Immediate living creates the stuff of legend.  While fully engaged with personal and societal enthusiasm, there is a sense of "this is important" and "these people are the best." .  At my age, I can tell when I'm participating in something of the legendary category.  That's why there is so much appreciative nostalgia in my writing.  I see the winners because I've been fortunate enough to connect with the winners.   And I know when a section of society has been advanced because something that touches us all has been recognized and given voice.   

Retrospective 1960s - early1970s story time.  
There is a recognition that it can all take a different turn that will still maintain the original integrity.  If something mattered there will always survive a confirming back story - even in the face of criticism (and the celebration of critics) when an unexpected setback occurs.  

Margaret Runyan Castaneda (1921 - 2011)wrote a poetically engaging narrative of her time with her husband.  Was his anthropology at UCLA fiction or was it legitimate field study?  The answer is, "Yes."  The notes that Carlos made in the field were massive and required time and organization to present it as PH.D. monographs.  The academic controversy had already started so it was decided to go straight to popular publication.  Thousands were introduced to a world-view that answered some questions and raised others.    

She describes her time with Carlos from 1955 to their marriage in 1960 and divorce in 1974.  During this time the field work and written narrative created "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge", " A Separate Reality", and "Journey to Ixtlan." In 1974 his fourth book, Tales of Power, continued the popularity of the genre.  

Why does this phenomenon matter?  Aside from the great influence on showing an entire generation and alternative worldview and creating the phrase, "non-ordinary reality", it shows a scale of change probably not possible today. Or necessary today.  Publication and promotion no longer requires the full blast corporate blitz or cooperation of subsidiary media.  Word of mouth works even better now than it did back then because we have niche websites and social media.  The preceding centuries of teachings and updated iterations that influenced Castaneda are easily found today.  You can make a decision to be every bit as mysterious and esoteric while choosing a more positive direction 

Incidentally (or not) the quality of worthwhile content diminished and the tone degenerated to something creepy in the books after 1974.  

Margaret was as avid student of Neville Goddard and his New Thought teaching of Imagination when she met Castaneda.  To make sure he would call her again she gave him a book by Neville with her name inscribed inside. He called her.   

The halcyon hey-day of the Castaneda works showed how to perceive the extraordinary within ordinary life.  Taking it to the field meant there was an added dimension of wonder when exploring nature.  Whether on the chaparral deserts of Don Juan Maltus or the high pine and fir forests of the Great Northwest. Magic and a sense of wonder were accelerated and the more sane among us integrated non-ordinary reality into a functioning philosophy of abundant living.  


Some of us continued to look at the later works of Castaneda and related authors in his retinue.  Speaking for myself, something creepy and negative entered into the narrative.  A hopeless and destructive adamant Feminism of hostility entered the picture.  I had hope of a return to Castaneda when "Magical Passes" was published as a how to on the gait of power magical passes and other tales of perception in the desert. Alas the corporate entity in place for this work was Cleargreen formed by Carlos, Carol Tiggs, Florinda Donner Grau and Taisha Ablelar  

The women disappeared in 1998.  One body has been found.

I got creeped out earlier in The Second Ring of Power with the scenario of some very unhappy people power tripping for psychological and physical dominance.  

I recently sold my Taisha Ablar book and am re-reading a Florinda Donner book while I think about selling it. Books from some of my cosmic eras are collectible and bring money.  Anything in my extensive library is well beyond dropping off at GoodWill.  I want my books to find people who know what they are getting.

Since Margaret Runyon Castaneda was a dedicated student of Neville Goddard, I will use some of his profound knowledge of what the Bible is really about.  In this case of using your own intuition and recognition of obvious failures of a message will quote Mathew 7:16, "By their fruit shall you know them."   

Nostalgia is an entirely positive quality if used properly.  You have probably also had reading or participation experiences where you sensed something going off track that had a powerfully good quality to begin with

There is an energy in the air today that is reminiscent of the great sea-change of other significant times.  The forces that would divert and negate this are are even stronger today.  The force that enables us to ignore the subversion and continue with accelerating positivity is even stronger.  


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