Collier's weekly magazine was founded in 1888.  Peter Collier arrived from Ireland at age 17 and, when his boss would not use the idea to sell books by subscription, he started his own company.  The shared spirit of a continent was observed, reformed when necessary , and culturally oriented.  Many of us can still remember seeing Collier's in our homes.

More common was LIFE or TIME started in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce.  The two started as editors of a college newspaper but they daydreamed about starting and influential national publication.  I would guess they used the business model of Collier's to get such massive distribution.  How we saw ourselves was greatly influenced by TIME and LIFE.  There was a pop mythos created and a nod to culture.  A constructive bias on the whole but not comparable to the new owner of TIME who admits to a strong leftist bias.  Readers out there don't need me to tell them that.

The image of Robert Collier's book "Secret Of The Ages" is there because he was the nephew of Peter Collier.  Lesson there that kindred and chosen associates have a strong influence on our character and our success.   

Another point is about dreaming big with enthusiasm.  I can imagine Briton Hadden and Henry Luce conversing at the Yale newspaper and being convinced they could start publications that would reach millions.   

This is happening today in our own ways and interests.  Stay enthused about your mission.  

 Today, we have the internet which continues a 'journalism' of ideas and ranges of culture. There are no gatekeepers or expensive publishing costs.  People can just be inspired to say something and say it.  Errrr..... but there ARE gatekeepers who censor, shadow ban, and de-platform but you might get lucky and not have the powers that be target you.  Maybe


Attempts at reaching the world with observations and a point of view have varied success.  I propose to bring a catalog of some heavy hitters and some lesser known with a compendium of those I appreciate and can recall at the moment.  Think of it as a catalog of favorites that I endorse because they are not Left-biased or Clown World delegates.  We can do better.


    (List is in progress - - links will be added later)

THE WORTHY HOUSE by Charles Haywood

IM 1776

Seek The Mysteries


VoiceInTheDeserttt : The Butcher 

Front Porch Republic


Taki Magazine

Occidental Observer

Arktos Journal


Fate Magazine

Thinking West

C T M U Teleological Evolution

Aether Force

Independent Political Bloggers 


As far as I know these 'new' internet journals only reach a few hundred to a thousand people.  Some of the more established dissident websites and magazines can reach 10,000 or more.  It's not like the national unifying reach of millions that put popular culture readers on the same page.  In the old days, there were drawbacks of course with the creation of an unquestioning and unquestioned narrative of root assumptions.  

For the thinking person there was no room for dissident investigation.  The avoidance of an unspecified but quietly accepted 'third rail' was not to be touched.  But, in all, a solid worldview of goodness and ambition could carry the day.  

I'm speculating that  COSMIC NEWSLETTER serves this purpose.

I don't think the personal aspects are limited to any niche that does not have a resonance with the nation if we see a nation as those with a similar situational environment and primordial direction of purpose.

The readers of Collier's or Life or Saturday Evening Post were not any less ambitious or less intelligent than the people of cyber world today.  Their tools were print and distribution rather than electro-digital tech which puts us on a more rapid timeline. Given the drawbacks of an early globalism and taboo thought, the thought police had less power and there might have been considerable good will as a basic nature among the citizenry. I still think that a quality outreach of publication could unify the discourse and intention among a population that would be given to thought and discretion while enjoying common interests.   

[ A previous era of creating a study and mail order access to physical product instructional data and tools appeared with Stewart Brand's  "Whole Earth Catalog" in 1969.]


 A printed prototype for the comprehensive and far-reaching opportunities of information of the internet was found in Stewart Brands publication of "Whole Earth Catalog : Access to Tools" published in 1968.  This is a living memory for many of us who were initiated into counter-mainstream information.  The limits of both the establishment media and the Marxist revolutionary propaganda of the superficial but popular counter-culture finally had a forum for independent thought.  Whole systems, cybernetics, agrarian homesteading, and visionary thought were featured.  Most of us first met R.Buckminster Fuller through the pages of Whole Earth Catalog.  

Previous article :
The initial break away from standardized world-views of television  and print media occurred during their grim and dramatic coverage of the Viet Nam war.  The standardized model of the U.S. in the world was no longer acceptable.  For a time of reconsideration, the reaction toward rebellion was dramatic and conveniently utilized by a Marxist and outright Communist agenda.  The Students for a Democratic Society was aligned with wealthy Left sources and funded agents on campus.  I attended some SDS meetings and we all gathered at SDS sponsored protests or walking demonstrations.  

It was at this communal environment that The Whole Earth Catalog first arrived.  The rich content and unlimited resources fired up a passion for knowledge - real knowledge - that far exceeded what we had found in our abandoned university classrooms.  Socially, there were now options to SDS membership and sloganeering.  We could now discuss cybernetics, whole systems, R. Buckminster Fuller, Ayn Rand, Indian theology and a host of vast possibilities.  Gardening technology could be ordered through mail order and be ready for spring.

Stewart Brand's project created a new potential for what already existed.  There were already printing presses and books.  Great thinkers already got their  thoughts printed.  Cybernetic technology was well on its way.  Even kits for building computers were becoming available. What Brand did was catalog these opportunities and make it all available in a cultural pop product that was ubiquitous to the times.  Much like Colliers or Time or Life magazine or the nightly news.  We now gathered around a massive and fascinating mail order self-help and Sci Fi icon of pages with mail order addresses for participation.  There was plenty of self help and we needed it.  That should not be forgotten or negated by those who would rather we accepted the controlling narrative doctrine.  Nihilism would disappear from the pulpit of correct thought.  We would each be building our own church in concert with kindred citizens.

Stewart Brand had a conference or two where we were introduced to the personal computer concept, the mouse, and the invention of the internet.  This was still in the 1960s.  Pioneering was still rolling in the the early 1980s.  In coherence with the weekly magazine theme of my latest project, Colliers, Life, and The Saturday Evening Post were still found on home coffee tables - -  but just down the street "Be Here Now", "Mother Earth News" and NEC were on the cable spool hash pipe-burned coffee tables.  The beat went on with pop culture journalism and leading edge potentials in parallel structures.  

This will happen again.  It is happening now.   

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

(If you don't mind following along with my thoughts on creating a news magazine and cultural info magazine - - here are some thoughts I have about how it can be done)

 An honest admission in the editing process creates a coherent message of intent.  Subscribers will know if you are onboard with their own preference and learning purpose.  The entire notion of an 'unbiased' reporting is admitted to being an impossibility.  There are no arbiters of reality or the ethics of a standardized view other than the creative souls who are accomplishing things.  

 Another feature of a viable magazine is that it must be the creation of an informed and talented team.  There must be leaders, of course, but a variety of leadership qualities must be engaged.  

Another thought on this ongoing question is that there are many internet magazines already.  "Medium" is one that has both free and subscription editions.  "Quora" is entirely based upon a voted decision on who wrote the best response.  Quora is highly, highly, subjective and biased.  That's 'biased' not 'based' of a surety.  This is where 'root assumptions' now live in society. 

I wrote an article on the now forgotten or  deliberately dismissed Thomas Carlyle which was published on Medium.  On Quora, this would have been met with derision.  

In fact the 'electorate' that is owned by the elites is the dominant force on the many billion dollar Quora magazine.  This is where one goes to get the standardized views.  Medium is more about literature and expression.  I even have an article there and I'm a known heretic.  
So I stand corrected about there not being any pop culture magazines on the internet.  There are many big timers and quite a few classy pay walled upstarts   

(to be continued)    


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