That which heals and restores directs energy toward re-manifestation of a Divine pattern What we have been, we can become. Have I forgotten the essential heart of a runic Mystery? For a time, yes. Remembering calls upon the wholeness of what we have gained in data combined with what we have lost in imagination. The integral requires that all this data and speedy communication recombines with our power of vision with the stories of triumph in a living past. For today. Nothing is past us. Living well is both resolve toward personal excellence, and the inevitable appearance of paradox. It is said that the ability to accept paradox is a sign of maturity. I don't remember who said that but I think its true and I'll let you know when I find out. It rings true because of real experience. A paradox I'm looking at today concerns the shamanic other-worldly, or non-ordinary, appearance of the Supernatural...