ANCIENT WAYS TO NEW THOUGHT This may be the most relatable e-book for my Christian relatives and friends. Even those without a particularly BiBlical background will have a sense of intuition about the presence of Divine Majesty in our culture. What follows here is an analysis of how ancient ways of the ancestors developed into the most wise formulation of our background in faith. Experiential,intuitive, practical and theoretical. Since this book is an appreciation to my kindred, I will offer some respectful metaphyscial biography in the first part of this section. My grandmother, Nellie Manassas Rinke (1904 - 2001) was about 7 when her family moved from Mississippi to Montana. Her father was Julius Caeser Augustus Rinke born in Westhphalia (Germany) in 1860. Her mother was Ruth O'neil of Scots-Irish descent. Many of you have the photo of the pioneer homesteading family at Round Butte with two Conestoga wagons and the fa...