Amtrack trains are stacked high with a center  of gravity that jars the passengers side to side.  Not smooth like the old streamliner Northern Pacific Vista Dome. You have to be an older person to have  seen the smooth ride on best days of rail travel.  


On a recent journey east, we had long before passed through the vistas of Glacier Park and moved into the smoking oil refineries of North Dakota.  I was still reading "Archeofuturism" by Guillaume Faye which I took on the journey for a third reading.  My girlfriend asked me in an accusing tone, "What is it you get out of that???"  My only answer at the time was, "This reading is to study the footnotes of John Morgan." which was partly true.  Morgan is a legendary editor whose footnotes provide not only an additional book, but an entire education.  

Today I would answer her question with, "I read it for the exciting potential that the best of who we were is who we are meant to be.  And we can do it by combining the truth of the Archaic with working for the future. The managerial professionals of a bureaucratic demand for agenda-compliance need not rule the day as they do now."

The 'archaic' does not mean outdated and primitive but in Faye's words,"It is necessary to give the word 'archaic' its true meaning, which is a positive one, as suggested by the Greek word arche, meaning both 'foundation' and 'beginning'  - in other words, 'founding impulse.'  The word also means 'what creates and is unchangeable' and refers to the central notions of 'order.'  'Archaic' does not mean 'backward looking' , for it is the historical past that has engendered the egalitarian philosophy of modernity that is now falling into ruin, and hence any form of historical regression would be absurd.  Modernity already belongs to a past that is over." Archeofuturism" pg 68.

I would add my own understanding of the potential of the 'past' that has previously created a Traditional culture of Germanic mythos rather than the more recent subversion of Liberalism.  The Three Norns in Norse mythology are 'Urdhr' - that which has become, Verdhandi - that which is becoming, and Skuld - that which should be.  Thus, the influence of Urdhr is ancient and more established than the more recent strange occurrence of a globalist agenda.  The Tribal heart of a people stands strong and beyond social engineering.

The Archeofuturist prospect has a vitality that is the hallmark of the more positive Arktos Media publications.  If it weren't for Arktos Media, I would not have found others who are on the Path.  A great book is Rubis Nigra which the source of the image and concept at the top of this newsletter.  The author, Alexander Wolheze, lives in the Netherlands and is among the movers and shakers of the Dutch dissidents who have seen more than their share of oppression by the established Liberal order.

The image at the top of this newsletter is The True North of the Hyperborean Rupes Nigra (Black Rock) as mapped by Gerardus Mercator and among the collection at St George College.    

At the center is the Rupes Nigra, or Black Rock, 30 miles in diameter which explained why compasses pointed north. The origin of this belief was a fourteenth century Franciscan friar who claimed to have explored the North Atlantic.  The land of the black rock is a product of mythic imagination.  A metaphysical conceptualization.  I would say that looking to Northern Myth very much coincides with Alexander Wolfheze writing that "rediscovered ancient principles and newly mobilized powers will provide the Archeofuturist imagination and willpower."   


A Cosmic Compendium of a personal nature will coincide with the Cosmic forces that create a culture that is the innate living environment.  Celestial forces we intuit and understand by our eternal relationship with the Cosmos.  We live within these forces and our actions and emotions are functioning in that sacred arena.  Words can be poetic in expressing the vocabulary of our understanding but they can also create distractions of dogma that freeze the experience outside of the natural flow.  It behooves those who conceptualize how to maintain our connection to also maintain their own integrity and devotion to the Cosmos.  This is how shallow politization for a manipulative machinery of society can be overcome.  

It is no longer necessary to awaken people to manipulation of the masses.  Leave them alone and they will intuit and use common sense to know inhuman atrocity when they see it.  The years of 2019 to 2022 have been a circus of behavior compliant with manipulators.  Yet it is good to see people notice this on their own without any mention by those in metaphysics or cultural metapolitics.  Everyone is wising up so the trick is to overcome despair and snap out of it.    

For an update on how Wolheze views our times this is a great article on Arktos Journal :

The man of the Netherlands also appears on the Arktos Media "Interegnum" podcast. 

I've done considerable work on Archeofuturism myself.  For a recent project related to rune work in Hyperborean aspects please see :

Hyperborean Triumph (return).  Level One Introduction :

 Hyperborean Triumph.  Level Two :

Archeofuturism is perfect for a runic practitioner and a cultural Germanic revivalist who is disgusted with how his folk have been corralled, vaccinated, and imprisoned into market slavery.  All trying to please the virtue signalers.  Let's not let it happen again.

Archeofuturism is perfect for a runic practitioner and a cultural Germanic revivalist who is disgusted with how his folk have been corralled, vaccinated, and sold into market slavery.  All trying to please the virtue signalers.  Let's not let it happen again.

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