
Showing posts from August, 2020


DIVINATION NEWSLETTER. ISSUE NUMBER THREE DECISION AND PREDICTION. Tacitus described how the Germanic tribes made important decisions. Whether or not to go to war was certainly among these. Issue two of this newsletter gave his account in section 10 of The Germania. After a determination was made by the signs pro or con given by reading the lots, 'hale signs' were needed to confirm a 'yes' indication. If sortilege indicates the answer is no, there are no further considerations of the matter. If the answer is 'yes' the environment is watched for signals to confirm. "They attach the highest importance to the taking of auspices and casting lots. Their usual procedure with the lot is simple. They cut off a branch from a nut-bearing tree and slice it into strips these they mark with different signs and throw them at random onto a white cloth. Then the state's priest, if it is an official consultation, or the father of the family, in a pr...


  Divination is about selective focus and watching for signs.  Not always from divinatory tools like runes or Tarot.  Two books found me because of my interests.  The first edition of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"  I found at a yard sale in the original Ralston Society 1937 edition and it has been appraised at $2,000.  My interest in such things made the resonant connection.  Science of Mind is another interest.  "Ernest Holmes : His Life and Times" has an obituary clipping from 1960 on the first page.  I always enjoy reading this book and it speaks to me of survival.      BIBLIOMANCY.  Opening at random to a page for a message in response to a question.  That's what I did here while thinking about the intent of young woman who suggested I post a photo from a worthy book.  This will require my "too long-winded tor twitter" blog.   Bibliomancy is a sub-set of divinatory questioning.  Looking for ...


The rigor of attempting an academic thesis has me bogged down with laziness.  I need to remember WHY I forged into a heretical forest of distant ideas that seemed familiar as they got closer.  The grandeur of these wilderness steads among the mountain landscapes is why I'm here.  There are some familiar cottages with the comfort of homey advice and there are high stone parapets and alcun walks between the soaring keeps of mystery.    Pieces of an old concrete lagoon peek out from the lake foliage and the shoreline gravel.  Vibrant men had once built the forms and poured the concrete that would cradle a powerful cabin cruiser.  The shore and approaching woods now await whatever the new owners will do with the land.  The structures of my youth are all gone now and a modern intent to create a recreation home has re-configured the next incarnation.   That part of my homestead estate is gone now.  I stopped building, conquering....