Now for a newsletter.
Live by what you see as eternal principles. What you create will be eternal. You are creating, not leaving.
Legacy becomes more important as you get older. Yet I've noticed that some of the best legacies have been created by men when they are young. It takes time to build. To know one's purpose when younger benefits the following generations. A legacy should be a natural occurrence in the process of aware living.
Not all cases of a legacy will benefit genetic children. That is an ideal, yet sometimes the lineage breaks down through what might be a feature of the system rather than a defect in the system. I have no children at age 72. Grandnephews and grandnieces are of great interest to me but the choice of participating in what I advocate and pass along is up to them. I still live for a legacy that is energized by the continuance of something crucial and fulfilling. Quality thought advances the legacy of young people who can access true value, authenticity, accuracy, and memory at an early age (or any age) with genuine resources and teaching. For example : the mythic lore of Germanic heritage not taught in schools but vital to our being. Runes taught with accuracy and integrity are one example.
Another example is the lineage of a martial art as a physical generation and regeneration that is highly influenced by centuries of masters. Some of this can not be taught in books. It is a process of heritage of a state of being. This is transmitted by the very presence of a Master or those who are passing along the subjects of the master. I'm more of a reader than a marital artist. But in reading people like Dr. matsumi ..... Stephen Hayes, and Ivan Throne I get the impression that there is always something profound in the lore from past ages AS IT IS LIVED TODAY. The heritage must be a living entity that is connected to a TRUE AND ETERNAL PRINCIPLE.
Can a tradition - or an imagined frame of reference - be recreated in a different time by different people? It's a lot of work if necessary. The wisdom taught by a mentor or two of mine says that once we have mastered or familiarized ourselves with a discipline, we can innovate from there. This respects the legacy. One of my teachers went so far as to become a P.H.D. in the academic side of a subject and still advocate for equal time with intuition, imagination, and innovation.
As an example I'll use the reconstruction of Medieval martial arts as a worthwhile project undertaken by some. In the European arena we must use some hidden bodies of work in literature and the physical presence of the artifacts of weaponry. Now, in the Oriental Medieval martial arts there is a living tradition taught from master to disciple through the centuries. I won't speculate on why that didn't happen in the West or even if there is some continuance that does exist. I leave that to the informed imagination.
Survival of European martial arts. https://germaniccraft.blogspot.com/2021/11/survival-of-european-martial-arts.html
The potential for rigors of Academia remains in a latent state.
Discipline of a traditional corpus of knowledge can inform a more
intuitive and imaginative praxis. Tradition combined with innovation
creates the best work. I'm a crackpot. Good crackpot work requires
genuine knowledge. Academia went wrong with requiring PC trendiness
rather than substance.
I've drifted away a bit from assaying personal and family legacy by looking at the larger historical picture. You can use the same principles in rebuilding the legacy of your ancestors and passing along your own legacy to descendants. Leave some facts in biographical form by writing what you know of your recent relatives or influences. I have told stories of the memories of my parents and grandparents. Facts and their memories. My memories augment that and I include significant other players in their lives and the tone of the times. There is inspiration in general purpose there with some reflection on what absolutely must survive and be passed down to energize a legacy.
Our age offers the use of various methods of recording an intended legacy. At least that is the opportunity. In other times there was something to the discipline of what was called 'the magical diary.' When creating a willed change in circumstances all the factors were recorded so the project could be improved and repeated. Time of day, weather, mood, word details and scrupulous attention to detail were supposed to help in the reconstruction process. I don't have the patience for that. At my age we just get on with the living. Don't become moribund about "what am I leaving for the future?" questions. Living well today creates living action and memories.
Readers of this newsletter either have a passing interest in Anti-Modern metaphysics or an actual interest in runes. So here is some content from my "Runes From The War Room." The 'War Room' comes from the name of my office when I was reading Victor Pride. His 'New World Ronin' was also based upon a fierce culture of the past operating in current times. Also Steve Bannon just to be cranky. No reference to The War Room of the Tate brothers is intended. Rune Study Resources
I have a rune study course in the works. Will feature four Futharks.
Elder Futhark
Younger Futhark
Northumbrian Futhorc
Armanen Futharkh
Will re-engage the cultural context of free and ambitious men. Will include the culture of weal from the cycles of time and events. By culture of 'weal' I mean vitality, love, kindred, property, and ambition. Among my people the archaic word weal has made a comeback. It is from Old English 'wela' related to Old Saxon welo. Related to well and wealth. Weal as we use it now indicates a state of peace with action and dynamism. 'Peace' can be seen as a passive state of unmitigated bliss and leasure. That ain't healthy. Not bloody likely either. We function the way we are meant to function which means to score big in challenges.
War as a guided and trained art form is included. One reason for the four Futhark method is that I'm presenting something far beyond the popularized Elder Futhark instructional classes that include teachings about irrelevant Modernist attitudes found on CNN and NPR etc. Corruption of a host culture is not the way.
My book and study course is months away. I could still provide for a legacy of authenticity if I passed down my library or made sure copies of the following books are everywhere.
For all purposes of serious initiation and full background "The Nine Doors of Midgard" is crucial.
For the Elder Futhark:
"Runelore" by Edred Thorsson. Almost any book by Edred
Younger Futhark and Icelandic galdorstaves and Icelandic magic.
"Icelandic Magic" by Edred Thorsson
"Icelandic Magic" by Christopher Alan Smith
Northumbrian Futhorc :
"Alu" by Edred Thorsson
"The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes" by Nigel Pennick
Armanen Futharkh :
"Rune Might" by Edred Thorsson
"Secret of the Runes" by Guido von List
For the truly brave and not easily intimidated : "The Black Sun Armanen Series" by Aelfric Avery.
Where are the runes in this book? Runes are everywhere in life. If we mean the angular staves based upon the Elder Futhark, they are at page 13 in the first edition. The page number will change with added content of new edition but this defining text is found in the same approximate area.
Runes are gateways
to perception and advancement toward further Mystery. They are
potencies of where we are now and where the Mystery will take us.
book is about the Mannerbund defense and conquest as the martial
strength of a sovereign people. Historical lore becomes today's need
for this kind of kinship of fighting Nobles.
Here are the War Room aspects of the Elder Futhark for your consideration :
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