Arcane interests respond to our unrealized potential. Yesterday, I saw a book I would have grabbed quickly during an era of my quest. I was not interested yesterday. "Secret Symbols" was the title and theme. When the essential essence of the quest is a living presence there is little need to be obsessive about learning more. The essential nature of that 'secret' knowledge has been engaged among us in various models responsive to our time and place. You have found the resources and are living there. Your destiny is bright.
As much as it helped at the time, I could have stopped my journey at an Oriental juncture and been perfectly happy. But something more called from ancestral history and purpose. This is the nature of that calling. Might not be right for you but then again it might.
Available as a free download at my Gumroad profile but also in the text that follows as we gain momentum.
"Hyperborean Return" is the introduction to four epochs of rune systems.
A four Futhark presentation of an Erulian potential. This "Hyperborean Return" is the INTRODUCTION ONLY of the theory and intent of an extended work which will have levels of HYPERBOREAN TRIUMPH.
After this introduction, the project will include :
Level Two : Complete text of Elder Futhark and a complete text of The Armanen Runes. Part One will include the oldest and 'newest' Futharks known in our history and lore. A Theory has it that, while being the newest from 1902, the Armanen runes are actually the oldest from Hyperborean times. That is for you to decide after working with experience.
A module that includes and optional 24 and 18 stave card set is available now.
Level Three :
The addition of the Younger Futhark.
Level Four :
The addition of the Northumbrian Futhorc.
This level one introduction is free. Watch for the complete work later.
Level One. The Concept.
Knowledge of runes has advanced and it has declined. When something is popularized, this will happen. The advancement is phenomenal so there are authors, artists, teachers, and scholars who happily exceed anything I could have imagined back in 1980.
Right at the start I will say that it all began with the scholarly and esoteric works of the man we know as both Edred Thorsson and
Stephen Edred Flowers. Concurrent with this genius there were a few others like Stephen A. McNallen and John Yeowell and Robert N. Taylor. There are others you probably know about.
The decline aspect of quality we see in people who purportedly practice rune craft parallels the Woke and Cancel Culture trendiness of society. It was even possible that an SJW started a movement opposing anything by Edred or McNallen. The movement toward political correctness gained enormous steam and reached a point where I would estimate that 80% are in ignorant betrayal of the men and one womann who made the Re- Awakening possible. People were still social when all this happened so there was a large community of people having hissy fits in a social way.
When the Fauci-Cuomo panic lock down happened there was interest in resuming rune classes and virtual Pagan gatherings with the zoom technology etc. It now appears the Xi Jingping/Fauci/Big Pharma lockdowns and restrictions are in decline so people can meet again or continue online learning. This calls for a return to integrity and responsibility from those who know the way.
This focus on problems within the allegedly non-conformist practitioners of non-Christian paganism might be deleted (or toned down) in my introduction to my aspiring project of a return to right within the teaching and gathering community. But there are various tribes forming now (as they should) and those who wish to
continue with a politically correct agenda are welcome to do so. As for me, I propose a comprehensive program that will override any tendency to surrender to media authority. With the authority of the Self and the Ancients we can make the worlds that we Will rather than what is assigned to us by oppositional empires. That has always been the essence of the Germanic way.
Compliance with political correctness and even promotion of cancel culture Wokeism seems to be a feature of moderns that call themselves pagan. I just used lots of buzz words there to describe an accelerating situation. A situation that can be overcome.
The Four Futhark Erulian Project
The Elder Futhark is indeed where it should all begin when studying the meaning and lore of a runic Reawakening. But the presentations of a New Age and politically correct agenda has its own style of moulding a required attitude in the instructive community of readers and students. The solution to this is a broadening of the historical comprehension, tribal alliance, meaning and purpose of the ancient
Erulians as representing something non-ordinary yet healing. To broaden beyond the standardized presentation would be aided by learning other Futharks. I propose the learning and engagement of four Futharks for a more comprehensive and independent way of the Erulian.
Yet there is a value in learning and engaging more Futharks for reasons of a more complete comprehension and a more authentic stance on culture and trajectory. Many of the mis-directions of the PC mandates that arrived with popularization would be overcome. First some positive and life-enhancing reasons to learn the Elder, Younger, Northumbrian, and Armanen structures.
Historical authenticity is an advantage in itself. Those who relate to 'runes' on the basis of a TV series or comic book movies would gain from knowledge that the Viking Age runes were a time of the Younger Futhark. Indeed, the Younger Futhark has its own message and dynamic paradigm that could be better understood when learned and engaged. This knowledge would take us a step beyond the trendier limitations of media consciousness. Let us advance toward expanded awareness.
I already had an intensive study of written material that presented four Futharks. My computer crash took out all that work except what I was able to comprehend and integrate in reality. Starting over and putting this project back into writing improved my work. What was essential will be expressed again and another beginning might improve the presentation of content. While I spend lengthy days typing and improving my own Four Futhark Guide to Right, I will recommend
some books that will apply to the principal project. These are by the masters whose work is superior to mine anyway. For reasons which I will not elaborate just yet, I will no longer participate in what
are considered 'rune classes' in the form of only using the Elder Futhark as interpreted in a politically correct culture. Rather than quitting altogether, I propose a program of learning and engaging four Futharks in a way that will naturally result in a more complete cultural respect for Tradition.
I propose a curriculum of learning
1. The Elder Futhark
2. The Younger Futhark
3. The Northumbrian Futhorc
4. The Armanen Futhorkh
5. At least one of the books concerning the Radical Traditionalist literature.
- - For the Elder Futhark:
Runelore by Edred Thorsson. Almost any book by Edred
- - Younger Futhark and Icelandic galdorstaves and Icelandic magic.
Northern Magic by Edred Thorsson
Icelandic Magic by Edred Thorsson
Icelandic Magic by Christopher Alan Smith
- - Northumbrian Futhorc :
Alu by Edred Thorsson
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Runes by Nigel Pennick
- - Armanen Futharkh :
Rune Might by Edred Thorsson
Secret of the Runes by Guido von List
A three book series by Aelfric Avery
- - Radical Traditionalist Action
Return to homeland. Invade the land of riches. How to make the runes of realms really work for you. No political correctness. No volunteering for enslavement to appease the Cancel Culture varmints. Conquer the lands and sea. Take your stand. Nourish your own place of homestead. Triumph in your ventures.
This is the purpose of the expanded knowledge and reach of the Four Futhark Rune Set with actionable conquest. Erulian Tribe Runes. The journeying tribe that assisted throughout the Germanic regions had been subsumed into the general populace in the late period of the Elder
Futhark. Yet much as the Goths had left their legend of power long after they were an identifiable culture, the Erulian name was applied to any master of runes. If he so chose as did the maker of the Lindholm amulet and many others who used the rune-master formula, " I the Erulian, called (use your magical name here) carve the runes." It is your quest to strengthen yourself, your clients, and your tribe as a functioning person of power. As an Erulian you will observe where your skills are needed. You will hone your ability just as a warrior trains in fighting skills until they are automatic. You live in a greater tribe on an expansive continent where you will travel at your pleasure
and where you can contribute. The Herulian is prosperous in his ventures. Good luck as Hamingja is developed in your aetheric field which connects you to your ancestors, your people today, and your descendants.
True that the historical Heruli (Eruli) worked with the Elder Futhark. Today we must expand our connection to ancient history and also embrace the totality of what our people have accomplished and learned. That is one reason we expand our knowledge of the totality of our heritage by including the Viking age Younger Futhark, the Anglo Saxon British Isle Northumbrian Futhorc, and the Havamal based Armanen Futharkh. Academic historians are agreed that the Armanen
system is the newest. Considered to be based only upon the vision of Guido von List in 1902. List however used the 18 rune staves that coincides with the 18 charms of the Ljóðatal section of the Havamal thus said to indicate its connection to antiquity. Speculation that it extends as far back as the legendary time of the Hyperboreans is well attested by Aelfric Avery. Here we have connections to something we should know more about like the Hidden Sun and the force of Vril.
Note that the recommended reading for the Younger Futhark also includes Icelandic books of magic and stave symbols that were developed for practical use.
Evolution of creative magic was tested and proven and there are legendary stories about the creators. It is believed that full respect and acquaintance with Tradition is the best way to introduce innovation.
The retaking of your life and tribe might seem disorienting since we have all been indoctrinated by a program of intended dissolution of what we are and where we should go from here. This living in the transmission of something strange seemed normal to us with repeated exposure. Keep in mind that the advantages of recent technology and Modernism has some benefits that our ancestors also strived for in
a Faustian quest for knowledge, power, wealth, and vitality. Those aspects are okay to use to our hearts content. It is the strange machinations of an odd vernacular of misanthropic virtue signaling that must be overcome. The attitudes of media are no longer your concern. An Odian confidence and far-sight assures
you of your eventual place in being yourself with your tribe.
See all the books in the Erulian series at
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