Worlds are built according to what is found in far exploration. Such people have unshakable observations that are true to form. The discovery of adventure leads to a productive and visionary mind. Maps of the creator ideal are shown and signposts are recognized in on the real landscape. Vision takes shape.
Hopefully the above scenario relates to my own manifestation of ideal worlds. I'm on the roadway. But I'm thinking of two men (among many) who have vision of potentials and make them real.
Lennart Svensson is erudite in Traditionalist metaphysics. He's written excellent books on Ernst Junger, Wagner, Rudolph Steiner and others. His general studies include Carlos Castaneda and Rudolph Steiner among others. "Borderline" describes the landscape and narrative. "Actionism" is about how he made an ideal world real for him. Understand that by ideal we don' mean free of conflict but rather a world shaped by our triumphs.
Miguel Angel Fernandez has some fascinating work on his website and a series of books that remind me of a science fiction theosophy narrative that could be written by Julius Evola. Fernandez has his own take though so I don't want to minimize that. The heroic in the Perennial tradition is a theme that reminds me of Evola. Julius Evola was paralyzed in one of his frequent walks while bombs dropped on Vienna. He would not hide from the challenge. Warrior status.
I have little familiarity with the works of Miguel Angel Fernandez. He seems like an intelligent and capable young man who is accomplished in the world. I have considerable experience with Lennart Svensson and have a book review here
I aspire to create worlds harmonious with my Radical Traditionalist worldview. This world is what I attempt at my Gumroad page and blogs with arenas and goals unique to me and possibly people like yourself.
We benefit when we recognize our own contribution to ideal worlds. We can choose what visions we will energize. Are some men more connected the the zeitgeist of the times? Do some men create the times? Of course. Time will tell.
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