You have experienced times where your presence with yourSelf and your world feels right and good.  Coinciding events in life also go better than usual.  This sense of self is something innate and your rightful state when you are paying attention and living well.  You have probably noticed that this state of being is ineffable -- cannot be described adequately with mere words.  That is the nature of the Mystery. 

We seek the Numinous which is our only sure source of successful living.  

How to make this state consistent in daily life?  You already have clues about the 'how' from what you were doing that activated this Presence.  But in our daily lives we can't always recall or recreate that situation.  Time for reading or time for prayer or time to just appreciate what's around you might be rare.  We are attentive to the action at hand and sometimes the programmed action of society seems opposed to our attention with making time for what's good.  

My path for making time and resisting the opposition is a runic path.  Notice I did not say "runes".  The Mystery represented and signaled by those ancient angular symbols is only understood with some appreciation and dedication.  A willingness to Seek The Mystery is the real activating factor of Runa.  The school that has the watchword "Seek The Mystery" is one that capitalizes Runa as the central sacredness which oversees all the specific attributes of runes.  That's why 'Runa' is capitalized and 'rune' is not.  

And yet proficiency with historical and authentic interpretation of runes is essential on the runic path.  Each year of study and experience will enrich that sacred state in specific ways for specific purposes.  The state of joy must be
accommodating toward the inevitable paradoxes we will meet in life.  A paradox here is that the symbols and traditions of runes were a path of power for many in our history, yet the same path of power has been taken on vibrant living principles alone.  Some of these winners wouldn't have known a rune if they saw one.  My grandparents and parents were like that.  I sometimes use their ethics and faith to describe runes anyway.  

I'm about to describe ways of enacting the benefits of the central Mystery on the runic path that you could duplicate and improve with your own unique creative intuition.  A practical way of learning is to understand and honor Tradition before using your rightful innovation.  Having said that, your Tradition might not be the same as mine.  Look to your ancestors.  Your living contact with relations is the source of much power that we take for granted.  Pay attention to what they say and also the stories they tell you about your forebears. Note :  In some cases, we find our distant ancestors outside immediate family.  Resonance with those we meet who feel like family are significant. 

Recommended ways to engage your Higher Self.  Not excessively ritualed.  Your Higher Self knows your dedication and intention. 

1.  Read inspiring books or articles in your own best environment.  Intellectual inspiration within nature surroundings act in a way that engages what has been called both hemispheres of the mind.  Right brain left brain stuff.  This coincides with the mythic dynamic of Odin's two ravens Huginn and Muninn.  Some soul aspects are mind/hugr and memory/minni which when operating in harmony create contact with the wode. The wode is an inspired state. 

2.  These aren't in any particular order but maybe this should be first.  Know that you are of a Primordial existence qualified for this to enjoy and implement who you are.  This is , of course, best done in the highest spiritual resonance that you can engage with.  In a very ancient religious philosophy (which will be looked at in advanced material) there is the Good, Better, and Best when aligning with the Creator.  Strive for the Best.  Or in terms of the spirit of this essay - - enjoy the Best.    
3.  Yes there is an effective visualized and felt ritual which is reminiscent of training in runic attention.  No need to be stylized or formal for this.  I know this sounds new-agey but try it in a relaxed way.  See yourself surrounded by a globe of Light which signifies total protection.  See points of light around the peremiter of the globe and also a powerful symbol at the four directions, below, above, and at the center. The points of light around the outside of the globe allow your intentions to be projected outward and they allow benign communications from outside to inform you.  This is a completely safe space which also allows communication and engagement with the Best sources.  These points of Light can be 24, 16, 18, or 33 in number.  The 33 points would actually be 32 with a 33rd in the center.  Some will notice that the numbers coincice with the Elder, Younger, Armanen, and Northumbrian Futharks.  It's up to you.  

4.  Physical action.  No expensive tools or training are required.  Highly recommended that you use guidlines by expert trainers but if you can't start today just start doing something.  Stretch, lift, excersise in ways that feel good and hold your interest.  

5.  Watch for synchronicities in discovering people who can help you grow.  We are by the design of Heaven at different stages of development in expressing the True Source.  You will know leaders by how they correspond to your Highest aspirations.  

6.  Don't settle.  Continue to learn.  The first 'system' that claims to have all the answers is not a place to land.  Maybe you have already found the Way if you are among the fortunate ones.  Maybe you have a different kind of fortune where you can continue to find interesting ideas.

7.  Look to how your engagement with spiritual intentions are affecting others and how your relationships grow beyond limits of failure.  It might not seem particularly 'heavy rune dude' to say, but prayer is an intentional motive from the best of spirit.  The words for prayer will seem different because they are from a less familiar language but the spirit goes to family, friends, and community with the Highest aspirations.  

Stopping the principles at the number 7 is arbitrary and you will know more.  In the Elder Futhark the seventh rune is gebo.  Which is the gift of harmonious living.  There are 24 runes in the Elder Futhark that relate, dynamically support, and complete cycles to new beginnings.  Fehu.    

Not many images of Futhark runes or explanations appear in this essay.  That's because the runes only have the best value when integral to who you are based on who you were in original purpose and who you will be based upon your purposeful actions now.  Urdhr, Verdhandi, and Skuld are the three Greater Norns of past, present, and future.  In truth they represent a more profound aspect of temporality or the time cycle.  Urdhr is 'that which has become' Verdhandi is 'that which is becoming' and Skuld is 'that which should be.'  

There is a place for overcoming through ordeal and you will be better prepared for that when you have engaged in the enjoyable and immediate resonance with your Higher Being and your purpose.  


 I could add an 8th principle.  By coincidence it works out that the 8th rune, wunjo, coincides with the reality that your quest and knowledge within your own tribe grants you individual power and your power enhances the tribe.  You are an individual with the right of choice.  Right choices can be guided by the Higher Self.  A difference in my work with clients and the Modern way of initiation is that I trust your innate ability to learn and act for your own best interests.  I think the Modern initiatory school way of making the student attend meetings and comply for months if not years cannot be supported in the information age.  Of course there is high value in an organic and instinctive loyalty to someone well ahead of you on the path.  (See principle 5 above).  What I'm trying to say is that if a book or teaching finds its way to you, I perfectly trust that the importance to your own way has a high value. 

Watch this space for intermediate and advanced work and techniques that will teach runes.  Never will these teachings imply magical and shallow actions in the realm of standardized pop culture or media.  We are going to do the real work from our real time and toward our more real time.  There is pop-culture media ingrained books and attitudes that corrupt Traditional rune work.  I'm linking some sources to override that with respect for the few men and one woman who reawakened the paradigm of true work.

The following links are temporarily here as rough draft content for the products which will be available.    

 Sacking The Dystopian Enslavers 

Guidebook To Runestaves

The Hperborean Eruli Project

Retrospective On An Essential Classic

Runes The Right Way

The above links and several others will be in the full content of my "A Course In Runes : Power And Levels"  I have included some Intermediate and Advanced work in these links.  The Advanced work will include consultation in the ancient and winning tradition of Rede as found in Edda and Sagas.  Personal touch that we formerly called 'readings' during an era not too long ago.  Now we have advance and are more serious about winning.  Watch for the Advanced work here.

This is an added narrative that I'm including on the original post which is a workspace that a genius consultant is refining for better success.  

First, let me say that "Cosmic Spirit Tech" is my favorite book on Gumroad.  Mostly written when I had no access to computer tech.  Remembrance and future vision.  Has some of the work I was known for in real life.  Some of the work I aspire to with electro tech. 


The lead magnet essay I'm working on with Quinten seemed to write itself very quickly.  It's a heartfelt interest of mine that people know there is a better way.     7 Steps to Higher Self with Runic Resonance would be a good title.  For example of how this acts in real life there is the Germanic Prayer blog on Germanic Craft.  The importance of a strong prayer life has been revealed to me when I'm worried about someone and there seems nothing more I can do.  The intent and dedication I have to helping a few I care about has shown anecdotal evidence that is strong.  

The generic quality of finding and improving a relationship with Source has always been an interest.  You are probably among those who seek an operational contact with what Edred Thorsson calls the Mystery.  We are always seeking and the journey itself if richly rewarding.  Standard dogma just won't do.  

You have your own background on the Quest but I want to share some of mine.

Raised a Seventh Day Adventist, I was told only Adventists would be saved and only some of those according to the visions of Ellen G. White.  I noticed that few of the Adventists I knew much believed this and would certainly not talk about it.  I was looking at an illustrated page that was particularly gruesome on the Second Coming and my grandfather pointed me away and toward the presence of God.  

I thought Eastern ways must have a more profound truth and joined a Nichiren Buddhist group.  They didn't offer better odds on who was going to make it.  I never adapted entirely to Japanese culture though I respect it to this day.  

In my own genetic and historical heritage I found the re-awakening of the ancient Germanic spirit.  Makes sense and is entirely up to the individual within his tribe.  That has lasted for decades now.  Yet I know many people will not and should not follow my exact format.  There is a Presence which is integral to people that find different ways.  These different ways can be heartfelt at a Superconscious level as well.  For instance although I am a Heathen I was always attracted to the image and story of the Three Magi.  Then I discover the Magi were profound astrologers who brought attention to the arrival of a Sayoshant.  A Sayoshant is one who is sent to advance humanity.  This is a Zoroastrian concept as is the the teaching that at a beginning time Ahura Mazda called for voluteers to fight for the Good.  We are each among those volunteers.  The higher version of ourselves is called our Fravashi.  This aspect of ourselves knows what is best and is an integrated Spiritual presence in the service of the Good God.   

Since this is a war that we fight on behalf of Ahura Mazda - The Good God - we are warriors.  We were not assigned this task.  Ahura Mazda asked for volunteers and all of us here today are those volunteer fighters.  



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