For valid appreciation of a rich culture of heroes see the works of Thomas Carlyle - friend of Emerson. and a literate Scotsman.  

Learn to be your own hero.  Trust your purpose.  For the valid cultural enrichment of heroes, see the works of Thomas Carlyle- highly regarded in this time but banished from education in modern times.     Make sure your heroes are congruent with your higher purpose.  Reject mere media puppets who have an agenda. /We can learn from the succssful but put your own greater purpose before any pundit- - I don't care how brilliant they are.  I know skilled minds when I study them but experience shows me to use restraint.    An experience of displacing my own accomplishments and projecting superiority onto a rock star. showed me where I went wrong back in the day when a young man became  renowned by performing with The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane in the heyday of the Fillmore at San Francisco. Since I had no fame and he discovered that I had worked with family to repair a hardwood floor to more  luster.  He informed me that A genuine rock star hipster would only live on a dirt floor.  He also informed me that  my  hard-earned Hammond B-3 with Leslie cabinets "belonged to he people"Thus I should give it away to a Haight Ashbury star. That was The last time I listened to a socialist.  I Did not give myself credit  for being a better musician and creating my own music.   Live and learn.  Today there is a brilliant writer with fame as a bass player who I give well-earned credit.  But Ihave the experience to remind myself that while I played the Hammond keys I also played the bass lines with my left hand.  As did Ray Manzerak of The Doors.  I was creative and need not hero orship anyone with greater 'hype' (as we called it back in those days.  Should have held my ground then, so I intend to be my own hero today.  Respect is one thing, obedience is another.  The author I admire is because he is a brilliant and skilled biographer.  This doesn't mean I attribute infallibility to his condemning approach to the culture of positive living that created a political miracle that overthrew an established institution of subversion.  "Dark Star Rising" is a  biased contempt for imagination of a higher order.  The long standing value of positive thinking mind science has been attributed to misleading vocabulary of a misunderstood  and misattributed magick.  At any rate, a long-standing American phenomenon is suddenly condemned because imaginative skill served an unapproved social/political victory. 'i'm my own hero and I choose my own heroes who need not be aligned with standardized left wing politics.  

The brilliant author I refer to was a successful bass musician and song writer.  So was I - - I need to remind myself of that.  If a politcally biased man of greater fame presents a negative world-view of Mind Science and mindset principles, that's not my problem unless i refuse to learn from the past.  I had the  chops back then.  I have the chops now.  

   Another baffling obedience to 'authority' occurs with smart people who should know better but who are already registered to get the December  23 booster shot from Pfizer.  So a friend has not realized that Covid was promoted by needlssly putting people on ventilators to raise the death count and create the pharmaceutical and mask mandate for controls.  My own doctor  was retiring  so he could not be threatened by the agendas so he told me the pandemic response was about CONTROL and not valid health  protection.  See "Snake Oil How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World" by Michael P. Senger.  I've seen too much but I'm not black-pilled by media   acquiescence and the frustration of witnissing an atrocity of baffling proportions of programmed ignorance.

Yes, I see by my rant that I've slipped into negativity.  I will get back on a higher mind-science and ancestral wisdom programs beause that is my definite chief aim.  This rant was necessary to break free to express something important.  



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