My first Substack subscriber is a loyal old friend whose life has intersected with mine at pivotal times.  With that in mind, I'm drafting this future substack post in a supportive direction that honors his spiritual life here in our hometown.  Will apply to many folks on a traditional basis.  This is a photo of an Episcopal church here that plants a good vibe right in the center of town.  Note the buttress and brick architecture.  The aesthetics of Old Europe have an energy that can't be found at tin quonset hut churches.  The message inside this featured church is a testament to the historical continuation of meaningful life.  

This building has been a living community center for the population at large.  I'm not a church member but I attended dances in the connecting building with the doorway on the left.  There must be an architectural term for such connecting hallways between Chapel and administration quarters?  

We tend to both create and notice coincidences.  This next image is a cover image for one of my ebooks.  Stone with buttress design which looks like it could be in a ghost town. The effect of the light shining from within the old structure was not intended but arrived because of my attempt to use out-dated imaging from a scan.  Yet I love the effect.  Indicates and Eternal Light that shines from the spirit of God and the people who attended there.

Such Eternal Light goes with our loved one's when they transition to the next dimension.  They are young and vibrant again while we maintain a physical presence in the world of aging and form. Yet the same Light is with us wherever we are.    

Politicised changes can be introduced by the regime compliance of a centralized authority but the essential energy of the built structures are yours by heritage. Make your sovereign stand for what you know to be true.  True to your loved ones, family, and community.  Your God speaks through the numinous and through work.  

Church and community are advocated by an excellent essay by Thomas E. Woods Jr.  Here is a link to "Defending The Little Platoons."

Would I have preferred that this church structure be dedicated to Odin?  No.  What the West has built through dedication and earned prosperity deserves to stand as is. Yes, the vision of Guido von List in his youth that he would "construct a temple to the ancient god Wotan" is still possible. The Armanist and other runic traditions find expression in the Odian way rather than the Odinist way.  Personal transformation through emulating the way of Odin is the way rather than worshiping from afar an external god. If structures to the continuation of the Germanic Tradition are to be built, let us make the effort of prosperity and educated skills that make this possible.  I have spoken.    

I know men of quality who are building standing steads to their purpose in Midgard and the transformative effect of connected regions of Yggdrasil.  Personal responsibility is the key.  Orlog and Wyrd (which could be seen as fate and destiny) are built by attentive effort to extended  Vision.  I saw this in the fairly recent acceleration of a culture of prosperity with family.  My father was worthy of respect and his peers participated in that time of manifest quality. This was an establishment of Vision that I could have taken up.  I dropped  the ball on my watch so there is no construction and trucking company that brings employment to the extended community or prosperity into mine.    

Personal responsibility to Orlog and Wyrd is the key.  My regards to the amazing people who are doing this.  



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