( Re-Tribalize Now! by Edred Thorsson.  Amazon link in text that follows)  

Caught myself writing some decent stuff about a month ago.  Rereading it, I asked myself, "Who is that guy?"  Will discover that by proceeding with something that matters for anyone with the resources to make a difference.  By now, I know my way around Cosmic settings and the subsets related by honorable and positive intentions. Before I write my "shameless self-promotion" newsletter edition, I want to mention what my bookstore would have if you walked in today.  Here are links to works that made it all possible for everyone to escape standardized 'non-comformist' programs like Llewellyn's reverence for Wokism.  

How to oppose Wokism without acting mean-spirited? 

 Fundamentals of a foundational Myth are crucial.  If there is a connection among related people to a guiding Primordial origination, politicized momentum of human-created mandates can be over ridden. Response is time-sensitive towards the immediate experience of culture or lack thereof.  Big Picture scenario allows parallel structures to exist independently of each other.  Demands for compliance enacted by legislation or institutions are hostile actions against a sovereign people.  In addition to a bizzare collection of pronouns, I include the experimental and corporate profit vaccines.  Never mind the terror that is broadcast by NPR.  

End of rant.  Onward to the solutions.  

This is a link to the Amazon sale page for RE-TRIBALIZE NOW! : A Step By Step Guide To Cultural Renewal, by Edred Thorsson.


 I wrote a testimonial about this book and intent which I had nearly forgotten about :

For the most crucial selection of important books here is the new 
Seek The Mysteries website.

Some might have read "The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine, and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn" by Stephen E. Flowers.  The title was "Fire And Ice" back when Carl Lewellyn Weisheke was still the guiding hand of Llewellyn Publications - - before such works were banished from that realm. Readers will be then familiar with an appearance by Rudolph Steiner as a leader in Theosophy before he was ousted.  Steiner then formed  Anthroposophy for a direction of cosmic pursuit. 

"Word leads onward to word 

Deed leads onward to deed"

(Havamal - stanza 141)

So this leads me to an appreciation for Goethean Science as an alternative to the blind allies of Kantian science as we know of today. Dr. Flowers taught a course in Goethe at the University of Austin Texas before political correctness took over the former grandeur of the institution that had given us Edgar Polome and  Lee M. Hollander.  No matter.  Edred has his own academic university now.  The Woodharrow Institute.

Steiner and Goethe are beyond my expertise but I'm guided by those who have been active for many years.  I defer to them.

There is something happening there that is a significant power to overcome Kantian science with  the neglected Gothean science of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) If you are skeptical, disenchanted, or freaked by the Everett "Many Worlds Interpretation" alternative timeline of Quantum Physics, there is a grand narrative option to be found there.  Live and learn.   

Research led me to an excellent love story the romantic timeline delay I can vouch for. The story happens in the creation of the Rudolph Stiener Archives.   

Scroll down to "Chris Finds His Spiritual Partner" Here is a passage:

"Meanwhile, Chris was on an intermediate but equally important task—finding his spiritual partner. Chris and Karin Miller had gone to high school together and attended the same church while growing up. Chris secretly had a crush on Karin and when her family moved away after 10th grade, he was devastated. He hoped that he would one day run into her again and have the courage to tell her about his feelings for her. That day would eventually come... almost thirty-five years later."

Can confirm that such things happen.  

Incidentally, in 1919 Steiner predicted a time when fear would be transmitted on a world-wide scale and mandatory vaccines would be introduced with negative consequences. I've noted that Anthroposophy people are extremly prosperous.  My personal associations and online bios are populated by people with considerable wealth.  This could be a study for my Mystic Wealth series.  At the moment I have a theory about their engagement in craftsmanship manufacturing and also being quite often from old wealth nobility. 

 Noblesse Oblige.  

 BTW this is phrase from the time when French was the language of the English nobility in the Norman-Anglo vernacular.  It must be remembered that the Normans were "North Men"  who had only a few years before William the Conquerer spoke Old Norse.  What would the equivalent to Noblesse oblige be in Old Norse or Old English?  An interesting exercise.   

I wanted to post this as my newsletter, but I already promised that my next edition would be "Shameless Self-Promotion."  In a way this post reflects that mission because the theme is one of many in my books published at

You will be automatically be subscribed to newsletter if you click 'follow' at upper right of the Gumroad page.    


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