Re-invigorating the spiritual warrior.   

This book cover image for one of my products was created through a process of taking steps when the results weren't yet seen with a single step.  I like how an old structure of the church has light emanating from inside.  The effect was from a process not in my conscious design. My lack of knowledge and software caused me to try getting the book label on a photo expanded with a scanner.  The sharpness of the original photo was dispersed to the effect shown here. 

I like how this implies that a church and faith abandoned from previous vitality can be reawakened.  Ghost town presence of the structure is enlivened by the return of the Light.  Somewhere inside. 

"Divine Resonance" are the first words in the excellent section on prayer in "Discover Your Sacred Purpose." by Ivan Throne.  This concept establishes exactly what I experience when I am attuned and acting on a SuperConscious level of influence upon Thought, Word, and Deed.  Other times I can watch what happens when I'm not feeling that connection.  I have seen prayer work wonders when  all my cajoling and best intentions have seen no result.  My step son is an adult with autism. A mental breakdown happened last summer due in large to the fear and lack of faith transmitted over the air waves concerning what the China virus is all about.  The China-Fauci terror attempt at instilling obedience is accepted as the reality.  Some young men cannot cope with that level of fear. My trying to convince him that he would be okay was of no avail.  Prayer made it happen.  In fact, he has shown a level of mental health and new views of what's real, that he is doing better than I am for spiritual wellness.   

"Prayer is fealty to Heaven" is the description of actionable prayer further into Ivan Throne's essay.  Nobody would think that they see me in prayer by the standard concepts.  Yet it often marks my attitude and I know when prayer is living.  I also know that I must remain appreciative that such a wonder exists.  "Praying on my feet" is the way I describe it.  I imagine military training has something in common with how we learn spiritual warfare.  There is an environment of men who know the great secrets of fighting for winning.  We are cajoled and listen to them.  There is a structure of command, weapons, and logistics that form the physical ideals of winning.  Advanced leaders learn esoteric warfare lore  like von Clausewitz Rommel, and Patton.   I would imagine.  

The structures of Spiritual training also call upon the wisdom of those who have trained before us and experienced life in the trenches. In war or peace, we are all about re-invigorating culture.  Not cancel culture.

Back to my theme of art and design arriving through process of serendipity : Here are photos of my father and myself when I was age three.


 That's Dad showing me how to use a concrete float.  Working, building, and creating is a natural function of life through the ages.  

Dad was a mortar infantryman in General Patton's Third Army at the bulge and beyond.  I have had no military training but my Orlog and Wyrd (similar to the concept of Karma in some ways) is that I know those who have trained and fought.  My field of battle is in showing how mediocrity of standardized belief systems can be overcome.  Victory takes many forms.  Be a prayer victor.  


I'm having fun with designing a book cover for "Cosmic Compendium Book Two" showing my Dad and myself working together 50 years after the above photo and cover.  



That's Dad at the top of the scaffold at about the same age 70 I am now.  I'm mixing mud below and getting the rock and brick backing up the two ladders on the steel scaffold I built.  Dad is the artist and I'm the labor.  I did inherit some of his talent for rock design.  


For those not fortunate enough to participate in a Traditionalist culture like I did, if you go back enough in time there is the transmission of family and tribal ways that helped you arrive here now.  Tradition will also help you advance your purpose in ways that will be an answer to prayer.  


For a larger view of the cover of Cosmic Compendium click here.  

This link is where you could order my book if you want.  Or you could check out Alan's Gumroad at

Thank you for reading this.  









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