There is a photo of my ancestral Montana family at their pioneering homestead.  They had the gumption to build a life in hostile and fertile territory.  My DNA must look for opportunities of challenge today.  Regions I have explored and built are in metaphysics and ancient ways of runes and ancestral mythos.  In the arena of practical cosmic thought I've read enough to appreciate works like Jonathan Pritchard who challenges me to keep growing.  

A new frontier is the Cybernetic related arena of Artificial Intelligence technology. I was late on the scene.  The last of my peers to  own a computer and I still don't’ have a smartphone.  Tech baffled me but we must keep learning and following the pioneer spirit where it takes us.  Johathan Pritchard says that to learn something we must become fascinated with the enjoyment of it.  This includes relationships and profession. The sublime solitary study of metaphysics as a political defiance against lowest common denominator 'democracy' gives way to visibility and determination to fight alongside others on the same mission of informed independence.  

Signals from the Cosmos indicate its time for me to gain practical experience in Artificial Intelligence. The history of Cybernetics was in the developing curriculum of those who read the Whole Earth Catalog in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I have read distinctions in AI which indicate it is not purely cybernetics but its own algorithmic language of connective math.  I don't know and I'll not easily develop computer science  expertise so I'll stick to a few functional issues

You have seen the run amuck Hal on 20001 A Space Odyssey.  Fears that we are heading in that direction have always seemed unwarranted to me.  There's talk of a 'singularity' where artificial intelligence becomes self aware.  I don't see that happening in regard to a 'superiority' developed over man who has created the machine.  No matter how many more connectivity links are in a machine we are the product of a cosmos with infinite connectivity.  By expanding (or realizing our innate expansion) into Infinite Intelligence we energize our purpose with all the information and influence of Divine Mind.  Cosmic Intelligence outpaces artificial intelligence any day.      


I asked about Rudolph Steiner and Goethean Science since I have no particular expertise or agenda connected with that phenomenon.  The response was even-handed and amplified what experience and respect I have with Steiner.  No mention was made of the racial elements of his former years in Theosophy which has basic teachings about ‘root races’ and evolving humanity.  This becomes significant in a later query and prompt on another subject.  Steiner left Theosophy to form Ariosophy from his own sense of integrity.  

I asked Chat GTP AI about Edred Thorsson and his rune books to see if this would be treated with the same unbiased Equanimity.  

“Edred Thorsson's books are known for their depth of knowledge and attention to historical detail. However, it should be noted that Thorsson has been associated with some controversial groups and ideologies in the past, so it's important to approach his work critically and with an understanding of his perspective.”

“Critics of Thorsson's work have accused him of appropriating and distorting Norse mythology and traditions for his own purposes, and of promoting racist and neo-fascist ideologies. Thorsson has denied these accusations and stated that his work is focused solely on the academic study and spiritual use of the runes.”

“It is important to approach Thorsson's work with a critical eye and to seek out multiple sources and perspectives on the runes and Germanic mysticism. While his work has been influential in the field, it is not without controversy and criticism.”

This is identical to the Wikipedia content about Thorsson and his books.  

I later asked Chat GPT AI about the best books for runes study.  The reply recommended the very WORST of some atrocious books.  Ralph Blum among them.  I had spent years helping my students overcome the ‘by guess and golly’ commercial cookie cutter Blum runes.

There were other horrible recommendations made.  Ralph Blum has passed away.  The woman on their recommendations list had capitulated to the SJW who created  anti Thorsson, MacNallen and AFA movement based upon the recommendations of the $PLC and the ADL.  The SJW based his study on the Marvel Comic movies.

So it won’t surprise you that when I asked the AI about my own work with runes it came back that my audience would be users of Excel and bookkeepers.  I responded that this was not correct and gave an actual advertising text for my works on Gumroad book.  Here is what I got :

“Consider toning down the rhetoric: While it is clear that you have strong opinions about the state of the community, the tone of your introduction is confrontational and divisive…..  which may alienate readers who don't share your perspective. By toning down the rhetoric and presenting your ideas in a more neutral tone, you may be able to reach a wider audience.”

Actually good advice if I want to make sales and abandon my purpose of presenting the real work.  It was necessary to document betrayal and ill-considered destructive agendas.  
I will give an example of where the emotional/memory/purposeful writing will always surpass AI in a few moments.

First, here is an example of a very helpful reply where it concerns learning about AI in general.


What books and authors led to the development of Artificial Intelligence technology?

“Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary field that draws upon insights from computer science, mathematics, engineering, psychology, and philosophy, among other disciplines. There are several key books and authors that have contributed to the development of AI technology over the years. Here are some of the most important ones:

    "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" by Alan Turing (1950): This paper introduced the concept of the Turing Test, which is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior that is indistinguishable from that of a human.

    "Perceptrons" by Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert (1969): This book explored the limitations of simple neural networks called perceptrons, which had been proposed as a model for human cognition.

    "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (1995): This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to AI, covering topics such as knowledge representation, search algorithms, and machine learning.

    "The Society of Mind" by Marvin Minsky (1986): This book presents Minsky's theory of how the mind works, based on the idea that intelligence arises from the interaction of many simple, specialized processes.

    "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville (2016): This textbook provides a detailed introduction to deep learning, which is a type of machine learning that uses neural networks with many layers to learn complex representations of data.

    "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies" by Nick Bostrom (2014): This book explores the potential risks and benefits of developing superintelligent AI systems that could surpass human intelligence.

These are just a few examples of the many books and authors that have contributed to the development of AI technology.”

Here is a link to "Deep Learning" which  is very expensive in textbook form as are all the above books.  Probability Theory is a section that is comprehensible to the likes of me.

Comparison to my own review of “The Cosmic Internet” by Frank DeMarco and a prompt and reply with Chat GPT AI

My review in mid-April COSMIC NEWSLETTER :
Repeatedly, my ego mentions that I found this book years after beginning and publishing my “Cosmic Spirit Tech” book.  We are all connected after all.  This is an inexpensive new classic that is  worth looking at as an e-book.  
Anyone who has the gumption to quote the forbidden (but  formerly required reading) Thomas Carlyle is okay with me.  In the acknowledgements, DeMarco mentions a conversation between Carlyle and his friend Emerson. Peter Langevin is  also given acknowledgement  and I remember his  founding Magical Blend magazine.  Heady years.  We expect a repeat because there is an Eternal Recurrence.   
DeMarco began his quest in a way that is familiar to many in my approximate generation - - a couple of good Edgar Cayce biographies.  
He had a friendship with Rita Warren PH.D who ran a department at The Monroe Institute.  They began with questions for "the guys upstairs" and got some common sense esoteric answers.  A living process when one is older includes conversations with some in the Afterlife that are no big arcane mystery , yet a wise comforting.  DeMarco is like me in that he is too old to be concerned with whether he is considered hip or not.  
Reviewing this book I wanted to mention a slight similarity to Jane Roberts and the best Seth book "The Nature of Personal Reality."  But DeMarco did that for me by mentioning that, making a distinction, and then jumping right into a conversation with C.G Jung.  You probably know the feeling of "why would such a superstar choose me?"  And DeMarco deals with that with something that keeps the ego in check while allowing for exploration.  He knows that he is not the ONLY one who can perceive these matters.  
If you enjoyed Dr. John Lilly’s books and his conversations with natural cosmic entities, you could see DeMarco’s conversations with “the guys upstairs” in the same regard.   
I've already dealt with opinions of my interest in these matters, both when they are confirming and encouraging, and when they are rampant with admonishing ridicule.  Be patient.  "By their fruits shall you know them" (Matthew 7:20.)  Some of my most severe admonishers were happily on their way to employment with the TV evangelical PTL club.  We know how that went.  The shallow part of me that gloats in revenge is not nearly as influential as my stronger light  that wishes them well in a better adventure.  The better adventure is why I do this.
"The reasons people created gods is that they had experienced them"  Frank DeMarco
A theme frequently repeated in this newsletter is The Afterlife.  Understandable, since I'm 73 and have more loved ones and friends on the Other Side than I do here.  Last night I dreamed of a conversation with my martial arts instructor.  This was a good vibe and I realized DURING  the dream that it was good to talk to my humorous and faithful friend. I was going to get a new book on the subject and I still might.  But I wanted to indicate some personal contacts and theory about maintaining contact from my own material.   
The above description of DeMarcos work is written by a man with memory, experience, and considerable nostalgia for what might have been. The following is a Chat GTP analysis 


“Make a short outline and summation of the book "The Cosmic Internet" by Frank DeMarco”


"The Cosmic Internet" is a book by Frank DeMarco that explores the idea that there is a vast interconnected network of consciousness in the universe, which he calls the "cosmic internet." The book is divided into two parts: the first part presents the concept of the cosmic internet, and the second part consists of transcripts of conversations that DeMarco had with non-physical entities through a process called "channeling."

Part 1: The Cosmic Internet

Chapter 1: The World Is Not What It Seems

DeMarco begins by questioning the materialistic worldview that dominates modern society and proposes that consciousness is not limited to the physical body.

Chapter 2: The Cosmic Internet

DeMarco introduces the concept of the cosmic internet, which he describes as a network of consciousness that connects all living beings in the universe.

Chapter 3: The Science of the Cosmic Internet

DeMarco draws upon various scientific disciplines to support his concept of the cosmic internet, including quantum physics, neuroscience, and parapsychology.

Chapter 4: The Human Element

DeMarco explores how human consciousness interacts with the cosmic internet and how we can develop our own awareness to better access this network of consciousness.

Part 2: Conversations with Non-Physical Entities

In the second part of the book, DeMarco shares transcripts of conversations he had with non-physical entities through a process called "channeling." These entities provide insights and guidance on a variety of topics, including the nature of consciousness, the purpose of life, and the evolution of humanity.

Overall, "The Cosmic Internet" is a thought-provoking book that challenges readers to expand their understanding of the nature of reality and their place within it. It invites readers to explore the possibility of a vast interconnected network of consciousness that exists beyond the physical realm.”  CHAT GTP AI


My own route to reading the book from decades of previous living and many meetings with remarkable people can’t be accounted for in the AI outline and conclusion.  

Simon Hattenstone in a fine article about the Jaron Lanier says, "Although a tech guru in his own right, his mission is to champion the human over the digital – to remind us we created the machines, and artificial intelligence is just what it says on the tin."  

The bias toward the Woke acceleration of standardized culture is evident on AI.  Yet it has an obvious source in previous internet functions.  Entirely false yet promoted agendas on Wikipedia are repeated by AI with little or no variance.  

Some think that the AI Algorithm can be instructed away from this if enough people make prompts to correct an issue.  I believe some AI programs are completed as of 2020 so that remains to be seen.  However, other programs are accelerating and they will be available.    
Here is the Centurion AI project as found at Throne Dynamics.

While I’m an avid reader of Ivan Throne and understand The Age Of Militants, I don’t entirely understand the tech details of Centurion AI

Stay true to yourself. 


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