Combining all three of my divination missives into one complete book means I'm reviewing the previous work.  Formatting is in progress but I wanted to post Issue 2 here because it surprised me in the high quality.  Writers and practitioners have cycles and periods of varied work.  The nature of the muse.


Let's start with some historical literature that mentions the ancient practice of Divination when deciding the wisdom of significant action. We will first look at the works of Tacitus. He was a first century c.e. Roman Senator and historian who had a motive in
his chronicles to make Romans more cognizant that they could learn something from the nobility of Germanic tribes.

"They attach the highest importance to the taking of auspices and casting lots. Their usual procedure with the lot is simple. They cut off a branch from a nut-bearing tree and slice it into strips these they mark with different signs and throw them at random onto a
white cloth. Then the state's priest, if it is an official consultation, or the father of the family, in a private one, offers prayer to the gods and looking up towards heaven picks up three strips, one at a time, and, according to which sign they have previously been marked with, makes his interpretation. If the lots forbid an undertaking, there is no
deliberation that day about the matter in question. If they allow it, further confirmation is required by taking auspices." (Germania. chapter 10)

Some translations mention that the Germanic tribes are 'addicted' to casting lots. Yet notice that there is need of confirmation from another source like environmental signals to confirm the results. This is called the reading of Hale Signs which Edred Thorsson
mentions in "The Runecaster's Handbook." This is sometimes confirmation through a flight of birds, for example.

This obsession or addiction to the casting of lots and reading of signs was something that they put in perspective through calling for proof. I ,and most of my friends who have become involved in Divination, go through a phase where they do 'readings' for everything. It becomes a distraction and counter-productive at some point. Moderation in all things. With perception must come ACTION to refine the meaning.

Confirmation is as important today as it was in the time of Tacitus.

This second issue of my newsletter will refine some perceptions of Divination while adding more about about your own options in developing your own resources and expertise. I will still refine the personal consultation and predictive services offered
with the first issue. Future direction will be about how you are the best source of inspired living if you are in contact with your own supernal guidance. If you are also
interested in a personal sortelege reading please let me know.

This Issue Number Two has the following features :

A. Some historical background as shown above
B. Random thoughts as they arrived within the style of living with meaning.
C. Series of readings with confirmation duplication or amplification
D. Second sight and Tech knowledge.

This newsletter series will feature work in various fields. While I maintain that the ancestral heritage works best for myself and many others when using the Futhark runes and Germanic Mythology, there are not any demands that you do the same. A variety of
information is available and it begins with you. You are probably already adept or rapidly gaining skills in many areas of interest. Have you noticed that as you work on your own projects there appear coinciding efforts and creative endeavors by others? And
you might have been working on it first! You still have a unique niche and contribution that only you can accomplish; yet it is encouraging to see that others share your trajectory. 

If you are at all interested in my work, we could attribute it to this mutuality phenomenon.

So I'll begin sharing my areas of interest that seem to have been better expressed by others. This is not putting myself down - this is appreciation. It's a big world. There is room for what I do.
I've been interested in Mystic connection and the nature of Divination from a very young age. 

I always assumed that those whom I had sought for 'readings' had some rare superhuman abilities - - yet the years showed me that those abilities were available for many people through a kind of spiritual technology. This tech is a spiritual birthright that has been neglected as a result of Modernist nihilism arriving to rule the modern day.

We can ignore the agenda of pseudo-science and their demands that we comply with despair. We are taking back our sovereign traditional ways. I propose to be a professional in this field and you have a rightful place too.

As a professional, I must offer something that is unique. I'm in a situation where there are limitations on how many books I can own. This will change with more space for my library. I must produce a product from my own creativity that I craft myself to sell my
knowledge, imagination, and efforts. This will be a consulting service with aspects of careful consideration, Divination, and narrative adventures in living. Those who purchase a reading will get my consideration after consultation with Archetypal forces of
Consciousness. This will be presented as an entertainment narrative with immediate and long term relevance.

To book a free introductory Divinatory Consultation with me, I can be contacted at 


Seeking a reading could also be seeking the connection in esoteric tech that guides the person to acquire those skill and insights toward being able to read for himself. There might be a few people who are gifted psychics. Others have knowledge and skills with interpreting meanings given by oracle tools. Some people have skills as psychics and are also adept at oracle techniques. My premise is that we all share in a greater  potential, so what one person has shown as a human ability could be learned by anyone.

It is this learning and teaching that is my main purpose in doing readings. I have come a long ways from having some intuitive gifts to experiencing years of study and practice. My best hope for my work here is to provide resources so that you will gain skill yourself. To act rightly in the world does not require you to become a professional reader but this appropriate living will be heightened through integrated information.

Sharing this information is a passion for me. I respect your capability. That is why I include a theoretical and informational newsletter with Divinatory readings. For readings through sortilege, research should be done on selection techniques and how
a prescient higher connection would guide those selections. My own method is to reach high for celestial guidance whether this is through my chosen and inherited Mythic source or a more generic Infinite Mind or the Universe or whatever you would call it. If
we are to make determinations on our attitudes and actions we should understand more of that process. I would not advise basing decisions on fortune telling alone. We have intuition and reasoning ability for good reasons.

You are by your heritage able to relate to your Source of guidance and teleology. Your direction in life is built into your spiritual structure. Ancestors and your own experience and sacred reason for being are a functioning whole once you remember who you are.
At another time we could debate whether this 'forgetting' among the people has been carefully engineered for nefarious purposes or whether it is in the design of our development. I don't know. It could be both. It could be a social conspiracy if we are
forbidden to begin our awakening or it could be part of our development if we are able to make heroic causes toward recollection.

 My personal service in Divination is with the hope that you always appreciate your own value and ability and don't place to much emphasis on my vocation as a personal contact metaphysician. I'm doing this because I love the work. I would hope the sophistication
and the best scholarly work is recognized and valued first and foremost. Personal contact with a 'reading' is how I combine education and career with an honoring of the Spiritual as the ultimate source. Thus for my readers I offer the opportunity to make the
right decisions in the realm of various opportunities open to them. You live in the realm watched over and influenced by a guiding Presence. To you I offer the hope and assurance that you can perceive this and by 'coincidences' be guided to the right means
of activating victory in your life. It might be best if you look at your ancestral heritage, both distant and recent, for the framework of study, practice and social aspects of the trajectory that is right for you. The chances are if you are reading this is that your
ancient heritage is European and your immediate relatives built lives in Europe, America, Canada, or other Germanic language areas.
You might be young or in your later years. If you are young enough to build your own independence through business or an authentic career, I hope you do. My advice on this matter is not as important as being in harmony and communication with the guiding
Presence. Yet if you are reading this it might be for the reason that I delineated above.

There will, of course, be modifications based upon your unique purpose. Further background on Divination as used in consultation. The socio-political frame of reference for my work has a decidedly sovereign return to right quality that puts me at odds with the standard occultist in my region and the nation at large. It is demanded here in my town and area that one is a Democrat and something of a mindless devotee to political correctness. But to merely find fault with others is to put one's energy into negativity without appreciating the omni-powerful presence of a guiding spirit that includes us all. While I am a fighter against the historical destruction of my people and the present programs of subversion, there should be an overriding regard for the mystic qualities that can be a saving grace within the rightful alliance of unique personalities
with the guiding principle. The essence of Divination is a revealing of the hidden or a comprehensive recognition of what is already known. This skill is best taught and learned in the context of Integral
Culture. If the direction of my newsletter shifts away from personal Divination and toward the mastery of Integral Culture it will still benefit the reader. Indeed, Divination abilities will be heightened.


A reading is based upon choice of techniques and the information available from the revealed pattern of sortilege. Alan Watts called himself a 'philosophical entertainer. We are required by legal stuff to say, "for entertainment purposes only" That's okay. Life
should be fun.
In "The Watercourse Way", Alan Watts presents the non-linear understanding of the Tao and relates it to the 'book of changes', the I Ching. 

In "The Watercourse Way", Alan Watts presents the non-linear understanding of the Tao and relates it to the 'book of changes', the I Ching. We have metaphysical characteristics of the changing, workable ,workable, and beneficial aspects of Cybernetic Fortune. Where we are now and where to go from here is always within this natural cycle of changes.

This might be instructive on why readings have exact duplication  that happen often enough to verify the supernatural yet mostly have random appearances of indicators that seem not related to previous readings.

There is a distinction that must be made between the passive practice of fortune telling and the active practice of fortune creating. To use Divination correctly you must actively take the steering wheel of the causes you make toward manifestation. The 'reading' aspect focuses your attention on an issue and puts you in contact with what
forces are at work at the Spiritual, psychological, and social level that you have already registered in the primal layer of Orlog or Wyrd. Then it is up to you to determine how you will enact positive aspects or overcome negative aspects. You are making active
contributions to the new primal layers of Orlog or Wyrd.
It could be said that fortune telling is feminine and fortune creating is masculine. Both the feminine and masculine are required for a decent life on the planet. The polarities in motion create momentum toward success and the good life. There should be no more
exclusivity on the feminine side of consulting the oracle.
Self hatred is the carefully constructed results of how men are regarded in media, education, pop culture, and new age type teachings. Men who can take back their Cosmic connection are an important section of the new acceleration that unapologetically  promotes a healthy 'toxic masculinity'. If we can accept our strength
in the gym we can accept our strength in the psychic world.

Second Sight:
For a number of very good years I had a teammate in the area of Divination and Spiritual Magic in general. I had the books, study habits, and personal efforts that were extreme and with extreme results. She had an hereditary Second Sight. She was fortunate that
her mother and family were greatly familiar with esoteric lore and passed that on to her in a natural way when she was a child. I think that's how she knew such a metaphysical wonder is a gift. She also knew ethical principles involved. And how to generate the Magic in a continuing way for her heritage.

I witnessed my friend spontaneously go into altered states and describe a vision which would eventually prove true. She knew that she needed the discipline to tame this ability and to ground her life so that she was less 'spacey.' My knowledge of history and
technique was something that helped her and she empowered me with the greater natural gift.

The term "second sight" or "the sight" mostly comes from the Scots-Irish. In fact, some American Scots-Irish association and websites have pages describing the phenomenon in their folk lore. Both in America and Europe.

Probability Theory:
I have extensive data on experiments in predictions that are binary and measurable as compared to the more subjective but equally valuable psychological results. Binary measurements were made by predicting sports games so there is a measurable
result. Success or failure. Yes or no. After a few years of sporadic tests (I did not actually gamble), I am at about 61% when using runes. Ratio drops off to an expected probablity of 50% when using other tools.

I thought that a generic card value system would provide results with numerical and color value such as those found in Rook cards. These experiments did not provide good results. I thought that ordinary playing cards could provide the same valuation that would yield predictive results. There was the added mental history that I had with
studying methods such as that of Katherine Sabin but that also yielded negligible results.
The runes continued to provide the most accurate predictors.

Then I added Tarot for experiments. My history is that of a Tarotlogist and I specialized in Qabalistic Tarot. At some point I decided that the system was not of my legitimate lineage so I actually totally abandoned those methods. When I resumed predictive readings I intentionally used a very Qabalisticly designed deck. I was surprised at a result of 71% with card values, 100% with sequence values and 100% with duplication verification.
Frankly, I'm not sure what to do with this except to study the technique and accept that I've been given an indication of legitimate future endeavors. A perspective on this more successful use of binary prediction technique is that I shuffled the cards and chose a small stack of cards from the top to use in the actual prediction study. It is possible that with fewer cards to select the consulted agency of
mind had a more coherent and less random set to select. An over-selection of data may inhibit the selection process. A more focused group of options might offer better connection. This is a rough draft of topics I hope to expand upon in issue number three (the complete series will be on my Gumroad profile soon).

Divination is ancient. It worked back then and it works now. The following section is about recent realities and a technological world that informs what we can do today.
A section of Divination Newsletter volume 2 touches upon the theme of available choices that can be detrimental or wise depending on our attunement. Here is something that anyone Divining and acting upon goals should consider :
Anything and everything is being transmitted. Transmission is a specific range of wave-forms for reception by a given mechanism that can be tuned for an image or conceptualization. A broadcast to our awareness can be artificial and manipulative, or authentic and sourced from our own Being. Attunement is our choice of which
broadcast transmission we can imagine, conceptualize, and act upon. Choose wisely.

Divination is one method of choosing the authentic source of our Being for reception and action. The electronic broadcast medium impinges or contributes to our daily lives but that is a specific techne presence. Another way of looking at a vast potential of choosing
probabilities as a 'wave form collapse' which Quantum physics tells us appears through attentive observation. The science and math is beyond me so I'll move on to another way of choosing which potential appears.Ecology is all the rage as a transmitted program but I think there is value in the natural ecology for those who can experience it. At this level of reality it is not a political program. The ecology of clean rivers and lakes is something I can understand without signing on the dotted line as a modern Democrat. Another kind of ecology must be considered in the worlds of available choices.

There is an ecology of the Spirit or 'Akashic Field' as a presencing power that can be enacted through unwise or wise choices from unlimited potential. We can move a more positive Probability into action through wise choices. A note on "choosing probabilites" on the above paragraph concerning Quantum Mechanics. I was stymied by exactly what a 'wave form collapse' meant and after
looking at several scientific papers and overviews I still did not understand the details. Intuition told me it was important though. Then through fortune I found an article that said what I had meant to say. Respect to Leon Castillo at Selfmastered and Garett Daily
for his thoughtful guest post on that website.

For resources in reading for yourself, I trust that just the right books and information will find its way to you. Since I work primarily with runes I can advocate Runecaster's Handbook : The Well of Wyrd , by Edred Thorsson

Thank you for reading my experimental attempt at communication. I hope for your energy and intent toward being the person you need to be and the person the world needs to advance us all.

To book a free introductory Divination consultation, I can be contacted at 



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