With Heart.

It becomes more apparent all the time that our real wealth is in our environment.  There is nothing richer than being in contact with nature in a way that supports our experience.  Whether this contact is in agrarian or farmstead activities or recreation, we cannot be rich without a healthy                     
environment.  There is a long tradition of Capitalists who have lived in harmony, and very much enjoyed, the world where they live.   

Here are some examples of Capitalists of regional achievement who exemplify ambition with heart.    

                                     Homestead Capitalism.

Another approach to Capitalism that is based upon consideration of how it worked in the recent past is what I would like to promote.  There are a few acres in the Orchard Homes area of Missoula Montana that are a treasure of better times.  The Benson farm on Reserve Street still has orchards and grows corn, pumpkins, and flowers.  This reminder of the days when the area was still indeed 'orchard homes' is evidence of better times.  We owe the farmers at Benson farms a debt of gratitude for keeping the presence of nature and agrarian spirit alive in the middle of our town.  As a child in Orchard Homes I could experience the best of the past while advancing toward a prosperous future.  This is what I call the "Retromodern" era.  In this time the atmosphere shimmered with vitality, there was beauty, and our advancement of progress was about building more places for vitality and beauty.  
It might seem paradoxical that a genuine Capitalist like myself prefers the agrarian and vital past to an advancing machine future.  Not really.  Human value is the true nature of Capitalism.  The new Homestead Capitalist is interested in the endeavor of advancing human value toward a more prosperous benefit. This theme of homestead capitalism might be exactly what I need to get back on the winning route to riches.  Family advancement is a true Heathen value and will be our main action based upon motive power.  
The paradigm of freedom to prosper with active engagement with the environment and society lasted          
into the 1950s and early sixties where it might have peaked.  The causes of the rise of a socialist counter-force are probably many, yet from my own perspective a lack of frame of reference to spiritual perceptions had considerable to do with it.  We misplaced an alien cultural frame of reference for our own.
                                                                                                 Capitalism on the Homestead.
                                                                                                          Ambition With Heart.

This was first written as we approached Yuletide. This is a time for gathering of inner tribal life that celebrates the seasonal tradition that is perennial and primordial. To appreciate and remember those who have gone before is only natural at this time.

My father was an authentic hero of the Greatest Generation. He took responsibility to work for the survival of his family during the depression of the 1930s. His father was disabled by a stroke and died. Dad was just a boy in grade school yet he went right to work with a keen interest in how to make things better. Later as a young man he served in General Patton's Third Army in the infantry, winning victory in the Battle of the Bulge.  It’s now pop-culture cliche to talk about the "yes we can" attitude. To take this beyond a mere slogan we can look at what the Greatest Generation knew about improving life. The key is ACTION rather than just presenting an image or being politically correct. Dad returned to civilian life to immediately begin building high quality homes in partnership with his brothers. He found that he enjoyed the masonry aspects of home construction the most, and he went on to build a successful business in the craft and artistry of working with brick and stone.

Capitalism is an adventure with heart. Dad very much enjoyed buying a 5 ton truck to meet the opportunity of transporting his own building supplies to his warehouse, since there was no masonry retail in our Montana town. During late November and early December he would transport Yule season trees to Denver and bring back supplies so that he made a profit on the round trip. Mom sometimes went with him and so did I when I was older. It was a season of joy, adventure, and profit. The Teutonic ways of the ancestors lived on.

When a recession in the building business hit town we, as a family, opened a second hand and antique retail business. There was a continued sense of challenge and adventure. Our store became a community gathering place. Ambition and profit benefits the immediate kindred and extends tribal relationships. Homestead Capitalism is a path with heart.  I should try with more attention and kindness to follow this heart.

                        Some Preliminary Conclusions To Part One.

This booklet is nearly ready as a first draft.  Editing and improvement will be worked toward a better printing when I meet the goal of publishing an early draft booklet.  The principles are a work                      
in progress anyway.  Whatever contribution I happen to make will best show the classic work and not so much 'progress'.  We have gone too far away from our Tradition.  So this is hopefully a journal of advancement that renews who we have been.  We are called to find and accept our wealth.

                                                                                                                    PART TWO

The ongoing process of reclaiming the philosophical status and actual enactment of wealth as a cultural value requires a continuing study and effort.


The theme ‘Mystic Wealth’ continues with excerpts from my early draft booklet and will include recent discoveries of those who contribute to our continued prosperity. It will be obvious that I have rejected the ‘Left’ and the superficial cosmic hipness that advocates enforced collectivism as the mandate of mystical lifestyle. If we are to advocate wealth, then we must admit that a few among us today have connected to the way of continuance of our thriving ancestors.

Those of us who are veterans of the ‘self help’ books about getting rich are familiar with the New Thought authors and those who have intuitively reiterated their insights. People like Napoleon Hill, Wallace D. Wattles and others were familiar even before the recent updates of recognition found in “The Secret” and the better part of mainstream media. Yet I want to acknowledge some modern masters who are known for their wealth and knowledge about wealth who are far more mystically gifted than is generally acknowledged. Among these are Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, and Robert Kiyosaki. If you read the books by Trump you will find his concise, direct, style will show erudition in background of great thinkers. He doesn’t show off, but he is conversant in the teachings of Carl Jung, Thoreau, Emerson, Aldous Huxley, and Taoists among other great thinkers. We should not dismiss those who have actually achieved in this world. The knowledge they share is extensive and valuable.

Recently I’m more impressed than ever with the erudtion and mystic abilities of Trump and Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “Prophecy” warned us well ahead of the economic collapse. His idea that the home is a liability and not an asset was considered heretical at the time. In “Think Like a Champion”, Trump expresses the importance of prescience as a necessary ability for business. His ideas on how to develop instincts seem practical. I would recommend the book, “Why We Want You to be Rich” co-authored by Kiyosaki and Trump as a seriously prescient work for our economic times.

The ancestors are among us. Wherever life is working we can see how surviving well is a manifestation of who we have been and who we are in action.

Heideggerian Perspective.

Early in this study I mentioned the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. My appreciation of Heidegger’s work goes beyond book study and carries into the world of comprehending daily life and my unique situation. With Dasein all individuals have a unique situation. This is described in the words of Heidegger experts as, “In each case, one’s own.”. One aspect that makes the enowning of Dasein personal, and at the same time community oriented, is the concept of ‘historicity’. We come into the world through those who have gone before. Dasein is ‘there being’ literally and Being is what Heidegger looks at in his major work, “Being and Time”. The temporal aspect of time is what brings historicity into the experiential nowness of Being.

So here is some historicity that shows my enowning of wealth. It was immediately after World War II that the family of my father joined together in a building enterprise. Three brothers and a cousin had the ambition and faith to begin a home building business. This endeavor took courage and cooperation that combined unique areas of ability. My father had worked to support his family since the age of twelve. His own father had a stroke and these were the times of the Great Depression. Dad was an enthusiastic and creative worker who found an essential value in the making of money. He had some money for the building enterprise and certainly provided his own physical labor. One brother had graduated from architecture school and their houses were the first in Missoula to have a Frank Lloyd Wright theme of environmental consideration for design. Another brother also had a knack for construction and worked hard. A cousin from Latvia was sponsored to become a U.S. citizen after being released from war camps and the grips of Nazi Germany and Marxist Russia.

This meeting of a team endeavor shaped a direction of building during what could be both prosperous and environmentally considerate times. Nobody thought about being ‘hip’ to an environmental agenda. They were naturally appreciative of their environment and culture. Wealth achievement  advanced human ambitions while appreciating the natural environment. We could do it again.

                          A WORK IN PROGRESS

Earlier in this monograph on page 6, I mentioned that I would be describing my attempt at operating a business with my current circumstances.  The office away from my place as a 24/7 caregiver has been postponed until later.  This was the right thing to do.  I'm not in any hurry and actually appreciate the opportunity I have to give something back to those who have been my good fortune.  Since health care is my full time occupation, I've learned much about the bureaucracy of state and state regulated systems and I'm fortunate enough not to need them.

Also, on page 8 I mentioned being guided to show more attention to available money by gathering what I could find around the house.  The advice was to invest that amount rather than spending it in another way.  I used the funds to build a commercial website and blog.   

This short booklet might be viewed as a monograph toward future work with some input by others who are in harmony with the precepts about how a cultural and personal worldview could advance us toward a better world. Future additions to this booklet monograph will include suggestions for meditations for entraining routes for the arrival of what blessings are already in waiting for each individual who is in resonance with this message.  There are many who have already achieved results in the arrival of riches in many forms and aspects of life. They have much to teach in a very real way.  The effort is worthwhile.


The phenomenon of "Mystic Wealth" was first introduced to me by the arrival of a few good books at a time when I thought physical existence and an oppressive religion were the only realities.  One of these books was more Spiritual than any religious teachings I knew at the time.  This is Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich!".

Some naysayers tell me "See, it doesn't work.".  However, I went from only admiring musical culture from a distance to owning a Farfisa Mini-Compact and then to the Rolls Royce of keyboards, the Hammond B-3.  Add two Leslie speakers and, in the currency of the 1960s, about $15,000 worth of sound equipment.  It does work.  I went on to be absorbed in the Socialist counter-culture and lost it all.  But that's another story.  And a reason I include the term 'Right' in the mystic wealth domain name.    

Most of us who are attuned to the New Thought understanding of abundance are very, very, familiar with "Think and Grow Rich!". For grizzled veterans like myself there is an interesting addition of this basic classic. Most of us looked at works like 'The Secret' and knew how much is owed to Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie.  

There is a new edition that makes it fun to rediscover how much of the ideas and terminology of recent works are owed to the pioneering work of Napolean Hill.  This new work is now available as a quality book, “Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill : The Original Version, Restored, and Revised.  Now Fully Annotated and Indexed" by Ross Cornwell.

Like others who know this work, I found the notes, history, and anecdotes add a fascinating dimension to reading and using this book again.  Always a good idea.


The supporting blog site, “Mystic Wealth “ and the domain name “Mystic Wealth Right” has an ‘about’ page that gives an updated purpose to this work.  Originally this began with the observation that most New Age and other spiritually focused people where having tremendous difficulty and mired in poverty.  This was, and still is, an epidemic that hinders access to resources and opportunity to advance their work.  I climbed out of that rut only to be struck down terribly where I had to begin my climb back again.  I learned some things and observed some aspects of accepted poverty.

The largest problem with the spiritual community is the mistaken notion of poverty as a virtue and a corresponding anti-enterprise attitude that conflicts with any attempt for an individual or group to form a successful business.  The notion is Anti-Capitalist and very much ensconced in the Socialist Left as their community and interpersonal belief system.  The corresponding decline and entrapment in poverty is epidemic.  

This preceded the collapse of the entire nation’s economy and now there are many, many, more people trapped in terrible economic situations.  There is a solution to this by returning to first principles and an attitude adjustment that can lead back to wealth.

The blog that supports this work has the name, “Mystic Wealth” which is further explained by the domain name, “Mystic Wealth Right”.  Perhaps more explanation of the intent of this work can be found in the following ‘about’ post on the blog.



Economic theory and practice might be among the most interesting and comprehensive aspects of humanity. This should be most relevant at the individual, family, tribal, and township civics level.  The fundamental reality of prosperity is most apparent in the immediate setting in how the family and their friends are living.  

There are two possibilities for the presence of a more abstract and extended presence of a political economic influence.  The first and hopefully the main presence should be a Mythic resonance with the living history and destiny of a people.  These could be called the Folk.  A Spiritual kinship would be recognized here, and while tribal localized and regional at some beginning era, could extend across a continent or back to a homeland across the seas.  An identity of community belongingness and pride could ideally include a Nation.

The second possibility and indeed one that is dominant today is a coercive demand of a distant governing body that is not in immediate contact with the citizen.  The 'culture' that can form around this influence can be totally at odds with the true interests and heritage of the individual, family, tribe, and Mythic history.  The culture and financial levies of this distant governing body can be blatantly oppressive or merely a background for alienation.  It is hoped that this distant governing body can be instructed to adhere to the first possibility of representing the Mythic resonance of the living history and destiny of a people.  Immediate family life should be supported and encouraged rather than negated.  The second possibility, if controlled, could have a protective function if wisely directed.


Wealth is a profoundly Spiritual presence in the events that shape the daily living of a people.  Creativity and heroic action toward achievement is a value in itself and it is hoped that the finances acquired would find equally worthy purposes.          

There is more to wealth than mathematical counting of money.  “Weal” is a Germanic expression of well-being.  The wellness of an individual and the social milieu where he lives is a state of conscious and instinctual awareness.  Sometimes within the context of ‘making a living’ there is an event-scape of the presence of love, challenge, growth, and empowerment.  This spiritual occurrance during the course of ‘making a living’ is so close that it might not be noticed at the time, yet is known in moments of reflection and appreciation.  A family business is the best format for this weal to occur.  My premise is that the Old European literature shows how this kindred aspect was indeed the principle of prosperity.  Also, there is the influence of our connection to our ancestors.  We perceive their guidance toward our success.

This website will feature some of my early booklets and more work that is being done in the field of mystic economics.  The early booklets partly featured a collection of themes that describe the thriving of my pioneer ancestors and my most recent extended family.  There is a Spiritual principle at work as we enact ownership of our existence.  Much of our frame of reference is found in Old Europe as we have evidence in literature and a knowledge that we are descended from those who lived the event-scape of the literature.  I’m using the evidence as found in the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Sagas, Beowulf, and other presentations.  Recently I‘ve found that within academia there is a neglected philosopher who reached his own understanding of our right to be.  Martin Heidegger is being re-discovered as a great mind and his work has certainly been valuable to me.


Alien metaphysics and a Modernist nihilistic milieu have become popular in protest of anything 'mystical' or 'wealthy'.  It is important not to care what life-negating admonishments are all the latest rage or have existed in the background for centuries.  Our premise here is that the Libertarian and sometimes Republican political Right have more claim to esoteric spiritual principles and practice than the looters on the Left who have made claims to higher ground.  There are extensive intellectual resources from great minds in America who have been relegated to oblivion by the controlling interests of Leviathan (a name Donald Davidson and others have given to modern media and legislative control).  The intelligentsia of Europe were forced to abandon their own heritage and move drastically to the Left.  This was less true in America in terms of political violence, yet the forces of Progressive Socialism in America used psychological coercion to advocate against very brilliant Conservative Americans.  That the atheist and socialist powers claim even the most esoteric practices must not be allowed to continue as a 'given'.

Thus the name 'Mystic', 'Wealth', and 'Right'.  This blog will support work being done toward returning to who we are.  We should enjoy the process as we advance in taking back our native ways, focusing present actions, and improving our future destiny.

Kindly pardon some of the repetition of themes that are in this booklet.  A reason for this is that in my circumstances of having limited available time I have found that I can make short notations and then expand from there into an early draft format or even improve the work through editing for my blog.  I hope to describe some of the more mystical work that is possible in varied forms.

However, whatever forms of mystical practice that you use should come from your own frame of reference.  Anyone reading this probably has a background in meditative or more conceptually orientated affirmative work.  My own field of practice is strongly Germanic in terms of religion, philosophy, and magic.  There are many runic practices to work toward wealth creation and the cultural background that supports this work.  

In considering the wider interests of people I also use generic practices and the following is one

Foreword to Magic

The reader of "Mystic Wealth" might expect some esoteric and magico-religious exercises to be described as a function of the word, 'mystic'.  So far I have only given some resources for the reader to consult and those resources are far more adept than myself at offering some practical work.  I'm considering posting a very basic and generic magical technique that is based upon my own work with practical magic.

First some recommendations.  There are some considerations when using the praxis of any magic or magico-religious technique.  These considerations are more attitudinal than cautionary.  There is too much made of the dangers or 'selfishness' of practicing magic for material purposes.  Anytime a person imagines a better life and takes actual steps toward achievement they are practicing practical magic.  However, when forming a ritual meditation for goals the background of the mythic content of the meditation should be considered. If the rites are learned from a book or a personal teacher there could be a disconnect from your own personal mission and destiny.  To be taken away from the natural and powerful magic of your ancestry and intuitive connection is counter-productive.  Not only that - - it might not work at all.  

Obviously my own frame of reference is in the Northern European or Western perspective and is strongly related to the previous power of the egregores (Divine resonance and ancestral thought-forms)that have gone before and that lead us forward.  However, a generic and familiar content can come from each individual.  In his excellent book about runes and the Germanic Tradition, Chris Travers mentions the similarity in soul perspectives as given by Napoleon Hill in ‘The Master-Key to Riches’.  I had noticed some similarities myself.  Please get a copy of "The Serpent and the Eagle" by Chris Travers.  Using any exercise in the Napoleon Hill books will connect you with your true self rather than lead you to an alien agenda. It is likely that any reader of this work has a Spiritual background in the Germanic Folk.  

I still have not decided if I will post my magical technique on this blog.  It will be available in the "Mystic Wealth" booklet.  The technique seems to have some similarities to methods of Chaos Magic Theory (CMT) as developed by magicians like Peter Carroll and Phill Hine.  It is mostly related to 'Alchemically Active Meditation' as developed by Carl Jung and his students.  However, there is a good old-fashioned American culture familiarity that is natural and integral to anyone interested in challenging himself and improving his life.  


This could also be called a 'wealth transmission office'.  It is a construction of the imagination. For many people a time of communion and contact with their Higher Power might be important before beginning the visualization.  The office could have the qualities of a successful business such as desks, computers, storage areas for products to be shipped or whatever constitutes a successful business enterprise for you.  Mine is as described here but yours will be unique to your own endeavor.  

The best area to visualize this office is high in the sky with the ability to transmit those wealth qualities to your immediate or planned environment.   

Visualize your bank account increasing.  Visualize what you can achieve with this income toward the life you want.  

Some people might meet guides there who have shown themselves adept in business or other successful enterprises.  From my point of view its all business.  Enterprise in business should always be of a Higher Order and actualized in action taken in the environment.  You will notice that I am not using the references to my Germanic Faith and magical practices here because I am trying to present this concept in a generic way that can be utilized by each person's unique ways.  In my                      
generic visualization my guides are Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, and Donald Trump.

After some experiences in this 'etheric office' have been recognized and considered for enactment in the world it is important to leave the office and allow it to dissolve back into the general energy field.  It is also important to return to full immediate awareness and presence in the physical body.  I believe that the more times a person practices this mystic exercise the more often the office can be called to mind for guidance and dismissed again in the context of daily life.

Further experiments in generic magic are best conducted in the context of the individual’s belief system and in relationship to their culture.

The community is where the psychic force connections are made in terms of financial and social well-being.  Following the pre-occupation with dysfunctional politics in Washington D.C., it seems that folks are again getting back to business where it really counts.  People are gathering in the context of enjoying their associations and interests and business is good from what I have seen at the local level.  Indeed, that is where the most dependable and realizable economy is located.  Globalization as a state business or corporate empire has rapid riches for the few but they are subject to maintaining a precarious stance with events that are controlled by others. This absence of immediate psychic perception and influence puts the mystic aspect of business in the control of forces that might have been built upon ulterior and even anti-capitalistic programs of domination over personal and tribal interests.

For myself, and many others, I will expand the Mystic Wealth concept and enact those principles with as much attention to successful living as we demand in our return to what we have been.  What we become will be even better.




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