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[ This post is for readers of my newsletter, or anyone who finds it, that concerns the promised editing and improvement project.  The first thing is to write an outline of the content appears now.  Then outline a better presentation before modifying the entire post] 

Thoughts about editing will appear in red.

First - - the name of the book could be changed to something more comprehensible.  My grandfather, my uncle Kris's father, my father, my nephew, and also my middle name all have 'Kris.'  The name is highly regarded in my family.  For an online persona as a representative for Old Ways and against bolhevism I use the moniker 'Krisler,'


Krisler : Book Two was supposed to be about winning through craftsmanship, enjoying the day, and family.  I did not want to write another book about surviving war, and especially about a war in our midst now.  Yet if we are to learn how we win and rebuild we have to study our options.      

Krisler Book Two is meant for those who seek to continue the legacy of life within their own family and kindred story.  I've shared mine so that you can allow yourself to integrate yours.  The extreme significance of surviving Bolshevism given in the first book is given in essence here because the Bolshevik/Cheka is a force against who we are.  The Bolshevik-style controls we have today are of a different label yet just as destructive.  Maybe more destructive if we consider that we are conditioned to accept controls and can't even identify in person the adversary who can be overcome. 

The determination and and spirit of my Uncle Kris was an essential part of his story.  Yet it was not the whole story.  There were kindred and Montana United States connections that got him out of captivity and across the Atlantic.  When he got here there was a job waiting for him in the family business.  He worked with enthusiasm of pure joy and became a master craftsman in quality home building.   

We are in the same situation today with engineered captivity.  It is important for the individual human spirit to make a determined stand.  It is also true that the lone wolf can't accomplish what the dissidents for freedom can with mutual kindred alliances.  Call it a Tribe if you will and that's okay with me.   


A consideration of where we are can be informed by past atrocities and recoveries.  Is our situation today similar with an enslaving and deadly Woke culture booting up the pressure to overtake and annihilate the constructive producers and responsible families?  Are there fortunate independents who have the power to rescue the targets and captives of an insanely demanding new Marxism?  Let's make a judgement that if there is a rise in the lethal insanity, there will be forces there for the rescue.  Those who are able could concentrate on building a humane and prosperous place of settlement.   



The mass politics of any workable program are debatable at this time but I do know we can focus our attention on what is nearest and dearest.  Some of our positions in the struggle against conscription, land theft, or death in an arranged Gulag depends upon our situations.  I am blessed to live in the state of Montana where the violence is far away and the main intimidation is from peers of a certain persuasion.  Avoid watching media and you feel free and nature-oriented.  Hang out with people watching the media and you could still be admonished by those who don't have the wherewithal to actually harm you. 


Is there a patriotic need to travel to hostile regions to make a stand?  I'll leave that to the individual but I do know that vigilance is in order. Sacred Purpose has an attracting power that will put you in contact with the history and metaphysics that will inspire you to think and create.  For example, writing Krisler Book Two has launched to toward the warrior history of Latvia and the Courland warriors who were more feared than the Vikings and also formed an allegiance of peace and prosperity in that region.  So there is reason to believe my Latvian heritage has some Norse influence and well as my Danish heritage.  Regions of historical settlement are far more complex than one can define in a limited way.   


Another 'coincidence' that furthers my understanding of the geo-politics of the region is the ceding of the Bolsheviks to Germany of the region of Latvia post World War I.  Difficulties in the region were instrumental in the Freikorps being a professional military force that resisted Communist Bolshevik rule.  My attraction to how the Freikorp fought against the bolsheviks might be because the paramilitary model of freedom fighters could arrive in the West in a time of need.   




A piece of Baltic history was still living in the genesis of a people until the late 16th century.  The Curonians mentioned by medieval historians and even the Icelandic Sagas lived in power and prosperity in the area of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Egil's Saga tells of one of his raids there.  They were seafaring warriors who probably inspired the design of the later Viking longships and raiding ways.  To say the Norsemen respected the Curonians would be an understatement.  War and raiding in the region was back and forth with the Curonians having the upper hand until the era of the varmint king Olaf of Sweden who took 15, 000 men to subdue them.   


Nothing of the language spoken by the Curonians is known today.  I would estimate that something of the religion of the people is known because the descriptions of them is always pagan.  These were actually the last people to fall to Christianity.  The Teutonic Knights subdued them in 1266 and this was the purpose of the crusaders leaving the so-called 'holy land' and concentrating on the Baltic.  It would seem reasonable that the very healthy surviving Latvian paganism would have been similar to the Curonians.    


See my page Latvian Spirit And Song for descriptions of the powerful and good Latvian spiritual heritage - - then and now. 


My reason for posting this new discovery about one of my homelands is that the strong and upright people eventually fell to Bolshevik bureaucratic killing machinery.  No honor.  No warrior principles.  We find ourselves in the same propagandistic murdering clown world today.  Some efforts and thought are necessary about taking back who we are before it is too late.   


A phenomenon was a period of peace between the Vikings and Curonians who had a prosperous settlement together.  It is becoming a Unesco Heritage site if you care about that.  I don't.   


This essay will be expanded to include the later fighting spirit of the Latvian and German fighters who stopped the Bolsheviks until the Baltic was betrayed by the West.  Be ready for the fighting spirit and rightness of the Freikorps.       


The Krisler handle is ancient family presence that I was fortunate enough to observe.  It is a challenging persona to initiate and continue which requires more immediate and dedicated attention than passive humility.  We have work to do.  There is the digging and hauling and the time for crafting beauty for the fine life amid nature.  My personal manifestation of the family mission includes an attempt at a historical and cultural appreciation of what our foundations are and our work from here.  The more ancient sources of our faith is where I've put my interest and effort.  As such, there will be a respect for our recent place in culture with a refinement of the ancient continuum toward actionable Spiritual attention today.     


It's worthwhile to know what one is against.  It is more worthy to work for what one is FOR.  Hopefully, as this theme continues I will communicate and enact the winning principles of those who survive attempted destruction.  Some cautionary vigilance is offered by what the people of the Baltic region were subjected to.  The real story is how they found their way back. As my uncle Kris, would say, "Trouble always comes, so does peace and working with family.  Enjoy life.  How can fight?"  A legitimate question in my case.  At age 72 my military fighting and martial arts are behind me except for personal development, staying in shape, and being aware.  My further work on the Spirit that manifests through living and symbols in the Baltic will expand a little beyond Dievturiba, the folklore influence on Catholic and Protestant, and the Russian Rodnovery which a Slavic folk religion  In this region, as in any region of Northern and Eastern Europe, there is a Hyperborean legacy of the migrations from Hyperborea that includes Russia.  There may have been tribes in competition, conflict, and cooperation throughout history of the migrations from Ultima Thule. It was the Soviet era that used a bureaucratic killing machine to eliminate the real presence of the people and replace it with an artificial maniacal society.  As the freed Baltic satellites come back to themselves, Russia comes back to herself.   


Kris himself would say that looking too much at history and stuff should not detract from working toward income.  Do your work and master whatever craft of income you have.    


Pagan reality was a natural function of how people remembered their Source and met their challenges of the day.   

Consider that my approach to Paganism is expansive to the point of authentic historical resources that study the integration a life of conquest and good will toward my own people that goes way beyond the superficial wiccan and subversive feminism and leftist modernism of that state of 'paganism' today.  There must be something more, and that something more is found in the patriarchal family structure which does more to honor the divine feminine.  This is more in keeping with the great love for women and their consciousness than modern propaganda.   


Consider that the Hyperborean origination is found in legends of Latvia and the Russian area as a matter of course.  Of equal significance is that there is a wide recognition of this mythic history with legends of the North also found in Indo-Iranian culture like the Mazdan sources. 

Although what follows will delve into expert sources of the Hyperborean myth, an effort will be made to provide resources for study.  The theory is functional now that Modern mandates are out of touch.  Re-creating a world imagined before the current mailaise has some answers.   


 How to overcome negative or unrelated conditioning : 

Observe that your memory of loved ones who have passed is an honorable space in time and true,  Yet, and yet, like our lives on this side they have progressed (or more completely realized their awareness) to an advanced position where what we contact will express this advancement.   

Skeptics on this matter are okay but you live with your own perceptions.  This is true in all areas including matters of spirit and meaning and political views.  We must become immune to the dominant thoughts of others as expressed in conditioned comments from those with no understanding.   

It is a sad situation that some of those we love and are closest to will parrot the doctrines of the enslaving regime. 

Love for a higher version of of those who oppose us is a necessary way.  To perceive and encourage their connection is a form of prayer.  Seemingly synchronous actions from opposing forces must be seen as not relevant since they are so ubiquitous.  Only signals sent from the Highest Order are of consequence. Overcoming the distraction is a goal.    


Getting back on track with Krisler as a message of Divine connection in the field of human accomplishment. 


There are photos of my uncle Kris feeding a deer by hand.  The family named this doe and she returned every year.  They leased land with a cabin on Seeley lake in Montana.  They were sad the year she did not return.  Feeling for nature and aspiration of homeland were prominent in this family although the closing years were tragic.  Events might seem beyond escape but I wonder if there had been a formalized intellectual presentation of Spirit early on, some of the dysfunction and illness could have been avoided. They were in a Modernist society as the years went by so I can't help thinking that teachings kept intact from the Old Country would have helped. 


That is for me to address to Kris and for me to await his response.  A strong heart is required.   


The continuation of the Primordial Myth in Northern Europe is known in history and it is known in our studied and intuitive grasp of history.  Intersecting and conflicting settlements of regions were from a people of common ancestry if we look back far enough.  By 'far enough' I mean in the sense of events and also a central core that drives the purpose of a people.    

 I must remember that faith, Cosmic Consciousness, and strength are guiding principles for my own Sacred Purpose and to use that informed spirit in how I model further direction.  

My Sacred Purpose if I use the ‘why’ principle is all about the Cosmic as that Will Of Heaven is found in ancestral expression.  My culture survives and thrives with me.  The writer's dedicated model  is found in the academic and cultural influence of Edred Thorsson and the business model which finds expression in the dedicated work of Ivan Throne.  Ivan loves his work and it shows in his literature and the functioning business model that thrives on that particular aspect of The Will Of Heaven. To thrive in one's work and life mission is a sign of an advanced realization of real work in the real world.  

Something I learned of substance from life in a family business culture is that there should be no separation between who you are and how you contribute to the economically creative world.   


The story of Kris and the story of his family in the context of the Krisler reality is a story about the Will of Heaven.    


Today's look at the story considers the complicated and dramatic history of a land and people.  It is right that I point out the dreadful atrocity of the Communist era post WWII.  The fight over the land had gone back and forth between the independent Latvians, the Soviets, and the Germans.  Indeed the longer history involves the Curonians mentioned above and Viking settlements of cooperation and war among those two seafaring warrior cultures.  This is a window to the world as it has always been in what is known of modern history.  Do we go back far enough to a Golden Age as mythologized with the Hyperboreans?  That is a promising cycle and we should not rule out a return of such an age of Magic and magnified unity.   


Yet we know that events in the world as violence and politics give no indication of abating save for the gaining of Spirit and strength among those who trek and build in a dangerous world that challenges alertness and superhuman perception and action.  Perhaps that challenge taken up by those who would survive and thrive is the power that will bring in the return of the Hyperborean Golden Age of our ancestors who now walk among us.   


Kris, the winner of his own conflict, would say to pay attention, work hard, and enjoy life today. He met with those who could help him in a faraway land that functioned within the ideals of his captured homeland.    


Latvia :  The "original" Lettish people of ancient settlement.  The Curonian warriors who built ships, traded, and conquered.  The Vikings who sometimes cooperated with Curonians and sometimes warred with them.  The Teutonic Knights who took the lands to subdue the pagans. The Hanseatic League very much centered in Latvia as a Riga base to Baltic commerce.  The emerging kingdoms of nation states that were sometimes collectively known as Poland or Lithuania or various kingships.    


Krisler is also a theme about overcoming mediocrity.  On a personal note, just as Kris had the opportunity to learn quality construction, I have the opportunity to learn quality online business building.  I should start with the basics of building from knowing code or access to coded construction.  Quality matters in whatever we do.   

Times change.  Those who have already invested in quality building equipment and tools are at an advantage.  If someone is starting in the construction trade today they are at a disadvantage.  Construction is a business always badly impacted by inflation. 


Any field where we can serve mankind will be evident in our interests and our intent to share with others what we have learned.  What shows the most care and interest toward others?  Consider my case as an example.  At first glance it seems that presenting them with controversial non-standardized views will give people hope and release from suffering.  Areas of religious meaning and the Afterlife are evident.  UFOs and other subjects of interest intersect with an overall meaning.  There is an Hyperborean overall trajectory of ancient memory that serves to bring us back to Prime Principles and advance us forward with those operational eternal precepts.  What is true is true and it is Good.  That Goodness is what people have hidden in an obfuscation of cynicism and subversion that is intentional.  Standing up to the doom mongers means overcoming mediocrity.    


Krisler knows that our history is far more ancient than what is accepted among standardized book historians.  Even the acceptable historians see the complexity of the people as unexplainable without some conjecture in the area of what we don't know.  Support for the more ancient Hyperborean diaspora from a primal beginning is within the domain of theology.     


Krisler as the work with the influence of Asgard requires me to express truth in regards to what man can do when his situation is not near as difficult as the young Kris if he puts his mind and effort toward what he is building and enjoying.   


 I must consider what Kris and Dad and the brothers would do now to build a prosperous business.  Building homes is not what leads the way now in terms of my options.  Building a selling source of income is my option.  It should serve those who have prosperity.  It should serve a need for the times.   

 The truth is that I have been lazy even when pursuing goals with my own efforts.  Did not work hard enough or envision greater achievement when I had met recognition of my work by others that was enough rather than actual success. That is a failing.  Okay so I cared for my parents full time when they were ill and dying.  I use that for an excuse for not having succeeded financially.  I should have been rich enough to care for them.  It hurts that there is some motivation that says I have done enough when I have not.   


Overcoming Bolshevism and Gulag tragedy.  Building a life in freedom with living principles and a united family.  My blog about this man and Montana freedom has better quality than  my ebook.  And the blog is free. 

You are currently reading Book Two.    

The best guide for my correction of character is told by my family and written for posterity in my own hand.  For me, there are no acceptable  'reasons' for my failure when they overcame the Great Depression, World War II, and Soviet invasion with Gulags.  They lived a dynamic process of recovery and thriving that I have put into words here.  


Consider that Ivan Throne teaches the tradition of Ninpo combined with 500 years of family history in England.  The heritage passed through generations will thus be enriched by his contribution.  I could do the same with my family line and I have already had an impact with the Latvian part of the story.  The history of the region and the qualities necessary to win when moving to another area are similar.  Now it is time to present also the area of Denmark and the winning principles inherited through that branch of the family tree.  A return to the runic re-establishment in relation to actual conditions within the Montana U.S.A. will require me to concentrate upon that aspect and what I can contribute to the family presence in the New World.  This will also involve a separation from discordant agendas of a culture not in alignment with the winning principles.  Strident feminism, wicca, and demands for Leftist worldviews will be a thing of the past.  


Thus, a program installed by myself as a teaching will be given a format and method for stating the True Way.  I could call this The Will of Asgard and proceed from there.  This will be a message to those who are at the perimeter of my lineage and may be interested in the future.  With that intention I could create an educational program  through the ebook style of classes and courses.  Further connection with the Rune-Gild will occur with my work well established. 


My books are meant to reach real people.  First in my mind are the descendants of my grandparents and a great uncle or two.  Then, since these are real people, those who have a similar mission to live well in honor of those who have gone before.  One legacy I cannot leave (yet) is the story of my financial success from using the principles I've learned.  My family did not worship poverty and they were always ambitious.  That is why it's time for me to concentrate on the means of money for my writing.  It is said that when you provide value the money will follow.  I have placed most of my content on blogs where what I share can be read for free.  We must give first.  If I have provided the means of recovering a better world I will be fulfilled.  In that context, I will monetize my work and make it more visible.  Being seen by those in the same prosperous mentality is the means my successful family built their businesses.     


In the spirit of the greatest survivor, my uncle Kris, we will concentrate on valued living rather than resentment and anger.  From the complex history of Latvia and the world in general we know that there have always been opponents to sovereignty. How we win back our ways and our loving prosperity is the main focus.   This work is specific to the syncretic development of a culture in Latvia, Denmark, Germany, and Ireland.  The syncretic formulation for the metaphysics of your own heritage is available to you if you use the same respectful spirit and don't listen to those who condemn you because they demand sameness.  The Spirit is one in an ultimate Primordial source so we are called upon to look to that Source and allow nobody to negate this.   


To this end, we will concentrate on the kindred spirit of success.  

 Curonians were warriors. Philosophy is for warriors.    

The Hyperborean theory in my work is from my imaginative journey into legend and lore of esoteric symbolism.  Not referred to me by J.G. Bennet, Herman Wirth, or Alexander Dugin.  Mine is a sense of lineage from ancient time.  Debate about the  historical acceptance of this concept is not the point.  It is true because the living principles have proven to be true.  


There are philosophers and teachers of philosophy who present an initiatory experience based upon deep and imaginative contemplation of know facts into cohesive theory.  The landscape of history and the lives lived toward our era are subjects.  I highly recommend Michael Millerman for philosophy..    


Of primary interest when considering the 'war of the minds' concept is that there is a better approach.  A return to our Origination is a venture in assured victory in that we volunteered for the fight with the purpose of defeating evil through enacting the Good.  We are fighting on the side of Ahura Mazda to bring the original creation of Pure Consciousness to a more realized and better condition.  This is where our methods intersect with Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.   


Book Two is partly good old-fashioned American self-help and partly a Europid history of Consciousness in a form that has yet to be realized.  Martin Heidegger is the proponent of the 'not yet' school of Another Beginning that was still allowed in the Conservative Revolution era Germany with many forms of overcoming the accelerated subversion of the West.  




Krisler views the current media story of who should rule. 

Krisler is partly the voice of my uncle who survived a Bolshevik genocide.  Partly, Krisler is the voice of myself in my teaching persona.  I am a mentor to those who would look past the manipulations of the controlling narrative and more toward their OWN narrative.  What is your own must not be taken away from you.  We must be responsible and self-reliant using the Great Truth of our ultimate source of knowledge.  There is something working for us and there are those who have shown the way.   


My own contributions begin with my mention of two guiding principles for these times.     

1.  The Spiritual must come first with a renewed commitment to improve that aspect of  life. 

2.  A more close sharing with those who have proven their ability and importance.   


Now for the voice of my uncle who won.  Builders and men lead community in business, making money, and places to live the Montana life.  How they did this and do this can be studied to do it yourself. The builders of recreation areas and heavy equipment construction are still here but they are not the same people I knew.  One exception who I did know is Dennis Washington.  Another is Stan Cohen.  Both are winners in building a quality business to say the least.   


Dennis Washington started with owning one bulldozer and expanded into a highway construction company.  Here let's look at the availability of money for projects of effort and interest.  The Interstate highway program was in full swing at this time.  The G.I. Bill had provided education and financial funding for startups.  A prosperous community arrived at the home builders, grocers, and recreation centers.  Today there is less offered by the government and some people are offended at what the government demands that they become.  Let's look at private funding.  Are there any venture capitalists who would be interested in financing your start-up?  If you have attracted their attention through your own presence, persistence, and good ideas that is possible.  Crowd funding is a new way of sponsoring your work through personal donations of interested people.  They can be interested in your company or you as a compelling person.   


If Kris thought in these terms he would consider which cases would provide enough for him to live and contribute.  Also which would be most appreciative of his craftsmanship.  We know there is demand for our work somewhere and there is money somewhere. Think on this.     

In critical times it is as important to know what you are against and what you are FOR.  Krisler is anti-bolshevik.  Krisler is for your best life. 


Latvia was known for warriors until their fall to the Soviets.  Even after the overpowering social destruction, ignored and allowed by the West, there were fighters there who never gave up until the freedom of Latvia and the fall of Communism.  The Forest Brothers were legendary and real.  They were also rare as the population largely had to capitulate to the Socialist regime.  

War And Recovered Culture

This will be the shortest chapter in Krisler Two.  Mainly because war is outside my expertise except as insight gained from narratives of Primary Sources.  First hand accounts from survivors who were also victors.  I do know and follow people in the defensive arts who have expertise.  They also have insight into probable events so I trust their predictions that 'war is coming' from men smarter than myself.  

It does indeed look like we are heading for a clampdown similar to what killed my uncle's parents and drove him off the farm and into captivity.  The trend of our times is even more insidious in some ways.  Rather than dramatic killing pits and gulags, we have enforced captivity in our own lives with a despairing frame of mind induced at every turn.  The leaders in the public eye are clownish and seemingly benign but there is some horrible force that guides them from behind the scenes.  War is coming.  

You could deduce who has the expertise to help us defend ourselves from my recommended sources of study.  I won't flat out identify the movements because the nature of the Mannerbund is to unite as a retinue to defend the tribe.  Your own good fortune will find you with the right mentors if you would take a stand.  On the Latvian history theme there are the Forest Brothers who did not surrender but fought communism until the fall of the Soviet Union.  

Recovery of former prosperity and sovereign endeavor is on the horizon and that is where I will go next.  I love my work and my work is the love of good people. ceded to controls by the Soviets.  Their resistance remained hidden and guarded in a spirit that could not be expressed in their society but lived in a ferocity of secrecy.  The potential of the Baltic Warrior was always there.  That hidden ferocity might be something we should cultivate today.


(Chapter Four is a summation of some success principles post war) ( War And Recovered Culture)

Recovery of former prosperity and sovereign endeavor is on the horizon and that is where I will go next.  I love my work and my work is the love of good people.  


Principles For Recovery and Re-established Order.

These stories of principle would best be told by the men who achieved remarkable turnarounds in world events.  They were not big on talk but went into action with a deep belief formed by experience and ethics.  The Great Depression as survived through sheer gumption and intuition.  World War II put ordinary men in the line of fire where there was valor everywhere until brought to a conclusion.  Back home in my native Montana they took risks in building business enterprises rather than complaining or waiting for someone else to make things better.  I witnessed the kind of life these men built and the loving women who nurtured us all.  

Nostalgia about the past is not the purpose of Krisler Two.  The purpose is to claim what they did within our own unique situations in our current time.  I'm repeating the principles of a master craftsman or two who won in the civilian building of a prosperous and beautifully aesthetic society.  Frank Lloyd Wright was the stern figurehead of those who built the world of class that I saw arising.  My dad and uncles including Kris envisioned all this and made it real.  

I'm repeating the principles from Krisler Book One and making some additions for our evolving times.    

" A created world vs a reported-on world"  This a precept in Chapter 14 of a business book by Dusan.  

The war will be won.  "Don't fight. Win" Ivan Throne.  We will look at the Krisler (Uncle Kris) principles of success in book one.  Then through mystic means and practical we will add more.  All are important but focus will shift from time to time.  Let's review the principles using Uncle Kris' accent and syntax.  Then we will rework the program.  

1.  Work with diligence but appreciate the quality of the moment and enjoyment of the process.  Total focus on the task at hand is a meditation on the value of life.
2.  Pay attention to those who appear in your working environment.  No need to abandon your work, yet this is your opportunity to meet another human being and understand where they are in their own living.
3.  Appreciate the contribution in quality that other's expertise can show you.  Interesting people have interesting solutions.
4.  Family is foremost.  Pay attention to where you can add quality to individuals and the living dynamic.
5.  Illustrate your memories of good times.  Teach how you did it then and how it is different now.  History.  Share and teach.
6.  Calculate with imagination how you can advance your interests.  See the advantages and examine the risk.
7.  Courage in taking a calculated risk for a new adventure.  An endeavor is an adventure.  

8.  Time is always on your side when you use your conscious moments in an appreciative and optimistic way.  Distractions like watching TV only have momentary value when aspects are shared and whatever is interesting is quickly gleaned before moving on to activity that is related to improving the gift of a life of freedom.

9.  Women are the best blessing to mankind.  Everyone is interesting, yet women are the most.  No need to be shy.  Talk and dance with them.  Best to find one good woman to raise a family with.  There are so many for the dance and time will tell.  

10.  There are many hours in a day to work.  No hurry.  No need to watch TV.

11.  Do not fear.  Bad happens.  Will get better.

12.  Not knowing everything about religion is okay.  People believe and act.  Something bigger exists and time will tell.

13.  Ancient songs and dance should be repeated today.  They have the power to unite a people to stop Communism.  

Additional Precepts

14.  Be athletic.  Be strong for work and get stronger by working.  Snow or water ski.  Snow and water ski.  Some men go to gym.

15.  Be thrifty when buying best quality car. Maintain car.  No need to replace a fine auto that will be worth more in later years.    

16.  Work now.  Stories of the past remind us of the depth of our love.  There is also loss but we overcome this loss by moving forward.  

17.  Dream big. Consider carefully. Make maps and illustrations of 'how to.'  Then act with aggressive hard work.  

“It seems to be a law of nature
, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win.”  John Paul Jones  

Post War Prosperity.  Don't wait.  Position should be gained during war. 

The most likely way that the current debacle will avoid degenerating to a 'hot' war will be from the healthy development of parallel and alternative societies.  Energy devoted to creating an alternative to the media narrative will create ways of living that are beyond the fray.  Historically, this dedication to building a separate life is altruistic toward the victims of a hot war.  I've known people blasted from their lands who found new opportunity in lands where men could build for themselves.  

There's that for certain.  But don't wait until after the war to build your business and domicile.  Indeed, most of the ways to prosperity these days are contrary to standard living.  The victims of today's war are those who were forcefully removed from their jobs.  Being in the system allowed the system to be used to destroy.  The dispirited economic lockdown and removal of lives is a war that creates casualties of despair and obedience.  What if we didn't even live there?  

Krisler is absolutely nostalgic about looking for answers in the past.  Yet the spirit of those answers can be found in the courage those people found to conquer the future.  Look to the future and create something.   Watch for Krisler : Book Two or see the current Krisler first book among the other contrarian books on my profile page.     


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