These are notes about action proceeding from enthusiasm.  Context is found on my other blog post on the subject.  Here is the content from "Mystic Reading : Articles."

My good fortune lately has been to discover the Cosmic nature of the persons and profession of "consultant and coach."  Forget about the stereotype that business is not a spiritual pursuit.  If you've had the full attention of a great coach you have participated in the advanced  art of inspiration.  I'll admit I first knew about this by reading some fine books authored by consultants.  They have experienced much so they know how results are more than mere theory.  Now that I've experienced how beneficial a real coach is, I'm recommending some very good books by some very good people.

If you want to remain sovereign and gain more power for your purpose a team is mutually beneficial.  A good coach is on your team.  In the published works of these authors/consultants you will find reminders of what you know at your deepest level.  They know and you know.  The Cosmos knows.  It's a matter of establishing that reality with real intent and focused work.     

First link to a comprehensive book is where I learned about the books that follow.  Dusan Djukich will bring you great authors and metaphysicians who you are already familiar with.  But these are only side verifications of the straight line trajectory : 

The next two links are to the prolific Steve Chandler contributions to the area of consulting and coaching.  



With all these books there has been reference to Colin Wilson.  Not as the main subject of getting things done, but with the important proviso of doing something worthwhile.  I only discovered the energetic positive philosophy of Colin Wilson a couple years ago.  If I had found him during my early formative and impressionable years, I would be far ahead of my current situation.  

My coach would say to ditch the 'if' and use my advantages in understanding Colin Wilson now.  

*  *  *  *  *

Divination is ancient and winning is ancient.  To be more than history, we have advances in the science to ensure winning now.  

 There is a great Lodge, a mead hall, a retinue of warriors who build themselves to serve the King and his tribe.  These men are fighting mystics who have learned through the generations or availed themselves of the truths of generations.  They enjoy what they do and they strengthen the community.  They will not let you be defeated.  Their purpose is to serve you in becomming the best version of yourself

Battle conduct is impeccably powerful.  The results of the battle are quantifiable.  You win.  These cosmic warriors are up to the test.  The results are what you achieve.  I call them mystics because what they see and how they present it seems uncanny.  Supernatural.  Most would deny this and say they are merely smart and observant.  But I've seen uncanny advice that is accurate and helpful beyond normal communication.  Of course, they know the semiotic value of communication.  

Magic itself has been defined a semiotic communication by those who know.  Signals are perceived, defined, and sent to the appropriate realm.  Within that realm of great triumph signals are sent back in another language.  Events, signs, synchronicities, and achievements are the language of those higher powers who we sent the original message to.  This is the stuff of Divination as a living dynamic field of action.  Thus, I believe 'readings' can be combined with the skills of coaching provided absolute victory is recognized as the only acceptable outcome.  You would not be doing a 'reading' to see IF you can win but HOW you will win.

Divination is best used as a means of engagement with an undeniable purpose.  Start by realizing you are meant to recognize and further create this purpose.  "Fortune telling" is a misapplication of wanting to know in advance.  We know in advance that anything that calls to our spirit is what we will achieve with a process that is fulfilling in itself.  The advantage of Divination is that timing and focus can be modified for greatest wisdom in the process. 


A trajectory for taking the art of Divination beyond the 'feel good' fortune telling parlor and into the War Lodge of winning business.  

I have 50 years of experience with Divination as a winning art.  "Fortune telling" was an area where I didn't waste much time because I knew there are profound historical, experiential, and philosophical considerations.  I was accurate and recognized.  The Cosmic professional is versatile.  Eventually I linked the survival and profit of the client and tribe with the Mannerbund.  The leader of the war band is Odin, not Thor with the fighting strength.  Odin is the master of the war band because he sees far and teaches tactics and strategy.   

The featured trajectory of my advancement to usual Divination services will be engaged soon at my Gumroad site and varied other platforms.  Gumroad is my favorite because it is my own creation and not subject to platform controls.  Divination is about fortune creating, not fortune telling.  An ancient and honorable portion of our history and I intend to treat it well.  Be of service to your tribe.  

There are strong and intuitive men and women who will share feedback with me about my Cosmic Consultation business.  They will be honest and in the old spirit of the Sagas there will be mystic guidance that will recommend steps.  I want your steps to be powerful advances toward a triumphant life that continues the winning momentum as a creative adventure. 


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