I'm adding George S. Patton to my presentation of New Thought leaders. His faith was born of experience with memory and purpose. Past lives were accepted as a given. He saw his purpose as a continuation of what he had done before. Mission does not end when there is purpose in a continuation. Destiny and Fate are permutations of what one has as a given duty and what one does to take action on that duty. Conditions, luck, and resolve are situations of faith. A profound faith that is not limited by opinions or dogma or how one is expected to think. The clear distinction between Orlog and Wyrd as representing Fate and Desiny (respectivley) is something I've tried to clarify, but I owe this representation to Robert Blumetti. Orlog is the fate you are given by generational and civilizational past actions. Wyrd is the web you weave within that fate to form a destiny of your own choice and effort. My father was visited by...