Newsletter 2
Just arrived in the mail today, and it exceeds my expecations although my expectations were great. In our trajectory and the challenges we have volunteered for, the wisdom of a Rune Master is sometimes required to engage in the fight. Don't fight. Win! Adequate skill with my word-hoard is hard to find in expressing my appreciation for what Christopher Alan Smith has created for our lore into the future. But the point is that my skills for life-purpose and expression WILL arrive as promised by our foundational myth. If you have hit a plateau or have been side tracked by inevitable challenges, this book is the antidote. This book returns the reader to the original and best of his purpose in studying our ancient ways. The VEGVISIR introduction addresses the general malaise, misdirection, and subversion of the modern world but only rests there for a moment. A solution is offered. A soulution. Immediately there is the ...