Theory and protocols of a system of data-verifiable 'bets' are combined here for an operational background. Aspects confirmed by an operational metaphysics within the prediction techniques related to Remote Viewing and my Remote Prediction program.
Here is the content of this theory as found withing the advertising content of my NEWSLETTER B page. You can still read it for free there until I place it within a new module for premium subscription.
You might recall my attempt at Remote Prediction that I carried out to feature on NEWSLETTER B. I shared the results on Cosmic Newsletter A. My assessment of failure was premature because where the issues really matter. in geo-politics and cultural survival, the results were affirmative. I also did well on Cryptocurrency and the stock market. Where I fell short was in sports prediction where I only scored 50%. Lack of genuine interest is attributible.
So I let that Remote Prediction project lay dormant. In fact, I had ethical questions about the rightness of such an endeavor. Nonetheless, I include reference to a rather good book.mentioned above as I let the project slide into irrelevance other than knowing it provided a data-verifiable research potential. It took a lot the change my mind.
A technical book was mentioned and linked in my previous posting of Associative Remote viewing. "The Art and Science of Predicting Outcomes for Sports, Politics, Finances & the Lottery" by Debra Lynne Katz and Jon Knowles. University participation sponsored much of the research and some institutions profited from decisions. In fact, the "wager" or bet is calculated as significant to the protocol that effects the prediction.
Primarily this is a research project for me. I do not bet or invest owing to my situation. I am aware that the university research projects have a 'judge' who looks at up to up to several 100 viewers reports. They are cautious about investing in bets. But actually making the bet is a factor in the research. It is said that the 'bet' is a factor in the technical function of the decision equation. Similar to N.N Taleb's "skin in the game" precept. I am not encouraging you to bet or invest.
The book I mentioned is far better than one would assume from the title and cover image at Amazon. I've read nearly every published book on Remote Viewing and I find the technical and philosophical work to be high-quality. We all know the established superstars that suddenly became known when SRI etc. closed down the programs and more of the participants and researchers could be made public.
That enters the realm of old news (but always significant) when the new stars arrive on the scene who have achieved research success.
It took a couple of meaningful coincidences to renew my interest.
First coincidence :
This is in my advanced reading material for the Goethean science of Rudolph Steiner. I'm still studying the basics but I had already featured this advanced book on a previous newsletter. I had no idea that Sacred Traders with their successful investing strategy already existed. Their frame of reference is right in line with my proposed trajectory.
The other 'coincidence' is my introduction to the Positive prognosticator research by Cosmic authors.
"The Premonition Code: The Science of Precognition, How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life" by Theresa Cheung and, Julia Mossbridge. This is documented and researched presentation of a concept they call "Positive Precog." This takes a step beyond the mere spooky and places it squarely into a model for expanding natural human abilities for a purpose. I little new agey for my sensibilities but I give them kudos for their direction.
I am making no Remote Predictions at the moment while I learn some more substantial theory. on My previous theory and protocols are here a post of PARANORMAL RESEARCH METHODOLOLOGY.
I'll be back when I'm ready to make predictions with an expanded frame of reference.
I wanted to share these resources so you can find them here:
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