Our 1968 house qualified as a commune because there were over 15 people living in a two bedroom home. One block from campus. One of the most coveted spaces was a basement stairwell with a Hindu tapestry. We did not rate full hipness status because we had no eloquent activists in the upper echelon of the SDS or demonstrators who had actually been arrested. We still knew the correct slogans and made the scene in full regalia. For me, the most boring aspect was the constant vocabulary of smoking dope. I did not like it. I don't regret some other trips of alternate or expanded consciousness, but once you learn something there is a real high found in returning to good mental and physical health. I was about to let myself be convinced that my musical equipment (acquired through working construction) should be liberated to the eloquent upper echelon because it "belongs to the people." Then it happened. Wh...