COSMIC COMPENDIUM : BOOK TWO (Refined Edition In Process)

 Cosmic Compendium Book Two Introduction. 

Cosmic Compendium Book Two is already installed on PDF and on the way to publication.  The version being published differs in presentation from the content here.  That's what happens when you make notes through the years and edit a version for readership. The format here on this blog post might be better than the publication version.  I have something to say so both edits will find readers.   

We learn and grow through the years.  Much of what occured in my life and in an arising alternative traditional culture are in Book One.  From my young years to late middle age.  society changed more rapidly than I did.  Both the advancing return to right of a portion of society; and a more prevalent and disruptive aspect of the modern world. I will concentrate on my loyalty to my ancestors and a few good people in a courageous network who continued to make sovereign gains.  

My focus was always upon Germanic retribalization and the magic and culture that could be reinstated with advanced knowledge.  This arrives through primary sources and the applied research of academics and true Folk who have anecdotal stories about what it means to them.  I am one of the general fold who admires the research of the best academics (when it was still allowed) and sometimes even in defiance of the current political and cancel culture authority.  

Book One was mostly a personal journal that told how to overcome dogma while practicing and integrating the reality of our profound and blessed possibilities.  As a personal journal, it was mostly about a young man who became and older man.  And considerable about my family and kindred.  

Book Two will start with observations about society at large on its own journey of discovery.  "These are times of great opportunity," it is said by the aware and observant.  

Authentic loyalty goes to those who have shared their gifts and knowledge from which I've benefited. They have given me the boost to find my own trajectory.  There are many of these mentors.  Some know me and some are unaware of my existence.  None would deny me the exploration and refinement of my own purpose.  So if I seem to strike a direction that contradicts their brilliance I am in no way negating what they offer.  One must be oneself.  Or to put it in more real terms, "One must create the best self." We meet in a realm of Truth through trekking different roads or wild lands.

My trajectory has been set in motion with the momentum of knowledge and tales of what must be told.  I have been fortunate and I have worked hard through obstacles to establish my purpose.  Like any dynamic  attention to what must be done. there have been variations, yet always on a theme.  There is a great source of good which is our birthright and which challenges us in continuing development and expertise.  Nothing is lost.  Be confident that you will always engage in your rightful place.  

Does this require diligence?  It requires ALL the skills that are your heritage and your skill set improved by yourself.  Your effort toward increase and refinement of your battle skills is a good idea in these times.

Cosmic Compendium :  Toward the Ancestral, Kindred, and Personal Re-Awakening.

Topics will vary here in an aesthetic combination of approaches and interests in a return to Right.  

'Rita' is an ancient word that describes right order as a received responsibility and as the ethical actions that enact that right order as an evolving good. Rita is a runic conceptualization that is Germanic in the historical sense, yet includes paradigms from other sources of cultures that intend to return to right order.

This is bigger than any individual man in that it is truly Cosmic in scope.  We could say it is the will of the universe, or a multiverse, that beams the presence of Being in a wholesome and powerful way.  Yet it each man's responsibility to advance the world and himself in harmony with what we have inherited.  What follows are some topics and narrative about this quest.  

Content will include the following subjects that are selected for quality from my nine books and a few unknown blogs.   

Text content of Cosmic Compendium Book Two.

Trajectory of Ancient Tradition toward New Thought.

Paranormal Research Methodology.

Practicing Wodanaz journey for perspective.  

Krisler Book Two.   

Runes From The War Room. Mannerbund Revisited.

Cosmic Spirit Tech.  

Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian Model For Economic Culture.

Alternative America : The Retrofuturist Perspective.

Mazdan study and theory.    

* * * * *

Book Two may include some of my much earlier work in runes that was too challenging to format for computer digital presentation.  Very limited hard copy work is available but it is too expensive for printing.  Formatting difficulties have been overcome and a digital version is now available.   

Book Two will include some Germanic work in themes about runes and the related culture that used them.  A book completed after Book One is "Runes From The War Room : Mannerbund Revisited."  The war band has always been a important in Germanic tribal and regional life.  A paradigm mentioned in some detail in Book One is the New Thought somewhat generic positive thinking faith used by those accomplished in achieving significant work.   

Ancient Ways Toward New Thought will be expressed with more detail in the sections I put in Book Two of the compendium.  I still insist that Consciousness with a noble and true connection could not be entirely eliminated through centuries of repression.  That holds for us today as we live in a media-controlled negative narrative.  It might have always been easier and safer to comply but there were always those who worked toward sovereign alliance with a better Spirit.     

Compendium Book Two
At age 72, to learn Avestan and recite the Gathas in that language seems beyond my reach.  I still have not learned Old Norse or any Germanic language other than English.  So why would I consider myself a Mazdan?  Simple.  The theoretical background and rich Myth explain a wide variety of cosmic and human characteristics and a hopeful trajectory in a powerful way.  The Mazdan way does not claim dogmatic obedience or negate any other paths on the way.  It is Universal without being universalist.  A Folkish character could respond just fine to Zoroastrian truth and find verification of the best of his practice while expanding his good will to others.

Ahura Mazda is the original Pure Consciousness to which we shall return in our more complete form after winning the reason we are on the earth.  Ahura Mazda is the fundamental pure Consciousness in the same sense that God is all that is in the New Thought paradigm.  There are complex functions like the Immortals and our own perfect selves like the Fravashi.  The Fravashi could be compared to the Guardian Angel as our purpose and also to the Fylgja of the Norse tradition.  Something in your intuition will inform you of hidden aspects of who you are as a more omniscient being who is manifest on earth for a purpose but also lives in dimensions beyond your physical person and personality.  This wholeness of who you are is who volunteered to arrive here to defeat the lie of evil.  Victory is assured but we experience being warriors for the Good.  Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds are the watchwords of the Mazdan Way.

My trajectory has been set in motion with the momentum of what must be told.  I have been fortunate and I have worked hard through obstacles to establish my purpose.  Like any dynamic  attention to what must be done there have been variations, yet always on a theme.  There is a great source of good which is our birthright and which challenges us in continuing development and expertise.  Nothing is lost.  Be confident that you will always engage in your rightful place.  

Does this require diligence?  It requires ALL the skills that are your heritage and your skillset improved by yourself.  Your efforts toward increase and refinement of your battle skills is a good idea in these times.

It seems that the Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian book ranks highly for inclusion.  I must remember that the Cosmic Libertarian section rates highly with me for overall interests in what freedom with responsibility can mean for the spirit.

Cosmic Spirit Tech informs the individual about assets and defects of character.  Information arrives in bundled sequences until the person sees the need to code engagement or correction.  For example, I had the malfunction of not appreciating the connections and friendships that I had.  Always looking for someone more acceptable to my image in society.  I have corrected this to the point that I am extremely fond and respectful of those who good fortune brings to me.  I do not accept negation and those who harm my purpose, but then I don't meet those people anymore.  

We participate in a beneficient and challenging Creation (Multiverse) that is better than we have been told.  Perhaps we were meant to find this out for ourselves in this Consciousness that also challenges us as an integral exercise toward growth.

Reading books is a function of sovereign independence within your Cosmic Spirit Tech toolkit.  The choice of interest and engagement is all yours with the frequent interjection of a message from the Multiverse.  You have probably noticed that sometimes a book chooses YOU.  Catching your eye or coming into view or at a friend's coffee table or recommended by another person or source you find interesting.  This isn't to say that the internet and scrolling can't fill the same function, but that it is too ubiquitious  

Cosmic Spirit Tech in terms of time.  Just because a paradigm falls out of fasion or workable social mileau, it does not mean that the older essence is not applicable to renewed re-construction at the present time.  I'm thinking of James Madison as the architect of the Constitution and the addition of the Bill of Rights.  We know that the American era is over for good reasons as a functional project.  Yet there could be a revival of the essential nature if we use the power and momentum of the egregore as it formerly gained manifestation in culture.

* * * * * * *

A show on pbs about the pueblo indians and 'finding the center' as a mission given to them relates to the theme of my publishings.  Finding The Center is a way of looking at all the seemingly disparate journies described.  Any theme should lead to the Center of knowing who we are.  

Consider a series similar to what Jeffrey Mishlove has done. Only with my own perspectives and the perspectives of my people.  We might disagree with his moments of 'wokeness' but agree with his general mission.  Since 'woke' is artificially produced by media programming, what we are looking for is authenticity.  A term other than 'based' is what I will use to describe that process and what the living reality is about.    

Cosmic Compendium Book Two
Book One was mostly a personal journal that told how to overcome dogma while practicing and integrating the reality of our profound and blessed possibilities.  As a personal journal, it was mostly about a young man who became and older man.  And considerable about my family and kindred.  

Book Two will start with observations about society at large on its own journey of discovery.  These are times of great opportunity, it is said by the aware and observant.  

It seems that the Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian book ranks highly for inclusion.  I must remember that the Cosmic Libertarian section rates highlly with me for overall interests in what freedom with responsibility can mean for the spirit.

Authentic loyalty goes to those who have shared their gifts and knowledge from which I've benefitted. They have given me the boost to find my own trajectory.  There are many of these mentors.  Some know me and some are unaware of my existence.  None would deny me the exploration and refinement of my own purpose.  So if I seem to strike a direction that contradicts their brilliance I am in no way negating what they offer.  One must be oneself.  We meet in a realm of Truth through trekking different roads or wildlands.

Cosmic Spirit Tech informs the individual about assets and defects of character.  Information arrives in bundled sequences until the person sees the need to code engagement or correction.  For example, I had the malfunction of not appreciating the connections and friendships that I had.  Always looking for someone more acceptable to my image in society.  I have corrected this to the point that I am extrememly fond and respectful of those who good fortune brings to me.  I do not accept negation and those who harm my purpose, but then I don't meet those people anymore.  

We participate in a beneficient and challenging Creation (Multiverse) that is better than we have been told.  Perhaps we were meant to find this out for ourselves in this Consciousness that also challenges us as an integral exercise toward growth.

Reading books is a function of sovereign independence within your Cosmic Spirit Tech toolkit.  The choice of interest and engagement is all yours with the frequent interjection of a message from the Multiverse.  You have probably noticed that sometimes a book chooses YOU.  Catching your eye or coming into view or at a freind's coffee table or recommended by another person or source you find interesting.  This isn't to say that the internet and scrolling can't fill the same function, but that it is too ubiquitious  

Cosmic Spirit Tech in terms of time.  Just because a paradigm falls out of fasion or workable social mileau, it does not mean that the older essence is not applicable to renewed re-construction at the present time.  I'm thinking of James Madison as the architect of the Constitution and the addition of the Bill of Rights.  We know that the American era is over for good reasons as a functional project.  Yet there could be a revival of the essential nature if we use the power and momentum of the egregore as it formerly gained manifestation in culture.

From multi color blog post :
Cosmic Compendium :  Toward the Ancestral, Kindred, and Personal Re-Awakening.

Topics will vary here in an aesthetic combination of approaches and interests in a return to Right.  

'Rita' is an ancient word that describes right order as a received responsibility and as the ethical actions that enact that right order as an evolving good. Rita is a runic conceptualization that is Germanic in the historical sense, yet includes paradigms from other sources of cultures that intend to return to right order.

This is bigger than any individual man in that it is truly Cosmic in scope.  We could say it is the will of the universe or a multiverse that beams the presence of Being in a wholesome and powerful way.  Yet it each man's responsibility to advance the world and himself in harmony with what we have inherited.  What follows are some topics and narrative about this quest.  

Points of interest and general purpose  

Text content of Cosmic Compendium Book Two.

Trajectory of Ancient Tradition toward New Thought.

Paranormal Research Methodology.

Practicing Wodanaz journey for perspective.  

Krisler Book Two.   

Runes From The War Room. Mannerbund Revisited.

Cosmic Spirit Tech.  

Radical Traditinalist and Libertarian Model For Economic Culture.

Alternative America : The Retrofuturist Perspective.

Mazdan study and theory.    

Subjects and content that occured after Book One

Overview of Cosmic Compendium Book Two.

Trajectory of ancient tradition toward New Thought.

Paranormal Research Methodology.

Wodanaz journey for perspective.  

 Krisler Book Two.   

Runes From The War Room. Mannerbund Revisited.

Cosmic Spirit Tech.

Subjects and content that were in Book One.  Additional material
Radical Traditionalist And Libertarian Model For Economic Culture.

Alternative America : The Retrofuturist Prospect.

Mazdan Studies And Theory.   

Book one covers the evolution of retaking Tradition during the first 50 years of my own efforts and those of others.  The best minds are represented.  Book Two has the accelerated trajectory of another 15 years into our era of rapidly advancing that is concurrent with a horrific decline.  I would like to make some practical observations that are immediate whether you peruse the pages of my content or not.  This is an excercise in succinct practicality.   

The momentum of real work in the world has a pardoxical reuturn to the Traditional with a migration away from labels fixed by liberalism, feminism, and clownish adherrance to the very latest political correctness.  A manipulative media world that just seems wrong has no place in the advanced work.    

*  *  *  *  *  *

Cosmic Compendioum Book Two

Consider adding Cosmic Spirit Tech and Ancient Ways To New Thought to the list.  Ancient Ways To New Thought came out the best choice.
Experiment in color coding intersecting and related works in progress.  This is how Cosmic Compendium Book Two will be edited and refined.  

Paranormal Research And Methodology concerning events and general trajectories.  This could put me in the realm of David Moore, Jason Reza Jorjani, and Colin Wilson.  Consider selling books of the ufo variety on Etsy.

From more notes beginning in August
The writing projects of Cosmic Compendium Book Two and Krisler Book Two will be the main projects.

Aspects going into Cosmic Compendium Two will be an interpretation of further work on the Radical Traditionalist meta-political aspect with Martin Heidegger and Ernst Junger as beyond the scope of the clown woke today.  The Ancient ways point toward a sovereign method of taking back time. Nornic action of that which has become, that which is becoming and that which should be.   

These Ancient Ways interpreted as New Thought are relevant to the folkways and directing power of Krisler too.  

Paranormal Research Methodology must stick to analysis of world events and finances.

Cosmic pursuit is my appreciation for the spirit and potential of man in varied ways.  But sometimes it's good to be grounded where rubber meets the road in creative engineering geared for something like this.   Mind and beauty are everywhere.   

From Wodan Heimdall :
A piece of Baltic history was still living in the genesis of a people until the late 16th century.  The Curonians mentioned by medeival historians and even the Icelandic Sagas lived in power and prosperity in the area of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Egil's Saga tells of one of his raids there.  They were seafaring warriors who probably inspired the design of the later Viking longships and raiding ways.  To say the Norsemen respected the Curonians would be an understatement.  War and raiding in the region was back and forth with the Curonians having the upper hand until the era of the varmint king Olaf of Sweden who took 15, 000 men to subdue them.  
Nothing of the language spoken by the Curonians is known today.  I would estimate that something of the religion of the people is known because the descriptions of them is always pagan.  These were actually the last people to fall to Christianity.  The Teutonic Knights subdued them in 1266 and this was the purpose of the crusaders leaving the so-called 'holy land' and concentrating on the Baltic.  It would seem reasonable that the very healthy surviving Latvian paganism would have been similar to the Curonians.   
See my page Latvian Spirit And Song for descriptions of the powerful and good Latvian spiritual heritage - - then and now.
My reason for posting this new discovery about one of my homelands is that the strong and upright people eventually fell to Bolshevik bureaucratic killing machinery.  No honor.  No warrior principles.  We find ourselves in the same propagandistic enslaving clown world today.  Some efforts and thought are necessary about taking back who we are before it is too late.  
This essay will be expanded to include the later fighting spirit of the Latvian and German fighters who stopped the Bolsheviks until the Baltic was betrayed by the West.  Be ready for the fighting spirit and rightness of the Freikorps.

Krisler as my uncle Kris would say, "Trouble always comes, so does peace and working with family.  Enjoy life.  How can fight?"  A legitimate question in my case.  At age 72 my military fighting and martial arts are behind me except for personal development, staying in shape, and being aware.  My further work on the Spirit that manifests through living and symbols in the Baltic will expand a little beyond......... There is a Hyperborean legacy of the survivors from Hyperborea that includes Russia.  There may have been tribes in competition, conflict, and cooperation throughout history of the region.  It was the Soviet era that used a bureaucratic killing machine to eliminate the real presence of the people and replace it with an artificial maniacle society.  As Russia comes back to herself, so do the related neighbors in the region.  

Kris himself would say that looking too much at history and stuff should not detract from working toward income.  The surest source of income is to list on Etsy and I should get to work on that.

On Etsy I will provide products and products with related Divinatory services.  The psychic faire era still has some value for people who want someone to really hear them with total concentration and provide some pyschic advice.  I made a reputation for accuracy and an unorthodox comprehensive style when I ventured into this area.  My main concern now is sharing the nature of Divination as revealed in three newsletters. Comparing notes on living with the triumphant spirit is my main interest rather than stict methods of 'fortune telling.'  As I often say, fortune creating is what it's all about.     

There is a section on Ibn Fadlan and a shared foundational myth that was a series on facebook and blogger.  This might be included.  Cyrus The Great and Mazdan studies.

We learn and grow through the years.  Much of what occured in my life and in an arising alternative traditional culture are in Book One.  From my young years to late middle age.  Society changed more rapidly than I did.  Both the advancing return to right of a portion of society and a more prevalent and disruptive aspect of the modern world. I will concentrate on my loyalty and a few good people who continued to make sovereign gains.  

My focus was always upon Germanic retribalization and the magic and culture that could be reinstated with advanced knowledge.  This arrives through primary sources and the applied research of academics and true Folk who have anecdotal stories about what it means to them.  I am one of the general fold who admires the research of the best academics when it was still allowed and sometimes even in defiance of the current political and cancel culture authority.  

Book Two may include some of my much earlier work in runes that was too challenging to format for computer digital presentation.  Very limited hard copy work is available but it ia too expensive for printing.  Formatting difficulties and problems with software and a computer crash stopped my posting of this for a time.  

Book Two will begin with some Germanic work in themes about runes and the related culture that used them.  A book completed after Book One is "Runes From The War Room : Mannerbund Revisited."  The war band has always been a important in Germanic tribal and regional life.  A paradigm mentoned in some detail in Book One is the New Thought somewhat generic positive thinking faith used by those accomplished in achieving significant work.   

Ancient Ways Toward New Thought will be expressed with more detail in the sections I put in Book Two of the compendium.  I still insist that Consciousness with a noble and true connection could not be entirely eliminated through centuries of repression.  That holds for us today as we live in a media-controlled negative narrative.  It might have always been easier and safer to comply but there were always those who worked toward sovereign alliance with a better Spirit.     

Compendium Book Two
At age 72, to learn Avestan and recite the Gathas in that language seems beyond my reach.  I still have not learned Old Norse or any Germanic language other than English.  So why would I consider myself a Mazdan?  Simple.  The theoretical background and rich Myth explain a wide variety of cosmic and human characteristics and a hopeful trajectory in a powerful way.  The Mazdan way does not claim dogmatic obedience or negate any other paths on the way.  It is Universal without being universalist.  A Folkish character could respond just fine to Zoroastrian truth and find verificaction of the best of his practice while expanding his good will to others.

Ahura Mazda is the original Pure Consciousness to which we shall return in our more complete form after winning the reason we are on the earth.  Ahura Mazda is the fundamental pure Consciousness in the same sense that God is all that is in the New Thought paradigm.  There are complex functions like the Immortals and our own perfect selves like the Fravashi.  The Fravashi could be compared to the Guardian Angel as our purpose and also to the Fylgja of the Norse tradition.  Something in your intuition will inform you of hidden aspects of who you are as a more omniscient being who is manifest on earth for a purpose but also lives in dimensions beyond your physical person and personality.  This wholeness of who you are is who volunteered to arrive here to defeat the lie of evil.  Victory is assured but we experience being warriors for the Good.  Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds are the watchwords of the Mazdan Way.

My trajectory has been set in motion with the momentum of what must be told.  I have been fortunate and I have worked hard through obstacles to establish my purpose.  Like any dynamic  attention to what must be done there have been variations, yet always on a theme.  There is a great source of good which is our birthrite and which challenges us in continuuing development and expertise.  Nothing is lost.  Be confident that you will always engage in your rightful place.  

Does this require diligence?  It requires ALL the skills that are your heritage and your skillset improved by yourself.  Your efforts toward increase and refinement of your battle skills is a good idea in these times.

A show on pbs about the pueblo indians and 'finding the center' as a mission given to them relates to the theme of my publishings.  Finding The Center is a way of looking at all the seemingly disparate journies described.  Any theme should lead to the Center of knowing who we are.  

Consider a series similar to what Jeffrey Mishlove has done. Only with my own perspectives and the perspectives of my people.  We might disagree with his moments of 'wokeness' but agree with his general mission.  Since 'woke' is artificially produced by media programming, what we are looking for is authenticity.  A term other than 'based' is what I will use to describe that process and what the living reality is about.    

On the sales side, consider resuming the selling books written by others scenario.  Rewrite gumroad profile after copying the original to save.  

Consider using the Prometheus definition of thinking ahead to envision fuutures and give credit to Jorjani.  Somewhere, in the solution to the feud between Mishlove and Jorjani is my own purpose of a different direction than both men while still honoring what they have contributed.  

From Even more notes beginning in August.
Breakaway Society.  For Radical Traditionalist And Libertarian.
Prescriptions for dealing with despotism, corruption, and incompetence have been recommended by those who think about our situation.  My Alternative America has looked at some antidotal approaches and I think the more recent thinkers agree with me in many respects.  One solution as a trajectory is the 'breakaway society' or what most call 'parallell society.'

After the time of my publications, there has been an extremely intelligent and essential call to re-tribalize.  For some aspects of this consider the potential on this link.    

For those not waiting for disciplened pragmatism or situations to form ancient tribes there are some interesting breakway societies of historical interest and a fascinating revsionist history case that is entirely plausible.  Keep in mind that Doggerland was once considered a mere fantasy among historians and that the evidence of that world is now changing history.  Fishermen in the area of that submerged landscape are coming up with artifacts and studies of sumerged geography indicate that Doggerland is a reality.  

The breakaway society I'm going to mention will raise the ire of Liberalism because they want to think they got the last word and captured us completely.  It is becoming more possible that the German scientists and mystic cultural leaders escaped the invasion of the Allied West and moved away to their own world.  "The Myth of German Villany" as a propaganda machine had its desired effect.  If what I'm about to describe was about a Liberal organization there would not be much negative reaction.  There will be an equivalent or stronger positive reaction from those who dwell beyond the standardized media narrative.  

Ancient past or recent past often fades into irrelevance when the Cosmic nature of time is a factor.  Thus, I will preface this report with mention of  The Black Sun and related concepts found in the Armanen Futharkh and those who have achieved a resonance with a more ancient Traditionalism than is usually found in the canons of those advocates.  To simplify something so Hyperborean and transit history with facile explanations is not the way.  So I only mention that the Armanen concepts are related to this study without going directly to explanations.

If New Thought, as an effective expression and manifestation of building the spirit and environment of a people, is a continuation of a Primordial order that is a direction that will provide value.  I used 'if' in the previous needs editing sentence because it is a valuable option but not the only one.  Unless we consider the resonance of All That Is in a way of beneficience beyond our currently limited knowledge.  The individual development of a resonance with the Primordial is the best course of advantage for personal purposes and the creation of a harmonious Cosmic intention.  If God is for us who can be against us.  Understand that this is not the Biblical god but the interstellar and intraworld higher functioning and original God.   

A source for conceptualization of the meaning of Cosmic intention is found in The Nine Laws by Ivan Throne.  He speaks of "The Will of Heaven" in terms that he presents philosophically which will yield rich results for the intuitive reader.    

This book is required for a preface to some heretical chapters that will appear in one of my blogs.  Some will unfollow me because of the narrative that calls into question some basic assumptions about society.  The cause of the recent despot regime began many decades ago and gradually made changes to our perceptions of value and our once sovereign insistance on freedom.  The recent acceleration of despotic controls might have been a miscalculation on their part because ordinary and apolitical people are questioning what is occuring and are even outraged to react against slavery.  Slavery has always existed as a reality of varying impact and duration.  Among the Norse, slaves could be granted freedom based upon their shown integrity.  They could even become noble leaders in the community.

The beneficience of Divine Mind leads to 'coincidences' based upon ones abiding interests and previous deeds "Word leads onward to word. Deed leads onward to deed." as told in the Havamal stanza.... Havamal means 'words of the high one' who is Odin.  Thus a functioning magic is an expression of the Divine Mind.  There are zoroastrian principles of Good Thoughts. Good Words.  Good deeds      that intuitivly reinforce a positive conpiracy of living well with purpose.

Jammin' with the banned might work for the more political cosmic.  

Fading away while anticipating a comeback.  An honest look at the diminishment of energy and vitality is required to face life as it is.  Given that return of life is on the horizon.  

Cosmic Compendium Book Two will begin, at this point, with accounts of the recent blessings of family and prosperity and how I could have been more responsible.  This is because Krisler Book Two is also in the top tier of projects.  Since Cosmic Compendium is a mystic project there will be a revovery of the warior ethos in Latvia when I find that information I have filed.  

Consider that I'm in a postion do recommend certain focal points for long-term Cosmic pursuits.  Realize that evolving principles combined with efforts might function differently for different people at different times.  Cosmic Compenium as strictly a personal journal will not have the reach that observations in the effects on society and groups will have.  I could state the problems that dec 127 had in terms of betrayal and leading people away from the real work.  Consider that Edred states strongly in defense of his years of dedication yet he wants to see unity rather than division among those on the Way.  

Cosmic Compendium Book Two could have a perspective beyond my personal experience and toward observations of Cosmic aspirations and realizations with the culture that is around me and related to my society.

Consider that my approach to Paganism is expansive to the point of authentic historical resources that study the integration a life of conquest and good will toward my own people that goes way beyond the superficial wiccan and rebellious feminism and leftist modernism of that state of 'paganism' today.  There must be something more, and that something more is found in the patriarchal family structure which does more to honor the divine feminine.  This is more in keeping with the great love for women and their consciousness than modern propaganda.  

From Notes Beginning In September :
Cosmic Compendium Book Two
Book One was mostly a personal journal that told how to overcome dogma while practicing and integrating the reality of our profound and blessed possibilities.  As a personal journal, it was mostly about a young man who became and older man.  And considerable about my family and kindred.  

Book Two will start with observations about society at large on its own journey of discovery.  These are times of great opportunity, it is said by the aware and observant.  

It seems that the Radical Traditionalist and Libertarian book ranks highly for inclusion.  I must remember that the Cosmic Libertarian section rates highlly with me for overall interests in what freedom with responsibility can mean for the spirit.    

"But while the anarch always complies, he never submits. Being ordered to wear a turban cannot in any way make him a Sikh; not only that, it cannot even make him an anti-Sikh. Power owns his body, but has no purchase at all on his soul."  Yarvin interview.  Paraphrase this.  Mention Hoppe.


Asking for guidance from the Divine (divination) is something I do.  Not fortune telling, but fortune creating. Recent hints were confirmed by events.  These confirming events were called 'Hale Signs' by my Danish and Northumbrian ancestors.  The pattern in a flight of birds would do nicely.  The signals came to me via the pattern of electronic communication.  I try to heed those signals.  

One of the stratagies for overcoming a standardized despot regime or compliant society :  

A parallel society or 'breakaway' culture.   

Luminaries of sovereign thought are the focus of my Radical Traditionalist And Libertarian book.  Not all who contribute to the canon of freedom could be Libertarian.  Ernst Junger was German and a Traditionalist so he would have functioned in a different domain.  Still, the content of The Forest Passage and Eumiswel elaborate and engage a soveregn Anarch of the man who lives outside the system or the man who influences the system without being owned by the powers.  

The Forest Passage was written ten years before Eumiswil.  Both feature what has historically proven, through Junger's intensive personal experience in conflicts of battle and politics, as the best choice of attitude for the individual AND for his culture.  The Forest Passage features the Forest Rebel as the man whose spirit remains beyond the system whether he engages in the political military fray or not.  He is independent.  He can withdraw to safety and sanity yet he very well understands the conditions that he leaves behind or engages with.  Eumiswil features 'The Anarch' which is far different than the anarchist.  The Anarch lives in a condition of understanding the ruling power and even inflfuecing conditions if he wills it.  Yet while he participates and contributes value he is not owned by the powers that be.  

In an ancestral home heritage of the Baltic states there were literal Forest Rebels who were known as the Forest Brothers.  They did not capitulate to the Soviet invasion that lasted 50 years.  Some hid out and operatied in the forest until the Soviet Union collapsed and their country regained independence.  But the Forest Rebel need not hide to maintain his invisibility.  The man with the hidden loyalty to himself and his principles need not be showy when in a crowd of compliant citizens.

The Anarch is a man of ability who has some influence with the ruling powers.  Yet he also keeps his soul above the fray and the demands of the ruling powers.  This requires a hidden wisdom.  No acqeiesence to the crazy manipulations of an obviously despotic regime is intended.  In fact, to remain a Forest Rebel or Anarch you must be true to yourself and to future generations.

Capacity beyond my comprehension is found in many Anarchs who have created masterpieces of accomplishment.  Elon Musk would come to mind but he has not exactly been invisible or independent of government finance.  The late John McAfee is also beyond labels, although will call him a genius and a rebel for locations and free enterprise in one Libertarian sense,  I had only a fleeting knowledge of his empire and rebuilding ethics until I saw this interview and a music piece featuring his voiced message to people.  

People with more intelligence than me say that war is coming.  I refer to 'intelligence' in the sense of personally smart and those with access to more information.  As in better spys. I've strongly considered functioning as if war is coming and planning accordingly.  My age and liimited finances restrict my ability to join a funcitioning war band but I take up the cause of victory in my own way.  

Outgrowing the psychic fair without leaving connections of humanity.  
I never had a table at a psychic fair or New Age convention, but I was renown as a reader at a local book store and among my many cosmic friends.  It always seemed the real value was in giving someone your full attention while talking about life in ways that were not common in their experience.  As for predictions, sometimes I would meet a client later who would confirm absolutely or give apologetics for subsequent events. I was not responsible for those predictions.  The readee and the reader affirm what would be the best course of action, the wisest corrections, and how to respond to developing narratives.  

To say that I did not believe in something supernatural that was communicated through tools like runes and Tarot or a deck of ordinary playing cards would not be true.  I was so interested in the phenomenon that I saw the possibilities.  I always said that we do 'fortune creating' and not 'fortune telling.'  Anyway  I always knew that - especially with runes -there was a teaching about ancient ways applicable today that was 95% spiritual and historical science and only 5% about divination.  Divination just seemed the most dramatic and sociable compared to hours, days and years in exercises of contemplation, meditation and implementation in personal environment.  The same holds true with Tarot and Kaballah.  It is a difficult and disciplined system of learning and intiation.  

A lot of learning from books, experience, and writing personal journals are necessary before giving 'readings' for people is viable.  In the best of circumstances a teacher or equally interested cohort would share learning and experiments first.  That's how many long friendships are made and sometimes a magical lodge if only temporary.  If you are interested enough and meet with that destiny you will learn the art of divination.              

If not, it doesn't matter.  There are direct and actionable ways to engage your spirit in success.  The trajectory of life responds to your highest aspirations even in the most unlikely and challenging formats.  "Money Twitter" was somethig I found when joing that platform to engaging in political discussions.  These metapolitical explorations were short-lived because Twitter does not lend itself to freedom of non-standardized speech.

However, I found smart young men who resonate with my earlier readings of Jane Roberts Seth material, "You Create Your OwnReality."  Most had not read works like that but most had also moved in 'heavy hitter' circles of success and Men's re-emergence as the rightful patriarchs of culture.  Iron, muscle, and determination to build with sovereign power. It was a world I once knew and now there are compatriots to encourage and challenge me.  

My interest in psychic phenomenon is now more grounded in a better structural reality.  The seeming hard science of Remote Viewing protocols seems valuable because there is a strong data base with military background and verifiable stats that are quantifiable.  My experiments in "Paranormal Research Methodology" can be found here with some silliness, faillures, and success.  I concentrated upon measurable binary sports results and other events.  I don't believe the Norns are particulary interested in sports teams so my latest explorationg and prediction concerns war and a preference for peace.

Advanced techniques with backfround and history.

Reading is most enjoyable (and likely to result in action) when the author is absolutely engaged in his topic. You can tell when a writer is enjoying his work and his purpose.   

Wunjo is a rune of harmonious fellowship where the group and the individual gain.  This can be a related family or gathering of mutual purpose.  Wunjo can be elucidated in terms of energy or purpose or timeline with the apperarance of other runes.  For now, I'm thinking about wunjo as a continuance that is realized now.  Far distant past, even Primoridal origination is found in our assocations now.  The teleology of the far future is also an informing element.  This can be expressed in Nornic Law as "that which has become"and "that which is becoming", and "that which should be."  Runes like naudhiz or perthro would indicate this Nornic element.  A rune like mannaz would indicate an ethical Mannerbund.

The reason I'm thinking about wunjo as the gathering agent of timeline, goes far beyond the more obvious historical associations we have formed.  There is a pre-historical (in terms of accepted history) and Primordial element of origination that arrives through Mythic resonance.  You may already be familiar with one Mythic context which I'm drawing upon.  If not already, you will be introduced again by synchronistic information once I have introduced the concept.  


The tales of Hyperborea are known from the written speculations or remembrance of more recent ancient history.  Different cultures have either origination tales or geographical tales of the far North Hyperborea as a place and time of powerful magical civilization.  I'm relatively new to this myself so I will not go into the concept or history before I gain expertise from the scholars and mages who are more well-versed.  I just know that looking to the Primordial past and trajectory toward future informs our associations now with an authentic power.  

A Mythic Runic Power To Fellowship
A Runic Mythic Power To Fellowship   

Fellowship.  Runic Power Of Myth

We participate in a beneficient and challenging Creation (Multiverse) that is better than we have been told.  Perhaps we were meant to find this out for ourselves in this Consciousness that also challenges us as an integral exercise toward growth.

From More Notes Beginning In September :
Today's thoughts about the direction informed by what others have done that intersects with my true destiny.  

Engage with those who accelerate your own destiny.  Ignore those who are not relevant or counter-productive. Life is better than we have been instructed or allowed to believe.  Allowances and instruction should arrive via true Destiny.     

Prediction as guided by my Cosmic quest should be directed toward the big picture and world events.  As such, the economic evalution could be informed by stock market prediction.  The DJIA is the best verifiable indicator.  Intuition as an informed drive toward interest prompts me to also select a few stocks to watch.  Textron, the combined aircraft company, Ford, Chrysler (with the Fiat irony), Berkshire Hathaway A and Bershire Hathaway B.     
A Krisler project that will only be significant to readers if I am successful would be a consultation with Kris and my Dad concerning what is possible for me simlar to the building prosperity they interesected with and created.  Perceiving not in a deep trance that sales to the prosperous was where they started.  I should extend my marketing to the wealthy of today.  There is an indication that I should extend my interests maybe beyond the internet.  Actual products could be sold in person.  Craftsmanship.  Cool stuff.  I have a workshop.  Build a legacy.    

There is an opportunity to create books where I live as a direct perception and as a selective proponent to books of valuable influence.  

The Will of Heaven is important to me.  I could see this as a generic reality beyond ownership of any one institution.  Yet there are shared teachings about the reality.  Especially in Germanic mythos there are more worlds than just one.  Factors differ in various worlds yet there is a higher aspiration in what we choose.  I choose Asgard as the noble and inspiring influence that beams through Ljossalfheim to inform the best conduct and aspirations in Midgard.  

The Will of Heaven is a generic concept of highest value that must be presented in any philosophy worth pursuit.

The Radical Traditional precepts and manifestation are a functioning Elder Way of what the best of the American Philosophical Libertarians fought for.  The modern Libertarian party is not what was intended by people who do not particulary believe in a voting mass of lowest common denominators.  The escape route from what is exclusevely touted on media and education is a living reality.

Gumroad Radical Traditionalist And Libertarian Model For Economic Culture.

Heroes that walked among us during times of crisis knew (or at leasted acted upon) that there is something in the immediate spirit and ancient source that is beyond the dramatic narrative as given.  

Tuesday was the designated day when whan I always took my mother to the Senior Citizen center for lunch.  She was still actively working in the family business of antiques and collectibles.  She liked the vibe of the lunch with people her age and the rummage sale in the basement where she found items for resale.  I found Cosmic science of mind books which somehow made me look forward to a time in the Old Folks home when I could retire and read positive spirit books all day.

Time stood still one day in the parking lot when my mother said something that had the power of a prophet's pronounement.  The Truth has a ring to it.  We looked at a 1959 Dodge (similar to original that her and dad had owned) and I mentioned, "Those were good times."  

She said, "They will be back.  We'll do it again."  

Her words had an impact on her negative- thinking son that he stopped for moment to consider the reality of something impossible.  

She had years more of active living in the social culture she built with my father as a storefront gathering place.  Then a stroke disabled her on the left side.  She could only live in her home again if she had a 24/7 caregiver.  That was me.  Dad had cancer and congestive heart failure.  It's where I belonged.  Dad died in a few more years and I continued to care for Mom and see to it we got to the Tuesday lunch at the Senior Center.  Wheelchair transfers to the Buick got us out of the house for travels through time.  We inspected the Frank Lloyd Wright style homes her and Dad had built and where they had attended dances and country drives.  There seemed to be an eternal presence of the spirit of ambitious youth.  

Mom is buried next to Dad in a cemetary about 400 yards from where I live now.  I'm not yet in the Old Folks home reading Cosmic books all day.  At age 72, I'm not even one of the oldest folks in the gym that is on my daily schedule.  Iron and martial arts are my rest home.  Reading those Cosmic books while I build a garden for the future.  Sleek and strong young women stretching and hefting iron flirt with me.  You know - - the kind of flirting that kindred spirits spark with a sense of recognition.  

I still think those words of my mother were prophetic.

A promising youthful phenomenon was something I published here in 2015.  Curtis Yarvin had just retired "Unqualified Reservations" but it was being discovered.  Mendius Moldbug was still anonymous.  Pepe and Kek and the Groypers were not here yet but they developed from this heretical youthful movement.  The original Dark Enlightenment youth have matured and Curtis Yarvin is on the scene as a theoretician who is listened to.  

[please note that the links on this old post are momentarily under rebuild and they don't work]
The links that do work are the original Unqualified Reservations

And Yarvin's substack Gray Mirror

Authentic loyalty goes to those who have shared their gifts and knowledge from which I've benefitted. They have given me the boost to find my own trajectory.  There are many of these mentors.  Some know me and some are unaware of my existence.  None would deny me the exploration and refinement of my own purpose.  So if I seem to strike a direction that contradicts their brilliance I am in no way negating what they offer.  One must be oneself.  We meet in a realm of Truth through trekking different roads or wildlands.

Cosmic Spirit Tech informs the individual about assets and defects of character.  Information arrives in bundled sequences until the person sees the need to code engagement or correction.  For example, I had the malfunction of not appreciating the connections and friendships that I had.  Always looking for someone more acceptable to my image in society.  I have corrected this to the point that I am extrememly fond and respectful of those who good fortune brings to me.  I do not accept negation and those who harm my purpose, but then I don't meet those people anymore.
Volume 1 of a high-quality journal.  There are now five volumes.  The source of the "Radical Traditionalist" aspect in one of my books.     

I'm considering the era of table top board games as social interface within the context of interesting challenges and models for achievement.

Reading books is a function of sovereign independence within your Cosmic Spirit Tech toolkit.  The choice of interest and engagement is all yours with the frequent interjection of a message from the Multiverse.  You have probably noticed that sometimes a book chooses YOU.  Catching your eye or coming into view or at a freind's coffee table or recommended by another person or source you find interesting.  This isn't to say that the internet and scrolling can't fill the same function, but that it is too ubiquitious  

Cosmic Spirit Tech in terms of time.  Just because a paradigm falls out of fasion or workable social mileau, it does not mean that the older essence is not applicable to renewed re-construction at the present time.  I'm thinking of James Madison as the architect of the Constitution and the addition of the Bill of Rights.  We know that the American era is over for good reasons as a functional project.  Yet there could be a revival of the essential nature if we use the power and momentum of the egregore as it formerly gained manifestation in culture.

I see THE FOREST RANGER or THE ANARCH of Ernst Junger's "The Forest Passage" or "Eumeswil" - - respectively.  The Anarch is not an anarchist but rather one who is centered upon independent value within his particular circumstances.    

I've seen a different interpretation of this image as a lonely warrior who has lost everything.  I guess that's a kind of Rorschach test.  I see what I see in a compelling image.  Perhaps the warrior who has successfully protected his people and is returning home.   

The books I've authored need improvement and refinement.  However, I really enjoyed reading this one again. Gets a positive review from me.   

Enjoying and learning from your own creative work can be a reminder of what's important.  

A coincidental encounter with cosmic wealth consciousness :  Reading about Sir John Templeton points at the 2020 Warren Buffet & Charlie Munger report.    


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