Stephen Flowers Ph.D, who we also know as Edred Thorsson, is now onboard with the substack subscription phenomenon. Funds go to his animal rescue at the Woodharrow farm. I was just talking to Jeanne about how Edred stayed on the farm during the Bastrop Texas fires (2011) to care for his rescues. Everyone in Bastrop had been ordered to leave, but caring people are brave people and not especially obedient. Those were hard times for his original publishing business -Runa-Raven- and the further trouble from the expenses of the fire. In addition to Runa-Raven Press, there were other losses.
For about a year, I wondered if he and Crystal Dawn were doing okay. Pre-internet days for me so I finally got news with the publishing of "The Good Religion" by Edred's reinvention of himself as Darban I Den. The missing years were filled in with a deeply personal narrative. Waiting for news has been shortened in our world now. Dr. Flowers is in his element with the format of discussion on substack.
His backlog of writing projects and research now has a vehicle for faster expression in the old days of mailed newsletters and book publishing.
"That is why I like this Substack project so much. I can get material out that otherwise might not survive. I am very happy to have your support in this endeavor." from Eadredes Bodunga :I: (Edred's Message :1: ) February 2023
In addition to the interests and publishing given on this link to a Seek the Mysteries website page , there are magnificent studies that could very well intersect with yours.
I remember when one of his early attempts at keeping us informed was a mail-delivered newsletter called "Lode Star." My first issue arrived as blackened and wildfire-smoked paper. The entrepreneurial internet is an ideal vehicle for my hero's continued work.
Those who are not pre-approved politcally correct have difficulty keeping employment in academia, although Dr. Flowers is a continuation of the long line of quality like Lee M. Hollander and Edgar Polome at the University of Texas at Austin. He taught for a time there where he got his doctorate in Germanic Languages and Medieval Studies. In 1984, with a dissertation you can find on the Seek the Mysteries books page.
Runes and Magic: Magical Formulaic Elements in the Elder Tradition.
Edred rose 'like the phoenix', as Jeanne quipped, to found his own academic institution, The Woodharrow Institute
Publishing and news can be found on the Seek the Mysteries website. His academic and publishing interests are vital in this new world of freedom opportunity.
I'm not directly linking the Stephen Edred Flowers substack offer because I'm already subscribed and it seems to link my subscription. I'm a tech newbie. You can find it for yourself and get the FREE subscription or opt for a paid version.
I have met students who only know of Edred from the Wikipedia page. We all know how that goes. I don't discuss the so-called 'controversies' with anyone unless they have read History of the Rune-Gild Part Three or Red Runa.
The magnificent accomplishments of the resilient Edred Thorsson goes to show what you can do with your own genuine connection to The Mystery. I've seen so very much accomplished by those who get his message of our sovereign trajectory. No need to be jealous of each other because the whole point is that each individual has a unique gift within the greater tribe of the ancestors. I know artists, musicians, and philosophers who express their unique gifts. I have my place and you have yours. We meet in the greater purpose lodge of an incomprehensibly expanding and creative Multiverse.
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